mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 18:27:55 +01:00

-you can use thp videos for plugins, just use the same name system like covers (the whole game name with extension for both thp and ogg), if wiiflow finds such a video it'll play it in plugin flow by default
373 lines
12 KiB
373 lines
12 KiB
// Coverflow
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <gccore.h>
#include <string>
#include "wiiuse/wpad.h"
#include <ogc/pad.h>
#include "video.hpp"
#include "FreeTypeGX.h"
#include "text.hpp"
#include "config/config.hpp"
#include "loader/disc.h"
#include "loader/utils.h"
#include "music/gui_sound.h"
using namespace std;
enum Sorting
class CCoverFlow
bool init(const u8 *font, const u32 font_size, bool vid_50hz);
// Cover list management
void clear(void);
void shutdown(void);
void reserve(u32 capacity);
void addItem(dir_discHdr *hdr, int playcount = 0, unsigned int lastPlayed = 0);
bool empty(void) const { return m_items.empty(); }
u32 size(void) const { return m_items.size(); }
bool start(const string &m_imgsDir);
void stopCoverLoader(bool empty = false);
void startCoverLoader(void);
void defaultLoad(void);
void simulateOtherScreenFormat(bool s);
// Commands
void tick(void);
bool findId(const char *id, bool instant = false, bool path = false);
void pageUp(void);
void pageDown(void);
void nextLetter(wchar_t *c);
void prevLetter(wchar_t *c);
void nextPlayers(bool wifi, wchar_t *c);
void prevPlayers(bool wifi, wchar_t *c);
void nextID(wchar_t *c);
void prevID(wchar_t *c);
void left(void);
void right(void);
void up(void);
void down(void);
bool select(void);
void flip(bool force = false, bool f = true);
void cancel(void);
bool selected(void) const { return m_selected; }
void makeEffectTexture(const TexData * &bg);
void drawText(bool withRectangle = false);
void draw(void);
void drawEffect(void);
void hideCover(void);
void showCover(void);
void mouse(int chan, int x, int y);
bool mouseOver(int x, int y);
// Accessors for settings
void setCompression(bool enable) { m_compressTextures = enable; }
bool getBoxMode(void) const { return m_box;}
void setBufferSize(u32 numCovers);
void setTextures(const string &loadingPic, const string &loadingPicFlat, const string &noCoverPic, const string &noCoverPicFlat);
void setFont(const SFont &font, const CColor &color);
void setRange(u32 rows, u32 columns);
void setBoxMode(bool box);
void setHQcover(bool HQ);
void setTextureQuality(float lodBias, int aniso, bool edgeLOD);
void setCameraPos(bool selected, const Vector3D &pos, const Vector3D &aim);
void setCameraOsc(bool selected, const Vector3D &speed, const Vector3D &);
void setCoverScale(bool selected, const Vector3D &left, const Vector3D &right, const Vector3D ¢er, const Vector3D &rowCenter);
void setCoverPos(bool selected, const Vector3D &left, const Vector3D &right, const Vector3D ¢er, const Vector3D &rowCenter);
void setCoverAngleOsc(bool selected, const Vector3D &speed, const Vector3D &);
void setCoverPosOsc(bool selected, const Vector3D &speed, const Vector3D &);
void setSpacers(bool selected, const Vector3D &left, const Vector3D &right);
void setDeltaAngles(bool selected, const Vector3D &left, const Vector3D &right);
void setAngles(bool selected, const Vector3D &left, const Vector3D &right, const Vector3D ¢er, const Vector3D &rowCenter);
void setTitleAngles(bool selected, float left, float right, float center);
void setTitlePos(bool selected, const Vector3D &left, const Vector3D &right, const Vector3D ¢er);
void setTitleWidth(bool selected, float side, float center);
void setTitleStyle(bool selected, u16 side, u16 center);
void setColors(bool selected, const CColor &begColor, const CColor &endColor, const CColor &offColor);
void setFanartPlaying(const bool isPlaying);
void setFanartTextColor(const CColor textColor);
void setShadowColors(bool selected, const CColor ¢erColor, const CColor &begColor, const CColor &endColor, const CColor &offColor);
void setShadowPos(float scale, float x, float y);
void setMirrorAlpha(float cover, float title);
void setMirrorBlur(bool blur);
void setRowSpacers(bool selected, const Vector3D &top, const Vector3D &bottom);
void setRowDeltaAngles(bool selected, const Vector3D &top, const Vector3D &bottom);
void setRowAngles(bool selected, const Vector3D &top, const Vector3D &bottom);
void setCoverFlipping(const Vector3D &pos, const Vector3D &angle, const Vector3D &scale);
void setBlur(u32 blurResolution, u32 blurRadius, float blurFactor);
void setSorting(Sorting sorting);
void setSounds(GuiSound *flipSound, GuiSound *hoverSound, GuiSound *selectSound, GuiSound *cancelSound);
void setSoundVolume(u8 vol);
void stopSound(void);
void applySettings(void);
void setCachePath(const char *path, bool deleteSource, bool compress, bool pluginCacheFolders);
bool fullCoverCached(const char *id);
bool preCacheCover(const char *id, const u8 *png, bool full);
const char *getId(void) const;
const char *getNextId(void) const;
const dir_discHdr * getHdr(void) const;
const dir_discHdr * getNextHdr(void) const;
const dir_discHdr * getSpecificHdr(u32) const;
wstringEx getTitle(void) const;
u64 getChanTitle(void) const;
const char *getPathId(const dir_discHdr *curHdr);
bool getRenderTex(void);
void setRenderTex(bool);
void RenderTex(void);
static u32 InternalCoverColor(const char *ID, u32 DefCaseColor);
static bool checkCoverColor(const char *ID, const char *checkID[], u32 len);
struct SLayout
Vector3D camera;
Vector3D cameraAim;
Vector3D leftScale;
Vector3D rightScale;
Vector3D centerScale;
Vector3D rowCenterScale;
Vector3D leftPos;
Vector3D rightPos;
Vector3D centerPos;
Vector3D rowCenterPos;
Vector3D leftAngle;
Vector3D rightAngle;
Vector3D centerAngle;
Vector3D rowCenterAngle;
Vector3D leftSpacer;
Vector3D rightSpacer;
Vector3D leftDeltaAngle;
Vector3D rightDeltaAngle;
float txtLeftAngle;
float txtRightAngle;
float txtCenterAngle;
Vector3D txtLeftPos;
Vector3D txtRightPos;
Vector3D txtCenterPos;
float txtSideWidth;
float txtCenterWidth;
u16 txtSideStyle;
u16 txtCenterStyle;
Vector3D cameraOscSpeed;
Vector3D cameraOscAmp;
Vector3D coverOscASpeed;
Vector3D coverOscAAmp;
Vector3D coverOscPSpeed;
Vector3D coverOscPAmp;
CColor begColor;
CColor endColor;
CColor mouseOffColor;
CColor shadowColorCenter;
CColor shadowColorEnd;
CColor shadowColorBeg;
CColor shadowColorOff;
Vector3D topSpacer;
Vector3D bottomSpacer;
Vector3D topAngle;
Vector3D bottomAngle;
Vector3D topDeltaAngle;
Vector3D bottomDeltaAngle;
enum TexState { STATE_Loading, STATE_Ready, STATE_NoCover };
struct CItem
CItem(dir_discHdr *itemHdr, int playcount, unsigned int lastPlayed);
dir_discHdr *hdr;
int playcount;
unsigned int lastPlayed;
TexData texture;
volatile bool boxTexture;
volatile enum TexState state;
struct CCover
u32 index;
Vector3D scale;
Vector3D targetScale;
Vector3D angle;
Vector3D targetAngle;
Vector3D pos;
Vector3D targetPos;
CColor color;
CColor targetColor;
float txtAngle;
float txtTargetAngle;
Vector3D txtPos;
Vector3D txtTargetPos;
u8 txtColor;
u8 txtTargetColor;
CText title;
CColor shadowColor;
CColor targetShadowColor;
Mtx m_projMtx;
Mtx m_viewMtx;
Vector3D m_cameraPos;
Vector3D m_cameraAim;
Vector3D m_targetCameraPos;
Vector3D m_targetCameraAim;
vector<CItem> m_items;
CCover *m_covers;
int m_delay;
int m_minDelay;
int m_jump;
mutex_t m_mutex;
volatile bool m_loadingCovers;
volatile bool m_coverThrdBusy;
volatile bool m_moved;
volatile bool m_renderTex;
TexData *m_renderingTex;
bool m_selected;
int m_tickCount;
TexData *m_loadingTexture;
TexData *m_noCoverTexture;
TexData m_flatLoadingTexture;
TexData m_flatNoCoverTexture;
TexData m_boxLoadingTexture;
TexData m_boxNoCoverTexture;
TexData m_dvdSkin;
TexData m_dvdSkin_Red;
TexData m_dvdSkin_Black;
TexData m_dvdSkin_Yellow;
TexData m_dvdSkin_GreenOne;
TexData m_dvdSkin_GreenTwo;
// Settings
string m_pngLoadCover;
string m_pngLoadCoverFlat;
string m_pngNoCover;
string m_pngNoCoverFlat;
u32 m_numBufCovers;
SFont m_font;
CColor m_fontColor;
CColor m_fanartFontColor;
bool m_fanartPlaying;
bool m_box;
bool m_useHQcover;
bool m_dvdskin_loaded;
bool m_defcovers_loaded;
u32 m_range;
u32 m_rows;
u32 m_columns;
SLayout m_loNormal;
SLayout m_loSelected;
int m_mouse[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool m_hideCover;
bool m_compressTextures;
bool m_compressCache;
string m_cachePath;
bool m_deletePicsAfterCaching;
bool m_pluginCacheFolders;
bool m_mirrorBlur;
float m_mirrorAlpha;
float m_txtMirrorAlpha;
float m_shadowScale;
float m_shadowX;
float m_shadowY;
TexData m_effectTex;
u32 m_blurRadius;
float m_blurFactor;
Vector3D m_flipCoverPos;
Vector3D m_flipCoverAngle;
Vector3D m_flipCoverScale;
u8 sndCopyNum;
GuiSound *m_flipSound;
GuiSound *m_hoverSound;
GuiSound *m_selectSound;
GuiSound *m_cancelSound;
u8 m_soundVolume;
float m_lodBias;
u8 m_aniso;
bool m_edgeLOD;
Sorting m_sorting;
//thread stack
static u8 coverThreadStack[32768];
static const u32 coverThreadStackSize;
void _draw(DrawMode dm = CFDR_NORMAL, bool mirror = false, bool blend = true);
u32 _currentPos(void) const;
void _effectBg(const TexData * &tex);
void _effectBlur(bool vertical);
bool _effectVisible(void);
void _drawMirrorZ(void);
void _drawTitle(int i, bool mirror, bool rectangle);
void _drawCover(int i, bool mirror, CCoverFlow::DrawMode dm);
void _drawCoverFlat(int i, bool mirror, CCoverFlow::DrawMode dm);
void _drawCoverBox(int i, bool mirror, CCoverFlow::DrawMode dm);
void _updateTarget(int i, bool instant = false);
void _updateAllTargets(bool instant = false);
void _loadCover(int i, int item);
void _loadCoverTexture(int i);
void _coverTick(int i);
void _unselect(void);
Vector3D _cameraMoves(void);
Vector3D _coverMovesA(void);
Vector3D _coverMovesP(void);
const TexData *_coverTexture(int i);
void _left(int repeatDelay, u32 step);
void _right(int repeatDelay, u32 step);
void _jump(void);
void _completeJump(void);
void _setJump(int j);
void _loadAllCovers(int i);
static bool _calcTexLQLOD(TexData &tex);
void _dropHQLOD(int i);
bool _loadCoverTexPNG(u32 i, bool box, bool hq, bool blankBoxCover);
CLRet _loadCoverTex(u32 i, bool box, bool hq, bool blankBoxCover);
bool _invisibleCover(u32 x, u32 y);
void _instantTarget(int i);
void _transposeCover(CCover* &dst, u32 rows, u32 columns, int pos);
void _stopSound(GuiSound * &snd);
void _playSound(GuiSound * &snd);
static bool _sortByPlayCount(CItem item1, CItem item2);
static bool _sortByLastPlayed(CItem item1, CItem item2);
static bool _sortByGameID(CItem item1, CItem item2);
static bool _sortByAlpha(CItem item1, CItem item2);
static bool _sortByPlayers(CItem item1, CItem item2);
static bool _sortByWifiPlayers(CItem item1, CItem item2);
static int _coverLoader(CCoverFlow *cf);
static float _step(float cur, float tgt, float spd);
CCoverFlow(const CCoverFlow &);
CCoverFlow &operator=(const CCoverFlow &);
extern CCoverFlow CoverFlow;
#endif // !defined(__COVERFLOW_HPP)