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synced 2025-02-03 06:12:33 +01:00
You can select an age from 2-19, where any game rated above is not displayed. It uses the age from the region of the game. 19 is all games. 2 is basically none, because the rating systems start at 3. This operates independently from the current per game lock, so you can still use both. Meaning both conditions have to allow the game, before it will display. You can override the rating by creating an age_lock.ini file. Just add the id under the domain heading and set it to an age. To set Call of Duty: Black Ops to an age of 5 you would enter this: [GAMES] SC7E52=5 There is also an age_lock_default in the wiiflow.ini file under [GENERAL]. This will allow you to specify a default rating for games with no rating info.
51 lines
1.7 KiB
51 lines
1.7 KiB
#define APP_NAME "WiiFlow"
#define APP_VERSION "Mod 3.1"
#define APPDATA_DIR "wiiflow"
#define APPDATA_DIR2 "apps/wiiflow"
#define STDEMU_DIR "/wiiflow/nandemu"
#define GAMES_DIR "%s:/wbfs"
#define HOMEBREW_DIR "%s:/apps"
#define DML_DIR "%s:/games"
#define CFG_FILENAME "wiiflow.ini"
#define LANG_FILENAME "languages.ini"
#define CAT_FILENAME "categories.ini"
#define TITLES_FILENAME "titles.ini"
#define CTITLES_FILENAME "custom_titles.ini"
#define AGE_LOCK_FILENAME "age_lock.ini"
#define TITLES_DUMP_FILENAME "titlesdump.ini"
#define GAME_SETTINGS1_FILENAME "gameconfig1.ini"
#define GAME_SETTINGS2_FILENAME "gameconfig2.ini"
#define DEVELOPERS "r-win, OverjoY, FIX94"
#define PAST_DEVELOPERS "Hibernatus, Narolez, Hulk, Miigotu"
#define LOADER_AUTHOR "Kwiirk, Waninkoko, Hermes"
#define GUI_AUTHOR "Hibernatus"
#define THANKS \
"Lustar, CedWii, Benjay, Domi78, Oops, \
Celtiore, Jiiwah, FluffyKiwi, Roku93, Yardape8000, \
Spayrosam, Bluescreen81, Chappy23, fledge68, \
BlindDude, Bubba, DJTaz, OggZee, entropy, \
Usptactical, WiiPower, Hermes, Spidy1000, \
Dimok, Kovani, Drexyl, DvZ, Etheboss, \
GaiaKnight, nibb, NJ7, Plasma, Pakatus, \
wolf, ravmn, spidercaleb, Ziggy34, xFede, \
And to anyone who has donated or \
contributed to Wiiflow that we missed!"
#define THANKS_SITES \
"devkitpro.org, wiibrew.org, gametdb.com, \
ohloh.net, wiifanart.com, wiiflowiki.com, \
#define THANKS_CODE \
"CFG Loader, uLoader, USB Loader GX, \
NeoGamma, WiiXplorer, Mighty Channels, \
#define WIINNERTAG_URL "http://www.wiinnertag.com/wiinnertag_scripts/update_sign.php?key={KEY}&game_id={ID6}"
#define DUTAG_URL "http://tag.darkumbra.net/{KEY}.update={ID6}"