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synced 2025-03-10 18:27:55 +01:00
271 lines
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271 lines
8.2 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nuke (wiinuke@gmail.com)
* this file is part of GeckoOS for USB Gecko
* http://www.usbgecko.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gccore.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include <ogc/ipc.h>
#include "fst.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "gecko/gecko.hpp"
#include "memory/mem2.hpp"
#define FSTDIRTYPE 1
#define ENTRYSIZE 0xC
#define MAX_FILENAME_LEN 128
u8 *codelistend;
void *codelist;
u32 gameconfsize = 0;
u32 *gameconf = NULL;
u8 debuggerselect = 0;
extern const u32 viwiihooks[4];
extern const u32 kpadhooks[4];
extern const u32 joypadhooks[4];
extern const u32 gxdrawhooks[4];
extern const u32 gxflushhooks[4];
extern const u32 ossleepthreadhooks[4];
extern const u32 axnextframehooks[4];
extern const u32 wpadbuttonsdownhooks[4];
extern const u32 wpadbuttonsdown2hooks[4];
int app_gameconfig_load(const char *discid, u8 *tempgameconf, u32 tempgameconfsize)
if (gameconf == NULL)
gameconf = (u32*) MEM2_alloc(65536);
if (gameconf == NULL)
return -1;
u32 ret;
s32 gameidmatch, maxgameidmatch = -1, maxgameidmatch2 = -1;
u32 i, numnonascii, parsebufpos;
u32 codeaddr, codeval, codeaddr2, codeval2, codeoffset;
u32 temp, tempoffset = 0;
char parsebuffer[18];
// Remove non-ASCII characters
numnonascii = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tempgameconfsize; i++)
if (tempgameconf[i] < 9 || tempgameconf[i] > 126)
tempgameconf[i - numnonascii] = tempgameconf[i];
tempgameconfsize -= numnonascii;
*(tempgameconf + tempgameconfsize) = 0;
//gameconf = (tempgameconf + tempgameconfsize) + (4 - (((u32) (tempgameconf + tempgameconfsize)) % 4));
for (maxgameidmatch = 0; maxgameidmatch <= 6; maxgameidmatch++)
i = 0;
while (i < tempgameconfsize)
maxgameidmatch2 = -1;
while (maxgameidmatch != maxgameidmatch2)
while (i != tempgameconfsize && tempgameconf[i] != ':')
if (i == tempgameconfsize) break;
while ((tempgameconf[i] != 10 && tempgameconf[i] != 13) && (i != 0))
if (i != 0) i++;
parsebufpos = 0;
gameidmatch = 0;
while (tempgameconf[i] != ':')
if (tempgameconf[i] == '?')
parsebuffer[parsebufpos] = discid[parsebufpos];
else if (tempgameconf[i] != 0 && tempgameconf[i] != ' ')
parsebuffer[parsebufpos++] = tempgameconf[i++];
else if (tempgameconf[i] == ' ')
else i++;
if (parsebufpos == 8) break;
parsebuffer[parsebufpos] = 0;
if (strncasecmp("DEFAULT", parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0 && strlen(parsebuffer) == 7)
gameidmatch = 0;
goto idmatch;
if (strncasecmp(discid, parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0)
gameidmatch += strlen(parsebuffer);
idmatch: if (gameidmatch > maxgameidmatch2)
maxgameidmatch2 = gameidmatch;
while ((i != tempgameconfsize) && (tempgameconf[i] != 10 && tempgameconf[i] != 13))
while (i != tempgameconfsize && tempgameconf[i] != ':')
parsebufpos = 0;
while ((i != tempgameconfsize) && (tempgameconf[i] != 10 && tempgameconf[i] != 13))
if (tempgameconf[i] != 0 && tempgameconf[i] != ' ' && tempgameconf[i] != '(' && tempgameconf[i]
!= ':')
parsebuffer[parsebufpos++] = tempgameconf[i++];
else if (tempgameconf[i] == ' ' || tempgameconf[i] == '(' || tempgameconf[i] == ':')
else i++;
if (parsebufpos == 17) break;
parsebuffer[parsebufpos] = 0;
//if (!autobootcheck)
if (strncasecmp("codeliststart", parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0 && strlen(parsebuffer)
== 13)
sscanf((char *) (tempgameconf + i), " = %x", (unsigned int *) &codelist);
if (strncasecmp("codelistend", parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0 && strlen(parsebuffer) == 11)
sscanf((char *) (tempgameconf + i), " = %x", (unsigned int *) &codelistend);
if (strncasecmp("poke", parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0 && strlen(parsebuffer) == 4)
ret = sscanf((char *) tempgameconf + i, "( %x , %x", &codeaddr, &codeval);
if (ret == 2)
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = 0;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = 0;
gameconfsize += 8;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeaddr;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeval;
gameconfsize += 4;
DCFlushRange((void *) (gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4) - 5), 20);
if (strncasecmp("pokeifequal", parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0 && strlen(parsebuffer) == 11)
ret = sscanf((char *) (tempgameconf + i), "( %x , %x , %x , %x", &codeaddr, &codeval,
&codeaddr2, &codeval2);
if (ret == 4)
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = 0;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeaddr;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeval;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeaddr2;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeval2;
gameconfsize += 4;
DCFlushRange((void *) (gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4) - 5), 20);
if (strncasecmp("searchandpoke", parsebuffer, strlen(parsebuffer)) == 0 && strlen(parsebuffer)
== 13)
ret = sscanf((char *) (tempgameconf + i), "( %x%n", &codeval, &tempoffset);
if (ret == 1)
gameconfsize += 4;
temp = 0;
while (ret == 1)
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeval;
gameconfsize += 4;
i += tempoffset;
ret = sscanf((char *) (tempgameconf + i), " %x%n", &codeval, &tempoffset);
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4) - temp - 1) = temp;
ret = sscanf((char *) (tempgameconf + i), " , %x , %x , %x , %x", &codeaddr, &codeaddr2,
&codeoffset, &codeval2);
if (ret == 4)
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeaddr;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeaddr2;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeoffset;
gameconfsize += 4;
*(gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4)) = codeval2;
gameconfsize += 4;
DCFlushRange((void *) (gameconf + (gameconfsize / 4) - temp - 5), temp * 4 + 20);
else gameconfsize -= temp * 4 + 4;
if (tempgameconf[i] != ':')
while ((i != tempgameconfsize) && (tempgameconf[i] != 10 && tempgameconf[i] != 13))
if (i != tempgameconfsize) i++;
if (i != tempgameconfsize) while ((tempgameconf[i] != 10 && tempgameconf[i] != 13) && (i != 0))
return 0;
u8 *code_buf = NULL;
u32 code_size = 0;
int ocarina_load_code(const u8 *cheat, u32 cheatSize)
if (debuggerselect == 0x00)
codelist = (u8 *) 0x800022A8;
codelist = (u8 *) 0x800028B8;
codelistend = (u8 *) 0x80003000;
code_buf = (u8 *)cheat;
code_size = cheatSize;
if(code_size <= 0)
//gprintf("Ocarina: No codes found\n");
code_buf = NULL;
code_size = 0;
return 0;
//gprintf("Ocarina: Codes found.\n");
DCFlushRange(code_buf, code_size);
return code_size;