#include "StorageUtilsDeprecated.h" #include "NotificationsUtils.h" #include "StringTools.h" #include "fs/CFile.hpp" #include "fs/FSUtils.h" #include "utils.h" #include "utils/json.hpp" #include "utils/logger.h" #include namespace WUPSStorageDeprecated { static void processJson(wups_storage_item_t *items, nlohmann::json json) { if (items == nullptr) { return; } items->data = (wups_storage_item_t *) malloc(json.size() * sizeof(wups_storage_item_t)); items->data_size = json.size(); uint32_t index = 0; for (auto it = json.begin(); it != json.end(); ++it) { wups_storage_item_t *item = &((wups_storage_item_t *) items->data)[index]; item->type = WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_INVALID; item->deleted = false; item->data = nullptr; item->key = nullptr; item->key = (char *) malloc(it.key().size() + 1); strcpy(item->key, it.key().c_str()); if (it.value().is_string()) { item->type = WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_STRING; uint32_t size = it.value().get().size() + 1; item->data = malloc(size); item->data_size = size; strcpy((char *) item->data, it.value().get().c_str()); } else if (it.value().is_number_integer()) { item->type = WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_INT; item->data = malloc(sizeof(int32_t)); item->data_size = sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t *) item->data = it.value().get(); } else if (it.value().is_object()) { if (it.value().size() > 0) { item->type = WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_ITEM; processJson(item, it.value()); } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Unknown type %s for value %s", it.value().type_name(), it.key().c_str()); } index++; } } WUPSStorageError StorageUtils::OpenStorage(const char *plugin_id, wups_storage_item_t *items) { if (!plugin_id || !items) { return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_BACKEND_PARAMS; } std::string filePath = getPluginPath() + "/config/" + plugin_id + ".json"; nlohmann::json j; CFile file(filePath, CFile::ReadOnly); if (file.isOpen() && file.size() > 0) { auto *json_data = (uint8_t *) memalign(0x40, ROUNDUP(file.size() + 1, 0x40)); json_data[file.size()] = '\0'; file.read(json_data, file.size()); file.close(); j = nlohmann::json::parse(json_data, nullptr, false); free(json_data); if (j == nlohmann::detail::value_t::discarded || j.empty() || !j.is_object()) { std::string errorMessage = string_format("Corrupted plugin storage detected: \"%s\". You have to reconfigure the plugin.", plugin_id); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("%s", errorMessage.c_str()); remove(filePath.c_str()); DisplayErrorNotificationMessage(errorMessage, 10.0f); return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { // empty or no config exists yet return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; } processJson(items, j["storageitems"]); return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; } static nlohmann::json processItems(wups_storage_item_t *items) { nlohmann::json json; if (!items) { return json; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items->data_size; i++) { wups_storage_item_t *item = &((wups_storage_item_t *) items->data)[i]; if (item->deleted || item->type == WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_INVALID || !item->data || !item->key) { continue; } if (item->type == WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_STRING) { json[item->key] = (const char *) item->data; } else if (item->type == WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_INT) { json[item->key] = *(int32_t *) item->data; } else if (item->type == WUPS_STORAGE_TYPE_ITEM) { json[item->key] = processItems(item); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Saving type %d not implemented", item->type); } } return json; } WUPSStorageError StorageUtils::CloseStorage(const char *plugin_id, wups_storage_item_t *items) { if (!plugin_id || !items) { return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_BACKEND_PARAMS; } std::string folderPath = getPluginPath() + "/config/"; std::string filePath = folderPath + plugin_id + ".json"; FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(folderPath); CFile file(filePath, CFile::WriteOnly); if (!file.isOpen()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Cannot create file %s", filePath.c_str()); return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_IO; } nlohmann::json j; j["storageitems"] = processItems(items); std::string jsonString = j.dump(4, ' ', false, nlohmann::json::error_handler_t::ignore); auto writeResult = file.write((const uint8_t *) jsonString.c_str(), jsonString.size()); file.close(); if (writeResult != (int32_t) jsonString.size()) { return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_IO; } return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // namespace WUPSStorageDeprecated