#include "hooks.h" #include "utils/logger.h" void CallHook(plugin_information_t *pluginInformation, wups_loader_hook_type_t hook_type) { CallHookEx(pluginInformation, hook_type, -1); } bool HasHookCallHook(plugin_information_t *pluginInformation, wups_loader_hook_type_t hook_type) { for (int32_t plugin_index = 0; plugin_index < pluginInformation->number_used_plugins; plugin_index++) { plugin_information_single_t *plugin_data = &pluginInformation->plugin_data[plugin_index]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < plugin_data->info.number_used_hooks; j++) { replacement_data_hook_t *hook_data = &plugin_data->info.hooks[j]; if (hook_data->type == hook_type) { return true; } } } return false; } static const char **hook_names = (const char *[]) { "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_MALLOC", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_MALLOC", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_NEWLIB", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_NEWLIB", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_STDCPP", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_STDCPP", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_DEVOPTAB", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_DEVOPTAB", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_PLUGIN", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_DEINIT_PLUGIN", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_STARTS", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FUNCTIONS_PATCHED", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_RELEASE_FOREGROUND", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_ACQUIRED_FOREGROUND", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_REQUESTS_EXIT", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_ENDS", "WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_VSYNC"}; void CallHookEx(plugin_information_t *pluginInformation, wups_loader_hook_type_t hook_type, int32_t plugin_index_needed) { if(hook_type != WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_VSYNC) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Calling hook of type %s [%d]", hook_names[hook_type], hook_type); } for (int32_t plugin_index = 0; plugin_index < pluginInformation->number_used_plugins; plugin_index++) { plugin_information_single_t *plugin_data = &pluginInformation->plugin_data[plugin_index]; if (plugin_index_needed != -1 && plugin_index_needed != plugin_index) { continue; } //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Checking hook functions for %s.",plugin_data->plugin_name); //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Found hooks: %d",plugin_data->number_used_hooks); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < plugin_data->info.number_used_hooks; j++) { replacement_data_hook_t *hook_data = &plugin_data->info.hooks[j]; if (hook_data->type == hook_type) { if(hook_data->type != WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_VSYNC){ DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Calling hook of type %s for plugin %s [%d]", hook_names[hook_data->type], plugin_data->meta.name, hook_type); } void *func_ptr = hook_data->func_pointer; if (func_ptr != nullptr) { //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("function pointer is %08x",func_ptr); if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_PLUGIN) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_DEINIT_PLUGIN) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_STARTS) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FUNCTIONS_PATCHED) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_ENDS) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_REQUESTS_EXIT) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_MALLOC) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_MALLOC) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_NEWLIB) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_NEWLIB) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_STDCPP) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_STDCPP) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_DEVOPTAB) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_DEVOPTAB) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_RELEASE_FOREGROUND) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_ACQUIRED_FOREGROUND) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else if (hook_type == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_VSYNC) { ((void (*)()) ((uint32_t *) func_ptr))(); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("######################################"); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Hook is not implemented %s [%d]", hook_names[hook_type], hook_type); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("######################################"); } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Failed to call hook. It was not defined"); } } } } }