#include "ConfigRenderer.h" #include "globals.h" #include "utils/DrawUtils.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include "utils/utils.h" ConfigRenderer::ConfigRenderer(std::vector &&vec) : mConfigs(std::move(vec)) { std::copy_if(mConfigs.begin(), mConfigs.end(), std::back_inserter(mActiveConfigs), [&](const auto &value) { return value.isActivePlugin(); }); } ConfigRenderer::~ConfigRenderer() = default; ConfigSubState ConfigRenderer::Update(Input &input, const WUPSConfigSimplePadData &simpleInputData, const WUPSConfigComplexPadData &complexInputData) { switch (mState) { case STATE_MAIN: return UpdateStateMain(input); case STATE_SUB: { if (mCategoryRenderer) { if (const auto subResult = mCategoryRenderer->Update(input, simpleInputData, complexInputData); subResult != SUB_STATE_RUNNING) { mNeedRedraw = true; mState = STATE_MAIN; return SUB_STATE_RUNNING; } return SUB_STATE_RUNNING; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("State is RENDERER_STATE_CAT but mCategoryRenderer is null. Resetting state."); mState = STATE_MAIN; mCursorPos = 0; } } } return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } void ConfigRenderer::Render() const { switch (mState) { case STATE_MAIN: RenderStateMain(); break; case STATE_SUB: { if (mCategoryRenderer) { mCategoryRenderer->Render(); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("render failed: state was RENDERER_STATE_CAT but mCategoryRenderer is NULL"); } break; } } } bool ConfigRenderer::NeedsRedraw() const { if (mNeedRedraw) { return true; } if (mCategoryRenderer) { return mCategoryRenderer->NeedsRedraw(); } return false; } void ConfigRenderer::ResetNeedsRedraw() { mNeedRedraw = false; if (mCategoryRenderer) { mCategoryRenderer->ResetNeedsRedraw(); } } ConfigSubState ConfigRenderer::UpdateStateMain(const Input &input) { if (mActiveConfigs.empty()) { mNeedRedraw = true; return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } const auto prevSelectedItem = mCursorPos; const auto totalElementSize = mActiveConfigs.size(); if (input.data.buttons_d & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_DOWN) { mCursorPos++; } else if (input.data.buttons_d & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_LEFT) { // Paging up mCursorPos -= MAX_BUTTONS_ON_SCREEN - 1; // Don't jump past the top if (mCursorPos < 0) mCursorPos = 0; } else if (input.data.buttons_d & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Paging down mCursorPos += MAX_BUTTONS_ON_SCREEN - 1; // Don't jump past the bottom if (mCursorPos >= totalElementSize) mCursorPos = totalElementSize - 1; } else if (input.data.buttons_d & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_UP) { mCursorPos--; } else if (input.data.buttons_d & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_X) { mSetActivePluginsMode = !mSetActivePluginsMode; } else if (input.data.buttons_d & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_A) { if (mCursorPos != mCurrentOpen) { mCategoryRenderer.reset(); mCategoryRenderer = make_unique_nothrow(&(mActiveConfigs[mCursorPos].get().getConfigInformation()), &(mActiveConfigs[mCursorPos].get().getConfig()), true); } mNeedRedraw = true; mCurrentOpen = mCursorPos; mState = STATE_SUB; return SUB_STATE_RUNNING; } else if (input.data.buttons_d & (Input::eButtons::BUTTON_B | Input::eButtons::BUTTON_HOME)) { mNeedRedraw = true; mCategoryRenderer.reset(); for (const auto &element : mActiveConfigs) { CallOnCloseCallback(element.get().getConfigInformation(), element.get().getConfig()); } return SUB_STATE_RETURN; } if (mCursorPos < 0) { mCursorPos = totalElementSize - 1; } else if (mCursorPos > totalElementSize - 1) { mCursorPos = 0; } // Adjust the render offset when reaching the boundaries if (mCursorPos < mRenderOffset) { mRenderOffset = mCursorPos; } else if (mCursorPos >= mRenderOffset + MAX_BUTTONS_ON_SCREEN - 1) { mRenderOffset = mCursorPos - MAX_BUTTONS_ON_SCREEN + 1; } if (prevSelectedItem != mCursorPos) { mNeedRedraw = true; } return SUB_STATE_RUNNING; } void ConfigRenderer::RenderStateMain() const { auto totalElementSize = (int32_t) mActiveConfigs.size(); // Calculate the range of items to display int start = std::max(0, mRenderOffset); int end = std::min(start + MAX_BUTTONS_ON_SCREEN, totalElementSize); DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); uint32_t yOffset = 8 + 24 + 8 + 4; for (int32_t i = start; i < end; i++) { DrawConfigEntry(yOffset, mActiveConfigs[i].get().getConfigInformation(), i == mCursorPos); yOffset += 42 + 8; } DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::print(16, 6 + 24, "Wii U Plugin System Config Menu"); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, 8 + 24, MODULE_VERSION_FULL, true); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 8 + 24 + 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_BLACK); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_BLACK); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, "\ue07d Navigate "); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, "\ue000 Select", true); // draw scroll indicator DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); if (end < totalElementSize) { DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 12, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 32, "\ufe3e", true); } if (start > 0) { DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 12, 32 + 20, "\ufe3d", true); } // draw home button DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); const char *exitHint = "\ue044 Exit"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(exitHint) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, exitHint, true); DrawUtils::endDraw(); } void ConfigRenderer::DrawConfigEntry(const uint32_t yOffset, const GeneralConfigInformation &configInformation, const bool isHighlighted) const { DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); if (isHighlighted) { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, yOffset, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16 * 2, 44, 4, COLOR_BORDER_HIGHLIGHTED); } else { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, yOffset, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16 * 2, 44, 2, COLOR_BORDER); } DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::print(16 * 2, yOffset + 8 + 24, configInformation.name.c_str()); const uint32_t sz = DrawUtils::getTextWidth(configInformation.name.c_str()); DrawUtils::setFontSize(12); DrawUtils::print(16 * 2 + sz + 4, yOffset + 8 + 24, configInformation.author.c_str()); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16 * 2, yOffset + 8 + 24, configInformation.version.c_str(), true); } void ConfigRenderer::CallOnCloseCallback(const GeneralConfigInformation &info, const std::vector> &categories) { for (const auto &cat : categories) { if (!cat->getCategories().empty()) { CallOnCloseCallback(info, cat->getCategories()); } for (const auto &item : cat->getItems()) { item->onCloseCallback(); } } } void ConfigRenderer::CallOnCloseCallback(const GeneralConfigInformation &info, const WUPSConfigAPIBackend::WUPSConfig &config) { CallOnCloseCallback(info, config.getCategories()); for (const auto &item : config.getItems()) { item->onCloseCallback(); } }