#include "ConfigUtils.h" #include "ConfigRenderer.h" #include "config/WUPSConfigAPI.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "plugin/PluginLoadWrapper.h" #include "utils/DrawUtils.h" #include "utils/WUPSBackendSettings.h" #include "utils/dc.h" #include "utils/input/CombinedInput.h" #include "utils/input/Input.h" #include "utils/input/VPADInput.h" #include "utils/input/WPADInput.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include WUPS_CONFIG_SIMPLE_INPUT ConfigUtils::convertInputs(const uint32_t buttons) { WUPSConfigButtons pressedButtons = WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_NONE; if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_A) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_A; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_LEFT) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_LEFT; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_RIGHT) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_RIGHT; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_L) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_L; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_R) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_R; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_ZL) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_ZL; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_ZR) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_ZR; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_X) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_X; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_Y) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_Y; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_STICK_L) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_STICK_L; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_STICK_R) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_STICK_R; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_PLUS) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_PLUS; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_MINUS) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_MINUS; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_B) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_B; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_UP) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_UP; } if (buttons & Input::eButtons::BUTTON_DOWN) { pressedButtons |= WUPS_CONFIG_BUTTON_DOWN; } return static_cast(pressedButtons); } void ConfigUtils::displayMenu() { renderBasicScreen("Loading configs..."); std::vector configs; for (const auto &plugin : gLoadedPlugins) { GeneralConfigInformation info; info.name = plugin.getMetaInformation().getName(); info.author = plugin.getMetaInformation().getAuthor(); info.version = plugin.getMetaInformation().getVersion(); info.pluginData = plugin.getPluginDataCopy(); std::unique_ptr config; if (plugin.isLinkedAndLoaded()) { if (const auto configData = plugin.getConfigData()) { if (const auto configHandleOpt = configData->createConfig()) { WUPSConfigAPIStatus callbackResult = configData->CallMenuOpenedCallback(configHandleOpt.value()); config = WUPSConfigAPIBackend::Intern::PopConfigByHandle(configHandleOpt.value()); if (!config) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to get config for handle: %08X", configHandleOpt.value().handle); } else if (callbackResult != WUPSCONFIG_API_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Callback failed for %s: %s", info.name.c_str(), WUPSConfigAPI_GetStatusStr(callbackResult)); config.reset(); } else { info.name = config->getName(); } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to create config for plugin: \"%s\"", info.name.c_str()); } } else { for (const auto &hook : plugin.getPluginLinkInformation().getHookDataList()) { if (hook.getType() == WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_GET_CONFIG_DEPRECATED) { if (hook.getFunctionPointer() == nullptr) { break; } auto cur_config_handle = ((void *(*) ())((uint32_t *) hook.getFunctionPointer()))(); if (cur_config_handle == nullptr) { break; } config = WUPSConfigAPIBackend::Intern::PopConfigByHandle(WUPSConfigHandle(cur_config_handle)); if (!config) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to find config for handle: %08X", cur_config_handle); } break; } } } } if (!config) { config = make_unique_nothrow(info.name); } configs.emplace_back(info, std::move(config), plugin.isLinkedAndLoaded()); } // Sort Configs by name std::ranges::sort(configs, [](const ConfigDisplayItem &lhs, const ConfigDisplayItem &rhs) { auto &str1 = lhs.getConfigInformation().name; auto &str2 = rhs.getConfigInformation().name; return std::ranges::lexicographical_compare(str1, str2, [](const char &char1, const char &char2) { return tolower(char1) < tolower(char2); }); }); ConfigRenderer renderer(std::move(configs)); configs.clear(); CombinedInput baseInput; VPadInput vpadInput; WPADInput wpadInputs[7] = { WPAD_CHAN_0, WPAD_CHAN_1, WPAD_CHAN_2, WPAD_CHAN_3, WPAD_CHAN_4, WPAD_CHAN_5, WPAD_CHAN_6, }; OSTime startTime; bool skipFirstInput = true; gOnlyAcceptFromThread = OSGetCurrentThread(); ConfigSubState subStateReturnValue = SUB_STATE_ERROR; while (true) { startTime = OSGetTime(); if (gConfigMenuShouldClose) { gConfigMenuShouldClose = false; break; } baseInput.reset(); if (vpadInput.update(1280, 720)) { baseInput.combine(vpadInput); } for (auto &wpadInput : wpadInputs) { if (wpadInput.update(1280, 720)) { baseInput.combine(wpadInput); } } if (skipFirstInput) { skipFirstInput = false; baseInput.lastData = baseInput.data; } WUPSConfigSimplePadData simpleData; simpleData.buttons_d = convertInputs(baseInput.data.buttons_d); simpleData.buttons_r = convertInputs(baseInput.data.buttons_r); simpleData.buttons_h = convertInputs(baseInput.data.buttons_h); simpleData.x = baseInput.data.x; simpleData.y = baseInput.data.y; simpleData.touched = baseInput.data.touched; simpleData.validPointer = baseInput.data.validPointer; WUPSConfigComplexPadData complexData; complexData.vpad.data = vpadInput.vpad; complexData.vpad.tpCalib = vpadInput.tpCalib; complexData.vpad.vpadError = vpadInput.vpadError; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { complexData.kpad.kpadError[i] = wpadInputs[i].kpadError; complexData.kpad.data[i] = wpadInputs[i].kpad; } subStateReturnValue = renderer.Update(baseInput, simpleData, complexData); if (subStateReturnValue != SUB_STATE_RUNNING) { break; } if (renderer.NeedsRedraw() || baseInput.data.buttons_d || baseInput.data.buttons_r) { renderer.Render(); } renderer.ResetNeedsRedraw(); auto diffTime = OSTicksToMicroseconds(OSGetTime() - startTime); if (diffTime < 16000) { OSSleepTicks(OSMicrosecondsToTicks(16000 - diffTime)); } } startTime = OSGetTime(); std::vector newActivePluginsList; if (subStateReturnValue == SUB_STATE_RETURN_WITH_PLUGIN_RELOAD && renderer.GetActivePluginsIfChanged(newActivePluginsList)) { startTime = OSGetTime(); renderBasicScreen("Applying changes, app will now restart..."); // Get list of inactive plugins to save them in the config // Note: this does only consider plugin loaded from the sd card. std::vector newInactivePluginsList; for (const auto &cur : newActivePluginsList) { if (!cur.isLoadAndLink()) { auto &source = cur.getPluginData()->getSource(); if (source.starts_with(getPluginPath()) && source.ends_with(".wps")) { std::size_t found = source.find_last_of("/\\"); std::string filename = source.substr(found + 1); newInactivePluginsList.push_back(filename); } } } gLoadOnNextLaunch = newActivePluginsList; WUPSBackendSettings::SetInactivePluginFilenames(newInactivePluginsList); if (!WUPSBackendSettings::SaveSettings()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Failed to save WUPSBackendSettings"); } _SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash(OSGetTitleID(), nullptr); // Make sure to wait at least 2 seconds so user can read the screen and // are aware the app will restart now. auto diffTime = OSTicksToMilliseconds(OSGetTime() - startTime); if (diffTime < 2000) { OSSleepTicks(OSTicksToMilliseconds(2000 - diffTime)); } } else { renderBasicScreen("Saving configs..."); } for (const auto &plugin : gLoadedPlugins) { if (const auto configData = plugin.getConfigData()) { if (configData->CallMenuClosedCallback() == WUPSCONFIG_API_RESULT_MISSING_CALLBACK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("CallMenuClosedCallback is missing for %s", plugin.getMetaInformation().getName().c_str()); } } else { CallHook(plugin, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_CONFIG_CLOSED_DEPRECATED); } } WUPSConfigAPIBackend::Intern::CleanAllHandles(); // we want wait at least 300ms to avoid leaking inputs from the config menu to the application auto diffTime = OSTicksToMilliseconds(OSGetTime() - startTime); if (diffTime < 300) { OSSleepTicks(OSMillisecondsToTicks(300 - diffTime)); } } void ConfigUtils::openConfigMenu() { DrawUtils::RenderScreen(&displayMenu); } void ConfigUtils::renderBasicScreen(std::string_view text) { DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::print(16, 6 + 24, "Wii U Plugin System Config Menu"); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, 8 + 24, MODULE_VERSION_FULL, true); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 8 + 24 + 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_BLACK); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_BLACK); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, "\ue07d Navigate "); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, "\ue000 Select", true); DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); const uint32_t sz = DrawUtils::getTextWidth(text.data()); DrawUtils::print((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sz / 2), (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2), text.data()); // draw home button DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); const auto exitHint = "\ue044 Exit"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(exitHint) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, exitHint, true); DrawUtils::endDraw(); }