#include "PluginManagement.h" #include "coreinit/interrupts.h" #include "coreinit/scheduler.h" #include "globals.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "patcher/hooks_patcher_static.h" #include "plugin/PluginDataFactory.h" #include "utils/DrawUtils.h" #include "utils/WUPSBackendSettings.h" #include "utils/input/VPADInput.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "version.h" #include #include #include #include WUMS_MODULE_EXPORT_NAME("homebrew_wupsbackend"); WUMS_USE_WUT_DEVOPTAB(); WUMS_DEPENDS_ON(homebrew_functionpatcher); WUMS_DEPENDS_ON(homebrew_memorymapping); WUMS_DEPENDS_ON(homebrew_notifications); using namespace std::chrono_literals; WUMS_INITIALIZE() { initLogging(); if (FunctionPatcher_InitLibrary() != FUNCTION_PATCHER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { OSFatal("homebrew_wupsbackend: FunctionPatcher_InitLibrary failed"); } if (const NotificationModuleStatus res = NotificationModule_InitLibrary(); res != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to init NotificationModule: %s (%d)", NotificationModule_GetStatusStr(res), res); gNotificationModuleLoaded = false; } else { gNotificationModuleLoaded = true; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Patching functions"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < method_hooks_static_size; i++) { if (FunctionPatcher_AddFunctionPatch(&method_hooks_static[i], nullptr, nullptr) != FUNCTION_PATCHER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { OSFatal("homebrew_wupsbackend: Failed to AddPatch function"); } } VPadInput vpadInput; vpadInput.update(1280, 720); constexpr auto buttonComboSafeMode = Input::eButtons::BUTTON_L | Input::eButtons::BUTTON_UP | Input::eButtons::BUTTON_MINUS; if ((vpadInput.data.buttons_h & (buttonComboSafeMode)) == buttonComboSafeMode) { DrawUtils::RenderScreen([&vpadInput] { DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND_WARN); DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_WARNING); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(48); const auto title = "! Plugin System Safe Mode triggered !"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(title) / 2, 48 + 8, title, true); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 48 + 8 + 16, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); auto message = "The Safe Mode of the Plugin System has been triggered."; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 48, message, true); message = "Any plugins 3rd party plugins have been disabled!"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 24, message, true); message = "To enable them again, open the plugin config menu (\ue004 + \ue07a + \ue046)."; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 24, message, true); message = "Then press \ue002 to manage active plugins"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 48, message, true); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); const auto exitHints = "Continuing in 10 seconds."; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(exitHints) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, exitHints, true); DrawUtils::endDraw(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000 / 16; i++) { vpadInput.update(1280, 720); if ((vpadInput.data.buttons_d & (ANY_BUTTON_MASK))) { break; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(16ms); } DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BLACK); DrawUtils::endDraw(); }); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_INFO("Safe Mode activated!"); auto tobeIgnoredFilePath = getNonBaseAromaPluginFilenames(getPluginPath()); WUPSBackendSettings::LoadSettings(); std::set inactivePlugins = WUPSBackendSettings::GetInactivePluginFilenames(); inactivePlugins.insert(tobeIgnoredFilePath.begin(), tobeIgnoredFilePath.end()); for (const auto &plugin : inactivePlugins) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_INFO("safemode: %s will be deactivated", plugin.c_str()); } WUPSBackendSettings::SetInactivePluginFilenames(inactivePlugins); WUPSBackendSettings::SaveSettings(); } deinitLogging(); } WUMS_APPLICATION_REQUESTS_EXIT() { const uint32_t upid = OSGetUPID(); if (upid != 2 && upid != 15) { return; } CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_REQUESTS_EXIT); } WUMS_APPLICATION_ENDS() { const uint32_t upid = OSGetUPID(); if (upid != 2 && upid != 15) { return; } CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_ENDS); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_SOCKETS); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_FINI_WUT_DEVOPTAB); for (const auto &val : gUsedRPLs | std::views::values) { OSDynLoad_Release(val); } gUsedRPLs.clear(); deinitLogging(); } void CheckCleanupCallbackUsage(const std::vector &plugins); void CleanupPlugins(std::vector &&pluginsToDeinit); WUMS_APPLICATION_STARTS() { const uint32_t upid = OSGetUPID(); if (upid != 2 && upid != 15) { return; } OSReport("Running WiiUPluginLoaderBackend " MODULE_VERSION_FULL "\n"); gStoredTVBuffer = {}; gConfigMenuShouldClose = false; gUsedRPLs.clear(); // If an allocated rpl was not released properly (e.g. if something else calls OSDynload_Acquire without releasing it) memory get leaked. // Let's clean this up! for (const auto &addr : gAllocatedAddresses) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Memory allocated by OSDynload was not freed properly, let's clean it up! (%08X)", addr); free(addr); } gAllocatedAddresses.clear(); initLogging(); std::lock_guard lock(gLoadedDataMutex); if (gTrampData.empty()) { gTrampData = std::vector(TRAMP_DATA_SIZE); for (auto &cur : gTrampData) { cur.status = RELOC_TRAMP_FREE; } } std::vector newLoadedPlugins; if (gLoadedPlugins.empty()) { const auto pluginPath = getPluginPath(); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Load plugins from %s", pluginPath.c_str()); WUPSBackendSettings::LoadSettings(); auto &inactiveList = WUPSBackendSettings::GetInactivePluginFilenames(); const auto pluginData = PluginDataFactory::loadDir(pluginPath, inactiveList); newLoadedPlugins = PluginManagement::loadPlugins(pluginData, gTrampData); } if (!gLoadOnNextLaunch.empty()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_INFO("Got new list of plugins to load"); std::vector pluginsToKeep; std::vector toBeLoaded; // Check which plugins are already loaded and which needs to be for (const auto &pluginLoadWrapper : gLoadOnNextLaunch) { const auto &pluginNeedsNoReloadFn = [&pluginLoadWrapper](const PluginContainer &container) { return (container.getPluginDataCopy()->getHandle() == pluginLoadWrapper.getPluginData()->getHandle()) && (container.isLinkedAndLoaded() == pluginLoadWrapper.isLoadAndLink()); }; // Check if the plugin data is already loaded if (auto it = std::ranges::find_if(gLoadedPlugins, pluginNeedsNoReloadFn); it != gLoadedPlugins.end()) { pluginsToKeep.push_back(std::move(*it)); gLoadedPlugins.erase(it); } else { // Load it if it's not already loaded toBeLoaded.push_back(pluginLoadWrapper); } } // deinit all plugins that are still in gLoadedPlugins list. std::vector pluginsToDeinit = std::move(gLoadedPlugins); gLoadedPlugins = std::move(pluginsToKeep); for (const auto &p : pluginsToKeep) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_INFO("KEEP: %s", p.getMetaInformation().getName().c_str()); } for (const auto &p : pluginsToDeinit) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("DEINIT: %s", p.getMetaInformation().getName().c_str()); } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Deinit unused plugins"); CleanupPlugins(std::move(pluginsToDeinit)); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Load new plugins"); newLoadedPlugins = PluginManagement::loadPlugins(toBeLoaded, gTrampData); } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Clear plugin data lists."); gLoadOnNextLaunch.clear(); gLoadedData.clear(); if (!gLoadedPlugins.empty() || !newLoadedPlugins.empty()) { for (auto &pluginContainer : newLoadedPlugins) { pluginContainer.setInitDone(false); } // Move all new plugin containers into gLoadedPlugins append_move_all_values(gLoadedPlugins, newLoadedPlugins); if (!PluginManagement::doRelocations(gLoadedPlugins, gTrampData, gUsedRPLs)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Relocations failed"); OSFatal("WiiUPluginLoaderBackend: Relocations failed.\n See crash logs for more information."); } // PluginManagement::memsetBSS(plugins); const auto &needsInitsCheck = [](const PluginContainer &container) { return !container.isInitDone(); }; CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_MALLOC, needsInitsCheck); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_NEWLIB, needsInitsCheck); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_STDCPP, needsInitsCheck); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_DEVOPTAB); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WUT_SOCKETS); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_INIT_WRAPPER, needsInitsCheck); for (auto &plugin : gLoadedPlugins) { if (plugin.isInitDone()) { continue; } if (const WUPSStorageError err = plugin.OpenStorage(); err != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to open storage for plugin: %s. (%s)", plugin.getMetaInformation().getName().c_str(), WUPSStorageAPI_GetStatusStr(err)); } } PluginManagement::callInitHooks(gLoadedPlugins, needsInitsCheck); CallHook(gLoadedPlugins, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_APPLICATION_STARTS); for (auto &pluginContainer : gLoadedPlugins) { pluginContainer.setInitDone(true); } } } void CleanupPlugins(std::vector &&pluginsToDeinit) { auto *currentThread = OSGetCurrentThread(); const auto saved_reent = currentThread->reserved[4]; const auto saved_cleanupCallback = currentThread->cleanupCallback; currentThread->reserved[4] = 0; CallHook(pluginsToDeinit, WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_DEINIT_PLUGIN); CheckCleanupCallbackUsage(pluginsToDeinit); if (currentThread->cleanupCallback != saved_cleanupCallback) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("WUPS_LOADER_HOOK_DEINIT_PLUGIN overwrote the ThreadCleanupCallback, we need to restore it!\n"); OSSetThreadCleanupCallback(OSGetCurrentThread(), saved_cleanupCallback); } currentThread->reserved[4] = saved_reent; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Restore function patches of plugins."); PluginManagement::RestoreFunctionPatches(pluginsToDeinit); for (auto &plugin : pluginsToDeinit) { if (const WUPSStorageError err = plugin.CloseStorage(); err != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to close storage for plugin: %s", plugin.getMetaInformation().getName().c_str()); } } for (const auto &pluginContainer : pluginsToDeinit) { for (auto &cur : gTrampData) { if (!pluginContainer.isLinkedAndLoaded() || cur.id != pluginContainer.getPluginLinkInformation().getTrampolineId()) { continue; } cur.status = RELOC_TRAMP_FREE; } } } void CheckCleanupCallbackUsage(const std::vector &plugins) { auto *curThread = OSGetCurrentThread(); for (const auto &cur : plugins) { if (!cur.isLinkedAndLoaded()) { continue; } const auto textSection = cur.getPluginLinkInformation().getSectionInfo(".text"); if (!textSection) { continue; } const uint32_t startAddress = textSection->getAddress(); const uint32_t endAddress = textSection->getAddress() + textSection->getSize(); auto *pluginName = cur.getMetaInformation().getName().c_str(); { __OSLockScheduler(curThread); const int state = OSDisableInterrupts(); OSThread *t = *reinterpret_cast(0x100567F8); while (t) { const auto address = reinterpret_cast(t->cleanupCallback); if (address != 0 && address >= startAddress && address <= endAddress) { OSReport("[WARN] PluginBackend: Thread 0x%08X is using a function from plugin %s for the threadCleanupCallback\n", t, pluginName); } t = t->activeLink.next; } OSRestoreInterrupts(state); __OSUnlockScheduler(curThread); } } }