#pragma once #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @file wups_storage_api.h * @brief API for handling persistent storage in the WUPS library. */ #include #include #include /** * @enum WUPSStorageError * @brief Represents error codes returned by storage API functions. */ typedef enum { WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS = 0, /**< Success. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS = -0x01, /**< Invalid arguments passed to the function. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED = -0x02, /**< Memory allocation failed. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_DATA_TYPE = -0x03, /**< Unexpected data type encountered. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = -0x04, /**< Provided buffer is too small. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = -0x05, /**< Item already exists. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_IO_ERROR = -0x06, /**< Generic IO error during saving or loading. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND = -0x10, /**< Item not found. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED = -0xF0, /**< Library not initialized properly. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_INVALID_VERSION = -0xF1, /**< Invalid API version. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = -0x100 /**< Unknown error. */ } WUPSStorageError; /** * @enum WUPSStorageItemTypes * @brief Represents the types of items that can be stored in the persistent storage. */ typedef enum { WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S32 = 0, /**< 32-bit signed integer. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S64 = 1, /**< 64-bit signed integer. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_U32 = 2, /**< 32-bit unsigned integer. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_U64 = 3, /**< 64-bit unsigned integer. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_STRING = 4, /**< String. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_BINARY = 5, /**< Binary data. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_BOOL = 6, /**< Boolean. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_FLOAT = 7, /**< 32-bit floating-point number. */ WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_DOUBLE = 8 /**< 64-bit floating-point number. */ } WUPSStorageItemTypes; /** * @typedef WUPSStorageItemType * @brief Type alias for the storage item type. */ typedef uint32_t WUPSStorageItemType; /** * @typedef wups_storage_root_item * @brief Type alias for the root storage item. */ typedef void *wups_storage_root_item; /** * @typedef wups_storage_item * @brief Type alias for a storage item. */ typedef void *wups_storage_item; /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_SaveFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to save storage data. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_SaveFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, bool force); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_ForceReloadFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to force a reload of storage data. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_ForceReloadFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_WipeStorageFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to wipe all storage data. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_WipeStorageFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_DeleteItemFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to delete an item from storage. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_DeleteItemFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, wups_storage_item parent, const char *key); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_CreateSubItemFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to create a sub-item in storage. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_CreateSubItemFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, wups_storage_item *outItem); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_GetSubItemFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to get a sub-item from storage. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_GetSubItemFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, wups_storage_item *outItem); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_StoreItemFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to store an item in storage. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_StoreItemFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, WUPSStorageItemType itemType, void *data, uint32_t length); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_GetItemFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to retrieve an item from storage. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_GetItemFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, WUPSStorageItemType itemType, void *data, uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t *outSize); /** * @typedef WUPSStorage_GetItemSizeFunction * @brief Type alias for the function pointer to get the size of an item in storage. For internal usage only. */ typedef WUPSStorageError (*WUPSStorage_GetItemSizeFunction)(wups_storage_root_item root, wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, uint32_t *outSize); /** * @typedef WUPS_STORAGE_API_VERSION * @brief Type alias for the API version. For internal usage only. */ typedef uint32_t WUPS_STORAGE_API_VERSION; /** * @def WUPS_STORAGE_CUR_API_VERSION * @brief Current version of the storage API. For internal usage only. */ #define WUPS_STORAGE_CUR_API_VERSION 0x02 /** * @struct wups_loader_init_storage_args_t_ * @brief Structure containing initialization arguments for the storage API. For internal usage only. */ typedef struct wups_loader_init_storage_args_t_ { WUPS_STORAGE_API_VERSION version; /**< API version. */ wups_storage_root_item root_item; /**< Root storage item. */ WUPSStorage_SaveFunction save_function_ptr; /**< Save function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_ForceReloadFunction force_reload_function_ptr; /**< Force reload function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_WipeStorageFunction wipe_storage_function_ptr; /**< Wipe storage function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_DeleteItemFunction delete_item_function_ptr; /**< Delete item function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_CreateSubItemFunction create_sub_item_function_ptr; /**< Create sub-item function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_GetSubItemFunction get_sub_item_function_ptr; /**< Get sub-item function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_StoreItemFunction store_item_function_ptr; /**< Store item function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_GetItemFunction get_item_function_ptr; /**< Get item function pointer. */ WUPSStorage_GetItemSizeFunction get_item_size_function_ptr; /**< Get item size function pointer. */ } wups_loader_init_storage_args_t; /* called by backend */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_InitInternal(wups_loader_init_storage_args_t args); /** * @brief Get a string representation of the specified storage status. * * This function returns a string representation of the provided storage status. * * @param status The storage status to get the string representation for. * @return A pointer to a string describing the provided storage status. **/ const char *WUPSStorageAPI_GetStatusStr(WUPSStorageError status); /** * @brief Save storage data. * * This function saves the storage data. The 'forceSave' parameter determines whether to * force saving even if there are no changes. * * @param forceSave If true, forces saving data even if there are no changes. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The saving was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED: Failed to allocate memory. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_IO_ERROR: Generic IO-Error that happened while saving or loading the storage * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro * */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_SaveStorage(bool forceSave); /** * @brief Force a reload of storage data. * * This function forces a reload of the storage data. * * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The reloading the storage was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED: Failed to allocate memory. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_IO_ERROR: Generic IO-Error that happened while saving or loading the storage * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro * */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_ForceReloadStorage(); /** * @brief Wipe all storage data. * * This function wipes all data in the storage. * * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: Wiping the storage was successful * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_WipeStorage(); /** * @brief Delete an item from storage. * * This function deletes an item or sub item specified by the parent and key from the storage. * Deleting a sub item will also delete all it's child items. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage * @param key The key of the item to be deleted. * @return The storage error status after attempting to delete the item. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: Deleting the (sub) item was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: No item with the given parent/key combination has been found. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_DeleteItem(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key); /** * @brief Creates a sub-item in storage. * * This function creates a sub-item with the specified key under the given parent item. * If 'parent' is NULL, the sub-item will be added to the root item of the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage * @param key The key for the new sub-item. * @param outItem Pointer to store the created sub-item. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The creating the sub item was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: 'outItem' was NULL * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: No parent with the given handle has been found. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED: Failed to allocate memory. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: An item with the given key already exists inside the given parent. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_CreateSubItem(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, wups_storage_item *outItem); /** * @brief Get a sub-item from storage. * * This function retrieves a sub-item with the specified key under the given parent item. * If 'parent' is NULL, the sub-item will be searched in the root item of the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage * @param key The key of the sub-item to retrieve. * @param outItem Pointer to store the retrieved sub-item. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The reloading the storage was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: 'outItem' was NULL * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: No item with the given parent/key combination has been found. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetSubItem(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, wups_storage_item *outItem); /** * @brief Store data in storage. * * This function stores data of the specified type under the given key in the provided parent item. * - If a **item** for the given parent exists, this function will overwrite it. * - If a **sub item** for the given parent exists, this function will fail. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage * @param key The key under which to store the data. * @param type The type of the data to store. * @param data A pointer to the data to store. * @param size The size of the data to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The creating the item was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: 'data' was NULL or 'size' was unexpected * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: No parent with the given handle has been found. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED: Failed to allocate memory. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: An sub item with the given key already exists inside the given parent. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly, make sure use to the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, WUPSStorageItemType type, void *data, uint32_t size); /** * @brief Store a string in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a string in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the string. * @param value The string value to store. Must be null-terminated. For non-nulltermianted strings use WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem directly. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: 'value' was NULL. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for other possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreString(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, const char *value) { if (value == NULL) { return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_STRING, (void *) value, strlen(value)); } /** * @brief Store a boolean value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a boolean value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreBool(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, bool value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_BOOL, (void *) &value, sizeof(bool)); } /** * @brief Store a int value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a int value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreInt(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, int32_t value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S32, (void *) &value, sizeof(int32_t)); } /** * @brief Store a signed 32-bit integer value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a signed 32-bit integer value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreS32(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, int32_t value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S32, (void *) &value, sizeof(int32_t)); } /** * @brief Store a signed 64-bit integer value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a signed 64-bit integer value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreS64(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, int64_t value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S64, (void *) &value, sizeof(int64_t)); } /** * @brief Store a unsigned 32-bit integer value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a unsigned 32-bit integer value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU32(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, uint32_t value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_U32, (void *) &value, sizeof(uint32_t)); } /** * @brief Store a unsigned 64-bit integer value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a unsigned 64-bit integer value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU64(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, uint64_t value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_U64, (void *) &value, sizeof(uint64_t)); } /** * @brief Store a float value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a float value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreFloat(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, float value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_FLOAT, (void *) &value, sizeof(float)); } /** * @brief Store a double value in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store a double value in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The boolean value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreDouble(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, double value) { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_DOUBLE, (void *) &value, sizeof(double)); } /** * @brief Store a binary data in storage. * * This is a convenience function to store binary data in the storage. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param data A pointer to the binary data to store. * @param size The size of the binary data to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_StoreBinary(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, const void *data, uint32_t size) { if (data == NULL) { return WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_BINARY, (void *) data, size); } /** * @brief Retrieve data from storage. * * This function retrieves data of the specified type stored under the given key in the provided parent item. * The retrieved data is stored in the 'data' buffer, and the actual size of the data is returned in 'outSize'. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the data is stored. * @param type The expected type of the data to retrieve. * @param data A pointer to the buffer where the retrieved data will be stored. * @param maxSize The maximum size of the 'data' buffer. * @param[out] outSize A pointer to a variable where the size of the retrieved data will be stored. Can be NULL. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The data retrieval was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: 'data' was NULL, 'outSize' was NULL, or 'maxSize' was unexpected. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: No item with the given key and type has been found inside the given parent. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED: Failed to allocate memory. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: The given buffer was too small to receive the full data. See: WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly; make sure to use the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro. */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, WUPSStorageItemType type, void *data, uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t *outSize); /** * @brief Retrieve a string from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving strings. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the string is stored. * @param[out] outString A pointer to the buffer where the retrieved string will be stored. * @param maxSize The maximum size of the 'outString' buffer. * @param[out] outSize A pointer to a variable where the size of the retrieved string will be stored. Can be NULL. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetString(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, char *outString, uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t *outSize) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_STRING, outString, maxSize, outSize); } /** * @brief Retrieve a boolean value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving boolean values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetBool(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, bool *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_BOOL, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a int value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving int values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetInt(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, int32_t *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S32, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a signed 32-bit integer value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving signed 32-bit integer values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetS32(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, int32_t *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S32, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a signed 64-bit integer value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving signed 64-bit integer values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetS64(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, int64_t *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_S64, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a unsigned 32-bit integer value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving unsigned 32-bit integer values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetU32(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, uint32_t *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_U32, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a unsigned 64-bit integer value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving unsigned 64-bit integer values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetU64(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, uint64_t *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_U64, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a float value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving unsigned float values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetFloat(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, float *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_FLOAT, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve a unsigned double value from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving unsigned double values. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A pointer to the variable where the retrieved boolean value will be stored * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetDouble(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, double *outValue) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_DOUBLE, outValue, sizeof(*outValue), NULL); } /** * @brief Retrieve binary data from storage. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for retrieving binary data. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the string is stored. * @param[out] outData A pointer to the buffer where the retrieved data will be stored. * @param maxSize The maximum size of the 'outData' buffer. * @param[out] outSize A pointer to a variable where the size of the retrieved data will be stored. Can be NULL. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * Refer to WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem for possible error codes. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize */ inline WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetBinary(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, void *outData, uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t *outSize) { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem(parent, key, WUPS_STORAGE_ITEM_BINARY, outData, maxSize, outSize); } /** * @brief Get the size of binary or string data stored under a key in the provided storage item. * * This function retrieves the size of the data stored under the given key in the provided parent item. * The size is returned in the 'outSize' variable. * Only compatible with strings and binary data. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the data size is to be retrieved. * @param[out] outSize A pointer to a variable where the size of the stored data will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS: The size retrieval was successful. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: 'outSize' was NULL. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED: Failed to allocate memory * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_DATA_TYPE: "key" is refering to a non-string and non-binary item. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: No item with the given key has been found inside the given parent. * - WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED: The library is not initialized properly; make sure to use the WUPS_USE_STORAGE macro. */ WUPSStorageError WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize(wups_storage_item parent, const char *key, uint32_t *outSize); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #include #include #include #include #include #include class WUPSStorageSubItem; /** * @namespace WUPSStorageAPI * @brief C++ wrapper for the WUPS storage API. See the C-API for detailed information about the possible return values. */ namespace WUPSStorageAPI { /** * @brief Gets a string representation of the specified storage status. * @param err The storage error status. * @return A string describing the provided storage status. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetStatusStr */ std::string_view GetStatusStr(const WUPSStorageError &err) noexcept; /** * @brief Saves storage data. * @param forceSave If true, forces saving data even if there are no changes. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_SaveStorage */ WUPSStorageError SaveStorage(bool forceSave = false); /** * @brief Forces a reload of storage data. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_ForceReloadStorage */ WUPSStorageError ForceReloadStorage(); /** * @brief Wipes all storage data. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_WipeStorage */ WUPSStorageError WipeStorage(); /** * @brief Get the root item of the WUPS Storage. * * This function retrieves the root item as WUPSStorageSubItem. * * @return The root item of the WUPS Storage. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem */ WUPSStorageSubItem GetRootItem() noexcept; /** * @brief Deletes an item from the root of the storage. * @param key The key of the item to be deleted. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_DeleteItem */ WUPSStorageError DeleteItem(std::string_view key) noexcept; /** * @brief Creates a new sub-item in root of the storage with the given key. * * This function creates a new sub-item in root the storage with the specified key. * The function returns an optional that contains the created sub-item if the operation was successful, * or an empty optional if an error occurred. The error code is stored in the provided WUPSStorageError object. * * @param key The key for the new sub-item. * @param err The error code variable to store the result of the operation. * @return An optional that contains the created sub-item if the operation was successful, or an empty optional if an error occurred. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * @see WUPSStorageAPI_CreateSubItem * * @note Callers should check the value of the returned optional to determine if the operation was successful. * @note There is a variant of the CreateSubItem function which throws a std::runtime_error exception if an error occurs during sub-item creation. */ std::optional CreateSubItem(std::string_view key, WUPSStorageError &err) noexcept; /** * @brief Creates a subitem in the root of the storage. * * This function is used to create a subitem in the WUPSStorage. The subitem is associated with the specified key. * * @param key The key for the subitem. * * @throw std::runtime_error if an error occurs during the creation of the subitem. * * @return The created WUPSStorageSubItem object. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * @see WUPSStorageAPI_CreateSubItem * * @note This function has a non-throwing variation. In the event of an error during the creation of the subitem, * the non-throwing variation of this function will return a std::null_opt rather than throwing a std::runtime_error exception. */ WUPSStorageSubItem CreateSubItem(std::string_view key); /** * @brief Retrieves a sub-item from the root of the storage with the given key. * * This function retrieves a sub-item from the root the storage with the specified key. * The function returns an optional that contains the sub-item if the operation was successful, or an empty optional on error. * The error code is stored in the provided WUPSStorageError object. * * @param key The key for the new sub-item. * @param err The error code variable to store the result of the operation. * @return An optional that sub-item if the operation was successful, or an empty optional if the sub-item was not found. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetSubItem * * @note Callers should check the value of the returned optional to determine if the operation was successful. * @note There is a variant of the CreateSubItem function which throws a std::runtime_error exception on error. */ std::optional GetSubItem(std::string_view key, WUPSStorageError &err) noexcept; /** * @brief Retrieves a subitem in the root of the storage. * * This function is used to retrieve a subitem from the WUPSStorage by key. * * @param key The key of the subitem. * * @throw std::runtime_error if an error occurs during the retrieving of the subitem or a subitem with the given key was not found * * @return The WUPSStorageSubItem object if found * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetSubItem * * @note This function has a non-throwing variation. In the event of an error during the retrieving of the subitem, * the non-throwing variation of this function will return a std::null_opt rather than throwing a std::runtime_error exception. */ WUPSStorageSubItem GetSubItem(std::string_view key); /** * @brief Retrieves or creates a sub-item with the given key in the root of the storage.. (non-throwing) * * This function retrieves an existing sub-item with the specified key if it exists. * If the sub-item does not exist in the root of the storage, it creates a new sub-item with the given key. * * @param key The key of the sub-item to retrieve or create. * @param[out] err The error code variable to store the result of the operation on error. * * * @return An optional containing the retrieved or newly created sub-item. Returns std::nullopt on error and sets err. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * * @note There is a variant of the GetOrCreateSubItem function which throws a std::runtime_error exception if an error */ std::optional GetOrCreateSubItem(std::string_view key, WUPSStorageError &err) noexcept; /** * @brief Retrieves or creates a sub-item with the given key in the root of the storage. * * This function retrieves an existing sub-item with the specified key if it exists. * If the sub-item does not exist in the root of the storage, it creates a new sub-item with the given key. * * @param key The key of the sub-item to retrieve or create. * * @throw std::runtime_error if creating or retrieving the sub-item for the given key failed. * * @return Returns the retrieved or newly created sub-item, throws exception on error. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetOrCreateSubItem * @note This function has a non-throwing variation. This function will return a std::null_opt rather than throwing * a std::runtime_error exception on error. **/ WUPSStorageSubItem GetOrCreateSubItem(std::string_view key); /** * @brief Get the size of an item associated with the given key. * * This function retrieves the size of an item associated with the specified key * from the root of the storage. The item size is stored in the 'outSize' parameter. * * @param key The key of the item. * @param outSize The variable to store the size of the item. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success. * Returns an error code if an error occurs. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize */ WUPSStorageError GetItemSize(std::string_view key, uint32_t &outSize) noexcept; /** * @brief Retrieve a value from the storage. * * This function retrieves a value from the storage based on the given parent storage item and key. * The value is returned using the outValue parameter. * * @tparam T The type of the value to retrieve. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, T &outValue) noexcept; /** * @brief Retrieves a signed 32-bit integer value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `int32_t` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetS32 * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, int32_t &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetS32(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves a signed 64-bit integer value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `int64_t` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetS64 * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, int64_t &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetS64(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves an unsigned 32-bit integer value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `uint32_t` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetU32 * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, uint32_t &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetU32(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves an unsigned 64-bit integer value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `uint64_t` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetU64 * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, uint64_t &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetU64(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves a bool value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `bool` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetBool * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, bool &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetBool(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves a float value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `float` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetFloat * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, float &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetFloat(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves a double value from a storage item. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving `double` values from a storage item. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns `WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS` on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetFloat * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, double &outValue) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_GetDouble(parent, key.data(), &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves an enum value from storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `GetEx` for retrieving enum values from a storage item. * The enum must be of size sizeof(uint32_t). * * @tparam T The enum type. * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved enum value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError Returns WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @note This function assumes that the enum type is of size sizeof(uint32_t). * If the enum type does not comply with this requirement, a static_assert will be triggered. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetU32 * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, T &outValue) noexcept { static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint32_t) && std::is_enum::value, "T must be an enum of size sizeof(uint32_t)"); return WUPSStorageAPI_GetU32(parent, key.data(), (uint32_t *) &outValue); } /** * @brief Retrieves a vector of uint8_t from storage. * * This template specialization of the GetEx function retrieves a vector of uint8_t from the storage. * It first checks if the outValue vector is empty (size == 0). * If it is, it retrieves the size of the data and resizes the outValue vector to that size. Otherwise the existing vector (size) will the be used. * Then, it retrieves the binary data from the storage using the WUPSStorageAPI_GetBinary function. * If the retrieval is successful, the outValue vector is resized to the size of the retrieved data. * If the retrieval fails, the outValue vector is resized to 0. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the data is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the vector where the retrieved data will be stored. Will be resized to fit the data only if it's empty. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetBinary * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx>(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, std::vector &outValue) noexcept { uint32_t outSize = 0; if (outValue.empty()) { uint32_t resizeToSize = 0; auto r = WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize(parent, key.data(), &resizeToSize); if (r == WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { outValue.resize(resizeToSize); } else { return r; } } auto res = WUPSStorageAPI_GetBinary(parent, key.data(), outValue.data(), outValue.size(), &outSize); if (res == WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { outValue.resize(outSize); } else { outValue.resize(0); } return res; } /** * @brief Retrieves a string value from a storage item with the given key. * * If the input `outValue` is empty, the function first retrieves the size of the stored data using `WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize`. * If the retrieval is successful, the function resizes `outValue` to the retrieved size. * Then, it calls `WUPSStorageAPI_GetString` to retrieve the string from the storage item. * If the retrieval is successful, the function resizes `outValue` to remove the null terminator. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be `NULL` to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which the string is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to a `std::string` object where the retrieved string will be stored. Will be resized to fit the data only if it's empty. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetBinary * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetString */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError GetEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, std::string &outValue) noexcept { uint32_t outSize = 0; if (outValue.empty()) { uint32_t resizeToSize = 0; auto r = WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize(parent, key.data(), &resizeToSize); if (r == WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { outValue.resize(resizeToSize); } else { return r; } } auto res = WUPSStorageAPI_GetString(parent, key.data(), outValue.data(), outValue.size(), &outSize); if (res == WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { // outSize does count the null terminator as well, std::string's size() doesn't include a null terminator. outValue.resize(strlen(outValue.c_str())); } else { outValue.resize(0); } return res; } /** * @brief Retrieve a value from the storage using a key. * * This function retrieves a value from the storage based on the given key. The retrieved value is stored in the outValue parameter. * This function will always attempt find the key in the root of the storage. * * @tparam T The type of the value to retrieve. * * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem * @see GetEx */ template inline WUPSStorageError Get(std::string_view key, T &outValue) noexcept { return GetEx(nullptr, key.data(), outValue); } /** * @brief Store an item in the storage. * * This function stores an item of type T in the storage. Wrapper for WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem * * @tparam T The type of the value to store. * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem() */ template inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const T &value) noexcept; /** * @brief Stores a signed 32-bit integer value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `int32_t` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreS32 * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const int32_t &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreS32(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores a signed 64-bit integer value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `int64_t` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreS64 * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const int64_t &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreS64(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores an unsigned 32-bit integer value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `uint32_t` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU32 * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const uint32_t &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU32(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores an unsigned 64-bit integer value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `uint64_t` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU64 * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const uint64_t &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU64(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores a bool value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `bool` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreBool * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const bool &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreBool(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores a float value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `float` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreFloat * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const float &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreFloat(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores a float double in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `double` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreDouble * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const double &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreDouble(parent, key.data(), value); } /** * @brief Stores a std::vector in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `std::vector` data type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The std::vector to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreBinary * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx>(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const std::vector &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreBinary(parent, key.data(), value.data(), value.size()); } /** * @brief Stores a string value in the storage. * * This function is a specialization of the template function `StoreEx` for the `std::string` data type. * * This function stores a null-terminated string value in the storage under the specified key. * It is a template specialization of the StoreEx function for the string type. * * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the string. * @param value The string value to store. Must be null-terminated * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreString * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem */ template<> inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const std::string &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreString(parent, key.data(), value.c_str()); } /** * @brief Store an enum value in the storage. * * This function stores an enum value of type T in the storage. The enum must have a size of sizeof(uint32_t). * * @tparam T The enum type. * @param parent The parent storage item. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The enum value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * - Possible error codes: WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILED, * WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_DATA_TYPE, WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, * WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_IO_ERROR, * WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_NOT_INITIALIZED, * WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL_INVALID_VERSION, WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem() */ template inline WUPSStorageError StoreEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, const T &value) noexcept { static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint32_t) && std::is_enum::value, "T must be an enum of size sizeof(uint32_t)"); return WUPSStorageAPI_StoreU32(parent, key.data(), (uint32_t) value); } /** * @brief Stores a value with a given key in the storage. * * This function stores a value of type T in the storage under the specified key. * It is a wrapper around the `StoreEx` function, stores into the root item of the storage by default. * * @tparam T The type of the value to store. * @param key The key under which the value will be stored. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError The error code indicating the result of the operation. * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem() * @see WUPSStorageAPI::StoreEx() */ template inline WUPSStorageError Store(std::string_view key, const T &value) noexcept { return StoreEx(nullptr, key, value); } /** * @brief Retrieves the value associated with the specified key from a storage item. * If the key is not found, stores the default value in the storage item. * * @tparam T The type of the value to retrieve and store. * @param parent The storage item to retrieve and store the value from. Can be NULL to refer to the root of the storage * @param key The key associated with the value. * @param outValue [out] The output parameter to store the retrieved value. * @param defaultValue The default value to store if the key is not found. * @return The error code indicating the success or failure of the operation. * * @details This function retrieves the value associated with the specified key from the given storage item. * If the key is not found, the default value is stored in the storage item using the StoreEx function. * The retrieved or stored value is then assigned to the output parameter outValue. * The function returns an error code indicating the success or failure of the operation. * The possible error codes are defined in the WUPSStorageError enumeration. * If the retrieval and storage operations are successful, the error code will be WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS. * If there are any errors, such as invalid arguments, memory allocation failure, I/O errors, or unknown errors, * the error code will indicate the specific type of error occurred. * \see GetEx * \see StoreEx */ template inline WUPSStorageError GetOrStoreDefaultEx(wups_storage_item parent, std::string_view key, T &outValue, const T &defaultValue) noexcept { WUPSStorageError err = GetEx(parent, key, outValue); if (err == WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { err = StoreEx(parent, key, defaultValue); } return err; } /** * @brief Retrieves a value associated with the given key from storage, or stores a default value if the key does not exist. * * @tparam T The type of the value. * @param key The key of the value to retrieve or store. * @param outValue The variable to store the retrieved or stored value. * @param defaultValue The default value to store if the key does not exist. * @return WUPSStorageError An error code indicating the success or failure of the operation. * * This function retrieves a value associated with the given key from storage. If the key does not exist, * it stores the default value provided and returns WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS. If the storage API function * encounters an error, the corresponding error code is returned. * It is a wrapper around the `GetOrStoreDefaultEx` function, and stores into the root item of the storage by default. * * @note This function internally calls the GetEx and StoreEx functions of the storage API. */ template inline WUPSStorageError GetOrStoreDefault(const char *key, T &outValue, const T &defaultValue) noexcept { return GetOrStoreDefaultEx(nullptr, key, outValue, defaultValue); } } // namespace WUPSStorageAPI class WUPSStorageSubItem { public: explicit WUPSStorageSubItem(wups_storage_item handle) : mHandle(handle) { } virtual ~WUPSStorageSubItem() = default; bool operator==(const WUPSStorageSubItem &rhs) const; bool operator!=(const WUPSStorageSubItem &rhs) const; /** * @brief Store an item in the sub-item. * * This function stores an item of type T in the sub-item. Wrapper for WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem * * @tparam T The type of the value to store. * @param key The key under which to store the value. * @param value The value to store. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_StoreItem() */ template inline WUPSStorageError Store(std::string_view key, const T &value) noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI::StoreEx(mHandle, key, value); } /** * @brief Retrieve a value from this sub-item. * * This function retrieves a value from this sub-item based on the given key. * The value is returned using the outValue parameter. * * @tparam T The type of the value to retrieve. * * @param key The key under which the value is stored. * @param[out] outValue A reference to the variable where the retrieved value will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItem */ template inline WUPSStorageError Get(std::string_view key, T &value) const noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI::GetEx(mHandle, key, value); } /** * @brief Retrieves the value associated with the specified key from this sub-item. * If the key is not found, stores the default value in this sub-item. * * @tparam T The type of the value to retrieve and store. * * @param key The key associated with the value. * @param outValue [out] The output parameter to store the retrieved value. * @param defaultValue The default value to store if the key is not found. * @return The error code indicating the success or failure of the operation. * * @details This function retrieves the value associated with the specified key from this sub-item. * If the key is not found, the default value is stored in this sub-item using the StoreEx function. * The retrieved or stored value is then assigned to the output parameter outValue. * The function returns an error code indicating the success or failure of the operation. * The possible error codes are defined in the WUPSStorageError enumeration. * If the retrieval and storage operations are successful, the error code will be WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS. * If there are any errors, such as invalid arguments, memory allocation failure, I/O errors, or unknown errors, * the error code will indicate the specific type of error occurred. * \see WUPSStorageAPI::GetOrStoreDefaultEx */ template inline WUPSStorageError GetOrStoreDefault(std::string_view key, T &outValue, const T &defaultValue) const noexcept { return WUPSStorageAPI::GetOrStoreDefaultEx(mHandle, key.data(), outValue, defaultValue); } /** * @brief Deletes an item from this sub-item * @param key The key of the item to be deleted. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * \see WUPSStorageAPI_DeleteItem */ WUPSStorageError DeleteItem(std::string_view key) noexcept; /** * @brief Get the size of binary or string data stored under a key in this sub-item * * This function retrieves the size of the data stored under the given key in this sub-item * The size is returned in the 'outSize' variable. * Only compatible with strings and binary data. * * @param key The key under which the data size is to be retrieved. * @param[out] outSize A reference to a variable where the size of the stored data will be stored. * @return WUPSStorageError WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an appropriate error code. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetItemSize() */ WUPSStorageError GetItemSize(std::string_view key, uint32_t &outSize) noexcept; /** * @brief Create a sub-item in this sub-item. (non-throwing) * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI_CreateSubItem for creating a sub-item in this sub-item * @param key The key of the sub item which should be created * @param err The error code variable to store the result of the operation on error. * @return An optional containing the created sub-item or std::nullopt on error * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_CreateSubItem * @note There is a variant of the CreateSubItem function which throws a std::runtime_error exception if an error occurs during sub-item creation. */ std::optional CreateSubItem(std::string_view key, WUPSStorageError &err) noexcept; /** * @brief Creates a sub-item in this sub-item * * This function is used to create a sub-item in this sub-item * * @param key The key for the sub-item. * * @throw std::runtime_error if an error occurs during the creation of the sub-item. * * @return The created WUPSStorageSubItem object. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * * @note This function has a non-throwing variation. In the event of an error during the creation of the sub-item, * the non-throwing variation of this function will return a std::null_opt rather than throwing a std::runtime_error exception. */ [[nodiscard]] WUPSStorageSubItem CreateSubItem(std::string_view key); /** * @brief Retrieve a sub-item of this sub-item. (non-throwing) * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI::GetSubItem for retrieving a sub-item of this sub-item * * @param key The key of the sub item which should be retrieved * @param err The error code variable to store the result of the operation on error. * * @return An optional containing the retrieved sub-item or std::nullopt on error. Returns std::nullopt on error and sets err. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetSubItem * @note There is a variant of the GetSubItem function which throws a std::runtime_error exception if an error occurs while * retrieving a sub-item **/ std::optional GetSubItem(std::string_view key, WUPSStorageError &err) const noexcept; /** * @brief Retrieve a sub-item of this sub-item. * * This function is a convenience wrapper around WUPSStorageAPI::GetSubItem for retrieving a sub-item of this sub-item * * @param key The key of the sub item which should be retrieved * * @throw std::runtime_error if no sub-item with the given key was found. * * @return An optional containing the retrieved sub-item or std::nullopt on error. Returns std::nullopt on error and sets err. * * @see WUPSStorageAPI_GetSubItem * * @note This function has a non-throwing variation. This function will return a std::null_opt rather than throwing * a std::runtime_error exception when sub-item for a given key was not found. **/ [[nodiscard]] WUPSStorageSubItem GetSubItem(std::string_view key) const; /** * @brief Retrieves or creates a sub-item with the given key in this sub-item. (non-throwing) * * This function retrieves an existing sub-item with the specified key if it exists. * If the sub-item does not exist, it creates a new sub-item with the given key. * * @param key The key of the sub-item to retrieve or create. * @param[out] err The error code variable to store the result of the operation on error. * * @return An optional containing the retrieved or newly created sub-item. Returns std::nullopt on error and sets err. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * * @note There is a variant of the GetOrCreateSubItem function which throws a std::runtime_error exception if an error */ std::optional GetOrCreateSubItem(std::string_view key, WUPSStorageError &err) noexcept; /** * @brief Retrieves or creates a sub-item with the given key in this sub-item. * * This function retrieves an existing sub-item with the specified key if it exists. * If the sub-item does not exist, it creates a new sub-item with the given key. * * @param key The key of the sub-item to retrieve or create. * * @throw std::runtime_error if creating or retrieving the sub-item for the given key failed. * * @return Returns the retrieved or newly created sub-item, throws exception on error. * * @see WUPSStorageSubItem * * @note This function has a non-throwing variation. This function will return a std::null_opt rather than throwing * a std::runtime_error exception on error. **/ [[nodiscard]] WUPSStorageSubItem GetOrCreateSubItem(std::string_view key); private: wups_storage_item mHandle = {}; }; #endif