# Compiling the projects with libutils logging code? DO_LOGGING := 1 # Non WUT plugins need to wrap the malloc functions. WRAP_MALLOC := 1 # Sets the "-D__WUT__" compiling flag USE_WUT := 0 # Target filename TARGET := $(notdir $(CURDIR)).mod # Source directories SOURCES := src # Data directories DATA := # Include directories INCLUDES := src #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # options for code generation and linking #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extra C compiler flags CFLAGS := # Extra C++ compiler flags CXXFLAGS := # Extra linking flags for all linking steps LD_FLAGS := # extra linking flags for linking the temporarily elf file (using ld) LD_FLAGS_ELF := # extra linking flags for linking the final mod file (using gcc/g++) LD_FLAGS_MOD := #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing # include and lib #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBDIRS := $(WUPSDIR) $(PORTLIBS) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # any extra libraries we wish to link with the project #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBS := -lwups -lutils -ldynamiclibs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Will be added to the final lib paths # example: # -L$C:/library1/lib #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL_LIBPATHS := #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Will be added to the final include paths # -IC:/library1/include #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL_INCLUDE := -I$(PORTLIBS)/include/libutils