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Storage test plugin

This plugin implements several tests of StorageAPI. Results are be printed to the OSConsole (USBSerialLoggingModule)


([ENVIRONMENT] is a placeholder for the actual environment name.)

  1. Requires the WiiUPluginLoaderBackend in sd:/wiiu/environments/[ENVIRONMENT]/modules.

It's recommended to wiiload this plugin whenever you want to run the test.

This plugin uses Catch2 to run tests.


For building you need:

Install them (in this order) according to their README's. Don't forget the dependencies of the libs itself.

Then you should be able to compile via make (with no logging) or make DEBUG=1 (with logging).



Building via make only logs errors (via OSReport). To enable logging via the LoggingModule set DEBUG to 1 or VERBOSE.

make Logs errors only (via OSReport).
make DEBUG=1 Enables information and error logging via LoggingModule.
make DEBUG=VERBOSE Enables verbose information and error logging via LoggingModule.

If the LoggingModule isn't present, it will fall back to UDP (port 4405) and CafeOS logging.

Building using the Dockerfile

It's possible to use a docker image for building. This way you don't need anything installed on your host system.

# Build docker image (only needed once)
docker build . -t storage-test-plugin-builder

# make 
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/project storage-test-plugin-builder make DEBUG=1

# make clean
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/project storage-test-plugin-builder make clean

Format the code via docker

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src ghcr.io/wiiu-env/clang-format:13.0.0-2 -r ./src --exclude ./src/catch2 -i