What is the Wii U Plugin System?
The Wii U Plugin System is a library to create plugins for the WiiUPluginLoaderBackend. See the repository of the Backend for more information.
How create plugins
See the example plugin for more information about creating a plugin.
Compile and install the WUPS lib
For building you need:
Install them (in this order) according to their README's. Don't forget the dependencies of the libs itself.
Then you can compile and install this lib via make install
Use this lib in Dockerfiles.
A prebuilt version of this lib can found on dockerhub. To use it for your projects, add this to your Dockerfile.
COPY --from=ghcr.io/wiiu-env/wiiupluginsystem:[tag] /artifacts $DEVKITPRO
Replace [tag] with a tag you want to use, a list of tags can be found here.
It's highly recommended to pin the version to the latest date instead of using latest
Format the code via docker
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src ghcr.io/wiiu-env/clang-format:13.0.0-2 -r ./include ./libraries ./plugins/example_plugin/src ./plugins/example_plugin_cpp/src ./plugins/storage_test_plugin/src --exclude ./plugins/storage_test_plugin/src/catch2 -i