# YAWM ModMii Edition Yet Another Wad Manager ModMii Edition (yawmME) is based on Some-YAWMM-Mod, which is based on YAWMM, which is based on WAD Manager, modded up by various people. **Changes since Some YAWMM Mod:** - Can now also launch apps (both dols and elfs). - Priiloader can be retained when installing a new System Menu. - Temporarily disable region checks/protection by entering the Konami code instead A when selecting a device, allowing installation of WADs to permit region changing. - Improved region detection to allow those with custom system menu versions installed to install a different system menu without requiring the Konami code. - System information added to device selection screen (i.e. loaded IOS, System Menu, Region, AHB access & Priiloader installed). - The device select screen will now only let you choose between available devices. - Added an option to remount the source devices to the device selection menu. - Counter added to onscreen progress (i.e. Processing WAD: X/X) - Power and reset buttons are now inactive when installing WADs. - Fixed some ticket handling that was preventing a stock IOS from installing other stock IOSs with version numbers equal to or greater than those already installed. - Pressing 1 on a folder no longer gives to option to "delete a wad". - Improved error handling\codes and messaging. - Updated name and graphics. - yawmME is brought to you by OverjoY, blackb0x, scooby74029, Peter0x44 and XFlak; graphics by AuroraNemoia. For more info on Some YAWMM Mod, check its readme below. ### Some YAWMM Mod Based on YAWMM which itself is based on WAD Manager, modded up by various people. **Changes from the last YAWMM googlecode version:** - Updated to be compiled in the latest devkitppc, libogc versions - Added on-the-fly IOS patches when AHBPROT is disabled, so no cIOS is required in those cases - Support for classic controller, wiiu pro controller (on both wii and vwii) and wiiu gamepad (in wii vc mode) - Small corrections in how the root path is selected (having no "wad" folder now correctly displays on device root) For more info on YAWMM itself, check its [original readme](README_YAWMM.txt).