#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sys.h" #include "gui.h" #include "menu.h" #include "restart.h" #include "sys.h" #include "video.h" #include "wpad.h" #include "fat.h" #include "nand.h" #include "globals.h" #include "iospatch.h" #include "fileops.h" // Globals CONFIG gConfig; // Prototypes extern void __exception_setreload(int t); extern u32 WaitButtons (void); void CheckPassword (void); void SetDefaultConfig (void); int ReadConfigFile (char *configFilePath); int GetIntParam (char *inputStr); int GetStartupPath (char *startupPath, char *inputStr); int GetStringParam (char *outParam, char *inputStr, int maxChars); int LaunchApp(const char* path, bool external); // Default password Up-Down-Left-Right-Up-Down //#define PASSWORD "UDLRUD" void CheckPassword (void) { char curPassword [11]; // Max 10 characters password, NULL terminated int count = 0; if (strlen (gConfig.password) == 0) return; // Ask user for a password. Press "B" to restart Wii printf("[+] [Enter Password to Continue]:\n\n"); printf(">> Press A to continue.\n"); printf(">> Press B button to restart your Wii.\n"); /* Wait for user answer */ for (;;) { u32 buttons = WaitButtons(); if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_A) { // A button, validate the pw curPassword [count] = 0; //if (strcmp (curPassword, PASSWORD) == 0) if (strcmp (curPassword, gConfig.password) == 0) { printf(">> Password Accepted...\n"); break; } else { printf ("\n"); printf(">> Incorrect Password. Try again...\n"); printf("[+] [Enter Password to Continue]:\n\n"); printf(">> Press A to continue.\n"); printf(">> Press B button to restart your Wii.\n"); count = 0; } } else if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_B) // B button, restart Restart(); else { if (count < 10) { // Other buttons, build the password if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_LEFT) { curPassword [count++] = 'L'; printf ("*"); } else if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) { curPassword [count++] = 'R'; printf ("*"); } else if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_UP) { curPassword [count++] = 'U'; printf ("*"); } else if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { curPassword [count++] = 'D'; printf ("*"); } else if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_1) { curPassword [count++] = '1'; printf ("*"); } else if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_2) { curPassword [count++] = '2'; printf ("*"); } } } } } void Disclaimer(void) { /* Print disclaimer */ printf("[+] [DISCLAIMER]:\n\n"); printf(" THIS APPLICATION COMES WITH NO WARRANTY AT ALL,\n"); printf(" NEITHER EXPRESS NOR IMPLIED.\n"); printf(" I DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE IN YOUR\n"); printf(" WII CONSOLE BECAUSE OF A IMPROPER USAGE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\n\n"); printf(">> If you agree, press A button to continue.\n"); printf(">> Otherwise, press B button to restart your Wii.\n"); /* Wait for user answer */ for (;;) { //u32 buttons = Wpad_WaitButtons(); u32 buttons = WaitButtons(); /* A button */ if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_A) break; /* B button */ if (buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_B) Restart(); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { __exception_setreload(10); ES_GetBoot2Version(&boot2version); if(!AHBPROT_DISABLED) { if(boot2version < 5) { if(!loadIOS(202)) if(!loadIOS(222)) if(!loadIOS(223)) if(!loadIOS(224)) if(!loadIOS(249)) loadIOS(36); }else{ if(!loadIOS(249)) loadIOS(36); } } /* Initialize subsystems */ Sys_Init(); /* Set video mode */ Video_SetMode(); FatMount(); /* Initialize console */ Gui_InitConsole(); /* Draw background */ Gui_DrawBackground(); /* Initialize Wiimote and GC Controller */ Wpad_Init(); PAD_Init(); WiiDRC_Init(); WIILIGHT_Init(); /* Print disclaimer */ //Disclaimer(); // Set the defaults SetDefaultConfig (); // Read the config file ReadConfigFile(WM_CONFIG_FILE_PATH); // Check password CheckPassword(); /* Menu loop */ Menu_Loop(); FatUnmount(); /* Restart Wii */ Restart_Wait(); return 0; } int ReadConfigFile(char* configFilePath) { int retval = 0; FILE* fptr; char* tmpStr = malloc(MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN); char tmpOutStr[40], path[128]; s32 i; s32 ret = -1; bool found = false; if (tmpStr == NULL) return (-1); for (i = 0; i < FatGetDeviceCount(); i++) { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", FatGetDevicePrefix(i), configFilePath); if (FSOPFileExists(path)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { printf(" ERROR! (ret = %d)\n", ret); // goto err; retval = -1; } else { // Read the file fptr = fopen (path, "rb"); if (fptr != NULL) { // Read the options char done = 0; while (!done) { if (fgets (tmpStr, MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN, fptr) == NULL) done = 1; else if (isalpha((int)tmpStr[0])) { // Get the password if (strncmp (tmpStr, "Password", 8) == 0) { // Get password // GetPassword (gConfig.password, tmpStr); GetStringParam (gConfig.password, tmpStr, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); // If password is too long, ignore it if (strlen (gConfig.password) > 10) { gConfig.password [0] = 0; printf ("Password longer than 10 characters; will be ignored. Press a button...\n"); WaitButtons (); } } // Get startup path else if (strncmp (tmpStr, "StartupPath", 11) == 0) { // Get startup Path GetStartupPath (gConfig.startupPath, tmpStr); } // cIOS else if (strncmp (tmpStr, "cIOSVersion", 11) == 0) { // Get cIOSVersion gConfig.cIOSVersion = (u8)GetIntParam (tmpStr); } // FatDevice else if (strncmp (tmpStr, "FatDevice", 9) == 0) { // Get fatDevice GetStringParam (tmpOutStr, tmpStr, MAX_FAT_DEVICE_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (strncmp(FatGetDevicePrefix(i), tmpOutStr, 4) == 0) { gConfig.fatDeviceIndex = i; } } } // NandDevice else if (strncmp (tmpStr, "NANDDevice", 10) == 0) { // Get fatDevice GetStringParam (tmpOutStr, tmpStr, MAX_NAND_DEVICE_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (strncmp (ndevList[i].name, tmpOutStr, 2) == 0) { gConfig.nandDeviceIndex = i; } } } } } // EndWhile // Close the config file fclose (fptr); } else { // If the wm_config.txt file is not found, just take the default config params //printf ("Config file is not found\n"); // This is for testing only //WaitButtons(); } //Fat_Unmount(fdev); } // Free memory free(tmpStr); return (retval); } // ReadConfig void SetDefaultConfig (void) { // Default password is NULL or no password gConfig.password [0] = 0; // Default startup folder strcpy (gConfig.startupPath, WAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY); gConfig.cIOSVersion = CIOS_VERSION_INVALID; // Means that user has to select later gConfig.fatDeviceIndex = FAT_DEVICE_INDEX_INVALID; // Means that user has to select gConfig.nandDeviceIndex = NAND_DEVICE_INDEX_INVALID; // Means that user has to select } // SetDefaultConfig int GetStartupPath (char *startupPath, char *inputStr) { int i = 0; int len = strlen (inputStr); // Find the "=" while ((inputStr [i] != '=') && (i < len)) { i++; } i++; // Get to the "/" while ((inputStr [i] != '/') && (i < len)) { i++; } // Get the startup Path int count = 0; while (isascii(inputStr [i]) && (i < len) && (inputStr [i] != '\n') && (inputStr [i] != '\r') && (inputStr [i] != ' ')) { startupPath [count++] = inputStr [i++]; } startupPath [count] = 0; // NULL terminate return (0); } // GetStartupPath int GetIntParam (char *inputStr) { int retval = 0; int i = 0; int len = strlen (inputStr); char outParam [40]; // Find the "=" while ((inputStr [i] != '=') && (i < len)) { i++; } i++; // Get to the first alpha numeric character while ((isdigit((int)inputStr[i]) == 0) && (i < len)) { i++; } // Get the string param int outCount = 0; while ((isdigit((int)inputStr[i])) && (i < len) && (outCount < 40)) { outParam [outCount++] = inputStr [i++]; } outParam [outCount] = 0; // NULL terminate retval = atoi (outParam); return (retval); } // GetIntParam int GetStringParam (char *outParam, char *inputStr, int maxChars) { int i = 0; int len = strlen (inputStr); // Find the "=" while ((inputStr [i] != '=') && (i < len)) { i++; } i++; // Get to the first alpha character while ((isalpha((int)inputStr[i]) == 0) && (i < len)) { i++; } // Get the string param int outCount = 0; while ((isalnum((int)inputStr[i])) && (i < len) && (outCount < maxChars)) { outParam [outCount++] = inputStr [i++]; } outParam [outCount] = 0; // NULL terminate return (0); } // GetStringParam