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// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Julian "Jibb" Smart
// Released under the MIT license. See https://github.com/JibbSmart/GamepadMotionHelpers/blob/main/LICENSE for more info
// Version 9
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm> // std::min, std::max and std::clamp
// You don't need to look at these. These will just be used internally by the GamepadMotion class declared below.
// You can ignore anything in namespace GamepadMotionHelpers.
class GamepadMotionSettings;
class GamepadMotion;
namespace GamepadMotionHelpers
struct GyroCalibration
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
float AccelMagnitude;
int NumSamples;
struct Quat
float w;
float x;
float y;
float z;
Quat(float inW, float inX, float inY, float inZ);
void Set(float inW, float inX, float inY, float inZ);
Quat& operator*=(const Quat& rhs);
friend Quat operator*(Quat lhs, const Quat& rhs);
void Normalize();
Quat Normalized() const;
void Invert();
Quat Inverse() const;
struct Vec
float x;
float y;
float z;
Vec(float inValue);
Vec(float inX, float inY, float inZ);
void Set(float inX, float inY, float inZ);
float Length() const;
float LengthSquared() const;
void Normalize();
Vec Normalized() const;
float Dot(const Vec& other) const;
Vec Cross(const Vec& other) const;
Vec Min(const Vec& other) const;
Vec Max(const Vec& other) const;
Vec Abs() const;
Vec Lerp(const Vec& other, float factor) const;
Vec Lerp(const Vec& other, const Vec& factor) const;
Vec& operator+=(const Vec& rhs);
friend Vec operator+(Vec lhs, const Vec& rhs);
Vec& operator-=(const Vec& rhs);
friend Vec operator-(Vec lhs, const Vec& rhs);
Vec& operator*=(const float rhs);
friend Vec operator*(Vec lhs, const float rhs);
Vec& operator/=(const float rhs);
friend Vec operator/(Vec lhs, const float rhs);
Vec& operator*=(const Quat& rhs);
friend Vec operator*(Vec lhs, const Quat& rhs);
Vec operator-() const;
struct SensorMinMaxWindow
Vec MinGyro;
Vec MaxGyro;
Vec MeanGyro;
Vec MinAccel;
Vec MaxAccel;
Vec MeanAccel;
Vec StartAccel;
int NumSamples = 0;
float TimeSampled = 0.f;
void Reset(float remainder);
void AddSample(const Vec& inGyro, const Vec& inAccel, float deltaTime);
Vec GetMidGyro();
struct AutoCalibration
SensorMinMaxWindow MinMaxWindow;
Vec SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro;
Vec SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel;
Vec SmoothedPreviousAccel;
Vec PreviousAccel;
void Reset();
bool AddSampleStillness(const Vec& inGyro, const Vec& inAccel, float deltaTime, bool doSensorFusion);
void NoSampleStillness();
bool AddSampleSensorFusion(const Vec& inGyro, const Vec& inAccel, float deltaTime);
void NoSampleSensorFusion();
void SetCalibrationData(GyroCalibration* calibrationData);
void SetSettings(GamepadMotionSettings* settings);
float Confidence = 0.f;
bool IsSteady() { return bIsSteady; }
Vec MinDeltaGyro = Vec(1.f);
Vec MinDeltaAccel = Vec(0.25f);
float RecalibrateThreshold = 1.f;
float SensorFusionSkippedTime = 0.f;
float TimeSteadySensorFusion = 0.f;
float TimeSteadyStillness = 0.f;
bool bIsSteady = false;
GyroCalibration* CalibrationData;
GamepadMotionSettings* Settings;
struct Motion
Quat Quaternion;
Vec Accel;
Vec Grav;
Vec SmoothAccel = Vec();
float Shakiness = 0.f;
const float ShortSteadinessHalfTime = 0.25f;
const float LongSteadinessHalfTime = 1.f;
void Reset();
void Update(float inGyroX, float inGyroY, float inGyroZ, float inAccelX, float inAccelY, float inAccelZ, float gravityLength, float deltaTime);
void SetSettings(GamepadMotionSettings* settings);
GamepadMotionSettings* Settings;
enum CalibrationMode
Manual = 0,
Stillness = 1,
SensorFusion = 2,
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/1448478/1130520
inline CalibrationMode operator|(CalibrationMode a, CalibrationMode b)
return static_cast<CalibrationMode>(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));
inline CalibrationMode operator&(CalibrationMode a, CalibrationMode b)
return static_cast<CalibrationMode>(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));
inline CalibrationMode operator~(CalibrationMode a)
return static_cast<CalibrationMode>(~static_cast<int>(a));
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/23152590/1130520
inline CalibrationMode& operator|=(CalibrationMode& a, CalibrationMode b)
return (CalibrationMode&)((int&)(a) |= static_cast<int>(b));
inline CalibrationMode& operator&=(CalibrationMode& a, CalibrationMode b)
return (CalibrationMode&)((int&)(a) &= static_cast<int>(b));
// Note that I'm using a Y-up coordinate system. This is to follow the convention set by the motion sensors in
// PlayStation controllers, which was what I was using when writing in this. But for the record, Z-up is
// better for most games (XY ground-plane in 3D games simplifies using 2D vectors in navigation, for example).
// Gyro units should be degrees per second. Accelerometer should be g-force (approx. 9.8 m/s^2 = 1 g). If you're using
// radians per second, meters per second squared, etc, conversion should be simple.
class GamepadMotionSettings
int MinStillnessSamples = 10;
float MinStillnessCollectionTime = 0.5f;
float MinStillnessCorrectionTime = 2.f;
float MaxStillnessError = 2.f;
float StillnessSampleDeteriorationRate = 0.2f;
float StillnessErrorClimbRate = 0.1f;
float StillnessErrorDropOnRecalibrate = 0.1f;
float StillnessCalibrationEaseInTime = 3.f;
float StillnessCalibrationHalfTime = 0.1f;
float StillnessConfidenceRate = 1.f;
float StillnessGyroDelta = -1.f;
float StillnessAccelDelta = -1.f;
float SensorFusionCalibrationSmoothingStrength = 2.f;
float SensorFusionAngularAccelerationThreshold = 20.f;
float SensorFusionCalibrationEaseInTime = 3.f;
float SensorFusionCalibrationHalfTime = 0.1f;
float SensorFusionConfidenceRate = 1.f;
float GravityCorrectionShakinessMaxThreshold = 0.4f;
float GravityCorrectionShakinessMinThreshold = 0.01f;
float GravityCorrectionStillSpeed = 1.f;
float GravityCorrectionShakySpeed = 0.1f;
float GravityCorrectionGyroFactor = 0.1f;
float GravityCorrectionGyroMinThreshold = 0.05f;
float GravityCorrectionGyroMaxThreshold = 0.25f;
float GravityCorrectionMinimumSpeed = 0.01f;
class GamepadMotion
void Reset();
void ProcessMotion(float gyroX, float gyroY, float gyroZ,
float accelX, float accelY, float accelZ, float deltaTime);
// reading the current state
void GetCalibratedGyro(float& x, float& y, float& z);
void GetGravity(float& x, float& y, float& z);
void GetProcessedAcceleration(float& x, float& y, float& z);
void GetOrientation(float& w, float& x, float& y, float& z);
void GetPlayerSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float yawRelaxFactor = 1.41f);
static void CalculatePlayerSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float gyroX, const float gyroY, const float gyroZ, const float gravX, const float gravY, const float gravZ, const float yawRelaxFactor = 1.41f);
void GetWorldSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float sideReductionThreshold = 0.125f);
static void CalculateWorldSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float gyroX, const float gyroY, const float gyroZ, const float gravX, const float gravY, const float gravZ, const float sideReductionThreshold = 0.125f);
// gyro calibration functions
void StartContinuousCalibration();
void PauseContinuousCalibration();
void ResetContinuousCalibration();
void GetCalibrationOffset(float& xOffset, float& yOffset, float& zOffset);
void SetCalibrationOffset(float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, int weight);
float GetAutoCalibrationConfidence();
void SetAutoCalibrationConfidence(float newConfidence);
bool GetAutoCalibrationIsSteady();
GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode GetCalibrationMode();
void SetCalibrationMode(GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode calibrationMode);
void ResetMotion();
GamepadMotionSettings Settings;
GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec Gyro;
GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec RawAccel;
GamepadMotionHelpers::Motion Motion;
GamepadMotionHelpers::GyroCalibration GyroCalibration;
GamepadMotionHelpers::AutoCalibration AutoCalibration;
GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode CurrentCalibrationMode;
bool IsCalibrating;
void PushSensorSamples(float gyroX, float gyroY, float gyroZ, float accelMagnitude);
void GetCalibratedSensor(float& gyroOffsetX, float& gyroOffsetY, float& gyroOffsetZ, float& accelMagnitude);
///////////// Everything below here are just implementation details /////////////
namespace GamepadMotionHelpers
inline Quat::Quat()
w = 1.0f;
x = 0.0f;
y = 0.0f;
z = 0.0f;
inline Quat::Quat(float inW, float inX, float inY, float inZ)
w = inW;
x = inX;
y = inY;
z = inZ;
inline static Quat AngleAxis(float inAngle, float inX, float inY, float inZ)
const float sinHalfAngle = sinf(inAngle * 0.5f);
Vec inAxis = Vec(inX, inY, inZ);
inAxis *= sinHalfAngle;
Quat result = Quat(cosf(inAngle * 0.5f), inAxis.x, inAxis.y, inAxis.z);
return result;
inline void Quat::Set(float inW, float inX, float inY, float inZ)
w = inW;
x = inX;
y = inY;
z = inZ;
inline Quat& Quat::operator*=(const Quat& rhs)
Set(w * rhs.w - x * rhs.x - y * rhs.y - z * rhs.z,
w * rhs.x + x * rhs.w + y * rhs.z - z * rhs.y,
w * rhs.y - x * rhs.z + y * rhs.w + z * rhs.x,
w * rhs.z + x * rhs.y - y * rhs.x + z * rhs.w);
return *this;
inline Quat operator*(Quat lhs, const Quat& rhs)
lhs *= rhs;
return lhs;
inline void Quat::Normalize()
const float length = sqrtf(w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z);
const float fixFactor = 1.0f / length;
w *= fixFactor;
x *= fixFactor;
y *= fixFactor;
z *= fixFactor;
inline Quat Quat::Normalized() const
Quat result = *this;
return result;
inline void Quat::Invert()
x = -x;
y = -y;
z = -z;
inline Quat Quat::Inverse() const
Quat result = *this;
return result;
inline Vec::Vec()
x = 0.0f;
y = 0.0f;
z = 0.0f;
inline Vec::Vec(float inValue)
x = inValue;
y = inValue;
z = inValue;
inline Vec::Vec(float inX, float inY, float inZ)
x = inX;
y = inY;
z = inZ;
inline void Vec::Set(float inX, float inY, float inZ)
x = inX;
y = inY;
z = inZ;
inline float Vec::Length() const
return sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z);
inline float Vec::LengthSquared() const
return x * x + y * y + z * z;
inline void Vec::Normalize()
const float length = Length();
if (length == 0.0)
const float fixFactor = 1.0f / length;
x *= fixFactor;
y *= fixFactor;
z *= fixFactor;
inline Vec Vec::Normalized() const
Vec result = *this;
return result;
inline Vec& Vec::operator+=(const Vec& rhs)
Set(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z);
return *this;
inline Vec operator+(Vec lhs, const Vec& rhs)
lhs += rhs;
return lhs;
inline Vec& Vec::operator-=(const Vec& rhs)
Set(x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z);
return *this;
inline Vec operator-(Vec lhs, const Vec& rhs)
lhs -= rhs;
return lhs;
inline Vec& Vec::operator*=(const float rhs)
Set(x * rhs, y * rhs, z * rhs);
return *this;
inline Vec operator*(Vec lhs, const float rhs)
lhs *= rhs;
return lhs;
inline Vec& Vec::operator/=(const float rhs)
Set(x / rhs, y / rhs, z / rhs);
return *this;
inline Vec operator/(Vec lhs, const float rhs)
lhs /= rhs;
return lhs;
inline Vec& Vec::operator*=(const Quat& rhs)
Quat temp = rhs * Quat(0.0f, x, y, z) * rhs.Inverse();
Set(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z);
return *this;
inline Vec operator*(Vec lhs, const Quat& rhs)
lhs *= rhs;
return lhs;
inline Vec Vec::operator-() const
Vec result = Vec(-x, -y, -z);
return result;
inline float Vec::Dot(const Vec& other) const
return x * other.x + y * other.y + z * other.z;
inline Vec Vec::Cross(const Vec& other) const
return Vec(y * other.z - z * other.y,
z * other.x - x * other.z,
x * other.y - y * other.x);
inline Vec Vec::Min(const Vec& other) const
return Vec(x < other.x ? x : other.x,
y < other.y ? y : other.y,
z < other.z ? z : other.z);
inline Vec Vec::Max(const Vec& other) const
return Vec(x > other.x ? x : other.x,
y > other.y ? y : other.y,
z > other.z ? z : other.z);
inline Vec Vec::Abs() const
return Vec(x > 0 ? x : -x,
y > 0 ? y : -y,
z > 0 ? z : -z);
inline Vec Vec::Lerp(const Vec& other, float factor) const
return *this + (other - *this) * factor;
inline Vec Vec::Lerp(const Vec& other, const Vec& factor) const
return Vec(this->x + (other.x - this->x) * factor.x,
this->y + (other.y - this->y) * factor.y,
this->z + (other.z - this->z) * factor.z);
inline Motion::Motion()
inline void Motion::Reset()
Quaternion.Set(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
Accel.Set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
Grav.Set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
SmoothAccel.Set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
Shakiness = 0.f;
/// <summary>
/// The gyro inputs should be calibrated degrees per second but have no other processing. Acceleration is in G units (1 = approx. 9.8m/s^2)
/// </summary>
inline void Motion::Update(float inGyroX, float inGyroY, float inGyroZ, float inAccelX, float inAccelY, float inAccelZ, float gravityLength, float deltaTime)
if (!Settings)
// get settings
const float gravityCorrectionShakinessMinThreshold = Settings->GravityCorrectionShakinessMinThreshold;
const float gravityCorrectionShakinessMaxThreshold = Settings->GravityCorrectionShakinessMaxThreshold;
const float gravityCorrectionStillSpeed = Settings->GravityCorrectionStillSpeed;
const float gravityCorrectionShakySpeed = Settings->GravityCorrectionShakySpeed;
const float gravityCorrectionGyroFactor = Settings->GravityCorrectionGyroFactor;
const float gravityCorrectionGyroMinThreshold = Settings->GravityCorrectionGyroMinThreshold;
const float gravityCorrectionGyroMaxThreshold = Settings->GravityCorrectionGyroMaxThreshold;
const float gravityCorrectionMinimumSpeed = Settings->GravityCorrectionMinimumSpeed;
const Vec axis = Vec(inGyroX, inGyroY, inGyroZ);
const Vec accel = Vec(inAccelX, inAccelY, inAccelZ);
const float angleSpeed = axis.Length() * (float)M_PI / 180.0f;
const float angle = angleSpeed * deltaTime;
// rotate
Quat rotation = AngleAxis(angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
Quaternion *= rotation; // do it this way because it's a local rotation, not global
//printf("Quat: %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",
// Quaternion.w, Quaternion.x, Quaternion.y, Quaternion.z);
float accelMagnitude = accel.Length();
if (accelMagnitude > 0.0f)
const Vec accelNorm = accel / accelMagnitude;
// account for rotation when tracking smoothed acceleration
SmoothAccel *= rotation.Inverse();
//printf("Absolute Accel: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",
// absoluteAccel.x, absoluteAccel.y, absoluteAccel.z);
const float smoothFactor = ShortSteadinessHalfTime <= 0.f ? 0.f : exp2f(-deltaTime / ShortSteadinessHalfTime);
Shakiness *= smoothFactor;
Shakiness = std::max(Shakiness, (accel - SmoothAccel).Length());
SmoothAccel = accel.Lerp(SmoothAccel, smoothFactor);
//printf("Shakiness: %.4f\n", Shakiness);
// update grav by rotation
Grav *= rotation.Inverse();
// we want to close the gap between grav and raw acceleration. What's the difference
const Vec gravToAccel = (accelNorm * -gravityLength) - Grav;
const Vec gravToAccelDir = gravToAccel.Normalized();
// adjustment rate
float gravCorrectionSpeed;
if (gravityCorrectionShakinessMinThreshold < gravityCorrectionShakinessMaxThreshold)
gravCorrectionSpeed = gravityCorrectionStillSpeed + (gravityCorrectionShakySpeed - gravityCorrectionStillSpeed) * std::clamp((Shakiness - gravityCorrectionShakinessMinThreshold) / (gravityCorrectionShakinessMaxThreshold - gravityCorrectionShakinessMinThreshold), 0.f, 1.f);
gravCorrectionSpeed = Shakiness < gravityCorrectionShakinessMaxThreshold ? gravityCorrectionStillSpeed : gravityCorrectionShakySpeed;
// we also limit it to be no faster than a given proportion of the gyro rate, or the minimum gravity correction speed
const float gyroGravCorrectionLimit = std::max(angleSpeed * gravityCorrectionGyroFactor, gravityCorrectionMinimumSpeed);
if (gravCorrectionSpeed > gyroGravCorrectionLimit)
float closeEnoughFactor;
if (gravityCorrectionGyroMinThreshold < gravityCorrectionGyroMaxThreshold)
closeEnoughFactor = std::clamp((gravToAccel.Length() - gravityCorrectionGyroMinThreshold) / (gravityCorrectionGyroMaxThreshold - gravityCorrectionGyroMinThreshold), 0.f, 1.f);
closeEnoughFactor = gravToAccel.Length() < gravityCorrectionGyroMaxThreshold ? 0.f : 1.f;
gravCorrectionSpeed = gyroGravCorrectionLimit + (gravCorrectionSpeed - gyroGravCorrectionLimit) * closeEnoughFactor;
const Vec gravToAccelDelta = gravToAccelDir * gravCorrectionSpeed * deltaTime;
if (gravToAccelDelta.LengthSquared() < gravToAccel.LengthSquared())
Grav += gravToAccelDelta;
Grav = accelNorm * -gravityLength;
const Vec gravityDirection = Grav.Normalized() * Quaternion.Inverse(); // absolute gravity direction
const float errorAngle = acosf(std::clamp(Vec(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f).Dot(gravityDirection), -1.f, 1.f));
const Vec flattened = Vec(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f).Cross(gravityDirection);
Quat correctionQuat = AngleAxis(errorAngle, flattened.x, flattened.y, flattened.z);
Quaternion = Quaternion * correctionQuat;
Accel = accel + Grav;
Grav *= rotation.Inverse();
Accel = Grav;
inline void Motion::SetSettings(GamepadMotionSettings* settings)
Settings = settings;
inline SensorMinMaxWindow::SensorMinMaxWindow()
inline void SensorMinMaxWindow::Reset(float remainder)
NumSamples = 0;
TimeSampled = remainder;
inline void SensorMinMaxWindow::AddSample(const Vec& inGyro, const Vec& inAccel, float deltaTime)
if (NumSamples == 0)
MaxGyro = inGyro;
MinGyro = inGyro;
MeanGyro = inGyro;
MaxAccel = inAccel;
MinAccel = inAccel;
MeanAccel = inAccel;
StartAccel = inAccel;
NumSamples = 1;
TimeSampled += deltaTime;
MaxGyro = MaxGyro.Max(inGyro);
MinGyro = MinGyro.Min(inGyro);
MaxAccel = MaxAccel.Max(inAccel);
MinAccel = MinAccel.Min(inAccel);
TimeSampled += deltaTime;
Vec delta = inGyro - MeanGyro;
MeanGyro += delta * (1.f / NumSamples);
delta = inAccel - MeanAccel;
MeanAccel += delta * (1.f / NumSamples);
inline Vec SensorMinMaxWindow::GetMidGyro()
return MeanGyro;
inline AutoCalibration::AutoCalibration()
CalibrationData = nullptr;
inline void AutoCalibration::Reset()
Confidence = 0.f;
bIsSteady = false;
MinDeltaGyro = Vec(1.f);
MinDeltaAccel = Vec(0.25f);
RecalibrateThreshold = 1.f;
SensorFusionSkippedTime = 0.f;
TimeSteadySensorFusion = 0.f;
TimeSteadyStillness = 0.f;
inline bool AutoCalibration::AddSampleStillness(const Vec& inGyro, const Vec& inAccel, float deltaTime, bool doSensorFusion)
if (inGyro.x == 0.f && inGyro.y == 0.f && inGyro.z == 0.f &&
inAccel.x == 0.f && inAccel.y == 0.f && inAccel.z == 0.f)
// zeroes are almost certainly not valid inputs
return false;
if (!Settings)
return false;
if (!CalibrationData)
return false;
// get settings
const int minStillnessSamples = Settings->MinStillnessSamples;
const float minStillnessCollectionTime = Settings->MinStillnessCollectionTime;
const float minStillnessCorrectionTime = Settings->MinStillnessCorrectionTime;
const float maxStillnessError = Settings->MaxStillnessError;
const float stillnessSampleDeteriorationRate = Settings->StillnessSampleDeteriorationRate;
const float stillnessErrorClimbRate = Settings->StillnessErrorClimbRate;
const float stillnessErrorDropOnRecalibrate = Settings->StillnessErrorDropOnRecalibrate;
const float stillnessCalibrationEaseInTime = Settings->StillnessCalibrationEaseInTime;
const float stillnessCalibrationHalfTime = Settings->StillnessCalibrationHalfTime * Confidence;
const float stillnessConfidenceRate = Settings->StillnessConfidenceRate;
const float stillnessGyroDelta = Settings->StillnessGyroDelta;
const float stillnessAccelDelta = Settings->StillnessAccelDelta;
MinMaxWindow.AddSample(inGyro, inAccel, deltaTime);
// get deltas
const Vec gyroDelta = MinMaxWindow.MaxGyro - MinMaxWindow.MinGyro;
const Vec accelDelta = MinMaxWindow.MaxAccel - MinMaxWindow.MinAccel;
bool calibrated = false;
bool isSteady = false;
const Vec climbThisTick = Vec(stillnessSampleDeteriorationRate * deltaTime);
if (stillnessGyroDelta < 0.f)
if (Confidence < 1.f)
MinDeltaGyro += climbThisTick;
MinDeltaGyro = Vec(stillnessGyroDelta);
if (stillnessAccelDelta < 0.f)
if (Confidence < 1.f)
MinDeltaAccel += climbThisTick;
MinDeltaAccel = Vec(stillnessAccelDelta);
//printf("Deltas: %.4f %.4f %.4f; %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",
// gyroDelta.x, gyroDelta.y, gyroDelta.z,
// accelDelta.x, accelDelta.y, accelDelta.z);
if (MinMaxWindow.NumSamples >= minStillnessSamples && MinMaxWindow.TimeSampled >= minStillnessCollectionTime)
MinDeltaGyro = MinDeltaGyro.Min(gyroDelta);
MinDeltaAccel = MinDeltaAccel.Min(accelDelta);
RecalibrateThreshold = std::min(RecalibrateThreshold + stillnessErrorClimbRate * deltaTime, maxStillnessError);
return false;
// check that all inputs are below appropriate thresholds to be considered "still"
if (gyroDelta.x <= MinDeltaGyro.x * RecalibrateThreshold &&
gyroDelta.y <= MinDeltaGyro.y * RecalibrateThreshold &&
gyroDelta.z <= MinDeltaGyro.z * RecalibrateThreshold &&
accelDelta.x <= MinDeltaAccel.x * RecalibrateThreshold &&
accelDelta.y <= MinDeltaAccel.y * RecalibrateThreshold &&
accelDelta.z <= MinDeltaAccel.z * RecalibrateThreshold)
if (MinMaxWindow.NumSamples >= minStillnessSamples && MinMaxWindow.TimeSampled >= minStillnessCorrectionTime)
/*if (TimeSteadyStillness == 0.f)
TimeSteadyStillness = std::min(TimeSteadyStillness + deltaTime, stillnessCalibrationEaseInTime);
const float calibrationEaseIn = stillnessCalibrationEaseInTime <= 0.f ? 1.f : TimeSteadyStillness / stillnessCalibrationEaseInTime;
const Vec calibratedGyro = MinMaxWindow.GetMidGyro();
const Vec oldGyroBias = Vec(CalibrationData->X, CalibrationData->Y, CalibrationData->Z) / std::max((float)CalibrationData->NumSamples, 1.f);
const float stillnessLerpFactor = stillnessCalibrationHalfTime <= 0.f ? 0.f : exp2f(-calibrationEaseIn * deltaTime / stillnessCalibrationHalfTime);
Vec newGyroBias = calibratedGyro.Lerp(oldGyroBias, stillnessLerpFactor);
Confidence = std::min(Confidence + deltaTime * stillnessConfidenceRate, 1.f);
isSteady = true;
if (doSensorFusion)
const Vec previousNormal = MinMaxWindow.StartAccel.Normalized();
const Vec thisNormal = inAccel.Normalized();
Vec angularVelocity = thisNormal.Cross(previousNormal);
const float crossLength = angularVelocity.Length();
if (crossLength > 0.f)
const float thisDotPrev = std::clamp(thisNormal.Dot(previousNormal), -1.f, 1.f);
const float angleChange = acosf(thisDotPrev) * 180.0f / (float)M_PI;
const float anglePerSecond = angleChange / MinMaxWindow.TimeSampled;
angularVelocity *= anglePerSecond / crossLength;
Vec axisCalibrationStrength = thisNormal.Abs();
Vec sensorFusionBias = (calibratedGyro - angularVelocity).Lerp(oldGyroBias, stillnessLerpFactor);
if (axisCalibrationStrength.x <= 0.7f)
newGyroBias.x = sensorFusionBias.x;
if (axisCalibrationStrength.y <= 0.7f)
newGyroBias.y = sensorFusionBias.y;
if (axisCalibrationStrength.z <= 0.7f)
newGyroBias.z = sensorFusionBias.z;
CalibrationData->X = newGyroBias.x;
CalibrationData->Y = newGyroBias.y;
CalibrationData->Z = newGyroBias.z;
CalibrationData->AccelMagnitude = MinMaxWindow.MeanAccel.Length();
CalibrationData->NumSamples = 1;
calibrated = true;
RecalibrateThreshold = std::min(RecalibrateThreshold + stillnessErrorClimbRate * deltaTime, maxStillnessError);
else if (TimeSteadyStillness > 0.f)
RecalibrateThreshold -= stillnessErrorDropOnRecalibrate;
if (RecalibrateThreshold < 1.f) RecalibrateThreshold = 1.f;
TimeSteadyStillness = 0.f;
RecalibrateThreshold = std::min(RecalibrateThreshold + stillnessErrorClimbRate * deltaTime, maxStillnessError);
bIsSteady = isSteady;
return calibrated;
inline void AutoCalibration::NoSampleStillness()
inline bool AutoCalibration::AddSampleSensorFusion(const Vec& inGyro, const Vec& inAccel, float deltaTime)
if (deltaTime <= 0.f)
return false;
if (inGyro.x == 0.f && inGyro.y == 0.f && inGyro.z == 0.f &&
inAccel.x == 0.f && inAccel.y == 0.f && inAccel.z == 0.f)
// all zeroes are almost certainly not valid inputs
TimeSteadySensorFusion = 0.f;
SensorFusionSkippedTime = 0.f;
PreviousAccel = inAccel;
SmoothedPreviousAccel = inAccel;
SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
return false;
if (PreviousAccel.x == 0.f && PreviousAccel.y == 0.f && PreviousAccel.z == 0.f)
TimeSteadySensorFusion = 0.f;
SensorFusionSkippedTime = 0.f;
PreviousAccel = inAccel;
SmoothedPreviousAccel = inAccel;
SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
return false;
// in case the controller state hasn't updated between samples
if (inAccel.x == PreviousAccel.x && inAccel.y == PreviousAccel.y && inAccel.z == PreviousAccel.z)
SensorFusionSkippedTime += deltaTime;
return false;
if (!Settings)
return false;
// get settings
const float sensorFusionCalibrationSmoothingStrength = Settings->SensorFusionCalibrationSmoothingStrength;
const float sensorFusionAngularAccelerationThreshold = Settings->SensorFusionAngularAccelerationThreshold;
const float sensorFusionCalibrationEaseInTime = Settings->SensorFusionCalibrationEaseInTime;
const float sensorFusionCalibrationHalfTime = Settings->SensorFusionCalibrationHalfTime * Confidence;
const float sensorFusionConfidenceRate = Settings->SensorFusionConfidenceRate;
deltaTime += SensorFusionSkippedTime;
SensorFusionSkippedTime = 0.f;
bool calibrated = false;
bool isSteady = false;
// framerate independent lerp smoothing: https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/ScottLembcke/20180404/316046/Improved_Lerp_Smoothing.php
const float smoothingLerpFactor = exp2f(-sensorFusionCalibrationSmoothingStrength * deltaTime);
// velocity from smoothed accel matches better if we also smooth gyro
const Vec previousGyro = SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro;
SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro = inGyro.Lerp(SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro, smoothingLerpFactor); // smooth what remains
const float gyroAccelerationMag = (SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro - previousGyro).Length() / deltaTime;
// get angle between old and new accel
const Vec previousNormal = SmoothedPreviousAccel.Normalized();
const Vec thisAccel = inAccel.Lerp(SmoothedPreviousAccel, smoothingLerpFactor);
const Vec thisNormal = thisAccel.Normalized();
Vec angularVelocity = thisNormal.Cross(previousNormal);
const float crossLength = angularVelocity.Length();
if (crossLength > 0.f)
const float thisDotPrev = std::clamp(thisNormal.Dot(previousNormal), -1.f, 1.f);
const float angleChange = acosf(thisDotPrev) * 180.0f / (float)M_PI;
const float anglePerSecond = angleChange / deltaTime;
angularVelocity *= anglePerSecond / crossLength;
SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel = angularVelocity;
// apply corrections
if (gyroAccelerationMag > sensorFusionAngularAccelerationThreshold || CalibrationData == nullptr)
/*if (TimeSteadySensorFusion > 0.f)
TimeSteadySensorFusion = 0.f;
//printf("No calibration due to acceleration of %.4f\n", gyroAccelerationMag);
/*if (TimeSteadySensorFusion == 0.f)
TimeSteadySensorFusion = std::min(TimeSteadySensorFusion + deltaTime, sensorFusionCalibrationEaseInTime);
const float calibrationEaseIn = sensorFusionCalibrationEaseInTime <= 0.f ? 1.f : TimeSteadySensorFusion / sensorFusionCalibrationEaseInTime;
const Vec oldGyroBias = Vec(CalibrationData->X, CalibrationData->Y, CalibrationData->Z) / std::max((float)CalibrationData->NumSamples, 1.f);
// recalibrate over time proportional to the difference between the calculated bias and the current assumed bias
const float sensorFusionLerpFactor = sensorFusionCalibrationHalfTime <= 0.f ? 0.f : exp2f(-calibrationEaseIn * deltaTime / sensorFusionCalibrationHalfTime);
Vec newGyroBias = (SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro - SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel).Lerp(oldGyroBias, sensorFusionLerpFactor);
Confidence = std::min(Confidence + deltaTime * sensorFusionConfidenceRate, 1.f);
isSteady = true;
// don't change bias in axes that can't be affected by the gravity direction
Vec axisCalibrationStrength = thisNormal.Abs();
if (axisCalibrationStrength.x > 0.7f)
axisCalibrationStrength.x = 1.f;
if (axisCalibrationStrength.y > 0.7f)
axisCalibrationStrength.y = 1.f;
if (axisCalibrationStrength.z > 0.7f)
axisCalibrationStrength.z = 1.f;
newGyroBias = newGyroBias.Lerp(oldGyroBias, axisCalibrationStrength.Min(Vec(1.f)));
CalibrationData->X = newGyroBias.x;
CalibrationData->Y = newGyroBias.y;
CalibrationData->Z = newGyroBias.z;
CalibrationData->AccelMagnitude = thisAccel.Length();
CalibrationData->NumSamples = 1;
calibrated = true;
//printf("Recalibrating at a strength of %.4f\n", calibrationEaseIn);
SmoothedPreviousAccel = thisAccel;
PreviousAccel = inAccel;
//printf("Gyro: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f | Accel: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f\n",
// SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro.x, SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro.y, SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro.z,
// SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel.x, SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel.y, SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel.z);
bIsSteady = isSteady;
return calibrated;
inline void AutoCalibration::NoSampleSensorFusion()
TimeSteadySensorFusion = 0.f;
SensorFusionSkippedTime = 0.f;
PreviousAccel = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
SmoothedPreviousAccel = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
SmoothedAngularVelocityGyro = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
SmoothedAngularVelocityAccel = GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec();
inline void AutoCalibration::SetCalibrationData(GyroCalibration* calibrationData)
CalibrationData = calibrationData;
inline void AutoCalibration::SetSettings(GamepadMotionSettings* settings)
Settings = settings;
} // namespace GamepadMotionHelpers
inline GamepadMotion::GamepadMotion()
IsCalibrating = false;
CurrentCalibrationMode = GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode::Manual;
inline void GamepadMotion::Reset()
GyroCalibration = {};
Gyro = {};
RawAccel = {};
Settings = GamepadMotionSettings();
inline void GamepadMotion::ProcessMotion(float gyroX, float gyroY, float gyroZ,
float accelX, float accelY, float accelZ, float deltaTime)
if (gyroX == 0.f && gyroY == 0.f && gyroZ == 0.f &&
accelX == 0.f && accelY == 0.f && accelZ == 0.f)
// all zeroes are almost certainly not valid inputs
float accelMagnitude = sqrtf(accelX * accelX + accelY * accelY + accelZ * accelZ);
if (IsCalibrating)
// manual calibration
PushSensorSamples(gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ, accelMagnitude);
else if (CurrentCalibrationMode & GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode::Stillness)
AutoCalibration.AddSampleStillness(GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec(gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ), GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec(accelX, accelY, accelZ), deltaTime, CurrentCalibrationMode & GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode::SensorFusion);
if (CurrentCalibrationMode & GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode::SensorFusion)
AutoCalibration.AddSampleSensorFusion(GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec(gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ), GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec(accelX, accelY, accelZ), deltaTime);
float gyroOffsetX, gyroOffsetY, gyroOffsetZ;
GetCalibratedSensor(gyroOffsetX, gyroOffsetY, gyroOffsetZ, accelMagnitude);
gyroX -= gyroOffsetX;
gyroY -= gyroOffsetY;
gyroZ -= gyroOffsetZ;
Motion.Update(gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ, accelX, accelY, accelZ, accelMagnitude, deltaTime);
Gyro.x = gyroX;
Gyro.y = gyroY;
Gyro.z = gyroZ;
RawAccel.x = accelX;
RawAccel.y = accelY;
RawAccel.z = accelZ;
// reading the current state
inline void GamepadMotion::GetCalibratedGyro(float& x, float& y, float& z)
x = Gyro.x;
y = Gyro.y;
z = Gyro.z;
inline void GamepadMotion::GetGravity(float& x, float& y, float& z)
x = Motion.Grav.x;
y = Motion.Grav.y;
z = Motion.Grav.z;
inline void GamepadMotion::GetProcessedAcceleration(float& x, float& y, float& z)
x = Motion.Accel.x;
y = Motion.Accel.y;
z = Motion.Accel.z;
inline void GamepadMotion::GetOrientation(float& w, float& x, float& y, float& z)
w = Motion.Quaternion.w;
x = Motion.Quaternion.x;
y = Motion.Quaternion.y;
z = Motion.Quaternion.z;
inline void GamepadMotion::GetPlayerSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float yawRelaxFactor)
CalculatePlayerSpaceGyro(x, y, Gyro.x, Gyro.y, Gyro.z, Motion.Grav.x, Motion.Grav.y, Motion.Grav.z, yawRelaxFactor);
inline void GamepadMotion::CalculatePlayerSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float gyroX, const float gyroY, const float gyroZ, const float gravX, const float gravY, const float gravZ, const float yawRelaxFactor)
// take gravity into account without taking on any error from gravity. Explained in depth at http://gyrowiki.jibbsmart.com/blog:player-space-gyro-and-alternatives-explained#toc7
const float worldYaw = -(gravY * gyroY + gravZ * gyroZ);
const float worldYawSign = worldYaw < 0.f ? -1.f : 1.f;
y = worldYawSign * std::min(std::abs(worldYaw) * yawRelaxFactor, sqrtf(gyroY * gyroY + gyroZ * gyroZ));
x = gyroX;
inline void GamepadMotion::GetWorldSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float sideReductionThreshold)
CalculateWorldSpaceGyro(x, y, Gyro.x, Gyro.y, Gyro.z, Motion.Grav.x, Motion.Grav.y, Motion.Grav.z, sideReductionThreshold);
inline void GamepadMotion::CalculateWorldSpaceGyro(float& x, float& y, const float gyroX, const float gyroY, const float gyroZ, const float gravX, const float gravY, const float gravZ, const float sideReductionThreshold)
// use the gravity direction as the yaw axis, and derive an appropriate pitch axis. Explained in depth at http://gyrowiki.jibbsmart.com/blog:player-space-gyro-and-alternatives-explained#toc6
const float worldYaw = -gravX * gyroX - gravY * gyroY - gravZ * gyroZ;
// project local pitch axis (X) onto gravity plane
const float gravDotPitchAxis = gravX;
GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec pitchAxis(1.f - gravX * gravDotPitchAxis,
-gravY * gravDotPitchAxis,
-gravZ * gravDotPitchAxis);
// normalize
const float pitchAxisLengthSquared = pitchAxis.LengthSquared();
if (pitchAxisLengthSquared > 0.f)
const float pitchAxisLength = sqrtf(pitchAxisLengthSquared);
const float lengthReciprocal = 1.f / pitchAxisLength;
pitchAxis *= lengthReciprocal;
const float flatness = std::abs(gravY);
const float upness = std::abs(gravZ);
const float sideReduction = sideReductionThreshold <= 0.f ? 1.f : std::clamp((std::max(flatness, upness) - sideReductionThreshold) / sideReductionThreshold, 0.f, 1.f);
x = sideReduction * pitchAxis.Dot(GamepadMotionHelpers::Vec(gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ));
x = 0.f;
y = worldYaw;
// gyro calibration functions
inline void GamepadMotion::StartContinuousCalibration()
IsCalibrating = true;
inline void GamepadMotion::PauseContinuousCalibration()
IsCalibrating = false;
inline void GamepadMotion::ResetContinuousCalibration()
GyroCalibration = {};
inline void GamepadMotion::GetCalibrationOffset(float& xOffset, float& yOffset, float& zOffset)
float accelMagnitude;
GetCalibratedSensor(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, accelMagnitude);
inline void GamepadMotion::SetCalibrationOffset(float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset, int weight)
if (GyroCalibration.NumSamples > 1)
GyroCalibration.AccelMagnitude *= ((float)weight) / GyroCalibration.NumSamples;
GyroCalibration.AccelMagnitude = (float)weight;
GyroCalibration.NumSamples = weight;
GyroCalibration.X = xOffset * weight;
GyroCalibration.Y = yOffset * weight;
GyroCalibration.Z = zOffset * weight;
inline float GamepadMotion::GetAutoCalibrationConfidence()
return AutoCalibration.Confidence;
inline void GamepadMotion::SetAutoCalibrationConfidence(float newConfidence)
AutoCalibration.Confidence = newConfidence;
inline bool GamepadMotion::GetAutoCalibrationIsSteady()
return AutoCalibration.IsSteady();
inline GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode GamepadMotion::GetCalibrationMode()
return CurrentCalibrationMode;
inline void GamepadMotion::SetCalibrationMode(GamepadMotionHelpers::CalibrationMode calibrationMode)
CurrentCalibrationMode = calibrationMode;
inline void GamepadMotion::ResetMotion()
// Private Methods
inline void GamepadMotion::PushSensorSamples(float gyroX, float gyroY, float gyroZ, float accelMagnitude)
// accumulate
GyroCalibration.X += gyroX;
GyroCalibration.Y += gyroY;
GyroCalibration.Z += gyroZ;
GyroCalibration.AccelMagnitude += accelMagnitude;
inline void GamepadMotion::GetCalibratedSensor(float& gyroOffsetX, float& gyroOffsetY, float& gyroOffsetZ, float& accelMagnitude)
if (GyroCalibration.NumSamples <= 0)
gyroOffsetX = 0.f;
gyroOffsetY = 0.f;
gyroOffsetZ = 0.f;
accelMagnitude = 1.f;
const float inverseSamples = 1.f / GyroCalibration.NumSamples;
gyroOffsetX = GyroCalibration.X * inverseSamples;
gyroOffsetY = GyroCalibration.Y * inverseSamples;
gyroOffsetZ = GyroCalibration.Z * inverseSamples;
accelMagnitude = GyroCalibration.AccelMagnitude * inverseSamples;