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#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include "ultra64.h"
#include "multilibultra.hpp"
#include "recomp.h"
#if defined(_M_X64)
static inline void spinlock_pause() {
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
static inline void spinlock_pause() {
#error "No spinlock_pause implementation for current architecture"
template <typename T>
class atomic_spinlock {
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<T>) == sizeof(T), "atomic_spinlock must be used with a type that is the same size as its atomic counterpart");
static_assert(std::atomic<T>::is_always_lock_free, "atomic_spinlock must be used with an always lock-free atomic type");
std::atomic_ref<T> locked_;
atomic_spinlock(T& flag) : locked_{ flag } {}
void lock() {
// Loop until the lock is acquired.
while (true) {
// Try to acquire the lock.
if (!locked_.exchange(true, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// If it was acquired then exit the loop.
// Otherwise, wait until the lock is no longer acquired.
// Doing this instead of constantly trying to acquire the lock reduces cache coherency traffic.
while (locked_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// Add a platform-specific pause instruction to reduce load unit traffic.
void unlock() {
// Release the lock by setting it to false.
locked_.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
class mesg_queue_lock {
OSMesgQueue* queue_;
atomic_spinlock<uint8_t> spinlock_;
mesg_queue_lock(OSMesgQueue* mq) : queue_{ mq }, spinlock_{ mq->lock } {}
void lock() { spinlock_.lock(); }
void unlock() { spinlock_.unlock(); }
extern "C" void osCreateMesgQueue(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, PTR(OSMesg) msg, s32 count) {
OSMesgQueue *mq = TO_PTR(OSMesgQueue, mq_);
mq->blocked_on_recv = NULLPTR;
mq->blocked_on_send = NULLPTR;
mq->msgCount = count;
mq->msg = msg;
mq->validCount = 0;
mq->first = 0;
mq->lock = false;
s32 MQ_GET_COUNT(OSMesgQueue *mq) {
return mq->validCount;
s32 MQ_IS_EMPTY(OSMesgQueue *mq) {
return mq->validCount == 0;
s32 MQ_IS_FULL(OSMesgQueue* mq) {
return MQ_GET_COUNT(mq) >= mq->msgCount;
void thread_queue_insert(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread)* queue, PTR(OSThread) toadd_) {
PTR(OSThread)* cur = queue;
OSThread* toadd = TO_PTR(OSThread, toadd_);
while (*cur && TO_PTR(OSThread, *cur)->priority > toadd->priority) {
cur = &TO_PTR(OSThread, *cur)->next;
toadd->next = (*cur);
*cur = toadd_;
OSThread* thread_queue_pop(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread)* queue) {
PTR(OSThread) ret = *queue;
*queue = TO_PTR(OSThread, ret)->next;
return TO_PTR(OSThread, ret);
bool thread_queue_empty(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread)* queue) {
return *queue == NULLPTR;
std::mutex test_mutex{};
// Attempts to put a message into a queue.
// If the queue is not full, returns true and pops a thread from the blocked on receive list.
// If the queue is full and this is a blocking send, places the current thread into the blocked on send list
// for the message queue, marks the current thread as being blocked on a queue and returns false.
bool mesg_queue_try_insert(RDRAM_ARG OSMesgQueue* mq, OSMesg msg, OSThread*& to_run, bool jam, bool blocking) {
//mesg_queue_lock lock{ mq };
std::lock_guard guard{ test_mutex };
// If the queue is full, insert this thread into the blocked on send queue and return false.
if (MQ_IS_FULL(mq)) {
if (blocking) {
thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send, Multilibultra::this_thread());
// TODO is it safe to use the schedule queue here while in the message queue lock?
to_run = nullptr;
return false;
// The queue wasn't full, so place the message into it.
if (jam) {
// Insert this message at the start of the queue.
mq->first = (mq->first + mq->msgCount - 1) % mq->msgCount;
TO_PTR(OSMesg, mq->msg)[mq->first] = msg;
else {
// Insert this message at the end of the queue.
s32 last = (mq->first + mq->validCount) % mq->msgCount;
TO_PTR(OSMesg, mq->msg)[last] = msg;
// Pop a thread from the blocked on recv queue to wake afterwards.
if (!thread_queue_empty(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv)) {
to_run = thread_queue_pop(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv);
return true;
// Attempts to remove a message from a queue.
// If the queue is not empty, returns true and pops a thread from the blocked on send list.
// If the queue is empty and this is a blocking receive, places the current thread into the blocked on receive list
// for the message queue, marks the current thread as being blocked on a queue and returns false.
bool mesg_queue_try_remove(RDRAM_ARG OSMesgQueue* mq, PTR(OSMesg) msg_out, OSThread*& to_run, bool blocking) {
//mesg_queue_lock lock{ mq };
std::lock_guard guard{ test_mutex };
// If the queue is full, insert this thread into the blocked on receive queue and return false.
if (MQ_IS_EMPTY(mq)) {
if (blocking) {
thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv, Multilibultra::this_thread());
// TODO is it safe to use the schedule queue here while in the message queue lock?
to_run = nullptr;
return false;
// The queue wasn't empty, so remove the first message from it.
if (msg_out != NULLPTR) {
*TO_PTR(OSMesg, msg_out) = TO_PTR(OSMesg, mq->msg)[mq->first];
mq->first = (mq->first + 1) % mq->msgCount;
// Pop a thread from the blocked on send queue to wake afterwards.
if (!thread_queue_empty(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send)) {
to_run = thread_queue_pop(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send);
return true;
enum class MesgQueueActionType {
s32 mesg_queue_action(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, OSMesg msg, PTR(OSMesg) msg_out, s32 flags, MesgQueueActionType action) {
OSMesgQueue* mq = TO_PTR(OSMesgQueue, mq_);
OSThread* this_thread = TO_PTR(OSThread, Multilibultra::this_thread());
bool is_blocking = flags != OS_MESG_NOBLOCK;
// Prevent accidentally blocking anything that isn't a game thread
if (!Multilibultra::is_game_thread()) {
is_blocking = false;
OSThread* to_run = nullptr;
// Repeatedly attempt to send the message until it's successful.
while (true) {
// Try to insert/remove the message into the queue depending on the action.
bool success = false;
switch (action) {
case MesgQueueActionType::Send:
success = mesg_queue_try_insert(PASS_RDRAM mq, msg, to_run, false, is_blocking);
case MesgQueueActionType::Jam:
success = mesg_queue_try_insert(PASS_RDRAM mq, msg, to_run, true, is_blocking);
case MesgQueueActionType::Receive:
success = mesg_queue_try_remove(PASS_RDRAM mq, msg_out, to_run, is_blocking);
// If successful, don't block.
if (success) {
//goto after;
// Otherwise if the action was unsuccessful but wasn't blocking, return -1 to indicate a failure.
if (!is_blocking) {
return -1;
// The action failed, so pause this thread until unblocked by the queue.
debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is blocked on %s\n", this_thread->id, action == MesgQueueActionType::Receive ? "receive" : "send");
// Wait for it this thread be resumed.
// If any thread was blocked on receiving from this queue, wake it.
if (to_run) {
debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is unblocked\n", to_run->id);
// If the unblocked thread is higher priority than this one, pause this thread so it can take over.
if (Multilibultra::is_game_thread() && to_run->priority > this_thread->priority) {
return 0;
extern "C" s32 osSendMesg(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, OSMesg msg, s32 flags) {
return mesg_queue_action(PASS_RDRAM mq_, msg, NULLPTR, flags, MesgQueueActionType::Send);
extern "C" s32 osJamMesg(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, OSMesg msg, s32 flags) {
return mesg_queue_action(PASS_RDRAM mq_, msg, NULLPTR, flags, MesgQueueActionType::Jam);
extern "C" s32 osRecvMesg(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, PTR(OSMesg) msg_out_, s32 flags) {
return mesg_queue_action(PASS_RDRAM mq_, NULLPTR, msg_out_, flags, MesgQueueActionType::Receive);