Patched lens/telescope effect to not stretch in widescreen, fixed incorrect trigger icons in UI.

This commit is contained in:
Mr-Wiseguy 2024-03-14 00:44:47 -04:00
parent 5b38b8eec9
commit bc6b112992
3 changed files with 79 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "patches.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "sys_cfb.h"
extern TransitionOverlay gTransitionOverlayTable[];
extern Gfx sTransWipe3DL[];
@ -110,3 +111,78 @@ void Play_DrawMotionBlur(PlayState* this) {
// @recomp Patched to increase the scale based on the aspect ratio.
void Actor_DrawLensOverlay(Gfx** gfxP, s32 lensMaskSize) {
// @recomp Calculate the increase in aspect ratio.
f32 original_aspect_ratio = (float)SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT;
f32 aspect_ratio_scale = recomp_get_aspect_ratio(original_aspect_ratio) / original_aspect_ratio;
// @recomp Increase the circle's scale based on the aspect ratio scale. Also increase the base scaling
// from 0.003f to 0.004f to account for overscan removal.
TransitionCircle_LoadAndSetTexture(gfxP, gCircleTex, 4, 0, 6, 6,
((LENS_MASK_ACTIVE_SIZE - lensMaskSize) * 0.004f * aspect_ratio_scale) + 1.0f);
// @recomp Patched to prevent the telescope and lens effects from getting stretched wide.
void TransitionCircle_LoadAndSetTexture(Gfx** gfxp, TexturePtr texture, s32 fmt, s32 arg3, s32 masks, s32 maskt,
f32 arg6) {
Gfx* gfx = *gfxp;
s32 xh = gCfbWidth;
s32 yh = gCfbHeight;
s32 width = 1 << masks;
s32 height = 1 << maskt;
f32 s;
f32 t;
s32 dtdy;
s32 dsdx;
gDPLoadTextureBlock_4b(gfx++, texture, fmt, width, height, 0, G_TX_MIRROR | G_TX_CLAMP, G_TX_MIRROR | G_TX_CLAMP,
masks, maskt, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD);
gDPSetTileSize(gfx++, G_TX_RENDERTILE, ((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - width) << 2, ((SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - height) << 2,
((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) + (width - 1)) << 2, ((SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) + (height - 1)) << 2);
s = ((1.0f - (1.0f / arg6)) * (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)) + 70.0f;
t = ((1.0f - (1.0f / arg6)) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)) + 50.0f;
if (s < -1023.0f) {
s = -1023.0f;
if (t < -1023.0f) {
t = -1023.0f;
if ((s <= -1023.0f) || (t <= -1023.0f)) {
dsdx = 0;
dtdy = 0;
} else {
dsdx = ((SCREEN_WIDTH - (2.0f * s)) / gScreenWidth) * (1 << 10);
dtdy = ((SCREEN_HEIGHT - (2.0f * t)) / gScreenHeight) * (1 << 10);
// @recomp Calculate a new width for the rect to cover the entire widescreen contents.
// Add a little extra to prevent RT64 misalignment adjustment from making the rect smaller than the screen.
const u32 rt64_margin = 16;
s32 full_width = (s32)(recomp_get_aspect_ratio((float)xh / yh) * yh + rt64_margin);
// @recomp Adjust the S-coordinate to account for the extra screen size on the left edge.
s32 extra_pixels = (full_width - SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2;
f32 extra_texcoords = (float)extra_pixels * dsdx / (1 << 10);
s -= (s32)extra_texcoords;
// @recomp Patch the original rectangle to use the center as the origin to avoid getting stretched wide.
gEXSetScissorAlign(gfx++, G_EX_ORIGIN_LEFT, G_EX_ORIGIN_RIGHT, 0, 0, -gCfbWidth, 0, 0, 0, gCfbWidth, gCfbHeight);
gDPSetScissor(gfx++, G_SC_NON_INTERLACE, 0, 0, gCfbWidth, gCfbHeight);
gEXTextureRectangle(gfx++, G_EX_ORIGIN_LEFT, G_EX_ORIGIN_LEFT,
-rt64_margin / 2 * 4, 0,
full_width * 4, yh * 4,
G_TX_RENDERTILE, (s32)(s * (1 << 5)), (s32)(t * (1 << 5)), dsdx, dtdy);
// @recomp Reset scissor.
gEXSetScissorAlign(gfx++, G_EX_ORIGIN_NONE, G_EX_ORIGIN_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gCfbWidth, gCfbHeight);
gDPSetScissor(gfx++, G_SC_NON_INTERLACE, 0, 0, gCfbWidth, gCfbHeight);
*gfxp = gfx;

View File

@ -620,9 +620,9 @@ std::string controller_axis_to_string(int axis) {
return positive ? "\u21C3" : "\u21BF";
return positive ? "\u219A" : "\u21DC";
return positive ? "\u2196" : "\u21DC";
return positive ? "\u219B" : "\u21DD";
return positive ? "\u2197" : "\u21DD";
return "Axis " + std::to_string(actual_axis) + (positive ? '+' : '-');

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ extern "C" void recomp_get_aspect_ratio(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
_return(ctx, original);
case RT64::UserConfiguration::AspectRatio::Expand:
_return(ctx, static_cast<float>(width) / height);
_return(ctx, std::max(static_cast<float>(width) / height, original));