#include "ultramodern.hpp" void ultramodern::schedule_running_thread(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread) t_) { debug_printf("[Scheduling] Adding thread %d to the running queue\n", TO_PTR(OSThread, t_)->id); thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM running_queue, t_); TO_PTR(OSThread, t_)->state = OSThreadState::QUEUED; } void swap_to_thread(RDRAM_ARG OSThread *to) { debug_printf("[Scheduling] Thread %d giving execution to thread %d\n", TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread())->id, to->id); // Insert this thread in the running queue. ultramodern::thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM ultramodern::running_queue, ultramodern::this_thread()); TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread())->state = OSThreadState::QUEUED; // Unpause the target thread and wait for this one to be unpaused. ultramodern::resume_thread_and_wait(PASS_RDRAM to); } void ultramodern::check_running_queue(RDRAM_ARG1) { // Check if there are any threads in the running queue. if (!thread_queue_empty(PASS_RDRAM running_queue)) { // Check if the highest priority thread in the queue is higher priority than the current thread. OSThread* next_thread = TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::thread_queue_peek(PASS_RDRAM running_queue)); OSThread* self = TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread()); if (next_thread->priority > self->priority) { ultramodern::thread_queue_pop(PASS_RDRAM running_queue); // Swap to the higher priority thread. swap_to_thread(PASS_RDRAM next_thread); } } } extern "C" void pause_self(RDRAM_ARG1) { while (true) { // Wait until an external message arrives, then allow the next thread to run. ultramodern::wait_for_external_message(PASS_RDRAM1); ultramodern::check_running_queue(PASS_RDRAM1); } }