#include #include #include "ultra64.h" #include "ultramodern.hpp" #include "recomp.h" extern "C" void osCreateMesgQueue(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, PTR(OSMesg) msg, s32 count) { OSMesgQueue *mq = TO_PTR(OSMesgQueue, mq_); mq->blocked_on_recv = NULLPTR; mq->blocked_on_send = NULLPTR; mq->msgCount = count; mq->msg = msg; mq->validCount = 0; mq->first = 0; } s32 MQ_GET_COUNT(OSMesgQueue *mq) { return mq->validCount; } s32 MQ_IS_EMPTY(OSMesgQueue *mq) { return mq->validCount == 0; } s32 MQ_IS_FULL(OSMesgQueue* mq) { return MQ_GET_COUNT(mq) >= mq->msgCount; } void thread_queue_insert(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread)* queue, PTR(OSThread) toadd_) { PTR(OSThread)* cur = queue; OSThread* toadd = TO_PTR(OSThread, toadd_); while (*cur && TO_PTR(OSThread, *cur)->priority > toadd->priority) { cur = &TO_PTR(OSThread, *cur)->next; } toadd->next = (*cur); *cur = toadd_; } OSThread* thread_queue_pop(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread)* queue) { PTR(OSThread) ret = *queue; *queue = TO_PTR(OSThread, ret)->next; return TO_PTR(OSThread, ret); } bool thread_queue_empty(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSThread)* queue) { return *queue == NULLPTR; } extern "C" s32 osSendMesg(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, OSMesg msg, s32 flags) { OSMesgQueue *mq = TO_PTR(OSMesgQueue, mq_); // Prevent accidentally blocking anything that isn't a game thread if (!ultramodern::is_game_thread()) { flags = OS_MESG_NOBLOCK; } ultramodern::disable_preemption(); if (flags == OS_MESG_NOBLOCK) { // If non-blocking, fail if the queue is full if (MQ_IS_FULL(mq)) { ultramodern::enable_preemption(); return -1; } } else { // Otherwise, yield this thread until the queue has room while (MQ_IS_FULL(mq)) { debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is blocked on send\n", TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread())->id); thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send, ultramodern::this_thread()); ultramodern::enable_preemption(); ultramodern::pause_self(PASS_RDRAM1); ultramodern::disable_preemption(); } } s32 last = (mq->first + mq->validCount) % mq->msgCount; TO_PTR(OSMesg, mq->msg)[last] = msg; mq->validCount++; OSThread* to_run = nullptr; if (!thread_queue_empty(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv)) { to_run = thread_queue_pop(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv); } ultramodern::enable_preemption(); if (to_run) { debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is unblocked\n", to_run->id); if (ultramodern::is_game_thread()) { OSThread* self = TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread()); if (to_run->priority > self->priority) { ultramodern::swap_to_thread(PASS_RDRAM to_run); } else { ultramodern::schedule_running_thread(to_run); } } else { ultramodern::schedule_running_thread(to_run); } } return 0; } extern "C" s32 osJamMesg(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, OSMesg msg, s32 flags) { OSMesgQueue *mq = TO_PTR(OSMesgQueue, mq_); ultramodern::disable_preemption(); if (flags == OS_MESG_NOBLOCK) { // If non-blocking, fail if the queue is full if (MQ_IS_FULL(mq)) { ultramodern::enable_preemption(); return -1; } } else { // Otherwise, yield this thread in a loop until the queue is no longer full while (MQ_IS_FULL(mq)) { debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is blocked on jam\n", TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread())->id); thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send, ultramodern::this_thread()); ultramodern::enable_preemption(); ultramodern::pause_self(PASS_RDRAM1); ultramodern::disable_preemption(); } } mq->first = (mq->first + mq->msgCount - 1) % mq->msgCount; TO_PTR(OSMesg, mq->msg)[mq->first] = msg; mq->validCount++; OSThread *to_run = nullptr; if (!thread_queue_empty(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv)) { to_run = thread_queue_pop(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv); } ultramodern::enable_preemption(); if (to_run) { debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is unblocked\n", to_run->id); OSThread *self = TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread()); if (to_run->priority > self->priority) { ultramodern::swap_to_thread(PASS_RDRAM to_run); } else { ultramodern::schedule_running_thread(to_run); } } return 0; } extern "C" s32 osRecvMesg(RDRAM_ARG PTR(OSMesgQueue) mq_, PTR(OSMesg) msg_, s32 flags) { OSMesgQueue *mq = TO_PTR(OSMesgQueue, mq_); OSMesg *msg = TO_PTR(OSMesg, msg_); ultramodern::disable_preemption(); if (flags == OS_MESG_NOBLOCK) { // If non-blocking, fail if the queue is empty if (MQ_IS_EMPTY(mq)) { ultramodern::enable_preemption(); return -1; } } else { // Otherwise, yield this thread in a loop until the queue is no longer full while (MQ_IS_EMPTY(mq)) { debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is blocked on receive\n", TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread())->id); thread_queue_insert(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_recv, ultramodern::this_thread()); ultramodern::enable_preemption(); ultramodern::pause_self(PASS_RDRAM1); ultramodern::disable_preemption(); } } if (msg_ != NULLPTR) { *msg = TO_PTR(OSMesg, mq->msg)[mq->first]; } mq->first = (mq->first + 1) % mq->msgCount; mq->validCount--; OSThread *to_run = nullptr; if (!thread_queue_empty(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send)) { to_run = thread_queue_pop(PASS_RDRAM &mq->blocked_on_send); } ultramodern::enable_preemption(); if (to_run) { debug_printf("[Message Queue] Thread %d is unblocked\n", to_run->id); OSThread *self = TO_PTR(OSThread, ultramodern::this_thread()); if (to_run->priority > self->priority) { ultramodern::swap_to_thread(PASS_RDRAM to_run); } else { ultramodern::schedule_running_thread(to_run); } } return 0; }