#include "patches.h" // Disable frustum culling for actors, but leave distance culling intact s32 func_800BA2FC(PlayState* play, Actor* actor, Vec3f* projectedPos, f32 projectedW) { if ((-actor->uncullZoneScale < projectedPos->z) && (projectedPos->z < (actor->uncullZoneForward + actor->uncullZoneScale))) { // f32 phi_f12; // f32 phi_f2 = CLAMP_MIN(projectedW, 1.0f); // f32 phi_f14; // f32 phi_f16; // if (play->view.fovy != 60.0f) { // phi_f12 = actor->uncullZoneScale * play->projectionMtxFDiagonal.x * 0.76980036f; // sqrt(16/27) // phi_f14 = play->projectionMtxFDiagonal.y * 0.57735026f; // 1 / sqrt(3) // phi_f16 = actor->uncullZoneScale * phi_f14; // phi_f14 *= actor->uncullZoneDownward; // } else { // phi_f16 = phi_f12 = actor->uncullZoneScale; // phi_f14 = actor->uncullZoneDownward; // } // if (((fabsf(projectedPos->x) - phi_f12) < phi_f2) && ((-phi_f2 < (projectedPos->y + phi_f14))) && // ((projectedPos->y - phi_f16) < phi_f2)) { return true; // } } return false; } // Disable frustum culling for bush spawning // s32 EnWood02_SpawnZoneCheck(EnWood02* this, PlayState* play, Vec3f* arg2) { // f32 phi_f12; // SkinMatrix_Vec3fMtxFMultXYZW(&play->viewProjectionMtxF, arg2, &this->actor.projectedPos, &this->actor.projectedW); // if (this->actor.projectedW == 0.0f) { // phi_f12 = 1000.0f; // } else { // phi_f12 = fabsf(1.0f / this->actor.projectedW); // } // if (((-this->actor.uncullZoneScale < this->actor.projectedPos.z) && // (this->actor.projectedPos.z < (this->actor.uncullZoneForward + this->actor.uncullZoneScale)) /* && // (((fabsf(this->actor.projectedPos.x) - this->actor.uncullZoneScale) * phi_f12) < 1.0f)) && // (((this->actor.projectedPos.y + this->actor.uncullZoneDownward) * phi_f12) > -1.0f) && // (((this->actor.projectedPos.y - this->actor.uncullZoneScale) * phi_f12) < 1.0f */)) { // return true; // } // return false; // } // Disable frustum culling for grass s32 func_809A9110(PlayState* play, Vec3f* pos) { f32 w; Vec3f projectedPos; SkinMatrix_Vec3fMtxFMultXYZW(&play->viewProjectionMtxF, pos, &projectedPos, &w); if ((play->projectionMtxFDiagonal.z * -130.13191f) < projectedPos.z) { if (w < 1.0f) { w = 1.0f; } // if (((fabsf(projectedPos.x) - (130.13191f * play->projectionMtxFDiagonal.x)) < w) && // ((fabsf(projectedPos.y) - (130.13191f * play->projectionMtxFDiagonal.y)) < w)) { return true; // } } return false; } // Override LOD to 0 void Player_DrawGameplay(PlayState* play, Player* this, s32 lod, Gfx* cullDList, OverrideLimbDrawFlex overrideLimbDraw) { OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); gSPSegment(POLY_OPA_DISP++, 0x0C, cullDList); gSPSegment(POLY_XLU_DISP++, 0x0C, cullDList); lod = 0; // Force the closest LOD Player_DrawImpl(play, this->skelAnime.skeleton, this->skelAnime.jointTable, this->skelAnime.dListCount, lod, this->transformation, 0, this->actor.shape.face, overrideLimbDraw, Player_PostLimbDrawGameplay, &this->actor); CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } // Replace point light glow effect with RT64 point Z test so it works in widescreen void Lights_GlowCheck(PlayState* play) { LightNode* light = play->lightCtx.listHead; while (light != NULL) { LightPoint* params = &light->info->params.point; if (light->info->type == LIGHT_POINT_GLOW) { Vec3f worldPos; Vec3f projectedPos; f32 invW; worldPos.x = params->x; worldPos.y = params->y; worldPos.z = params->z; Actor_GetProjectedPos(play, &worldPos, &projectedPos, &invW); params->drawGlow = 0; // @recomp Enable glow as long as the projected Z position is valid to enable widescreen support. // The depth check will be handled via the vertex Z test extended gbi command. if ((projectedPos.z > 1)) { params->drawGlow = 1; } } light = light->next; } } extern Gfx gameplay_keep_DL_029CB0[]; extern Gfx gameplay_keep_DL_029CF0[]; Vtx light_test_vert = VTX(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); void Lights_DrawGlow(PlayState* play) { Gfx* dl; LightPoint* params; LightNode* light = play->lightCtx.listHead; if (light != NULL) { OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); dl = Gfx_SetupDL65_NoCD(POLY_XLU_DISP); gDPSetDither(dl++, G_CD_NOISE); gDPSetCombineLERP(dl++, 0, 0, 0, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0, 0, 0, 0, PRIMITIVE, TEXEL0, 0, PRIMITIVE, 0); gSPDisplayList(dl++, gameplay_keep_DL_029CB0); do { if (light->info->type == LIGHT_POINT_GLOW) { params = &light->info->params.point; if (params->drawGlow) { f32 scale = SQ((f32)params->radius) * 2e-6f; gDPSetPrimColor(dl++, 0, 0, params->color[0], params->color[1], params->color[2], 50); Matrix_Translate(params->x, params->y, params->z, MTXMODE_NEW); Matrix_Scale(scale, scale, scale, MTXMODE_APPLY); gSPMatrix(dl++, Matrix_NewMtx(play->state.gfxCtx), G_MTX_NOPUSH | G_MTX_LOAD | G_MTX_MODELVIEW); // <--- Made these use the right DL pointer // @recomp Use the vertex Z test to prevent drawing the glow if the depth check fails. // This replaces the normal Z buffer read in a way that supports widescreen and isn't 1 frame out of date. gSPVertex(dl++, &light_test_vert, 1, 0); gEXVertexZTest(dl++, 0); gSPDisplayList(dl++, gameplay_keep_DL_029CF0); gEXEndVertexZTest(dl++); } } light = light->next; } while (light != NULL); POLY_XLU_DISP = dl; CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx); } }