
51 lines
1.7 KiB

#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include "../portultra/multilibultra.hpp"
#include "recomp.h"
extern "C" void osSpTaskLoad_recomp(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
// Nothing to do here
bool dump_frame = false;
extern "C" void osSpTaskStartGo_recomp(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
//printf("[sp] osSpTaskStartGo(0x%08X)\n", (uint32_t)ctx->r4);
OSTask* task = TO_PTR(OSTask, ctx->r4);
if (task->t.type == M_GFXTASK) {
//printf("[sp] Gfx task: %08X\n", (uint32_t)ctx->r4);
} else if (task->t.type == M_AUDTASK) {
//printf("[sp] Audio task: %08X\n", (uint32_t)ctx->r4);
// For debugging
if (dump_frame) {
char addr_str[32];
constexpr size_t ram_size = 0x800000;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ram_unswapped = std::make_unique<char[]>(ram_size);
snprintf(addr_str, sizeof(addr_str) - 1, "%08X", task->t.data_ptr);
addr_str[sizeof(addr_str) - 1] = '\0';
std::ofstream dump_file{ "ramdump" + std::string{ addr_str } + ".bin", std::ios::binary};
for (size_t i = 0; i < ram_size; i++) {
ram_unswapped[i] = rdram[i ^ 3];
dump_file.write(ram_unswapped.get(), ram_size);
dump_frame = false;
Multilibultra::submit_rsp_task(rdram, ctx->r4);
extern "C" void osSpTaskYield_recomp(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
// Ignore yield requests (acts as if the task completed before it received the yield request)
extern "C" void osSpTaskYielded_recomp(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {
// Task yield requests are ignored, so always return 0 as tasks will never be yielded
ctx->r2 = 0;
extern "C" void __osSpSetPc_recomp(uint8_t* rdram, recomp_context* ctx) {