mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 18:55:21 +01:00
2513 lines
61 KiB
2513 lines
61 KiB
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border-color: #F2F2F2;
color: #F2F2F2;
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animation: blue-pulse 0.75s infinite;
border-color: #17D6E8;
color: #17D6E8;
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opacity: 0.5;
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transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
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background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
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cursor: pointer;
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display: none;
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color: #B97DF2;
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margin: 0 12dp;
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transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
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transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
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height: 16dp;
margin-top: 1dp;
margin-right: -8dp;
margin-left: -8dp;
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border-radius: 8dp;
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border-color: #3333FF;
animation: blue-pulse-background 0.75s infinite;
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cursor: pointer;
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background-color: #17D6E8;
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display: none;
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tab-index: none;
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border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
position: relative;
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flex: 1 1 100%;
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color: #FFFFFF;
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opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=START] .input-viz[visual-input~=START] {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=DPAD_UP] .input-viz[visual-input~=DPAD_UP] {
opacity: 1;
.input-viz[visual-input~=DPAD_DOWN] {
opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=DPAD_DOWN] .input-viz[visual-input~=DPAD_DOWN] {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=DPAD_LEFT] .input-viz[visual-input~=DPAD_LEFT] {
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[cur-input=L] .input-viz[visual-input~=L] {
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=R] .input-viz[visual-input~=R] {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=C_UP] .input-viz[visual-input~=C_UP] {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=C_DOWN] .input-viz[visual-input~=C_DOWN] {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=C_LEFT] .input-viz[visual-input~=C_LEFT] {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=C_RIGHT] .input-viz[visual-input~=C_RIGHT] {
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[cur-input=X_AXIS_NEG] .input-viz[visual-input~=X_AXIS_NEG] {
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opacity: 0.25;
[cur-input=X_AXIS_POS] .input-viz[visual-input~=X_AXIS_POS] {
opacity: 1;
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[cur-input=Y_AXIS_NEG] .input-viz[visual-input~=Y_AXIS_NEG] {
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image-color: #45D043;
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image-color: #F86039;
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height: 136dp;
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image-color: #E9CD35;
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background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
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left: 0;
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height: 100%;
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align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
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color: #F2F2F2;
.button--success:disabled, .button--success[disabled] {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
.button--success:active {
background-color: rgba(69, 208, 67, 0.2);
color: rgb(244.6, 244.6, 244.6);
.button--error {
border-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.05);
color: #CCCCCC;
.button--error:focus, .button--error:hover {
border-color: #F86039;
background-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.3);
color: #F2F2F2;
.button--error:disabled, .button--error[disabled] {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
.button--error:active {
background-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.2);
color: rgb(244.6, 244.6, 244.6);
.button--warning {
border-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.05);
color: #CCCCCC;
.button--warning:focus, .button--warning:hover {
border-color: #E9CD35;
background-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.3);
color: #F2F2F2;
.button--warning:disabled, .button--warning[disabled] {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
.button--warning:active {
background-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.2);
color: rgb(244.6, 244.6, 244.6);
.button:not([disabled]) {
cursor: pointer;
.button:disabled, .button[disabled] {
opacity: 0.5;
.button__label {
width: auto;
height: auto;
class="icon-button icon-button--error"
<svg src="icons/Trash.svg" />
.icon-button {
color: #CCCCCC;
transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out, opacity 0.05s linear-in-out, border-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 53.8dp;
min-width: 53.8dp;
max-width: 53.8dp;
height: 53.8dp;
min-height: 53.8dp;
max-height: 53.8dp;
border-width: 1.1dp;
border-radius: 26.9dp;
border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
.icon-button svg {
image-color: #CCCCCC;
.icon-button svg {
transition: image-color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
.icon-button:focus, .icon-button:hover {
color: #F2F2F2;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.icon-button:focus svg, .icon-button:hover svg {
image-color: #F2F2F2;
.icon-button:active {
color: rgb(244.6, 244.6, 244.6);
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
.icon-button:active svg {
image-color: rgb(244.6, 244.6, 244.6);
.icon-button:disabled, .icon-button[disabled] {
color: #CCCCCC;
opacity: 0.5;
.icon-button:disabled svg, .icon-button[disabled] svg {
image-color: #CCCCCC;
.icon-button:not([disabled]) {
cursor: pointer;
.icon-button svg {
width: 32dp;
height: 32dp;
.icon-button--primary {
border-color: rgba(185, 125, 242, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(185, 125, 242, 0.05);
.icon-button--primary:focus, .icon-button--primary:hover {
border-color: #B97DF2;
background-color: rgba(185, 125, 242, 0.3);
.icon-button--primary:active {
background-color: rgba(185, 125, 242, 0.2);
.icon-button--secondary {
border-color: rgba(23, 214, 232, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(23, 214, 232, 0.05);
.icon-button--secondary:focus, .icon-button--secondary:hover {
border-color: #17D6E8;
background-color: rgba(23, 214, 232, 0.3);
.icon-button--secondary:active {
background-color: rgba(23, 214, 232, 0.2);
.icon-button--tertiary {
border-color: rgba(242, 242, 242, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(242, 242, 242, 0.05);
.icon-button--tertiary:focus, .icon-button--tertiary:hover {
border-color: #F2F2F2;
background-color: rgba(242, 242, 242, 0.3);
.icon-button--tertiary:active {
background-color: rgba(242, 242, 242, 0.2);
.icon-button--success {
border-color: rgba(69, 208, 67, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(69, 208, 67, 0.05);
.icon-button--success:focus, .icon-button--success:hover {
border-color: #45D043;
background-color: rgba(69, 208, 67, 0.3);
.icon-button--success:active {
background-color: rgba(69, 208, 67, 0.2);
.icon-button--error {
border-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.05);
.icon-button--error:focus, .icon-button--error:hover {
border-color: #F86039;
background-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.3);
.icon-button--error:active {
background-color: rgba(248, 96, 57, 0.2);
.icon-button--warning {
border-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.05);
.icon-button--warning:focus, .icon-button--warning:hover {
border-color: #E9CD35;
background-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.3);
.icon-button--warning:active {
background-color: rgba(233, 205, 53, 0.2);
.launcher {
display: block;
position: relative;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #08070D;
.launcher__vertical-split {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 50%;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: space-between;
.launcher__vertical-split--right {
right: 0;
left: 50%;
align-items: flex-end;
@keyframes slide-mm-bg-over {
0% {
transform: translateX(100dp);
100% {
transform: translateX(0dp);
.launcher__background-wrapper {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
top: -55vw;
right: -100%;
bottom: -50vw;
left: -70vw;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;
transform: translateX(0dp);
animation: 25s cubic-out 1 slide-mm-bg-over;
@keyframes fade-mm-in {
0% {
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 0.1;
.launcher__background-mm {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: auto;
height: 100%;
animation: 2.5s cubic-in-out 1 fade-mm-in;
opacity: 0.1;
.launcher__title-quadrant {
flex: 1 1 auto;
width: auto;
height: auto;
padding-top: 96dp;
padding-left: 96dp;
.launcher__title-quadrant--right {
padding-right: 96dp;
padding-left: 0;
.launcher__content-quadrant {
display: flex;
position: relative;
flex: 1 1 100%;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: flex-end;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
padding: 32dp;
Example layout:
<button class="menu-list-item menu-list-item--right">
<div class="menu-list-item__bullet">•</div>
<div class="menu-list-item__label">Setup controls</div>
- Variants:
.menu-list-item--right (align to right side)
- Optional:
- <div class="subtitle-title__disclaimer">Coming Soon™</div>
.menu-list-item {
color: #CCCCCC;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
padding: 16dp;
border-radius: 8dp;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
cursor: pointer;
.menu-list-item svg {
image-color: #CCCCCC;
.menu-list-item--right {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
align-content: flex-end;
.menu-list-item--right .menu-list-item__bullet {
margin-left: 12dp;
opacity: 1;
.menu-list-item--right.menu-list-item:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]), .menu-list-item--right.menu-list-item:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled]) {
decorator: horizontal-gradient(#7A2AC600 #DABAF714);
.menu-list-item:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]), .menu-list-item:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled]) {
color: #B97DF2;
decorator: horizontal-gradient(#7A2AC614 #DABAF700);
.menu-list-item:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]) svg, .menu-list-item:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled]) svg {
image-color: #B97DF2;
.menu-list-item:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]) .menu-list-item__bullet, .menu-list-item:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled]) .menu-list-item__bullet {
opacity: 1;
.menu-list-item:disabled, .menu-list-item[disabled] {
opacity: 0.5;
tab-index: none;
cursor: default;
.menu-list-item__bullet {
margin-right: 12dp;
opacity: 0;
Example layout:
<button class="subtitle-title" disabled>
<h3>Zelda 64: Recompiled</h3>
<h1>Ocarina of Time</h1>
<div class="subtitle-title__disclaimer">Coming Soon™</div>
- Variants:
.subtitle-title--right (align to right side)
- Optional:
- <div class="subtitle-title__disclaimer">Coming Soon™</div>
.subtitle-title {
display: block;
position: relative;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: flex-start;
align-items: flex-start;
width: auto;
height: auto;
padding: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
color: #CCCCCC;
text-align: left;
cursor: pointer;
.subtitle-title--right {
align-content: flex-end;
.subtitle-title--right, .subtitle-title--right > * {
text-align: right;
.subtitle-title[selected] {
color: #F2F2F2;
cursor: default;
.subtitle-title:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]), .subtitle-title:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled], [selected]) {
color: #B97DF2;
.subtitle-title:disabled, .subtitle-title[disabled] {
opacity: 0.5;
cursor: default;
tab-index: none;
.subtitle-title h3 {
margin-bottom: 6dp;
.subtitle-title h1 {
margin-top: 6dp;
.subtitle-title__disclaimer {
margin-top: 16dp;
.toggle {
transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out, opacity 0.05s linear-in-out;
display: flex;
position: relative;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
width: 162dp;
height: 72dp;
border-radius: 36dp;
opacity: 0.9;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
cursor: pointer;
.toggle:hover, .toggle:focus-visible, .toggle:focus {
opacity: 1;
background-color: rgba(23, 214, 232, 0.3);
.toggle:active {
opacity: 1;
background-color: rgba(23, 214, 232, 0.05);
.toggle .toggle__border {
position: absolute;
top: 1.1dp;
right: 1.1dp;
bottom: 1.1dp;
left: 1.1dp;
border-width: 1.1dp;
border-color: #A2EFF6;
display: block;
border-radius: 36dp;
.toggle .toggle__floater {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 4dp;
width: 80dp;
height: 64dp;
transform: translateY(-50%);
border-radius: 32dp;
background: #25A1AD;
.toggle--checked .toggle__floater {
left: 78dp;
.toggle--checked .toggle__icon.toggle__icon--left {
opacity: 0.9;
color: #A2EFF6;
.toggle--checked .toggle__icon.toggle__icon--right {
opacity: 1;
color: #F2F2F2;
.toggle__icons {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
right: 16dp;
left: 16dp;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 56dp;
transform: translateY(-50%);
.toggle__icon {
transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 56dp;
height: 56dp;
color: #F2F2F2;
.toggle__icon--right {
opacity: 1;
color: #A2EFF6;
.bottom-left {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
bottom: 4dp;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: flex-start;
width: 100%;
max-width: 1692.4444444444dp;
height: auto;
margin: 0 4dp;
.prompt__overlay {
background-color: rgba(190, 184, 219, 0.1);
pointer-events: auto;
.prompt__overlay, .prompt__content-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.prompt__content-wrapper {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.prompt__content {
display: flex;
position: relative;
flex: 1 1 100%;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
max-width: 700dp;
height: auto;
margin: auto;
border-width: 1.1dp;
border-radius: 16dp;
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
background: rgba(8, 7, 13, 0.9);
.prompt__content h3, .prompt__content p {
margin: 24dp;
.prompt__content p {
margin-top: 0;
.prompt__controls {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
padding: 24dp 12dp;
border-top-width: 1.1dp;
border-top-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
.prompt__controls .button {
min-width: 233.3333333333dp;
margin: 0 12dp;
text-align: center;
nav-up: none;
nav-down: none;
.config-debug {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
padding: 8dp;
.config-debug__scroll {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
.config-debug-option {
color: #CCCCCC;
transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out, opacity 0.05s linear-in-out;
border-bottom-width: 1.1dp;
border-bottom-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
display: block;
position: relative;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
padding: 12dp 4dp;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
.config-debug-option svg {
image-color: #CCCCCC;
.config-debug-option svg {
transition: image-color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
.config-debug-option:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]), .config-debug-option:focus-visible:not(:disabled, [disabled]), .config-debug-option:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled]) {
color: #F2F2F2;
background-color: rgba(190, 184, 219, 0.1);
.config-debug-option:focus:not(:disabled, [disabled]) svg, .config-debug-option:focus-visible:not(:disabled, [disabled]) svg, .config-debug-option:hover:not(:disabled, [disabled]) svg {
image-color: #F2F2F2;
.config-debug-option:disabled, .config-debug-option[disabled] {
opacity: 0.5;
.config-debug-option .icon-button {
margin-left: 8dp;
.config-debug__option-split {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
.config-debug-option__label {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;
padding: 4dp 16dp 12dp;
width: auto;
height: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
.config-debug__option-controls {
display: block;
position: relative;
flex: 1 1 auto;
height: auto;
width: auto;
max-width: 800dp;
padding: 0 12dp;
.config-debug__option-trigger {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.config-debug__select-wrapper {
display: flex;
position: relative;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;
flex: 1 1 100%;
width: auto;
max-width: 800dp;
height: auto;
padding: 4dp;
.config-debug__select-wrapper .config-debug__select-label {
padding-right: 16dp;
flex: auto;
width: 196dp;
.config-debug__select-wrapper .config-debug__select-label > div {
display: inline;
width: auto;
height: auto;
.config-debug__select-wrapper input {
display: block;
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
flex: 1 1 100%;
width: auto;
height: 20dp;
margin: auto 0;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select {
transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out, opacity 0.05s linear-in-out, border-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
border-width: 1.1dp;
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
display: block;
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
flex: 1 1 100%;
width: auto;
height: 48dp;
border-radius: 12dp;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
cursor: pointer;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;
padding: 14dp;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select svg {
transition: image-color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select:hover, .config-debug__select-wrapper select:focus {
border-width: 1.1dp;
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.config-debug__select-wrapper select selectvalue {
display: inline;
margin: auto 0;
height: auto;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select selectbox {
border-width: 1.1dp;
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
background-color: #191622;
padding: 4dp 0;
margin-top: 2dp;
border-radius: 12dp;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select selectbox option {
transition: color 0.05s linear-in-out, background-color 0.05s linear-in-out;
padding: 8dp 12dp;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
color: #CCCCCC;
font-weight: 400;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select selectbox option:hover, .config-debug__select-wrapper select selectbox option:focus {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.config-debug__select-wrapper select selectbox option:hover:not(:checked) {
cursor: pointer;
.config-debug__select-wrapper select selectbox option:checked {
color: #FFFFFF;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
body {
box-sizing: border-box;
color: #F2F2F2;
font-family: chiaro;
.rmlui-window {
opacity: 1;
.rmlui-window--hidden {
opacity: 0;
.rmlui-window:not([mouse-active]) {
pointer-events: none;
*, *:before, *:after {
box-sizing: border-box;
button {
background-color: #7A2AC6;
@keyframes blue-pulse {
0% {
color: #17D6E8;
50% {
color: #A2EFF6;
100% {
color: #17D6E8;
@keyframes blue-pulse-with-border {
0% {
border-color: #17D6E8;
color: #17D6E8;
50% {
border-color: #A2EFF6;
color: #A2EFF6;
100% {
border-color: #17D6E8;
color: #17D6E8;
@keyframes blue-pulse-background {
0% {
background-color: #17D6E8;
50% {
background-color: #A2EFF6;
100% {
background-color: #17D6E8;