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synced 2025-03-04 01:35:21 +01:00

The settings.h file doesn't actually need all of the definitions on cam.h, only some of the enums. They can, therefore, be separated into another file, which is included by settings.h instead. The other changes are fixing files that included settings.h and depended on indirect includes from includes of includes of cam.h
256 lines
8.1 KiB
256 lines
8.1 KiB
// Copyright 2016 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <boost/serialization/array.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/vector_math.h"
#include "core/memory.h"
#include "video_core/geometry_pipeline.h"
#include "video_core/primitive_assembly.h"
#include "video_core/regs.h"
#include "video_core/shader/shader.h"
#include "video_core/video_core.h"
// Boost::serialization doesn't like union types for some reason,
// so we need to mark arrays of union values with a special serialization method
template <typename Value, size_t Size>
struct UnionArray : public std::array<Value, Size> {
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int) {
static_assert(sizeof(Value) == sizeof(u32));
ar&* static_cast<u32(*)[Size]>(static_cast<void*>(this->data()));
friend class boost::serialization::access;
namespace Pica {
/// Struct used to describe current Pica state
struct State {
void Reset();
/// Pica registers
Regs regs;
Shader::ShaderSetup vs;
Shader::ShaderSetup gs;
Shader::AttributeBuffer input_default_attributes;
struct ProcTex {
union ValueEntry {
u32 raw;
// LUT value, encoded as 12-bit fixed point, with 12 fraction bits
BitField<0, 12, u32> value; // 0.0.12 fixed point
// Difference between two entry values. Used for efficient interpolation.
// 0.0.12 fixed point with two's complement. The range is [-0.5, 0.5).
// Note: the type of this is different from the one of lighting LUT
BitField<12, 12, s32> difference;
float ToFloat() const {
return static_cast<float>(value) / 4095.f;
float DiffToFloat() const {
return static_cast<float>(difference) / 4095.f;
union ColorEntry {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 8, u32> r;
BitField<8, 8, u32> g;
BitField<16, 8, u32> b;
BitField<24, 8, u32> a;
Common::Vec4<u8> ToVector() const {
return {static_cast<u8>(r), static_cast<u8>(g), static_cast<u8>(b),
union ColorDifferenceEntry {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 8, s32> r; // half of the difference between two ColorEntry
BitField<8, 8, s32> g;
BitField<16, 8, s32> b;
BitField<24, 8, s32> a;
Common::Vec4<s32> ToVector() const {
return Common::Vec4<s32>{r, g, b, a} * 2;
UnionArray<ValueEntry, 128> noise_table;
UnionArray<ValueEntry, 128> color_map_table;
UnionArray<ValueEntry, 128> alpha_map_table;
UnionArray<ColorEntry, 256> color_table;
UnionArray<ColorDifferenceEntry, 256> color_diff_table;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar& noise_table;
ar& color_map_table;
ar& alpha_map_table;
ar& color_table;
ar& color_diff_table;
} proctex;
struct Lighting {
union LutEntry {
// Used for raw access
u32 raw;
// LUT value, encoded as 12-bit fixed point, with 12 fraction bits
BitField<0, 12, u32> value; // 0.0.12 fixed point
// Used for efficient interpolation.
BitField<12, 11, u32> difference; // 0.0.11 fixed point
BitField<23, 1, u32> neg_difference;
float ToFloat() const {
return static_cast<float>(value) / 4095.f;
float DiffToFloat() const {
float diff = static_cast<float>(difference) / 2047.f;
return neg_difference ? -diff : diff;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar& raw;
std::array<UnionArray<LutEntry, 256>, 24> luts;
} lighting;
struct {
union LutEntry {
// Used for raw access
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 13, s32> difference; // 1.1.11 fixed point
BitField<13, 11, u32> value; // 0.0.11 fixed point
float ToFloat() const {
return static_cast<float>(value) / 2047.0f;
float DiffToFloat() const {
return static_cast<float>(difference) / 2047.0f;
UnionArray<LutEntry, 128> lut;
} fog;
/// Current Pica command list
struct {
PAddr addr; // This exists only for serialization
const u32* head_ptr;
const u32* current_ptr;
u32 length;
} cmd_list;
/// Struct used to describe immediate mode rendering state
struct ImmediateModeState {
// Used to buffer partial vertices for immediate-mode rendering.
Shader::AttributeBuffer input_vertex;
// Index of the next attribute to be loaded into `input_vertex`.
u32 current_attribute = 0;
// Indicates the immediate mode just started and the geometry pipeline needs to reconfigure
bool reset_geometry_pipeline = true;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar& input_vertex;
ar& current_attribute;
ar& reset_geometry_pipeline;
} immediate;
// the geometry shader needs to be kept in the global state because some shaders relie on
// preserved register value across shader invocation.
// TODO: also bring the three vertex shader units here and implement the shader scheduler.
Shader::GSUnitState gs_unit;
GeometryPipeline geometry_pipeline;
// This is constructed with a dummy triangle topology
PrimitiveAssembler<Shader::OutputVertex> primitive_assembler;
int vs_float_regs_counter = 0;
std::array<u32, 4> vs_uniform_write_buffer{};
int gs_float_regs_counter = 0;
std::array<u32, 4> gs_uniform_write_buffer{};
int default_attr_counter = 0;
std::array<u32, 3> default_attr_write_buffer{};
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar& regs.reg_array;
ar& vs;
ar& gs;
ar& input_default_attributes;
ar& proctex;
ar& lighting.luts;
ar& fog.lut;
ar& cmd_list.addr;
ar& cmd_list.length;
ar& immediate;
ar& gs_unit;
ar& geometry_pipeline;
ar& primitive_assembler;
ar& vs_float_regs_counter;
ar& boost::serialization::make_array(vs_uniform_write_buffer.data(),
ar& gs_float_regs_counter;
ar& boost::serialization::make_array(gs_uniform_write_buffer.data(),
ar& default_attr_counter;
ar& boost::serialization::make_array(default_attr_write_buffer.data(),
boost::serialization::split_member(ar, *this, file_version);
template <class Archive>
void save(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) const {
ar << static_cast<u32>(cmd_list.current_ptr - cmd_list.head_ptr);
template <class Archive>
void load(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
u32 offset{};
ar >> offset;
cmd_list.head_ptr =
cmd_list.current_ptr = cmd_list.head_ptr + offset;
extern State g_state; ///< Current Pica state
} // namespace Pica