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synced 2025-03-04 17:55:22 +01:00

@neobrain, could you confirm that this is correct? It's been tested with various different games and fixes different textures, including in Animal Crossing, Kirby Triple Deluxe, and SMB3D.
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1055 lines
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// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/common_funcs.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "core/mem_map.h"
namespace Pica {
// Returns index corresponding to the Regs member labeled by field_name
// TODO: Due to Visual studio bug 209229, offsetof does not return constant expressions
// when used with array elements (e.g. PICA_REG_INDEX(vs_uniform_setup.set_value[1])).
// For details cf. https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/209229/offsetof-does-not-produce-a-constant-expression-for-array-members
// Hopefully, this will be fixed sometime in the future.
// For lack of better alternatives, we currently hardcode the offsets when constant
// expressions are needed via PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND (on sane compilers, static_asserts
// will then make sure the offsets indeed match the automatically calculated ones).
#define PICA_REG_INDEX(field_name) (offsetof(Pica::Regs, field_name) / sizeof(u32))
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(field_name, backup_workaround_index) (backup_workaround_index)
// NOTE: Yeah, hacking in a static_assert here just to workaround the lacking MSVC compiler
// really is this annoying. This macro just forwards its first argument to PICA_REG_INDEX
// and then performs a (no-op) cast to size_t iff the second argument matches the expected
// field offset. Otherwise, the compiler will fail to compile this code.
#define PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(field_name, backup_workaround_index) \
((typename std::enable_if<backup_workaround_index == PICA_REG_INDEX(field_name), size_t>::type)PICA_REG_INDEX(field_name))
#endif // _MSC_VER
struct Regs {
u32 trigger_irq;
enum class CullMode : u32 {
// Select which polygons are considered to be "frontfacing".
KeepAll = 0,
KeepClockWise = 1,
KeepCounterClockWise = 2,
// TODO: What does the third value imply?
union {
BitField<0, 2, CullMode> cull_mode;
BitField<0, 24, u32> viewport_size_x;
BitField<0, 24, u32> viewport_size_y;
BitField<0, 24, u32> viewport_depth_range; // float24
BitField<0, 24, u32> viewport_depth_far_plane; // float24
union VSOutputAttributes {
// Maps components of output vertex attributes to semantics
enum Semantic : u32
COLOR_R = 8,
COLOR_G = 9,
COLOR_B = 10,
COLOR_A = 11,
BitField< 0, 5, Semantic> map_x;
BitField< 8, 5, Semantic> map_y;
BitField<16, 5, Semantic> map_z;
BitField<24, 5, Semantic> map_w;
} vs_output_attributes[7];
union {
BitField< 0, 16, u32> x;
BitField<16, 16, u32> y;
} viewport_corner;
struct TextureConfig {
enum WrapMode : u32 {
ClampToEdge = 0,
Repeat = 2,
MirroredRepeat = 3,
union {
BitField< 0, 16, u32> height;
BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
union {
BitField< 8, 2, WrapMode> wrap_s;
BitField<12, 2, WrapMode> wrap_t;
u32 address;
u32 GetPhysicalAddress() const {
return DecodeAddressRegister(address);
// texture1 and texture2 store the texture format directly after the address
// whereas texture0 inserts some additional flags inbetween.
// Hence, we store the format separately so that all other parameters can be described
// in a single structure.
enum class TextureFormat : u32 {
RGBA8 = 0,
RGB8 = 1,
RGB5A1 = 2,
RGB565 = 3,
RGBA4 = 4,
IA8 = 5,
I8 = 7,
A8 = 8,
IA4 = 9,
I4 = 10,
A4 = 11,
ETC1 = 12, // compressed
ETC1A4 = 13, // compressed
static unsigned NibblesPerPixel(TextureFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case TextureFormat::RGBA8:
return 8;
case TextureFormat::RGB8:
return 6;
case TextureFormat::RGB5A1:
case TextureFormat::RGB565:
case TextureFormat::RGBA4:
case TextureFormat::IA8:
return 4;
case TextureFormat::A4:
return 1;
case TextureFormat::I8:
case TextureFormat::A8:
case TextureFormat::IA4:
default: // placeholder for yet unknown formats
return 2;
union {
BitField< 0, 1, u32> texture0_enable;
BitField< 1, 1, u32> texture1_enable;
BitField< 2, 1, u32> texture2_enable;
TextureConfig texture0;
BitField<0, 4, TextureFormat> texture0_format;
TextureConfig texture1;
BitField<0, 4, TextureFormat> texture1_format;
TextureConfig texture2;
BitField<0, 4, TextureFormat> texture2_format;
struct FullTextureConfig {
const bool enabled;
const TextureConfig config;
const TextureFormat format;
const std::array<FullTextureConfig, 3> GetTextures() const {
return {{
{ texture0_enable.ToBool(), texture0, texture0_format },
{ texture1_enable.ToBool(), texture1, texture1_format },
{ texture2_enable.ToBool(), texture2, texture2_format }
// 0xc0-0xff: Texture Combiner (akin to glTexEnv)
struct TevStageConfig {
enum class Source : u32 {
PrimaryColor = 0x0,
PrimaryFragmentColor = 0x1,
Texture0 = 0x3,
Texture1 = 0x4,
Texture2 = 0x5,
Texture3 = 0x6,
PreviousBuffer = 0xd,
Constant = 0xe,
Previous = 0xf,
enum class ColorModifier : u32 {
SourceColor = 0x0,
OneMinusSourceColor = 0x1,
SourceAlpha = 0x2,
OneMinusSourceAlpha = 0x3,
SourceRed = 0x4,
OneMinusSourceRed = 0x5,
SourceGreen = 0x8,
OneMinusSourceGreen = 0x9,
SourceBlue = 0xc,
OneMinusSourceBlue = 0xd,
enum class AlphaModifier : u32 {
SourceAlpha = 0x0,
OneMinusSourceAlpha = 0x1,
SourceRed = 0x2,
OneMinusSourceRed = 0x3,
SourceGreen = 0x4,
OneMinusSourceGreen = 0x5,
SourceBlue = 0x6,
OneMinusSourceBlue = 0x7,
enum class Operation : u32 {
Replace = 0,
Modulate = 1,
Add = 2,
AddSigned = 3,
Lerp = 4,
Subtract = 5,
MultiplyThenAdd = 8,
AddThenMultiply = 9,
union {
BitField< 0, 4, Source> color_source1;
BitField< 4, 4, Source> color_source2;
BitField< 8, 4, Source> color_source3;
BitField<16, 4, Source> alpha_source1;
BitField<20, 4, Source> alpha_source2;
BitField<24, 4, Source> alpha_source3;
union {
BitField< 0, 4, ColorModifier> color_modifier1;
BitField< 4, 4, ColorModifier> color_modifier2;
BitField< 8, 4, ColorModifier> color_modifier3;
BitField<12, 3, AlphaModifier> alpha_modifier1;
BitField<16, 3, AlphaModifier> alpha_modifier2;
BitField<20, 3, AlphaModifier> alpha_modifier3;
union {
BitField< 0, 4, Operation> color_op;
BitField<16, 4, Operation> alpha_op;
union {
BitField< 0, 8, u32> const_r;
BitField< 8, 8, u32> const_g;
BitField<16, 8, u32> const_b;
BitField<24, 8, u32> const_a;
union {
BitField< 0, 2, u32> color_scale;
BitField<16, 2, u32> alpha_scale;
inline unsigned GetColorMultiplier() const {
return (color_scale < 3) ? (1 << color_scale) : 1;
inline unsigned GetAlphaMultiplier() const {
return (alpha_scale < 3) ? (1 << alpha_scale) : 1;
TevStageConfig tev_stage0;
TevStageConfig tev_stage1;
TevStageConfig tev_stage2;
TevStageConfig tev_stage3;
union {
// Tev stages 0-3 write their output to the combiner buffer if the corresponding bit in
// these masks are set
BitField< 8, 4, u32> update_mask_rgb;
BitField<12, 4, u32> update_mask_a;
bool TevStageUpdatesCombinerBufferColor(unsigned stage_index) const {
return (stage_index < 4) && (update_mask_rgb & (1 << stage_index));
bool TevStageUpdatesCombinerBufferAlpha(unsigned stage_index) const {
return (stage_index < 4) && (update_mask_a & (1 << stage_index));
} tev_combiner_buffer_input;
TevStageConfig tev_stage4;
TevStageConfig tev_stage5;
union {
BitField< 0, 8, u32> r;
BitField< 8, 8, u32> g;
BitField<16, 8, u32> b;
BitField<24, 8, u32> a;
} tev_combiner_buffer_color;
const std::array<Regs::TevStageConfig,6> GetTevStages() const {
return { tev_stage0, tev_stage1,
tev_stage2, tev_stage3,
tev_stage4, tev_stage5 };
struct {
enum CompareFunc : u32 {
Never = 0,
Always = 1,
Equal = 2,
NotEqual = 3,
LessThan = 4,
LessThanOrEqual = 5,
GreaterThan = 6,
GreaterThanOrEqual = 7,
union {
// If false, logic blending is used
BitField<8, 1, u32> alphablend_enable;
union {
enum class BlendEquation : u32 {
Add = 0,
Subtract = 1,
ReverseSubtract = 2,
Min = 3,
Max = 4
enum BlendFactor : u32 {
Zero = 0,
One = 1,
SourceColor = 2,
OneMinusSourceColor = 3,
DestColor = 4,
OneMinusDestColor = 5,
SourceAlpha = 6,
OneMinusSourceAlpha = 7,
DestAlpha = 8,
OneMinusDestAlpha = 9,
ConstantColor = 10,
OneMinusConstantColor = 11,
ConstantAlpha = 12,
OneMinusConstantAlpha = 13,
SourceAlphaSaturate = 14
BitField< 0, 8, BlendEquation> blend_equation_rgb;
BitField< 8, 8, BlendEquation> blend_equation_a;
BitField<16, 4, BlendFactor> factor_source_rgb;
BitField<20, 4, BlendFactor> factor_dest_rgb;
BitField<24, 4, BlendFactor> factor_source_a;
BitField<28, 4, BlendFactor> factor_dest_a;
} alpha_blending;
union {
enum Op {
Set = 4,
BitField<0, 4, Op> op;
} logic_op;
union {
BitField< 0, 8, u32> r;
BitField< 8, 8, u32> g;
BitField<16, 8, u32> b;
BitField<24, 8, u32> a;
} blend_const;
union {
BitField< 0, 1, u32> enable;
BitField< 4, 3, CompareFunc> func;
BitField< 8, 8, u32> ref;
} alpha_test;
union {
BitField< 0, 1, u32> stencil_test_enable;
BitField< 4, 3, CompareFunc> stencil_test_func;
BitField< 8, 8, u32> stencil_replacement_value;
BitField<16, 8, u32> stencil_reference_value;
BitField<24, 8, u32> stencil_mask;
} stencil_test;
union {
BitField< 0, 1, u32> depth_test_enable;
BitField< 4, 3, CompareFunc> depth_test_func;
BitField< 8, 1, u32> red_enable;
BitField< 9, 1, u32> green_enable;
BitField<10, 1, u32> blue_enable;
BitField<11, 1, u32> alpha_enable;
BitField<12, 1, u32> depth_write_enable;
} output_merger;
enum DepthFormat : u32 {
D16 = 0,
D24 = 2,
D24S8 = 3
// Returns the number of bytes in the specified depth format
static u32 BytesPerDepthPixel(DepthFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case DepthFormat::D16:
return 2;
case DepthFormat::D24:
return 3;
case DepthFormat::D24S8:
return 4;
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unknown depth format %u", format);
// Returns the number of bits per depth component of the specified depth format
static u32 DepthBitsPerPixel(DepthFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case DepthFormat::D16:
return 16;
case DepthFormat::D24:
case DepthFormat::D24S8:
return 24;
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unknown depth format %u", format);
struct {
// Components are laid out in reverse byte order, most significant bits first.
enum ColorFormat : u32 {
RGBA8 = 0,
RGB8 = 1,
RGB5A1 = 2,
RGB565 = 3,
RGBA4 = 4,
DepthFormat depth_format;
BitField<16, 3, u32> color_format;
u32 depth_buffer_address;
u32 color_buffer_address;
union {
// Apparently, the framebuffer width is stored as expected,
// while the height is stored as the actual height minus one.
// Hence, don't access these fields directly but use the accessors
// GetWidth() and GetHeight() instead.
BitField< 0, 11, u32> width;
BitField<12, 10, u32> height;
inline u32 GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress() const {
return DecodeAddressRegister(color_buffer_address);
inline u32 GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress() const {
return DecodeAddressRegister(depth_buffer_address);
inline u32 GetWidth() const {
return width;
inline u32 GetHeight() const {
return height + 1;
} framebuffer;
enum class VertexAttributeFormat : u64 {
BYTE = 0,
UBYTE = 1,
SHORT = 2,
FLOAT = 3,
struct {
BitField<0, 29, u32> base_address;
u32 GetPhysicalBaseAddress() const {
return DecodeAddressRegister(base_address);
// Descriptor for internal vertex attributes
union {
BitField< 0, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format0; // size of one element
BitField< 2, 2, u64> size0; // number of elements minus 1
BitField< 4, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format1;
BitField< 6, 2, u64> size1;
BitField< 8, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format2;
BitField<10, 2, u64> size2;
BitField<12, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format3;
BitField<14, 2, u64> size3;
BitField<16, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format4;
BitField<18, 2, u64> size4;
BitField<20, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format5;
BitField<22, 2, u64> size5;
BitField<24, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format6;
BitField<26, 2, u64> size6;
BitField<28, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format7;
BitField<30, 2, u64> size7;
BitField<32, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format8;
BitField<34, 2, u64> size8;
BitField<36, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format9;
BitField<38, 2, u64> size9;
BitField<40, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format10;
BitField<42, 2, u64> size10;
BitField<44, 2, VertexAttributeFormat> format11;
BitField<46, 2, u64> size11;
BitField<48, 12, u64> attribute_mask;
// number of total attributes minus 1
BitField<60, 4, u64> num_extra_attributes;
inline VertexAttributeFormat GetFormat(int n) const {
VertexAttributeFormat formats[] = {
format0, format1, format2, format3,
format4, format5, format6, format7,
format8, format9, format10, format11
return formats[n];
inline int GetNumElements(int n) const {
u64 sizes[] = {
size0, size1, size2, size3,
size4, size5, size6, size7,
size8, size9, size10, size11
return (int)sizes[n]+1;
inline int GetElementSizeInBytes(int n) const {
return (GetFormat(n) == VertexAttributeFormat::FLOAT) ? 4 :
(GetFormat(n) == VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? 2 : 1;
inline int GetStride(int n) const {
return GetNumElements(n) * GetElementSizeInBytes(n);
inline bool IsDefaultAttribute(int id) const {
return (id >= 12) || (attribute_mask & (1 << id)) != 0;
inline int GetNumTotalAttributes() const {
return (int)num_extra_attributes+1;
// Attribute loaders map the source vertex data to input attributes
// This e.g. allows to load different attributes from different memory locations
struct {
// Source attribute data offset from the base address
u32 data_offset;
union {
BitField< 0, 4, u64> comp0;
BitField< 4, 4, u64> comp1;
BitField< 8, 4, u64> comp2;
BitField<12, 4, u64> comp3;
BitField<16, 4, u64> comp4;
BitField<20, 4, u64> comp5;
BitField<24, 4, u64> comp6;
BitField<28, 4, u64> comp7;
BitField<32, 4, u64> comp8;
BitField<36, 4, u64> comp9;
BitField<40, 4, u64> comp10;
BitField<44, 4, u64> comp11;
// bytes for a single vertex in this loader
BitField<48, 8, u64> byte_count;
BitField<60, 4, u64> component_count;
inline int GetComponent(int n) const {
u64 components[] = {
comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3,
comp4, comp5, comp6, comp7,
comp8, comp9, comp10, comp11
return (int)components[n];
} attribute_loaders[12];
} vertex_attributes;
struct {
enum IndexFormat : u32 {
BYTE = 0,
SHORT = 1,
union {
BitField<0, 31, u32> offset; // relative to base attribute address
BitField<31, 1, IndexFormat> format;
} index_array;
// Number of vertices to render
u32 num_vertices;
// These two trigger rendering of triangles
u32 trigger_draw;
u32 trigger_draw_indexed;
// These registers are used to setup the default "fall-back" vertex shader attributes
struct {
// Index of the current default attribute
u32 index;
// Writing to these registers sets the "current" default attribute.
u32 set_value[3];
} vs_default_attributes_setup;
enum class TriangleTopology : u32 {
List = 0,
Strip = 1,
Fan = 2,
ListIndexed = 3, // TODO: No idea if this is correct
BitField<8, 2, TriangleTopology> triangle_topology;
BitField<0, 16, u32> vs_bool_uniforms;
union {
BitField< 0, 8, u32> x;
BitField< 8, 8, u32> y;
BitField<16, 8, u32> z;
BitField<24, 8, u32> w;
} vs_int_uniforms[4];
// Offset to shader program entry point (in words)
BitField<0, 16, u32> vs_main_offset;
union {
BitField< 0, 4, u64> attribute0_register;
BitField< 4, 4, u64> attribute1_register;
BitField< 8, 4, u64> attribute2_register;
BitField<12, 4, u64> attribute3_register;
BitField<16, 4, u64> attribute4_register;
BitField<20, 4, u64> attribute5_register;
BitField<24, 4, u64> attribute6_register;
BitField<28, 4, u64> attribute7_register;
BitField<32, 4, u64> attribute8_register;
BitField<36, 4, u64> attribute9_register;
BitField<40, 4, u64> attribute10_register;
BitField<44, 4, u64> attribute11_register;
BitField<48, 4, u64> attribute12_register;
BitField<52, 4, u64> attribute13_register;
BitField<56, 4, u64> attribute14_register;
BitField<60, 4, u64> attribute15_register;
int GetRegisterForAttribute(int attribute_index) const {
u64 fields[] = {
attribute0_register, attribute1_register, attribute2_register, attribute3_register,
attribute4_register, attribute5_register, attribute6_register, attribute7_register,
attribute8_register, attribute9_register, attribute10_register, attribute11_register,
attribute12_register, attribute13_register, attribute14_register, attribute15_register,
return (int)fields[attribute_index];
} vs_input_register_map;
struct {
enum Format : u32
FLOAT24 = 0,
FLOAT32 = 1
bool IsFloat32() const {
return format == FLOAT32;
union {
// Index of the next uniform to write to
// TODO: ctrulib uses 8 bits for this, however that seems to yield lots of invalid indices
BitField<0, 7, u32> index;
BitField<31, 1, Format> format;
// Writing to these registers sets the "current" uniform.
// TODO: It's not clear how the hardware stores what the "current" uniform is.
u32 set_value[8];
} vs_uniform_setup;
struct {
// Offset of the next instruction to write code to.
// Incremented with each instruction write.
u32 offset;
// Writing to these registers sets the "current" word in the shader program.
// TODO: It's not clear how the hardware stores what the "current" word is.
u32 set_word[8];
} vs_program;
// This register group is used to load an internal table of swizzling patterns,
// which are indexed by each shader instruction to specify vector component swizzling.
struct {
// Offset of the next swizzle pattern to write code to.
// Incremented with each instruction write.
u32 offset;
// Writing to these registers sets the "current" swizzle pattern in the table.
// TODO: It's not clear how the hardware stores what the "current" swizzle pattern is.
u32 set_word[8];
} vs_swizzle_patterns;
// Map register indices to names readable by humans
// Used for debugging purposes, so performance is not an issue here
static std::string GetCommandName(int index) {
std::map<u32, std::string> map;
#define ADD_FIELD(name) \
do { \
map.insert({PICA_REG_INDEX(name), #name}); \
/* TODO: change to Regs::name when VS2015 and other compilers support it */ \
for (u32 i = PICA_REG_INDEX(name) + 1; i < PICA_REG_INDEX(name) + sizeof(Regs().name) / 4; ++i) \
map.insert({i, #name + std::string("+") + std::to_string(i-PICA_REG_INDEX(name))}); \
} while(false)
#undef ADD_FIELD
// Return empty string if no match is found
return map[index];
static inline size_t NumIds() {
return sizeof(Regs) / sizeof(u32);
u32& operator [] (int index) const {
u32* content = (u32*)this;
return content[index];
u32& operator [] (int index) {
u32* content = (u32*)this;
return content[index];
* Most physical addresses which Pica registers refer to are 8-byte aligned.
* This function should be used to get the address from a raw register value.
static inline u32 DecodeAddressRegister(u32 register_value) {
return register_value * 8;
// TODO: MSVC does not support using offsetof() on non-static data members even though this
// is technically allowed since C++11. This macro should be enabled once MSVC adds
// support for that.
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#define ASSERT_REG_POSITION(field_name, position) static_assert(offsetof(Regs, field_name) == position * 4, "Field "#field_name" has invalid position")
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger_irq, 0x10);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(cull_mode, 0x40);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_size_x, 0x41);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_size_y, 0x43);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_depth_range, 0x4d);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_depth_far_plane, 0x4e);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_output_attributes[0], 0x50);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_output_attributes[1], 0x51);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_corner, 0x68);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture0_enable, 0x80);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture0, 0x81);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture0_format, 0x8e);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture1, 0x91);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture1_format, 0x96);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture2, 0x99);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(texture2_format, 0x9e);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_stage0, 0xc0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_stage1, 0xc8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_stage2, 0xd0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_stage3, 0xd8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_combiner_buffer_input, 0xe0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_stage4, 0xf0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_stage5, 0xf8);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tev_combiner_buffer_color, 0xfd);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(output_merger, 0x100);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(framebuffer, 0x110);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_attributes, 0x200);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_array, 0x227);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(num_vertices, 0x228);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger_draw, 0x22e);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger_draw_indexed, 0x22f);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_default_attributes_setup, 0x232);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(triangle_topology, 0x25e);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_bool_uniforms, 0x2b0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_int_uniforms, 0x2b1);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_main_offset, 0x2ba);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_input_register_map, 0x2bb);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_uniform_setup, 0x2c0);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_program, 0x2cb);
ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vs_swizzle_patterns, 0x2d5);
#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER)
// The total number of registers is chosen arbitrarily, but let's make sure it's not some odd value anyway.
static_assert(sizeof(Regs) <= 0x300 * sizeof(u32), "Register set structure larger than it should be");
static_assert(sizeof(Regs) >= 0x300 * sizeof(u32), "Register set structure smaller than it should be");
extern Regs registers; // TODO: Not sure if we want to have one global instance for this
struct float24 {
static float24 FromFloat32(float val) {
float24 ret;
ret.value = val;
return ret;
// 16 bit mantissa, 7 bit exponent, 1 bit sign
// TODO: No idea if this works as intended
static float24 FromRawFloat24(u32 hex) {
float24 ret;
if ((hex & 0xFFFFFF) == 0) {
ret.value = 0;
} else {
u32 mantissa = hex & 0xFFFF;
u32 exponent = (hex >> 16) & 0x7F;
u32 sign = hex >> 23;
ret.value = powf(2.0f, (float)exponent-63.0f) * (1.0f + mantissa * powf(2.0f, -16.f));
if (sign)
ret.value = -ret.value;
return ret;
// Not recommended for anything but logging
float ToFloat32() const {
return value;
float24 operator * (const float24& flt) const {
return float24::FromFloat32(ToFloat32() * flt.ToFloat32());
float24 operator / (const float24& flt) const {
return float24::FromFloat32(ToFloat32() / flt.ToFloat32());
float24 operator + (const float24& flt) const {
return float24::FromFloat32(ToFloat32() + flt.ToFloat32());
float24 operator - (const float24& flt) const {
return float24::FromFloat32(ToFloat32() - flt.ToFloat32());
float24& operator *= (const float24& flt) {
value *= flt.ToFloat32();
return *this;
float24& operator /= (const float24& flt) {
value /= flt.ToFloat32();
return *this;
float24& operator += (const float24& flt) {
value += flt.ToFloat32();
return *this;
float24& operator -= (const float24& flt) {
value -= flt.ToFloat32();
return *this;
float24 operator - () const {
return float24::FromFloat32(-ToFloat32());
bool operator < (const float24& flt) const {
return ToFloat32() < flt.ToFloat32();
bool operator > (const float24& flt) const {
return ToFloat32() > flt.ToFloat32();
bool operator >= (const float24& flt) const {
return ToFloat32() >= flt.ToFloat32();
bool operator <= (const float24& flt) const {
return ToFloat32() <= flt.ToFloat32();
bool operator == (const float24& flt) const {
return ToFloat32() == flt.ToFloat32();
bool operator != (const float24& flt) const {
return ToFloat32() != flt.ToFloat32();
// Stored as a regular float, merely for convenience
// TODO: Perform proper arithmetic on this!
float value;
union CommandHeader {
CommandHeader(u32 h) : hex(h) {}
u32 hex;
BitField< 0, 16, u32> cmd_id;
BitField<16, 4, u32> parameter_mask;
BitField<20, 11, u32> extra_data_length;
BitField<31, 1, u32> group_commands;
} // namespace