# BootMii loader This repository contains the public release of the source code for the BootMii stub loader. Included portions: * ELF loader stub * BootMii SD loader proper * Reset stub * mini (submodule) Not included: * boot2-style-wad packaging stuff * PyWii (see hbc) * UI/PPC side (CE1LING_CAT) * Installer Note that the code in this repository may differ from the source code used to build the official version of BootMii. This code is released with no warranty, and has only been build tested. If you release this to anyone but yourself without extensive testing, you are an irresponsible person and we will forever hate you. ## Build instructions You need armeb-eabi cross compilers. Same build setup as [mini](https://github.com/fail0verflow/mini). See [bootmii-utils](https://github.com/fail0verflow/bootmii-utils) for some outdated toolchain build scripts. Type `make` to compile. Good luck. Output is at `bootmii.bin`, which is the main `armboot.bin` style executable for BootMii-as-IOS, with a dummy reset stub as payload. Installation as boot2 would replace the ELF payload with the original boot2 instead. ## Seriously Do NOT release this to users unless you've read [this](https://marcan.st/2011/01/safe-hacking/) and spent months testing hardware variations and building an installer that cross checks every step including boot1 simulation prior to actually committing to NAND. There's a reason we didn't brick any Wiis with this stuff. We're releasing this because it's been over a decade and some people are asking for it to experiment with devkits and other weird stuff, not because anyone should try using this on their Wii. ## License Unless otherwise noted in an individual file header, all source code in this repository is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. The full text of the license can be found in the COPYING file.