2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Windows ;
using System.Windows.Controls ;
using System.Windows.Data ;
using System.Windows.Documents ;
using System.Windows.Input ;
using System.Windows.Media ;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging ;
using System.Windows.Navigation ;
using System.Windows.Shapes ;
using Microsoft.Win32 ;
using System.Windows.Interop ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Management ;
using NonFormTimer = System . Timers . Timer ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using DS4WinWPF.DS4Forms.ViewModels ;
using DS4Windows ;
using HttpProgress ;
namespace DS4WinWPF.DS4Forms
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private StatusLogMsg lastLogMsg = new StatusLogMsg ( ) ;
private ProfileList profileListHolder = new ProfileList ( ) ;
private LogViewModel logvm ;
private ControllerListViewModel conLvViewModel ;
private TrayIconViewModel trayIconVM ;
private SettingsViewModel settingsWrapVM ;
private IntPtr regHandle = new IntPtr ( ) ;
private bool showAppInTaskbar = false ;
private ManagementEventWatcher managementEvWatcher ;
private bool wasrunning = false ;
private AutoProfileHolder autoProfileHolder ;
private NonFormTimer hotkeysTimer ;
private NonFormTimer autoProfilesTimer ;
private static int autoProfileDebugLogLevel = 0 ; // 0=Dont log debug messages about active process and window titles to GUI Log screen. 1=Show debug log messages
private AutoProfileChecker autoprofileChecker ;
private ProfileEditor editor ;
private bool preserveSize = true ;
private Size oldSize ;
private bool contextclose ;
public ProfileList ProfileListHolder { get = > profileListHolder ; }
public MainWindow ( ArgumentParser parser )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
App root = Application . Current as App ;
settingsWrapVM = new SettingsViewModel ( ) ;
settingsTab . DataContext = settingsWrapVM ;
logvm = new LogViewModel ( App . rootHub ) ;
//logListView.ItemsSource = logvm.LogItems;
logListView . DataContext = logvm ;
lastMsgLb . DataContext = lastLogMsg ;
profileListHolder . Refresh ( ) ;
profilesListBox . ItemsSource = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol ;
StartStopBtn . Content = App . rootHub . running ? Translations . Strings . StopText :
Translations . Strings . StartText ;
conLvViewModel = new ControllerListViewModel ( App . rootHub , profileListHolder ) ;
controllerLV . DataContext = conLvViewModel ;
ChangeControllerPanel ( ) ;
trayIconVM = new TrayIconViewModel ( App . rootHub , profileListHolder ) ;
notifyIcon . DataContext = trayIconVM ;
if ( Global . StartMinimized | | parser . Mini )
WindowState = WindowState . Minimized ;
bool isElevated = Global . IsAdministrator ( ) ;
if ( isElevated )
uacImg . Visibility = Visibility . Collapsed ;
this . Width = Global . FormWidth ;
this . Height = Global . FormHeight ;
WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation . Manual ;
Left = Global . FormLocationX ;
Top = Global . FormLocationY ;
autoProfileHolder = autoProfControl . AutoProfileHolder ;
autoProfControl . SetupDataContext ( profileListHolder ) ;
autoprofileChecker = new AutoProfileChecker ( autoProfileHolder ) ;
SetupEvents ( ) ;
Thread timerThread = new Thread ( ( ) = >
hotkeysTimer = new NonFormTimer ( ) ;
hotkeysTimer . Interval = 20 ;
hotkeysTimer . AutoReset = false ;
autoProfilesTimer = new NonFormTimer ( ) ;
autoProfilesTimer . Interval = 1000 ;
autoProfilesTimer . AutoReset = false ;
} ) ;
timerThread . IsBackground = true ;
timerThread . Priority = ThreadPriority . Lowest ;
timerThread . Start ( ) ;
timerThread . Join ( ) ;
Task . Run ( ( ) = >
CheckDrivers ( ) ;
if ( ! parser . Stop )
App . rootHub . Start ( ) ;
UpdateTheUpdater ( ) ;
} ) ;
2019-12-20 17:45:03 -06:00
Task . Delay ( 100 ) . ContinueWith ( ( t ) = >
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
int checkwhen = Global . CheckWhen ;
if ( checkwhen > 0 & & DateTime . Now > = Global . LastChecked + TimeSpan . FromHours ( checkwhen ) )
DownloadUpstreamVersionInfo ( ) ;
Check_Version ( ) ;
Global . LastChecked = DateTime . Now ;
} ) ;
private void DownloadUpstreamVersionInfo ( )
// Sorry other devs, gonna have to find your own server
Uri url = new Uri ( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/jay/DS4Windows/newest.txt" ) ;
string filename = Global . appdatapath + "\\version.txt" ;
using ( var downloadStream = new FileStream ( filename , FileMode . Create ) )
Task < System . Net . Http . HttpResponseMessage > temp = App . requestClient . GetAsync ( url . ToString ( ) , downloadStream ) ;
temp . Wait ( ) ;
private void Check_Version ( bool showstatus = false )
string version = Global . exeversion ;
string newversion = File . ReadAllText ( Global . appdatapath + "\\version.txt" ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( newversion ) & & version . CompareTo ( newversion ) ! = 0 )
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBoxResult . No ;
Dispatcher . Invoke ( ( ) = >
result = MessageBox . Show ( Properties . Resources . DownloadVersion . Replace ( "*number*" , newversion ) ,
Properties . Resources . DS4Update , MessageBoxButton . YesNo , MessageBoxImage . Question ) ;
} ) ;
if ( result = = MessageBoxResult . Yes )
bool launch = false ;
using ( Process p = new Process ( ) )
p . StartInfo . FileName = System . IO . Path . Combine ( Global . exedirpath , "DS4Updater.exe" ) ;
p . StartInfo . Arguments = "-autolaunch" ;
if ( Global . AdminNeeded ( ) )
p . StartInfo . Verb = "runas" ;
try { launch = p . Start ( ) ; }
catch ( InvalidOperationException ) { }
if ( launch )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
contextclose = true ;
Close ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
File . Delete ( Global . appdatapath + "\\version.txt" ) ;
File . Delete ( Global . appdatapath + "\\version.txt" ) ;
if ( showstatus )
Dispatcher . Invoke ( ( ) = > MessageBox . Show ( Properties . Resources . UpToDate , "DS4Windows Updater" ) ) ;
private void TrayIconVM_RequestMinimize ( object sender , EventArgs e )
this . WindowState = WindowState . Minimized ;
private void TrayIconVM_ProfileSelected ( TrayIconViewModel sender ,
ControllerHolder item , string profile )
int idx = item . Index ;
CompositeDeviceModel devitem = conLvViewModel . ControllerDict [ idx ] ;
if ( devitem ! = null )
devitem . ChangeSelectedProfile ( profile ) ;
private void ShowNotification ( object sender , DS4Windows . DebugEventArgs e )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
if ( ! IsActive & & ( Global . Notifications = = 2 | |
( Global . Notifications = = 1 & & e . Warning ) ) )
notifyIcon . ShowBalloonTip ( TrayIconViewModel . ballonTitle ,
e . Data , ! e . Warning ? Hardcodet . Wpf . TaskbarNotification . BalloonIcon . Info :
Hardcodet . Wpf . TaskbarNotification . BalloonIcon . Warning ) ;
} ) ) ;
private void SetupEvents ( )
App root = Application . Current as App ;
App . rootHub . ServiceStarted + = ControlServiceStarted ;
App . rootHub . RunningChanged + = ControlServiceChanged ;
App . rootHub . PreServiceStop + = PrepareForServiceStop ;
//root.rootHubtest.RunningChanged += ControlServiceChanged;
conLvViewModel . ControllerCol . CollectionChanged + = ControllerCol_CollectionChanged ;
AppLogger . TrayIconLog + = ShowNotification ;
AppLogger . GuiLog + = UpdateLastStatusMessage ;
logvm . LogItems . CollectionChanged + = LogItems_CollectionChanged ;
App . rootHub . Debug + = UpdateLastStatusMessage ;
trayIconVM . RequestShutdown + = TrayIconVM_RequestShutdown ;
trayIconVM . ProfileSelected + = TrayIconVM_ProfileSelected ;
trayIconVM . RequestMinimize + = TrayIconVM_RequestMinimize ;
trayIconVM . RequestOpen + = TrayIconVM_RequestOpen ;
autoProfControl . AutoDebugChanged + = AutoProfControl_AutoDebugChanged ;
autoprofileChecker . RequestServiceChange + = AutoprofileChecker_RequestServiceChange ;
autoProfileHolder . AutoProfileColl . CollectionChanged + = AutoProfileColl_CollectionChanged ;
//autoProfControl.AutoProfVM.AutoProfileSystemChange += AutoProfVM_AutoProfileSystemChange;
2019-12-26 21:30:47 -06:00
bool wmiConnected = false ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
WqlEventQuery q = new WqlEventQuery ( ) ;
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope ( "root\\CIMV2" ) ;
q . EventClassName = "Win32_PowerManagementEvent" ;
2019-12-26 21:30:47 -06:00
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
scope . Connect ( ) ;
catch ( COMException ) { }
if ( scope . IsConnected )
2019-12-26 21:30:47 -06:00
wmiConnected = true ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
managementEvWatcher = new ManagementEventWatcher ( scope , q ) ;
managementEvWatcher . EventArrived + = PowerEventArrive ;
2019-12-26 21:30:47 -06:00
managementEvWatcher . Start ( ) ;
catch ( ManagementException ) { wmiConnected = false ; }
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
2019-12-26 21:30:47 -06:00
if ( ! wmiConnected )
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
2019-12-26 21:30:47 -06:00
AppLogger . LogToGui ( @ "Could not connect to Windows Management Instrumentation service.
Suspend support not enabled . ", true);
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
private void LogItems_CollectionChanged ( object sender ,
System . Collections . Specialized . NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
if ( e . Action = = System . Collections . Specialized . NotifyCollectionChangedAction . Add )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
int count = logListView . Items . Count ;
logListView . ScrollIntoView ( logvm . LogItems [ count > 0 ? count - 1 : 0 ] ) ;
} ) ) ;
private void ControlServiceStarted ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( Global . SwipeProfiles )
ChangeHotkeysStatus ( true ) ;
CheckAutoProfileStatus ( ) ;
private void AutoprofileChecker_RequestServiceChange ( AutoProfileChecker sender , bool state )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
ChangeService ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
private void AutoProfVM_AutoProfileSystemChange ( AutoProfilesViewModel sender , bool state )
if ( state )
ChangeAutoProfilesStatus ( true ) ;
autoProfileHolder . AutoProfileColl . CollectionChanged + = AutoProfileColl_CollectionChanged ;
ChangeAutoProfilesStatus ( false ) ;
autoProfileHolder . AutoProfileColl . CollectionChanged - = AutoProfileColl_CollectionChanged ;
private void AutoProfileColl_CollectionChanged ( object sender ,
System . Collections . Specialized . NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
CheckAutoProfileStatus ( ) ;
private void AutoProfControl_AutoDebugChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
autoprofileChecker . AutoProfileDebugLogLevel =
autoProfileDebugLogLevel = autoProfControl . AutoDebug = = true ? 1 : 0 ;
private void PowerEventArrive ( object sender , EventArrivedEventArgs e )
short evType = Convert . ToInt16 ( e . NewEvent . GetPropertyValue ( "EventType" ) ) ;
switch ( evType )
// Wakeup from Suspend
case 7 :
DS4LightBar . shuttingdown = false ;
App . rootHub . suspending = false ;
if ( wasrunning )
wasrunning = false ;
Thread . Sleep ( 16000 ) ;
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = false ;
} ) ) ;
App . rootHub . Start ( ) ;
break ;
// Entering Suspend
case 4 :
DS4LightBar . shuttingdown = true ;
Program . rootHub . suspending = true ;
if ( App . rootHub . running )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = false ;
} ) ) ;
App . rootHub . Stop ( ) ;
wasrunning = true ;
break ;
default : break ;
private void UpdateTheUpdater ( )
2019-12-20 17:40:21 -06:00
if ( File . Exists ( Global . exedirpath + "\\Update Files\\DS4Windows\\DS4Updater.exe" ) )
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
Process [ ] processes = Process . GetProcessesByName ( "DS4Updater" ) ;
while ( processes . Length > 0 )
Thread . Sleep ( 500 ) ;
processes = Process . GetProcessesByName ( "DS4Updater" ) ;
File . Delete ( Global . exedirpath + "\\DS4Updater.exe" ) ;
2019-12-20 17:40:21 -06:00
File . Move ( Global . exedirpath + "\\Update Files\\DS4Windows\\DS4Updater.exe" ,
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
Global . exedirpath + "\\DS4Updater.exe" ) ;
2019-12-20 17:40:21 -06:00
Directory . Delete ( Global . exedirpath + "\\Update Files" , true ) ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
private void ChangeHotkeysStatus ( bool state )
if ( state )
hotkeysTimer . Elapsed + = HotkeysTimer_Elapsed ;
hotkeysTimer . Start ( ) ;
hotkeysTimer . Stop ( ) ;
hotkeysTimer . Elapsed - = HotkeysTimer_Elapsed ;
private void HotkeysTimer_Elapsed ( object sender , System . Timers . ElapsedEventArgs e )
hotkeysTimer . Stop ( ) ;
if ( Global . SwipeProfiles )
foreach ( CompositeDeviceModel item in conLvViewModel . ControllerCol )
//for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
string slide = App . rootHub . TouchpadSlide ( item . DevIndex ) ;
if ( slide = = "left" )
//int ind = i;
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
if ( item . SelectedIndex < = 0 )
item . SelectedIndex = item . ProfileListCol . Count - 1 ;
item . SelectedIndex - - ;
} ) ) ;
else if ( slide = = "right" )
//int ind = i;
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
if ( item . SelectedIndex = = ( item . ProfileListCol . Count - 1 ) )
item . SelectedIndex = 0 ;
item . SelectedIndex + + ;
} ) ) ;
if ( slide . Contains ( "t" ) )
//int ind = i;
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
string temp = Properties . Resources . UsingProfile . Replace ( "*number*" ,
( item . DevIndex + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ) . Replace ( "*Profile name*" , item . SelectedProfile ) ;
ShowHotkeyNotification ( temp ) ;
} ) ) ;
hotkeysTimer . Start ( ) ;
private void ShowHotkeyNotification ( string message )
if ( ! IsActive & & ( Global . Notifications = = 2 ) )
notifyIcon . ShowBalloonTip ( TrayIconViewModel . ballonTitle ,
message , Hardcodet . Wpf . TaskbarNotification . BalloonIcon . Info ) ;
private void PrepareForServiceStop ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
trayIconVM . ClearContextMenu ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
ChangeHotkeysStatus ( false ) ;
private void TrayIconVM_RequestOpen ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! showAppInTaskbar )
Show ( ) ;
WindowState = WindowState . Normal ;
private void TrayIconVM_RequestShutdown ( object sender , EventArgs e )
contextclose = true ;
this . Close ( ) ;
private void UpdateLastStatusMessage ( object sender , DS4Windows . DebugEventArgs e )
lastLogMsg . Message = e . Data ;
lastLogMsg . Warning = e . Warning ;
private void ChangeControllerPanel ( )
if ( conLvViewModel . ControllerCol . Count = = 0 )
controllerLV . Visibility = Visibility . Hidden ;
noContLb . Visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
controllerLV . Visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
noContLb . Visibility = Visibility . Hidden ;
private void ChangeAutoProfilesStatus ( bool state )
if ( state )
autoProfilesTimer . Elapsed + = AutoProfilesTimer_Elapsed ;
autoProfilesTimer . Start ( ) ;
autoprofileChecker . Running = true ;
autoProfilesTimer . Stop ( ) ;
autoProfilesTimer . Elapsed - = AutoProfilesTimer_Elapsed ;
autoprofileChecker . Running = false ;
private void CheckAutoProfileStatus ( )
int pathCount = autoProfileHolder . AutoProfileColl . Count ;
bool timerEnabled = autoprofileChecker . Running ;
if ( pathCount > 0 & & ! timerEnabled )
ChangeAutoProfilesStatus ( true ) ;
else if ( pathCount = = 0 & & timerEnabled )
ChangeAutoProfilesStatus ( false ) ;
private void AutoProfilesTimer_Elapsed ( object sender , System . Timers . ElapsedEventArgs e )
autoProfilesTimer . Stop ( ) ;
//Console.WriteLine("Event triggered");
autoprofileChecker . Process ( ) ;
if ( autoprofileChecker . Running )
autoProfilesTimer . Start ( ) ;
private void ControllerCol_CollectionChanged ( object sender ,
System . Collections . Specialized . NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
ChangeControllerPanel ( ) ;
System . Collections . IList newitems = e . NewItems ;
if ( newitems ! = null )
foreach ( CompositeDeviceModel item in newitems )
item . LightContext = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
item . AddLightContextItems ( ) ;
item . Device . SyncChange + = DS4Device_SyncChange ;
item . RequestColorPicker + = Item_RequestColorPicker ;
//item.LightContext.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "Use Profile Color", IsChecked = !item.UseCustomColor });
//item.LightContext.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "Use Custom Color", IsChecked = item.UseCustomColor });
if ( App . rootHub . running )
trayIconVM . PopulateContextMenu ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
private void Item_RequestColorPicker ( CompositeDeviceModel sender )
ColorPickerWindow dialog = new ColorPickerWindow ( ) ;
dialog . Owner = this ;
dialog . colorPicker . SelectedColor = sender . CustomLightColor ;
dialog . ColorChanged + = ( sender2 , color ) = >
sender . UpdateCustomLightColor ( color ) ;
} ;
dialog . ShowDialog ( ) ;
private void DS4Device_SyncChange ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
trayIconVM . PopulateContextMenu ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
private void ControlServiceChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//Tester service = sender as Tester;
ControlService service = sender as ControlService ;
Dispatcher . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
if ( service . running )
StartStopBtn . Content = Translations . Strings . StopText ;
StartStopBtn . Content = Translations . Strings . StartText ;
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
} ) ) ;
private void AboutBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
About aboutWin = new About ( ) ;
aboutWin . Owner = this ;
aboutWin . ShowDialog ( ) ;
private void StartStopBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
ChangeService ( ) ;
private async void ChangeService ( )
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = false ;
App root = Application . Current as App ;
//Tester service = root.rootHubtest;
ControlService service = App . rootHub ;
await Task . Run ( ( ) = >
if ( service . running )
service . Stop ( ) ;
service . Start ( ) ;
} ) ;
private void LogListView_MouseDoubleClick ( object sender , MouseButtonEventArgs e )
int idx = logListView . SelectedIndex ;
if ( idx > - 1 )
LogItem temp = logvm . LogItems [ idx ] ;
MessageBox . Show ( temp . Message , "Log" ) ;
private void ClearLogBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
logvm . LogItems . Clear ( ) ;
private void MainTabCon_SelectionChanged ( object sender , SelectionChangedEventArgs e )
if ( mainTabCon . SelectedIndex = = 4 )
lastMsgLb . Visibility = Visibility . Hidden ;
lastMsgLb . Visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
private void ProfilesListBox_SelectionChanged ( object sender , SelectionChangedEventArgs e )
newProfListBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
editProfBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
deleteProfBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
dupProfBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
importProfBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
exportProfBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
private void RunAtStartCk_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
settingsWrapVM . ShowRunStartPanel = runAtStartCk . IsChecked = = true ? Visibility . Visible :
Visibility . Collapsed ;
private void ContStatusImg_MouseRightButtonUp ( object sender , MouseButtonEventArgs e )
CompositeDeviceModel item = conLvViewModel . CurrentItem ;
2019-12-20 20:17:57 -06:00
item . RequestDisconnect ( ) ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
private void ExportLogBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
dialog . AddExtension = true ;
dialog . DefaultExt = ".txt" ;
dialog . Filter = "Text Documents (*.txt)|*.txt" ;
dialog . Title = "Select Export File" ;
// TODO: Expose config dir
dialog . InitialDirectory = Global . appdatapath ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = true )
LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter ( dialog . FileName , logvm . LogItems . ToList ( ) ) ;
logWriter . Process ( ) ;
private void IdColumnTxtB_ToolTipOpening ( object sender , ToolTipEventArgs e )
TextBlock statusBk = sender as TextBlock ;
int idx = Convert . ToInt32 ( statusBk . Tag ) ;
if ( idx > = 0 )
CompositeDeviceModel item = conLvViewModel . ControllerDict [ idx ] ;
item . RequestUpdatedTooltipID ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Clear and re-populate tray context menu
/// </summary>
private void NotifyIcon_TrayRightMouseUp ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
notifyIcon . ContextMenu = trayIconVM . ContextMenu ;
/// <summary>
/// Change profile based on selection
/// </summary>
private void SelectProfCombo_SelectionChanged ( object sender , SelectionChangedEventArgs e )
ComboBox box = sender as ComboBox ;
int idx = Convert . ToInt32 ( box . Tag ) ;
if ( idx > - 1 & & conLvViewModel . ControllerDict . ContainsKey ( idx ) )
CompositeDeviceModel item = conLvViewModel . ControllerDict [ idx ] ;
if ( item . SelectedIndex > - 1 )
item . ChangeSelectedProfile ( ) ;
trayIconVM . PopulateContextMenu ( ) ;
private void CustomColorPick_SelectedColorChanged ( object sender , RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs < Color ? > e )
private void LightColorBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
Button button = sender as Button ;
int idx = Convert . ToInt32 ( button . Tag ) ;
CompositeDeviceModel item = conLvViewModel . ControllerDict [ idx ] ;
//(button.ContextMenu.Items[0] as MenuItem).IsChecked = conLvViewModel.ControllerCol[idx].UseCustomColor;
//(button.ContextMenu.Items[1] as MenuItem).IsChecked = !conLvViewModel.ControllerCol[idx].UseCustomColor;
button . ContextMenu = item . LightContext ;
button . ContextMenu . IsOpen = true ;
private void MainDS4Window_Closing ( object sender , System . ComponentModel . CancelEventArgs e )
if ( editor ! = null )
editor . Close ( ) ;
e . Cancel = true ;
return ;
else if ( contextclose )
return ;
else if ( Global . CloseMini )
WindowState = WindowState . Minimized ;
e . Cancel = true ;
return ;
if ( conLvViewModel . ControllerCol . Count > 0 )
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox . Show ( Properties . Resources . CloseConfirm , Properties . Resources . Confirm ,
MessageBoxButton . YesNo , MessageBoxImage . Question ) ;
if ( result = = MessageBoxResult . No )
e . Cancel = true ;
return ;
private void MainDS4Window_Closed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
hotkeysTimer . Stop ( ) ;
autoProfilesTimer . Stop ( ) ;
Util . UnregisterNotify ( regHandle ) ;
Application . Current . Shutdown ( ) ;
protected override void OnSourceInitialized ( EventArgs e )
base . OnSourceInitialized ( e ) ;
HwndSource source = PresentationSource . FromVisual ( this ) as HwndSource ;
HookWindowMessages ( source ) ;
source . AddHook ( WndProc ) ;
private bool inHotPlug = false ;
private int hotplugCounter = 0 ;
private object hotplugCounterLock = new object ( ) ;
private const int DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED = 0x0007 ;
private const int DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = 0x8000 ;
private const int DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE = 0x8004 ;
public const int WM_COPYDATA = 0x004A ;
private IntPtr WndProc ( IntPtr hwnd , int msg , IntPtr wParam ,
IntPtr lParam , ref bool handled )
// Handle messages...
switch ( msg )
if ( Global . runHotPlug )
Int32 Type = wParam . ToInt32 ( ) ;
if ( Type = = DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL | |
lock ( hotplugCounterLock )
hotplugCounter + + ;
if ( ! inHotPlug )
inHotPlug = true ;
Task . Run ( ( ) = > { InnerHotplug2 ( ) ; } ) ;
break ;
// Received InterProcessCommunication (IPC) message. DS4Win command is embedded as a string value in lpData buffer
App . COPYDATASTRUCT cds = ( App . COPYDATASTRUCT ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( lParam , typeof ( App . COPYDATASTRUCT ) ) ;
if ( cds . cbData > = 4 & & cds . cbData < = 256 )
int tdevice = - 1 ;
byte [ ] buffer = new byte [ cds . cbData ] ;
Marshal . Copy ( cds . lpData , buffer , 0 , cds . cbData ) ;
string [ ] strData = Encoding . ASCII . GetString ( buffer ) . Split ( '.' ) ;
if ( strData . Length > = 1 )
strData [ 0 ] = strData [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) ;
if ( strData [ 0 ] = = "start" )
ChangeService ( ) ;
else if ( strData [ 0 ] = = "stop" )
ChangeService ( ) ;
else if ( strData [ 0 ] = = "shutdown" )
MainDS4Window_Closing ( this , new System . ComponentModel . CancelEventArgs ( ) ) ;
else if ( ( strData [ 0 ] = = "loadprofile" | | strData [ 0 ] = = "loadtempprofile" ) & & strData . Length > = 3 )
// Command syntax: LoadProfile.device#.profileName (fex LoadProfile.1.GameSnake or LoadTempProfile.1.WebBrowserSet)
if ( int . TryParse ( strData [ 1 ] , out tdevice ) ) tdevice - - ;
if ( tdevice > = 0 & & tdevice < ControlService . DS4_CONTROLLER_COUNT & &
File . Exists ( Global . appdatapath + "\\Profiles\\" + strData [ 2 ] + ".xml" ) )
if ( strData [ 0 ] = = "loadprofile" )
int idx = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol . Select ( ( item , index ) = > new { item , index } ) .
Where ( x = > x . item . Name = = strData [ 2 ] ) . Select ( x = > x . index ) . DefaultIfEmpty ( - 1 ) . First ( ) ;
if ( idx > = 0 & & tdevice < conLvViewModel . ControllerCol . Count )
conLvViewModel . ControllerCol [ tdevice ] . ChangeSelectedProfile ( strData [ 2 ] ) ;
// Preset profile name for later loading
Global . ProfilePath [ tdevice ] = strData [ 2 ] ;
//Global.LoadProfile(tdevice, true, Program.rootHub);
Global . LoadTempProfile ( tdevice , strData [ 2 ] , true , Program . rootHub ) ;
Program . rootHub . LogDebug ( Properties . Resources . UsingProfile .
Replace ( "*number*" , ( tdevice + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ) . Replace ( "*Profile name*" , strData [ 2 ] ) ) ;
break ;
default : break ;
return IntPtr . Zero ;
private void InnerHotplug2 ( )
inHotPlug = true ;
bool loopHotplug = false ;
lock ( hotplugCounterLock )
loopHotplug = hotplugCounter > 0 ;
while ( loopHotplug = = true )
Thread . Sleep ( 1500 ) ;
Program . rootHub . HotPlug ( ) ;
//TaskRunner.Run(() => { Program.rootHub.HotPlug(uiContext); });
lock ( hotplugCounterLock )
hotplugCounter - - ;
loopHotplug = hotplugCounter > 0 ;
inHotPlug = false ;
private void HookWindowMessages ( HwndSource source )
Guid hidGuid = new Guid ( ) ;
NativeMethods . HidD_GetHidGuid ( ref hidGuid ) ;
bool result = Util . RegisterNotify ( source . Handle , hidGuid , ref regHandle ) ;
if ( ! result )
App . Current . Shutdown ( ) ;
private void ProfEditSBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
Control temp = sender as Control ;
int idx = Convert . ToInt32 ( temp . Tag ) ;
controllerLV . SelectedIndex = idx ;
CompositeDeviceModel item = conLvViewModel . CurrentItem ;
if ( item ! = null )
ProfileEntity entity = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol [ item . SelectedIndex ] ;
ShowProfileEditor ( idx , entity ) ;
mainTabCon . SelectedIndex = 1 ;
private void NewProfBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
Control temp = sender as Control ;
int idx = Convert . ToInt32 ( temp . Tag ) ;
controllerLV . SelectedIndex = idx ;
ShowProfileEditor ( idx , null ) ;
mainTabCon . SelectedIndex = 1 ;
private async void HideDS4ContCk_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = false ;
2019-12-26 20:30:18 -06:00
//bool checkStatus = hideDS4ContCk.IsChecked == true;
hideDS4ContCk . IsEnabled = false ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
await Task . Run ( ( ) = >
App . rootHub . Stop ( ) ;
App . rootHub . Start ( ) ;
} ) ;
2019-12-26 20:30:18 -06:00
hideDS4ContCk . IsEnabled = true ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
private async void UseUdpServerCk_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
bool status = useUdpServerCk . IsChecked = = true ;
udpServerTxt . IsEnabled = status ;
updPortNum . IsEnabled = status ;
if ( ! status )
App . rootHub . ChangeMotionEventStatus ( status ) ;
await Task . Delay ( 100 ) . ContinueWith ( ( t ) = >
App . rootHub . ChangeUDPStatus ( status ) ;
} ) ;
Program . rootHub . ChangeUDPStatus ( status ) ;
await Task . Delay ( 100 ) . ContinueWith ( ( t ) = >
App . rootHub . ChangeMotionEventStatus ( status ) ;
} ) ;
private void ProfFolderBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
Process . Start ( Global . appdatapath + "\\Profiles" ) ;
private void ControlPanelBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
Process . Start ( "control" , "joy.cpl" ) ;
private async void DriverSetupBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = false ;
await Task . Run ( ( ) = >
if ( App . rootHub . running )
App . rootHub . Stop ( ) ;
} ) ;
StartStopBtn . IsEnabled = true ;
Process p = new Process ( ) ;
p . StartInfo . FileName = Global . exelocation ;
p . StartInfo . Arguments = "-driverinstall" ;
p . StartInfo . Verb = "runas" ;
try { p . Start ( ) ; }
catch { }
private void CheckUpdatesBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
Task . Run ( ( ) = >
DownloadUpstreamVersionInfo ( ) ;
Check_Version ( true ) ;
} ) ;
private void UseWhiteDS4IconCk_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
bool status = useWhiteDS4IconCk . IsChecked = = true ;
2019-12-26 21:15:55 -06:00
trayIconVM . IconSource = status ? TrayIconViewModel . ICON_WHITE : TrayIconViewModel . ICON_COLOR ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
private void CheckDrivers ( )
bool deriverinstalled = Global . IsViGEmBusInstalled ( ) ;
if ( ! deriverinstalled )
Process p = new Process ( ) ;
p . StartInfo . FileName = $"{Global.exelocation}" ;
p . StartInfo . Arguments = "-driverinstall" ;
p . StartInfo . Verb = "runas" ;
try { p . Start ( ) ; }
catch { }
private void ImportProfBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
dialog . AddExtension = true ;
dialog . DefaultExt = ".xml" ;
dialog . Filter = "DS4Windows Profile (*.xml)|*.xml" ;
dialog . Title = "Select Profile to Import File" ;
if ( Global . appdatapath ! = Global . exedirpath )
dialog . InitialDirectory = Environment . GetFolderPath ( Environment . SpecialFolder . ApplicationData ) + "\\DS4Windows" + @"\Profiles\" ;
dialog . InitialDirectory = Global . exedirpath + @"\Profiles\" ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = true )
string [ ] files = dialog . FileNames ;
for ( int i = 0 , arlen = files . Length ; i < arlen ; i + + )
string profilename = System . IO . Path . GetFileName ( files [ i ] ) ;
string basename = System . IO . Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( files [ i ] ) ;
File . Copy ( dialog . FileNames [ i ] , Global . appdatapath + "\\Profiles\\" + profilename , true ) ;
profileListHolder . AddProfileSort ( basename ) ;
private void ExportProfBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
if ( profilesListBox . SelectedIndex > = 0 )
SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
dialog . AddExtension = true ;
dialog . DefaultExt = ".xml" ;
dialog . Filter = "DS4Windows Profile (*.xml)|*.xml" ;
dialog . Title = "Select Profile to Export File" ;
Stream stream ;
int idx = profilesListBox . SelectedIndex ;
Stream profile = new StreamReader ( Global . appdatapath + "\\Profiles\\" + profileListHolder . ProfileListCol [ idx ] . Name + ".xml" ) . BaseStream ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = true )
if ( ( stream = dialog . OpenFile ( ) ) ! = null )
profile . CopyTo ( stream ) ;
profile . Close ( ) ;
stream . Close ( ) ;
private void DupProfBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
string filename = "" ;
if ( profilesListBox . SelectedIndex > = 0 )
int idx = profilesListBox . SelectedIndex ;
filename = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol [ idx ] . Name ;
dupBox . OldFilename = filename ;
dupBoxBar . Visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
dupBox . Save + = ( sender2 , profilename ) = >
profileListHolder . AddProfileSort ( profilename ) ;
dupBoxBar . Visibility = Visibility . Collapsed ;
} ;
dupBox . Cancel + = ( sender2 , args ) = >
dupBoxBar . Visibility = Visibility . Collapsed ;
} ;
private void DeleteProfBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
if ( profilesListBox . SelectedIndex > = 0 )
int idx = profilesListBox . SelectedIndex ;
ProfileEntity entity = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol [ idx ] ;
string filename = entity . Name ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( Properties . Resources . ProfileCannotRestore . Replace ( "*Profile name*" , "\"" + filename + "\"" ) ,
Properties . Resources . DeleteProfile ,
MessageBoxButton . YesNo , MessageBoxImage . Question ) = = MessageBoxResult . Yes )
entity . DeleteFile ( ) ;
profileListHolder . ProfileListCol . RemoveAt ( idx ) ;
private void SelectProfCombo_KeyDown ( object sender , KeyEventArgs e )
e . Handled = true ;
private void MainDS4Window_StateChanged ( object _sender , EventArgs _e )
CheckMinStatus ( ) ;
public void CheckMinStatus ( )
bool minToTask = Global . MinToTaskbar ;
if ( WindowState = = WindowState . Minimized & & ! minToTask )
Hide ( ) ;
showAppInTaskbar = false ;
else if ( WindowState = = WindowState . Normal & & ! minToTask )
Show ( ) ;
showAppInTaskbar = true ;
private void MainDS4Window_SizeChanged ( object sender , SizeChangedEventArgs e )
if ( WindowState ! = WindowState . Minimized & & preserveSize )
Global . FormWidth = Convert . ToInt32 ( Width ) ;
Global . FormHeight = Convert . ToInt32 ( Height ) ;
private void MainDS4Window_LocationChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( WindowState ! = WindowState . Minimized )
Global . FormLocationX = Convert . ToInt32 ( Left ) ;
Global . FormLocationY = Convert . ToInt32 ( Top ) ;
private void NotifyIcon_TrayMiddleMouseDown ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
2019-12-22 15:10:25 -06:00
contextclose = true ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
Close ( ) ;
private void CustomSteamCk_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
bool state = customSteamCk . IsChecked = = true ;
customSteamTxt . IsEnabled = state ;
private void SwipeTouchCk_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
bool status = swipeTouchCk . IsChecked = = true ;
ChangeHotkeysStatus ( status ) ;
private void EditProfBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
if ( profilesListBox . SelectedIndex > = 0 )
ProfileEntity entity = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol [ profilesListBox . SelectedIndex ] ;
ShowProfileEditor ( 4 , entity ) ;
private void ProfileEditor_Closed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
profDockPanel . Children . Remove ( editor ) ;
profOptsToolbar . Visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
profilesListBox . Visibility = Visibility . Visible ;
preserveSize = true ;
if ( ! editor . Keepsize )
this . Width = oldSize . Width ;
this . Height = oldSize . Height ;
oldSize = new Size ( Width , Height ) ;
editor = null ;
mainTabCon . SelectedIndex = 0 ;
//Task.Run(() => GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Forced, false));
private void NewProfListBtn_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
ShowProfileEditor ( 4 , null ) ;
private void ShowProfileEditor ( int device , ProfileEntity entity = null )
2019-12-26 22:02:12 -06:00
if ( editor = = null )
profOptsToolbar . Visibility = Visibility . Collapsed ;
profilesListBox . Visibility = Visibility . Collapsed ;
preserveSize = false ;
oldSize . Width = Width ;
oldSize . Height = Height ;
this . Width = 1000 ;
this . Height = 650 ;
editor = new ProfileEditor ( device ) ;
editor . CreatedProfile + = Editor_CreatedProfile ;
editor . Closed + = ProfileEditor_Closed ;
profDockPanel . Children . Add ( editor ) ;
editor . Reload ( device , entity ) ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
private void Editor_CreatedProfile ( ProfileEditor sender , string profile )
profileListHolder . AddProfileSort ( profile ) ;
2019-12-24 17:46:25 -06:00
int devnum = sender . DeviceNum ;
if ( devnum > = 0 & & devnum + 1 < = conLvViewModel . ControllerCol . Count )
conLvViewModel . ControllerCol [ devnum ] . ChangeSelectedProfile ( profile ) ;
2019-12-18 15:33:23 -06:00
private void NotifyIcon_TrayMouseDoubleClick ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e )
if ( ! showAppInTaskbar )
Show ( ) ;
WindowState = WindowState . Normal ;
private void ProfilesListBox_MouseDoubleClick ( object sender , MouseButtonEventArgs e )
if ( profilesListBox . SelectedIndex > = 0 )
ProfileEntity entity = profileListHolder . ProfileListCol [ profilesListBox . SelectedIndex ] ;
ShowProfileEditor ( 4 , entity ) ;