Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="ActionExists" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Name dieser Aktion existiert bereits</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="AddingToList" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Zur Liste Hinzufügen ...</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="AddPrograms" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<value>Programme Hinzufügen</value>
<data name="ALocactionNeeded" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Ein Ort muss angegeben werden, um fortzufahren.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="AlwaysRainbow" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Permanenter Regenbogen Modus</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="AssignProfile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controller *number* zuweisen</value>
<data name="Battery" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Batterie: *number*%</value>
<data name="BestUsedRightSide" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Wird am besten mit der rechten Seite als Mausfunktion verwendet.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Browse" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Durchsuchen ...</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="CannotWriteHere" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<value>Kann im aktuellen Verzeichnis nicht speichern. Sollen die Einstellungen nach Appdata kopiert werden?</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Charged" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Charging" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Controller *number*% ist am aufladen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="CheckBattery" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Batterie prüfen</value>
<data name="CloseDS4W" xml:space="preserve">
<value>DS4Windows schließen?</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="CloseMinimize" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Beende DS4Windows über das Benachrichtigungssymbol</value>
<data name="Color" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ColorByBattery" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Farbe wird nach der Akkulaufzeit eingestellt</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Connecting" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Verbinde ...</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="ContextEdit" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bearbeite Profil für Controller *number*</value>
<data name="ContextNew" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Erstelle Profil für Controller *number*</value>
<data name="ControllerWasRemoved" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Controller *Mac address* wurde entfernt oder hat die Verbindung verloren.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="CopyComplete" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Kopieren abgeschlossen, bitte DS4Windows neustarten und Einstellungen aus dem Programmverzeichnis entfernen.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="CopyFullColor" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Klicken um Farbe zu kopieren</value>
<data name="CouldNotOpenDS4" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Warnung: Konnte DS4 *Mac address* nicht exklusiv öffnen.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Day" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Days" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="DeleteProfile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Profil löschen?</value>
<data name="DimByBattery" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Dimmen, wenn der Akku weniger als % hat.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="DinputOnly" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Schalte X360 Eingabemethode aus und benutze nur DS4's systemeigene Eingabemethode. "Verstecke DS4 Controller" muss bei Kabelverbindung deaktiviert sein.</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="DisconnectBT" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bluetooth-Verbindung trennen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Disconnected" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Downloading" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Lade herunter *number*%</value>
<data name="DownloadVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Version *number* herunterladen?</value>
<data name="DownText" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="DS4Update" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>DS4Windows Aktualisierung verfügbar!</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="DS4WindowsCannotEditHere" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<value>DS4Windows kann hier nicht die Einstellungen bearbeiten. Fenster wird nun geschlossen.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="EditProfile" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="FallBack" xml:space="preserve">
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="FifthMouseDown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>5. Maustaste runter</value>
<data name="FifthMouseUp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>5. Maustaste hoch</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="FlashAtTip" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Klicken, um die Farbe des Lichtbalkens zu ändern. Schwarz = Standardfarbe</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="FlushHID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Leere HID</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="FlushHIDTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>HID Queue nach jeder Auslesung leeren</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="FoundController" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Controller gefunden:</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="FourthMouseDown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>4. Maustaste unten</value>
<data name="FourthMouseUp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>4. Maustaste hoch</value>
<data name="Full" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="GyroReadout" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Klicken, um die Sixaxis Gyro Auslesung anzuzeigen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="GyroX" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>GyroX, links und rechts neigen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="GyroY" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>GyroY, vorwärts und rückwärts neigen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="GyroZ" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>GyroZ, hoch und runter neigen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Hour" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Hours" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="HoverOverItems" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Fahre über die Elemente, um die Beschreibung zu sehen.</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="IfRemovingDS4Windows" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Wenn du DS4Windows entfernst, kannst du die Einstellungen löschen. Folge dazu dem Link zum Profilordner.</value>
<data name="InputDelay" xml:space="preserve">
2015-02-08 16:51:52 -05:00
<value>Eingabeverzögerung: *number*ms</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="InstallComplete" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Installation abgeschlossen</value>
<data name="InstallDriver" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Treiber hier installieren</value>
<data name="Installing" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<value>Installiere ...</value>
<data name="Jitter" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Verwende Sixaxis, um die Berechnung der Touchpad-Bewegung zu verbessern.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="KeepThisSize" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Fenstergröße speichern</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="LatencyNotOverTen" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Latenz von Controller *number* ist nun unter 10ms</value>
<data name="LatencyOverTen" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Latenz von Controller *number* ist über 10ms</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="LaunchProgram" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Starte *program*</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="LightByBatteryTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bei Leerlauf Licht dimmen EIN</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Loading" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Lade ...</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="LoadProfile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Lade *profile*</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="Macro" xml:space="preserve">
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="MakeNewProfile" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Erstelle ein neues Profil</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="NA" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="New" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="NoMacroRecorded" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Es wurde kein Makro aufgezeichnet.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="noneProfile" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="NoneText" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoProfileLoaded" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Kein Profil geladen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="NotUsingProfile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controller *number* benutzt kein Profil</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="NotValid" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="OpeningInstaller" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Starte Installationsprogramm</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="OpenScpDriver" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Bitte ScpDrivers.exe starten</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="OtherFileLocation" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>, Dateien an anderen Speicherorten werden gelöscht</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="PleaseDownloadUpdater" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Lade bitte den Updater herunter und kopiere ihn dann ins Programmverzeichnis. Suche anschließend erneut nach einer Aktualisierung.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="PleaseImport" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Bitte erstelle oder importiere ein Profil</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-02-08 16:51:52 -05:00
<data name="PlusNewProfile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Neues Profil</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="ProfileCannotRestore" xml:space="preserve">
<value>*Profile name* kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden.</value>
<data name="ProfileFolderMoved" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Profilordner wurde in den Programmordner verschoben.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="Programs" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="QuickCharge" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Experimentell: Deaktiviere die Bluetooth-Verbindung automatisch, wenn per USB verbunden wird.</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="QuitOtherPrograms" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Du musst andere Programme wie Steam oder Uplay beenden, bevor du die Option, "Verstecke DS4 Controller" aktivierst.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="RecordText" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RightClickPresets" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<value>Rechtsklick, um eine Voreinstellung für eine Reihe von Steuerungen zu setzen.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="SaveRecordedMacro" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Aufgezeichnetes Makro speichern?</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="ScanCode" xml:space="preserve">
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="SearchingController" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<value>Suche nach Controllern ...</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="SelectActionTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Wähle eine Aktion für *action*</value>
<data name="SetRegularTrigger" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Normalen-Auslöser setzen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="SetUnloadTrigger" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Entfernungsauslöser setzen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="Shortcuts" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SixAxisReading" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Klicken, für erweiterterte Sixaxis Auslesung</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Starting" xml:space="preserve">
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<value>Starte ...</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="StartText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="Step1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Schritt 1: Installiere den DS4 Treiber</value>
<data name="StopHText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>starke stoppen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="StopLText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>schwache stoppen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="StoppedDS4Windows" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>DS4Windows beendet</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="StoppingDS4" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Beende DS4 Controller</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="StoppingX360" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Beende X360 Controller</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="StopText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="SwipeDown" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>nach unten streichen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="SwipeLeft" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>nach links streichen</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="SwipeRight" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>nach rechts streichen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="SwipeTouchpad" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Streiche über das Touchpad, um das Profil zu wechseln.</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="SwipeUp" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>nach oben streichen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TapAndHold" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Tippe und halte zum Ziehen - leichte Verzögerung bei einzelnen tips</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TestHText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>starke testen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TestLText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>schwache testen</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TiltDown" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Neigung nach Unten</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TiltLeft" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Neigung nach Links</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TiltRight" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Neigung nach Rechts</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TiltUp" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Neigung nach Oben</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TouchpadMovementOff" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Touchpad Bewegung ist jetzt Aus</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TouchpadMovementOn" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Touchpad Bewegung ist jetzt An</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="TouchpadOffTip" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Zum Reaktivieren, drücke PS + Touchpad.</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TwoFingerSwipe" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Streichgeste mit 2 Fingern nach links oder rechts</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TypeNewName" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Neuen Namen hier eingeben</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="TypeProfileName" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Profilnamen hier eingeben</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="UpText" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="UpToDate" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Du befindest dich auf dem neuesten Stand.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="UseControllerForMapping" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Du kannst auch den Controller verwenden, um die Bedienung zu ändern.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="UsingExclusive" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Benutze exklusiven Modus</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="UsingProfile" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Controller *number* benutzt jetzt Profil "*Profile name*"</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="UsingShared" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Benutze geteilten Modus</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="UsingTPSwipes" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Dies deaktiviert, dass das Touchpad als Maus benutzt werden kann.</value>
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="ValidName" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Bitte gültigen Namen eingeben</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="WaitMS" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Warte *number*ms</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
<data name="WillKeep" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Wird gehalten</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-04-21 15:00:09 -04:00
<data name="XinputPorts" xml:space="preserve">
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<value>Verwende höher liegende Ports, wenn Konflikte mit anderen X360 Simulationsprogrammen, wie SCP's Serviceprogramm, auftreten.</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00
2015-11-28 00:47:26 -05:00
<data name="StoppedDS4Tool" xml:space="preserve">
<value>DS4Windows beendet</value>
<data name="TextDocs" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Neigung nach Unten</value>
2015-12-05 03:55:11 -05:00
<data name="ChargeController" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Die Batterie aufladen</value>
<data name="InstallFailed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Installation fehlgeschlagen, bitte erneut versuchen</value>
<data name="XMLFiles" xml:space="preserve">
<value>XML Dateien (*.xml)</value>
Version 1.4.222
Added Press/Toggle Key to Special Actions, you can hold a trigger to
hold a key or toggle a key with one set of buttons, and untoggle it by
pressing or releasing another set of buttons
Added Disconnect BT to Special Actions, PS+Options to d/c is now added
to Special actions and can be enabled for each profile. You can now set
Disconnect BT to any control(s) and how long you need to hold the
control(s) to take affect
Added Partial German Translation (Thanks Michél)
Added 95% Finished Russian Translation (Thanks members:
KoNoRIMCI & Sr_psycho)
Added Partial Italian Translation (Thanks Giulio)
Updates to the translations sheets, they should now have every bit of
text in DS4Windows, minus the controls of the controller
English Spelling fixes
Main/Starting tab only shows info for connected controllers, and context
menu only shows options for connected controllers.
Mouse wheel scrolling with analog sticks/triggers/gyro, the mouse now
scrolls smoothly
Slightly reworked analog mouse movement + mouse acceleration (not as
janky anymore)
When starting DS4Windows, if no controllers are connected, DS4Windows
defaults to the profile tab
Certain log warnings (Like unable to get controller exclusively) shows
up in red
Easter egg: try pressing a few buttons in sequence while in the log tab
Fixed Start Profile with TP off being unchecked next time a profile is
Other minor Bug Fixes, such as clearing the log then moving to a new tab
crashing DS4W
2015-01-17 15:16:48 -05:00