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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DS4Windows;
namespace DS4WinWPF
public class AutoProfileChecker
private AutoProfileHolder profileHolder;
private IntPtr prevForegroundWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
private uint prevForegroundProcessID;
private string prevForegroundProcessName = string.Empty;
private string prevForegroundWndTitleName = string.Empty;
private StringBuilder autoProfileCheckTextBuilder = new StringBuilder(1000);
private int autoProfileDebugLogLevel = 0;
private bool turnOffTemp;
private AutoProfileEntity tempAutoProfile;
private bool running;
public int AutoProfileDebugLogLevel { get => autoProfileDebugLogLevel; set => autoProfileDebugLogLevel = value; }
public bool Running { get => running; set => running = value; }
public delegate void ChangeServiceHandler(AutoProfileChecker sender, bool state);
public event ChangeServiceHandler RequestServiceChange;
public AutoProfileChecker(AutoProfileHolder holder)
profileHolder = holder;
public void Process()
string topProcessName, topWindowTitle;
bool turnOffDS4WinApp = false;
AutoProfileEntity matchedProfileEntity = null;
if (GetTopWindowName(out topProcessName, out topWindowTitle))
// Find a profile match based on autoprofile program path and wnd title list.
// The same program may set different profiles for each of the controllers, so we need an array of newProfileName[controllerIdx] values.
for (int i = 0, pathsLen = profileHolder.AutoProfileColl.Count; i < pathsLen; i++)
AutoProfileEntity tempEntity = profileHolder.AutoProfileColl[i];
if (tempEntity.IsMatch(topProcessName, topWindowTitle))
if (autoProfileDebugLogLevel > 0)
DS4Windows.AppLogger.LogToGui($"DEBUG: Auto-Profile. Rule#{i + 1} Path={tempEntity.path} Title={tempEntity.title}", false);
// Matching autoprofile rule found
turnOffDS4WinApp = tempEntity.Turnoff;
matchedProfileEntity = tempEntity;
if (matchedProfileEntity != null)
// Program match found. Check if the new profile is different than current profile of the controller. Load the new profile only if it is not already loaded.
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
string tempname = matchedProfileEntity.ProfileNames[j];
if (tempname != string.Empty && tempname != "(none)")
if ((Global.useTempProfile[j] && tempname != Global.tempprofilename[j]) ||
(!Global.useTempProfile[j] && tempname != Global.ProfilePath[j]))
if (autoProfileDebugLogLevel > 0)
DS4Windows.AppLogger.LogToGui($"DEBUG: Auto-Profile. LoadProfile Controller {j + 1}={tempname}", false);
Global.LoadTempProfile(j, tempname, true, Program.rootHub); // j is controller index, i is filename
//if (LaunchProgram[j] != string.Empty) Process.Start(LaunchProgram[j]);
if (autoProfileDebugLogLevel > 0)
DS4Windows.AppLogger.LogToGui($"DEBUG: Auto-Profile. LoadProfile Controller {j + 1}={tempname} (already loaded)", false);
if (turnOffDS4WinApp)
turnOffTemp = true;
RequestServiceChange?.Invoke(this, false);
tempAutoProfile = matchedProfileEntity;
else if (tempAutoProfile != null)
tempAutoProfile = null;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
if (Global.useTempProfile[j])
if (autoProfileDebugLogLevel > 0)
DS4Windows.AppLogger.LogToGui($"DEBUG: Auto-Profile. RestoreProfile Controller {j + 1}={Global.ProfilePath[j]} (default)", false);
Global.LoadProfile(j, false, Program.rootHub);
if (turnOffTemp)
turnOffTemp = false;
RequestServiceChange?.Invoke(this, true);
private bool GetTopWindowName(out string topProcessName, out string topWndTitleName)
IntPtr hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero)
// Top window unknown or cannot acquire a handle. Return FALSE and return unknown process and wndTitle values
prevForegroundWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
prevForegroundProcessID = 0;
topProcessName = topWndTitleName = String.Empty;
return false;
// If this function was called from "auto-profile watcher timer" then check cached "previous hWnd handle". If the current hWnd is the same
// as during the previous check then return cached previous wnd and name values (ie. foreground app and window are assumed to be the same, so no need to re-query names).
// This should optimize the auto-profile timer check process and causes less burden to .NET GC collector because StringBuffer is not re-allocated every second.
// Note! hWnd handles may be re-cycled but not during the lifetime of the window. This "cache" optimization still works because when an old window is closed
// then foreground window changes to something else and the cached prevForgroundWnd variable is updated to store the new hWnd handle.
// It doesn't matter even when the previously cached handle is recycled by WinOS to represent some other window (it is no longer used as a cached value anyway).
if (hWnd == prevForegroundWnd)
// The active window is still the same. Return cached process and wndTitle values and FALSE to indicate caller that no changes since the last call of this method
topProcessName = prevForegroundProcessName;
topWndTitleName = prevForegroundWndTitleName;
return false;
prevForegroundWnd = hWnd;
IntPtr hProcess = IntPtr.Zero;
uint lpdwProcessId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out lpdwProcessId);
if (lpdwProcessId == prevForegroundProcessID)
topProcessName = prevForegroundProcessName;
prevForegroundProcessID = lpdwProcessId;
hProcess = OpenProcess(0x0410, false, lpdwProcessId);
if (hProcess != IntPtr.Zero) GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, IntPtr.Zero, autoProfileCheckTextBuilder, autoProfileCheckTextBuilder.Capacity);
else autoProfileCheckTextBuilder.Clear();
prevForegroundProcessName = topProcessName = autoProfileCheckTextBuilder.Replace('/', '\\').ToString().ToLower();
GetWindowText(hWnd, autoProfileCheckTextBuilder, autoProfileCheckTextBuilder.Capacity);
prevForegroundWndTitleName = topWndTitleName = autoProfileCheckTextBuilder.ToString().ToLower();
if (hProcess != IntPtr.Zero) CloseHandle(hProcess);
if (autoProfileDebugLogLevel > 0)
DS4Windows.AppLogger.LogToGui($"DEBUG: Auto-Profile. PID={lpdwProcessId} Path={topProcessName} | WND={hWnd} Title={topWndTitleName}", false);
return true;
private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);
private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwProcessId);
private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
private static extern uint GetModuleFileNameEx(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hModule, StringBuilder lpFileName, int nSize);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nSize);