mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 17:06:19 +01:00
vJoyFeeder reverted back to orig version
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,524 +108,524 @@ namespace DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder
public class VJoy
/*********** Various declarations ******************/
private static RemovalCbFunc UserRemCB;
private static WrapRemovalCbFunc wrf;
private static GCHandle hRemUserData;
private static FfbCbFunc UserFfbCB;
private static WrapFfbCbFunc wf;
private static GCHandle hFfbUserData;
public struct JoystickState
public byte bDevice;
public Int32 Throttle;
public Int32 Rudder;
public Int32 Aileron;
public Int32 AxisX;
public Int32 AxisY;
public Int32 AxisZ;
public Int32 AxisXRot;
public Int32 AxisYRot;
public Int32 AxisZRot;
public Int32 Slider;
public Int32 Dial;
public Int32 Wheel;
public Int32 AxisVX;
public Int32 AxisVY;
public Int32 AxisVZ;
public Int32 AxisVBRX;
public Int32 AxisVBRY;
public Int32 AxisVBRZ;
public UInt32 Buttons;
public UInt32 bHats; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 bHatsEx1; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 bHatsEx2; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 bHatsEx3; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 ButtonsEx1;
public UInt32 ButtonsEx2;
public UInt32 ButtonsEx3;
private struct FFB_DATA
private UInt32 size;
private UInt32 cmd;
private IntPtr data;
public struct FFB_EFF_CONSTANT
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public Int16 Magnitude;
[System.Obsolete("use FFB_EFF_REPORT")]
public struct FFB_EFF_CONST
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public FFBEType EffectType;
public UInt16 Duration;// Value in milliseconds. 0xFFFF means infinite
public UInt16 TrigerRpt;
public UInt16 SamplePrd;
public Byte Gain;
public Byte TrigerBtn;
public bool Polar; // How to interpret force direction Polar (0-360°) or Cartesian (X,Y)
public Byte Direction; // Polar direction: (0x00-0xFF correspond to 0-360°)
public Byte DirX; // X direction: Positive values are To the right of the center (X); Negative are Two's complement
public Byte DirY; // Y direction: Positive values are below the center (Y); Negative are Two's complement
public struct FFB_EFF_REPORT
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public FFBEType EffectType;
public UInt16 Duration;// Value in milliseconds. 0xFFFF means infinite
public UInt16 TrigerRpt;
public UInt16 SamplePrd;
public Byte Gain;
public Byte TrigerBtn;
public bool Polar; // How to interpret force direction Polar (0-360°) or Cartesian (X,Y)
public Byte Direction; // Polar direction: (0x00-0xFF correspond to 0-360°)
public Byte DirX; // X direction: Positive values are To the right of the center (X); Negative are Two's complement
public Byte DirY; // Y direction: Positive values are below the center (Y); Negative are Two's complement
public struct FFB_EFF_OP
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public FFBOP EffectOp;
public Byte LoopCount;
public struct FFB_EFF_COND
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public bool isY;
public Int16 CenterPointOffset; // CP Offset: Range 0x800x7F (10000 10000)
public Int16 PosCoeff; // Positive Coefficient: Range 0x800x7F (10000 10000)
public Int16 NegCoeff; // Negative Coefficient: Range 0x800x7F (10000 10000)
public UInt32 PosSatur; // Positive Saturation: Range 0x000xFF (0 – 10000)
public UInt32 NegSatur; // Negative Saturation: Range 0x000xFF (0 – 10000)
public Int32 DeadBand; // Dead Band: : Range 0x000xFF (0 – 10000)
public struct FFB_EFF_ENVLP
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public UInt16 AttackLevel;
public UInt16 FadeLevel;
public UInt32 AttackTime;
public UInt32 FadeTime;
public struct FFB_EFF_PERIOD
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public UInt32 Magnitude;
public Int16 Offset;
public UInt32 Phase;
public UInt32 Period;
public struct FFB_EFF_RAMP
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public Int16 Start; // The Normalized magnitude at the start of the effect
public Int16 End; // The Normalized magnitude at the end of the effect
/***** Import from file vJoyInterface.dll (C) ******/
///// General driver data
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoyVersion")]
private static extern short _GetvJoyVersion();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "vJoyEnabled")]
private static extern bool _vJoyEnabled();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoyProductString")]
private static extern IntPtr _GetvJoyProductString();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoyManufacturerString")]
private static extern IntPtr _GetvJoyManufacturerString();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoySerialNumberString")]
private static extern IntPtr _GetvJoySerialNumberString();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "DriverMatch")]
private static extern bool _DriverMatch(ref UInt32 DllVer, ref UInt32 DrvVer);
///// vJoy Device properties
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDButtonNumber")]
private static extern int _GetVJDButtonNumber(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDDiscPovNumber")]
private static extern int _GetVJDDiscPovNumber(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDContPovNumber")]
private static extern int _GetVJDContPovNumber(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDAxisExist")]
private static extern UInt32 _GetVJDAxisExist(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Axis);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDAxisMax")]
private static extern bool _GetVJDAxisMax(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Axis, ref long Max);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDAxisMin")]
private static extern bool _GetVJDAxisMin(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Axis, ref long Min);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "isVJDExists")]
private static extern bool _isVJDExists(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetOwnerPid")]
private static extern int _GetOwnerPid(UInt32 rID);
///// Write access to vJoy Device - Basic
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "AcquireVJD")]
private static extern bool _AcquireVJD(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "RelinquishVJD")]
private static extern void _RelinquishVJD(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "UpdateVJD")]
private static extern bool _UpdateVJD(UInt32 rID, ref JoystickState pData);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDStatus")]
private static extern int _GetVJDStatus(UInt32 rID);
//// Reset functions
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetVJD")]
private static extern bool _ResetVJD(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetAll")]
private static extern bool _ResetAll();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetButtons")]
private static extern bool _ResetButtons(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetPovs")]
private static extern bool _ResetPovs(UInt32 rID);
////// Write data
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetAxis")]
private static extern bool _SetAxis(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetBtn")]
private static extern bool _SetBtn(bool Value, UInt32 rID, Byte nBtn);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetDiscPov")]
private static extern bool _SetDiscPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetContPov")]
private static extern bool _SetContPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "RegisterRemovalCB", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private extern static void _RegisterRemovalCB(WrapRemovalCbFunc cb, IntPtr data);
public delegate void RemovalCbFunc(bool complete, bool First, object userData);
public delegate void WrapRemovalCbFunc(bool complete, bool First, IntPtr userData);
public static void WrapperRemCB(bool complete, bool First, IntPtr userData)
object obj = null;
/*********** Various declarations ******************/
private static RemovalCbFunc UserRemCB;
private static WrapRemovalCbFunc wrf;
private static GCHandle hRemUserData;
if (userData != IntPtr.Zero)
private static FfbCbFunc UserFfbCB;
private static WrapFfbCbFunc wf;
private static GCHandle hFfbUserData;
public struct JoystickState
// Convert userData from pointer to object
GCHandle handle2 = (GCHandle)userData;
obj = handle2.Target as object;
public byte bDevice;
public Int32 Throttle;
public Int32 Rudder;
public Int32 Aileron;
public Int32 AxisX;
public Int32 AxisY;
public Int32 AxisZ;
public Int32 AxisXRot;
public Int32 AxisYRot;
public Int32 AxisZRot;
public Int32 Slider;
public Int32 Dial;
public Int32 Wheel;
public Int32 AxisVX;
public Int32 AxisVY;
public Int32 AxisVZ;
public Int32 AxisVBRX;
public Int32 AxisVBRY;
public Int32 AxisVBRZ;
public UInt32 Buttons;
public UInt32 bHats; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 bHatsEx1; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 bHatsEx2; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 bHatsEx3; // Lower 4 bits: HAT switch or 16-bit of continuous HAT switch
public UInt32 ButtonsEx1;
public UInt32 ButtonsEx2;
public UInt32 ButtonsEx3;
private struct FFB_DATA
private UInt32 size;
private UInt32 cmd;
private IntPtr data;
// Call user-defined CB function
UserRemCB(complete, First, obj);
// Force Feedback (FFB)
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "FfbRegisterGenCB", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private extern static void _FfbRegisterGenCB(WrapFfbCbFunc cb, IntPtr data);
public delegate void FfbCbFunc(IntPtr data, object userData);
public delegate void WrapFfbCbFunc(IntPtr data, IntPtr userData);
public static void WrapperFfbCB(IntPtr data, IntPtr userData)
object obj = null;
if (userData != IntPtr.Zero)
public struct FFB_EFF_CONSTANT
// Convert userData from pointer to object
GCHandle handle2 = (GCHandle)userData;
obj = handle2.Target as object;
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public Int16 Magnitude;
// Call user-defined CB function
UserFfbCB(data, obj);
[System.Obsolete("use FFB_EFF_REPORT")]
public struct FFB_EFF_CONST
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public FFBEType EffectType;
public UInt16 Duration;// Value in milliseconds. 0xFFFF means infinite
public UInt16 TrigerRpt;
public UInt16 SamplePrd;
public Byte Gain;
public Byte TrigerBtn;
public bool Polar; // How to interpret force direction Polar (0-360°) or Cartesian (X,Y)
public Byte Direction; // Polar direction: (0x00-0xFF correspond to 0-360°)
public Byte DirX; // X direction: Positive values are To the right of the center (X); Negative are Two's complement
public Byte DirY; // Y direction: Positive values are below the center (Y); Negative are Two's complement
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "FfbStart")]
private static extern bool _FfbStart(UInt32 rID);
public struct FFB_EFF_REPORT
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public FFBEType EffectType;
public UInt16 Duration;// Value in milliseconds. 0xFFFF means infinite
public UInt16 TrigerRpt;
public UInt16 SamplePrd;
public Byte Gain;
public Byte TrigerBtn;
public bool Polar; // How to interpret force direction Polar (0-360°) or Cartesian (X,Y)
public Byte Direction; // Polar direction: (0x00-0xFF correspond to 0-360°)
public Byte DirX; // X direction: Positive values are To the right of the center (X); Negative are Two's complement
public Byte DirY; // Y direction: Positive values are below the center (Y); Negative are Two's complement
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "FfbStop")]
private static extern bool _FfbStop(UInt32 rID);
public struct FFB_EFF_OP
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public FFBOP EffectOp;
public Byte LoopCount;
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "IsDeviceFfb")]
private static extern bool _IsDeviceFfb(UInt32 rID);
public struct FFB_EFF_COND
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public bool isY;
public Int16 CenterPointOffset; // CP Offset: Range 0x800x7F (10000 10000)
public Int16 PosCoeff; // Positive Coefficient: Range 0x800x7F (10000 10000)
public Int16 NegCoeff; // Negative Coefficient: Range 0x800x7F (10000 10000)
public UInt32 PosSatur; // Positive Saturation: Range 0x000xFF (0 – 10000)
public UInt32 NegSatur; // Negative Saturation: Range 0x000xFF (0 – 10000)
public Int32 DeadBand; // Dead Band: : Range 0x000xFF (0 – 10000)
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "IsDeviceFfbEffect")]
private static extern bool _IsDeviceFfbEffect(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Effect);
public struct FFB_EFF_ENVLP
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public UInt16 AttackLevel;
public UInt16 FadeLevel;
public UInt32 AttackTime;
public UInt32 FadeTime;
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_DeviceID")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_DeviceID(IntPtr Packet, ref int DeviceID);
public struct FFB_EFF_PERIOD
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public UInt32 Magnitude;
public Int16 Offset;
public UInt32 Phase;
public UInt32 Period;
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Type")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Type(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBPType Type);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Packet")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Packet(IntPtr Packet, ref UInt32 Type, ref Int32 DataSize, ref IntPtr Data);
public struct FFB_EFF_RAMP
public Byte EffectBlockIndex;
public Int16 Start; // The Normalized magnitude at the start of the effect
public Int16 End; // The Normalized magnitude at the end of the effect
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_EBI")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_EBI(IntPtr Packet, ref Int32 Index);
/***** Import from file vJoyInterface.dll (C) ******/
///// General driver data
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoyVersion")]
private static extern short _GetvJoyVersion();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "vJoyEnabled")]
private static extern bool _vJoyEnabled();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoyProductString")]
private static extern IntPtr _GetvJoyProductString();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoyManufacturerString")]
private static extern IntPtr _GetvJoyManufacturerString();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetvJoySerialNumberString")]
private static extern IntPtr _GetvJoySerialNumberString();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "DriverMatch")]
private static extern bool _DriverMatch(ref UInt32 DllVer, ref UInt32 DrvVer);
///// vJoy Device properties
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDButtonNumber")]
private static extern int _GetVJDButtonNumber(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDDiscPovNumber")]
private static extern int _GetVJDDiscPovNumber(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDContPovNumber")]
private static extern int _GetVJDContPovNumber(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDAxisExist")]
private static extern UInt32 _GetVJDAxisExist(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Axis);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDAxisMax")]
private static extern bool _GetVJDAxisMax(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Axis, ref long Max);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDAxisMin")]
private static extern bool _GetVJDAxisMin(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Axis, ref long Min);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "isVJDExists")]
private static extern bool _isVJDExists(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetOwnerPid")]
private static extern int _GetOwnerPid(UInt32 rID);
///// Write access to vJoy Device - Basic
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "AcquireVJD")]
private static extern bool _AcquireVJD(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "RelinquishVJD")]
private static extern void _RelinquishVJD(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "UpdateVJD")]
private static extern bool _UpdateVJD(UInt32 rID, ref JoystickState pData);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "GetVJDStatus")]
private static extern int _GetVJDStatus(UInt32 rID);
//// Reset functions
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetVJD")]
private static extern bool _ResetVJD(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetAll")]
private static extern bool _ResetAll();
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetButtons")]
private static extern bool _ResetButtons(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "ResetPovs")]
private static extern bool _ResetPovs(UInt32 rID);
////// Write data
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetAxis")]
private static extern bool _SetAxis(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetBtn")]
private static extern bool _SetBtn(bool Value, UInt32 rID, Byte nBtn);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetDiscPov")]
private static extern bool _SetDiscPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "SetContPov")]
private static extern bool _SetContPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "RegisterRemovalCB", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private extern static void _RegisterRemovalCB(WrapRemovalCbFunc cb, IntPtr data);
public delegate void RemovalCbFunc(bool complete, bool First, object userData);
public delegate void WrapRemovalCbFunc(bool complete, bool First, IntPtr userData);
public static void WrapperRemCB(bool complete, bool First, IntPtr userData)
object obj = null;
if (userData != IntPtr.Zero)
// Convert userData from pointer to object
GCHandle handle2 = (GCHandle)userData;
obj = handle2.Target as object;
// Call user-defined CB function
UserRemCB(complete, First, obj);
// Force Feedback (FFB)
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "FfbRegisterGenCB", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private extern static void _FfbRegisterGenCB(WrapFfbCbFunc cb, IntPtr data);
public delegate void FfbCbFunc(IntPtr data, object userData);
public delegate void WrapFfbCbFunc(IntPtr data, IntPtr userData);
public static void WrapperFfbCB(IntPtr data, IntPtr userData)
object obj = null;
if (userData != IntPtr.Zero)
// Convert userData from pointer to object
GCHandle handle2 = (GCHandle)userData;
obj = handle2.Target as object;
// Call user-defined CB function
UserFfbCB(data, obj);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "FfbStart")]
private static extern bool _FfbStart(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "FfbStop")]
private static extern bool _FfbStop(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "IsDeviceFfb")]
private static extern bool _IsDeviceFfb(UInt32 rID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "IsDeviceFfbEffect")]
private static extern bool _IsDeviceFfbEffect(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_DeviceID")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_DeviceID(IntPtr Packet, ref int DeviceID);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Type")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Type(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBPType Type);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Packet")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Packet(IntPtr Packet, ref UInt32 Type, ref Int32 DataSize, ref IntPtr Data);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_EBI")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_EBI(IntPtr Packet, ref Int32 Index);
#pragma warning disable 618
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Const")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Const(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONST Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Const")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Const(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONST Effect);
#pragma warning restore 618
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Report")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Report(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_REPORT Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Report")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Report(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_REPORT Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_DevCtrl")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_DevCtrl(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_CTRL Control);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_DevCtrl")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_DevCtrl(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_CTRL Control);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_EffOp")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_EffOp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_OP Operation);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_EffOp")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_EffOp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_OP Operation);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_DevGain")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_DevGain(IntPtr Packet, ref Byte Gain);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_DevGain")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_DevGain(IntPtr Packet, ref Byte Gain);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Cond")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Cond(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_COND Condition);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Cond")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Cond(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_COND Condition);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_ENVLP Envelope);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_ENVLP Envelope);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Period")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Period(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_PERIOD Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Period")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Period(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_PERIOD Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_EffNew")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_EffNew(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBEType Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_EffNew")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_EffNew(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBEType Effect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_RAMP RampEffect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_RAMP RampEffect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Constant")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Constant(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONSTANT ConstantEffect);
[DllImport("vJoyInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "Ffb_h_Eff_Constant")]
private static extern UInt32 _Ffb_h_Eff_Constant(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONSTANT ConstantEffect);
/********** Export functions (C#) ******************/
/********** Export functions (C#) ******************/
///// General driver data
public short GetvJoyVersion() { return _GetvJoyVersion(); }
public bool vJoyEnabled() { return _vJoyEnabled(); }
public string GetvJoyProductString() { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(_GetvJoyProductString()); }
public string GetvJoyManufacturerString() { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(_GetvJoyManufacturerString()); }
public string GetvJoySerialNumberString() { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(_GetvJoySerialNumberString()); }
public bool DriverMatch(ref UInt32 DllVer, ref UInt32 DrvVer) { return _DriverMatch(ref DllVer, ref DrvVer); }
///// General driver data
public short GetvJoyVersion() { return _GetvJoyVersion(); }
public bool vJoyEnabled() { return _vJoyEnabled(); }
public string GetvJoyProductString() { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(_GetvJoyProductString()); }
public string GetvJoyManufacturerString() { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(_GetvJoyManufacturerString()); }
public string GetvJoySerialNumberString() { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(_GetvJoySerialNumberString()); }
public bool DriverMatch(ref UInt32 DllVer, ref UInt32 DrvVer) { return _DriverMatch(ref DllVer, ref DrvVer); }
///// vJoy Device properties
public int GetVJDButtonNumber(uint rID) { return _GetVJDButtonNumber(rID); }
public int GetVJDDiscPovNumber(uint rID) { return _GetVJDDiscPovNumber(rID); }
public int GetVJDContPovNumber(uint rID) { return _GetVJDContPovNumber(rID); }
public bool GetVJDAxisExist(UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis)
UInt32 res = _GetVJDAxisExist(rID, (uint)Axis);
if (res == 1)
return true;
return false;
public bool GetVJDAxisMax(UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis, ref long Max) { return _GetVJDAxisMax(rID, (uint)Axis, ref Max); }
public bool GetVJDAxisMin(UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis, ref long Min) { return _GetVJDAxisMin(rID, (uint)Axis, ref Min); }
public bool isVJDExists(UInt32 rID) { return _isVJDExists(rID); }
public int GetOwnerPid(UInt32 rID) { return _GetOwnerPid(rID); }
///// vJoy Device properties
public int GetVJDButtonNumber(uint rID) { return _GetVJDButtonNumber(rID); }
public int GetVJDDiscPovNumber(uint rID) { return _GetVJDDiscPovNumber(rID); }
public int GetVJDContPovNumber(uint rID) { return _GetVJDContPovNumber(rID); }
public bool GetVJDAxisExist(UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis)
UInt32 res = _GetVJDAxisExist(rID, (uint)Axis);
if (res == 1)
return true;
return false;
public bool GetVJDAxisMax(UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis, ref long Max) { return _GetVJDAxisMax(rID, (uint)Axis, ref Max); }
public bool GetVJDAxisMin(UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis, ref long Min) { return _GetVJDAxisMin(rID, (uint)Axis, ref Min); }
public bool isVJDExists(UInt32 rID) { return _isVJDExists(rID); }
public int GetOwnerPid(UInt32 rID) { return _GetOwnerPid(rID); }
///// Write access to vJoy Device - Basic
public bool AcquireVJD(UInt32 rID) { return _AcquireVJD(rID); }
public void RelinquishVJD(uint rID) { _RelinquishVJD(rID); }
public bool UpdateVJD(UInt32 rID, ref JoystickState pData) { return _UpdateVJD(rID, ref pData); }
public VjdStat GetVJDStatus(UInt32 rID) { return (VjdStat)_GetVJDStatus(rID); }
///// Write access to vJoy Device - Basic
public bool AcquireVJD(UInt32 rID) { return _AcquireVJD(rID); }
public void RelinquishVJD(uint rID) { _RelinquishVJD(rID); }
public bool UpdateVJD(UInt32 rID, ref JoystickState pData) { return _UpdateVJD(rID, ref pData); }
public VjdStat GetVJDStatus(UInt32 rID) { return (VjdStat)_GetVJDStatus(rID); }
//// Reset functions
public bool ResetVJD(UInt32 rID) { return _ResetVJD(rID); }
public bool ResetAll() { return _ResetAll(); }
public bool ResetButtons(UInt32 rID) { return _ResetButtons(rID); }
public bool ResetPovs(UInt32 rID) { return _ResetPovs(rID); }
//// Reset functions
public bool ResetVJD(UInt32 rID) { return _ResetVJD(rID); }
public bool ResetAll() { return _ResetAll(); }
public bool ResetButtons(UInt32 rID) { return _ResetButtons(rID); }
public bool ResetPovs(UInt32 rID) { return _ResetPovs(rID); }
////// Write data
public bool SetAxis(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis) { return _SetAxis(Value, rID, Axis); }
public bool SetBtn(bool Value, UInt32 rID, uint nBtn) { return _SetBtn(Value, rID, (Byte)nBtn); }
public bool SetDiscPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov) { return _SetDiscPov(Value, rID, nPov); }
public bool SetContPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov) { return _SetContPov(Value, rID, nPov); }
////// Write data
public bool SetAxis(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, HID_USAGES Axis) { return _SetAxis(Value, rID, Axis); }
public bool SetBtn(bool Value, UInt32 rID, uint nBtn) { return _SetBtn(Value, rID, (Byte)nBtn); }
public bool SetDiscPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov) { return _SetDiscPov(Value, rID, nPov); }
public bool SetContPov(Int32 Value, UInt32 rID, uint nPov) { return _SetContPov(Value, rID, nPov); }
// Register CB function that takes a C# object as userdata
public void RegisterRemovalCB(RemovalCbFunc cb, object data)
// Free existing GCHandle (if exists)
if (hRemUserData.IsAllocated && hRemUserData.Target != null)
// Register CB function that takes a C# object as userdata
public void RegisterRemovalCB(RemovalCbFunc cb, object data)
// Free existing GCHandle (if exists)
if (hRemUserData.IsAllocated && hRemUserData.Target != null)
// Convert object to pointer
hRemUserData = GCHandle.Alloc(data);
// Convert object to pointer
hRemUserData = GCHandle.Alloc(data);
// Apply the user-defined CB function
UserRemCB = new RemovalCbFunc(cb);
wrf = new WrapRemovalCbFunc(WrapperRemCB);
// Apply the user-defined CB function
UserRemCB = new RemovalCbFunc(cb);
wrf = new WrapRemovalCbFunc(WrapperRemCB);
_RegisterRemovalCB(wrf, (IntPtr)hRemUserData);
_RegisterRemovalCB(wrf, (IntPtr)hRemUserData);
// Register CB function that takes a pointer as userdata
public void RegisterRemovalCB(WrapRemovalCbFunc cb, IntPtr data)
wrf = new WrapRemovalCbFunc(cb);
_RegisterRemovalCB(wrf, data);
// Register CB function that takes a pointer as userdata
public void RegisterRemovalCB(WrapRemovalCbFunc cb, IntPtr data)
wrf = new WrapRemovalCbFunc(cb);
_RegisterRemovalCB(wrf, data);
//// Force Feedback (FFB)
//// Force Feedback (FFB)
// Register CB function that takes a C# object as userdata
public void FfbRegisterGenCB(FfbCbFunc cb, object data)
// Free existing GCHandle (if exists)
if (hFfbUserData.IsAllocated && hFfbUserData.Target != null)
// Register CB function that takes a C# object as userdata
public void FfbRegisterGenCB(FfbCbFunc cb, object data)
// Free existing GCHandle (if exists)
if (hFfbUserData.IsAllocated && hFfbUserData.Target != null)
// Convert object to pointer
hFfbUserData = GCHandle.Alloc(data);
// Convert object to pointer
hFfbUserData = GCHandle.Alloc(data);
// Apply the user-defined CB function
UserFfbCB = new FfbCbFunc(cb);
wf = new WrapFfbCbFunc(WrapperFfbCB);
// Apply the user-defined CB function
UserFfbCB = new FfbCbFunc(cb);
wf = new WrapFfbCbFunc(WrapperFfbCB);
_FfbRegisterGenCB(wf, (IntPtr)hFfbUserData);
_FfbRegisterGenCB(wf, (IntPtr)hFfbUserData);
// Register CB function that takes a pointer as userdata
public void FfbRegisterGenCB(WrapFfbCbFunc cb, IntPtr data)
wf = new WrapFfbCbFunc(cb);
_FfbRegisterGenCB(wf, data);
// Register CB function that takes a pointer as userdata
public void FfbRegisterGenCB(WrapFfbCbFunc cb, IntPtr data)
wf = new WrapFfbCbFunc(cb);
_FfbRegisterGenCB(wf, data);
[Obsolete("you can remove the function from your code")]
public bool FfbStart(UInt32 rID) { return _FfbStart(rID); }
[Obsolete("you can remove the function from your code")]
public bool FfbStop(UInt32 rID) { return _FfbStop(rID); }
public bool IsDeviceFfb(UInt32 rID) { return _IsDeviceFfb(rID); }
public bool IsDeviceFfbEffect(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Effect) { return _IsDeviceFfbEffect(rID, Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_DeviceID(IntPtr Packet, ref int DeviceID) { return _Ffb_h_DeviceID(Packet, ref DeviceID); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Type(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBPType Type) { return _Ffb_h_Type(Packet, ref Type); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Packet(IntPtr Packet, ref UInt32 Type, ref Int32 DataSize, ref Byte[] Data)
IntPtr buf = IntPtr.Zero;
UInt32 res = _Ffb_h_Packet(Packet, ref Type, ref DataSize, ref buf);
if (res != 0)
[Obsolete("you can remove the function from your code")]
public bool FfbStart(UInt32 rID) { return _FfbStart(rID); }
[Obsolete("you can remove the function from your code")]
public bool FfbStop(UInt32 rID) { return _FfbStop(rID); }
public bool IsDeviceFfb(UInt32 rID) { return _IsDeviceFfb(rID); }
public bool IsDeviceFfbEffect(UInt32 rID, UInt32 Effect) { return _IsDeviceFfbEffect(rID, Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_DeviceID(IntPtr Packet, ref int DeviceID) { return _Ffb_h_DeviceID(Packet, ref DeviceID); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Type(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBPType Type) { return _Ffb_h_Type(Packet, ref Type); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Packet(IntPtr Packet, ref UInt32 Type, ref Int32 DataSize, ref Byte[] Data)
IntPtr buf = IntPtr.Zero;
UInt32 res = _Ffb_h_Packet(Packet, ref Type, ref DataSize, ref buf);
if (res != 0)
return res;
DataSize -= 8;
Data = new byte[DataSize];
Marshal.Copy(buf, Data, 0, DataSize);
return res;
DataSize -= 8;
Data = new byte[DataSize];
Marshal.Copy(buf, Data, 0, DataSize);
return res;
public UInt32 Ffb_h_EBI(IntPtr Packet, ref Int32 Index) { return _Ffb_h_EBI(Packet, ref Index); }
[Obsolete("use Ffb_h_Eff_Report instead")]
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Const(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONST Effect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Const(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Report(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_REPORT Effect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Report(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_DevCtrl(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_CTRL Control) { return _Ffb_h_DevCtrl(Packet, ref Control); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_EffOp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_OP Operation) { return _Ffb_h_EffOp(Packet, ref Operation); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_DevGain(IntPtr Packet, ref Byte Gain) { return _Ffb_h_DevGain(Packet, ref Gain); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Cond(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_COND Condition) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Cond(Packet, ref Condition); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_ENVLP Envelope) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp(Packet, ref Envelope); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Period(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_PERIOD Effect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Period(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_EffNew(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBEType Effect) { return _Ffb_h_EffNew(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_RAMP RampEffect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp(Packet, ref RampEffect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Constant(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONSTANT ConstantEffect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Constant(Packet, ref ConstantEffect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_EBI(IntPtr Packet, ref Int32 Index) { return _Ffb_h_EBI(Packet, ref Index); }
[Obsolete("use Ffb_h_Eff_Report instead")]
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Const(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONST Effect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Const(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Report(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_REPORT Effect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Report(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_DevCtrl(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_CTRL Control) { return _Ffb_h_DevCtrl(Packet, ref Control); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_EffOp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_OP Operation) { return _Ffb_h_EffOp(Packet, ref Operation); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_DevGain(IntPtr Packet, ref Byte Gain) { return _Ffb_h_DevGain(Packet, ref Gain); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Cond(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_COND Condition) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Cond(Packet, ref Condition); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_ENVLP Envelope) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Envlp(Packet, ref Envelope); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Period(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_PERIOD Effect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Period(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_EffNew(IntPtr Packet, ref FFBEType Effect) { return _Ffb_h_EffNew(Packet, ref Effect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_RAMP RampEffect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Ramp(Packet, ref RampEffect); }
public UInt32 Ffb_h_Eff_Constant(IntPtr Packet, ref FFB_EFF_CONSTANT ConstantEffect) { return _Ffb_h_Eff_Constant(Packet, ref ConstantEffect); }
public class vJoyFeeder
@ -714,4 +714,3 @@ namespace DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder
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