DS4Tool.exe merged with it's dll's, now named DS4Windows.exe
Settings tab - Hide DS4, Run at start up, Change update rate or disable it all together, turn off notifications and more there
When battery is low and starts flashing, it will not continue to flash when charging
Possible fix for memory leak
Small UI changes such as not being able to edit the text in combo boxes
Spelling fixes
Updater: Now doesn't need admin rights to run, DS4Windows will try to start the updater with admin permissions if DS4Windows is located in an admin folder like program files, also renamed DS4Updater.exe. The old updater will automatically be deleted
Bug fix when changing profiles with touchpad
Version 9.11
Bug fix for checking updates in Help
Version 9.1
Setting to adjust when battery flash begins
Import profiles moved to profiles toolbar
You can now export Profiles
Tool can get even smaller now, as checkboxes and start/stop button are on same line
Log clear button moved to log tab
UI fixes in About
Use Enter or escape to save or cancel profiles respectively in options or when duplicating profile
Use Enter, Delete or Ctrl+C in the profile list to edit, delete, or duplicate a profile respectively
You can now duplicate profiles
Cycle through profiles by holding L1+R1 and swiping left and right on the touchpad
Check for updates options in Hotkeys/About
Small mouse movements with analog fixes
Mouse movement with triggers fixed
Alpha of Auto Profiles implemented, not yet able to use
Minor fixes
This makes it easier to distribute a single zip and not have multiple exe’s in it. I know there’s the Updater.exe, but if it’s deleted, it will now be redownloaded. This way I can just put one executable in the zip, so casual users don’t get confused.
If Virtual Bus is installed via DS4Windows, there is an uninstall link in about.