47 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
0b79c0121c Version 1.4.16
Extra actions for controls, set rumble, change lightbar and flash, and
mouse sensitivity while holding a controls
Regardless of where DS4Windows is first placed, the driver will always
install in DS4Windows' directory
Appdata location is now named "DS4Windows". If your profiles are saved
in appdata "%Appdata%/DS4Tool" they will be moved automatically to
"%Appdata%/DS4Windows", assuming access to the files are available.
2014-12-01 19:07:29 -05:00
d0886879fb Version 1.4.157
Experimental: Quick Charge controller by turning off BT when plugged via
Settings a deadzone of .10+ to the sticks or higher now affects the
mouse movement as well
Use DS4 for Mapping checkbox now remembers how it was last set
Fix for starting minimized showing up in task manager and alt+tab, this
also more reliably starts minimized
2014-11-20 14:03:18 -05:00
b4a6249fa3 Version 1.4.156
Significant CPU usage decrease by reworking how single instances work,
on a mobile i7 for example with a single controller connected usage went
from 4-6% to .5-1.5%. With no controllers connected the usage went from
2.5-4.5% to 0%!
As mentioned before, single instances has been reworked, so trying to
relaunch DS4W more reliably opens the previous instance
Fixed Shift modifier not working if main controls were not modified
Fixed Tilt Left for Shift modifier
Fixed default text of shift controls
Remove touchpad movement notification when swipe for controls is enabled
Can test the rumble motors separately via Heavy and Light
Truly implemented Flush HID (I think)
Slight change in profiles, when loading profiles in for the first time
in this new version, there may be a slight delay
Updated French Translations
Removed mouse moving as an option for touch swipes controls, as they
weren't implemented nor have a purpose to be
2014-11-18 16:23:41 -05:00
a4e59cacb8 Version 1.4.15
Use Touchpad swipes for controls and disable it for mouse: swipe in 4
directions to use buttons, marcos, and even use the touchpad as an
analog stick (Relive the great moments of playing an FPS on a
Mapping Stick directions to triggers now work properly
2014-11-15 16:54:14 -05:00
a66878498e Version 1.4.1 [Mac(a)roni]
Record 360 controls using your DualShock 4 (PS: any old macros using
hold control while running macro may be set to a new control when
loaded, please re save your macro)
Macro recording now happens in the select an action window instead of a
separate one
Save and Load Macro presets to use any time
When recording with delays (recommend for X360 macros) you can double
click on delays to edit the time
When recording a new macro, previously saved Macros for that control are
Many minor Macro fixes
Giving major updates useless names that will never be seen outside of
this changelog
Icon Update
Fixed shift modifier lightbar settings blocked off
High DPI support (144+)
Fixed various bugs at 120 DPI and higher
When installing the ds4 driver, Actually checks if the driver got
installed instead of always saying install complete
2014-11-14 14:44:50 -05:00
8acd9b7ad1 Version
Many fixes for shift modifier
2014-11-01 17:49:22 -04:00
ebea6d05dd Version
Reworked x360 mapping again, better support for mapping multiple buttons
to the same thing + swapping buttons
Made the exclusive warning last message when connecting a controller
that can't get exclusive control to make it more noticeable
Hovering over the log message at the bottom shows the full message
Default colors provided when a new profile is made for certain controls
2014-10-20 22:31:13 -04:00
b43ee4f4e3 Version
Rumble motors swapped to be correct
Bug fixes, including crashes and a small windows when minimized on Win7
2014-10-14 14:54:42 -04:00
0f4297bd9e Version
Improved mapping support: can better handle the switching of controls:
ie triangle and circle/dpad and left stick/L1+R1 and L2+R2. If you have
a profile with swap buttons, they may not work until you open the
profile in settings and resave.
Servers moved to ds4winsdows.com
Remove DS4Windows from Alt+tab menu if minimized to tray (thanks
Basic support for command line arguments (right now just "-stop" is
supported: starts program up without starting the ds4)
2014-10-13 17:56:04 -04:00
c5f49cc7f2 Version
Profile option to turn off touchpad at start
Better disabling and re-enabling of the vitrual x360 for dinput only
Bottom text of DS4Windows now hosts the description of items in profile
options instead of a floating tool tip
If first startup of DS4Windows/no profiles are found, a default profile
is made
Extra tip in driver window
Update to french translations (however the translations require another
update now)
2014-09-14 22:37:14 -04:00
c0a2dccedf Version
Added start/stop to notification icon
Right click on the status icon in the main window to disconnect the
controller (BT only)
Rumble testing actually varies as the boost value changes (you won't
noticea  change with testing past 100%)
Better lightbar flashing, color has a better chance of changing back
after not flashing etc.
Moved source code to Github, the link is on the about page of DS4Windows
and my sig on pcsx2.net
Special feature (beta) for those who have a profile for Distance and use
the controller in X360 mode.
2014-09-01 19:23:02 -04:00
f82a85c802 Option to only use Dinput, turn off X360 input and only use the DS4's native input: useful for games that can use the ds4 as is without 360 input needed, but still want to use the lightbar and touchpad.
Added custom color when flashing, just click on the "Flash at" text
lightbar turns off fully when going into sleep mode
PS+touchpad also disables scrolling now
Update to french translations
Fixes to text
2014-08-23 16:52:20 -04:00
f3d63fb505 Even better localization support
95% finished French Translation (I forgot to update the translations page so a few lines are missing, the French page has been updated, but the rest still need to be updated) Thanks to DirtyShady and Neur0Nerd for the Translations
2014-08-16 18:09:15 -04:00
a53869f2a4 Option to start a program when loading a (auto-)profile/connecting a controller
Reworked mouse movement with analog sticks, still needs more fine tuning
Option to add a different color for when in shift modifier mode
Added default to regular controller mapping, which goes back to it's original 360 mapped action if any
Big fixes: such as controller being disconnected when hiding the DS4 with D/C when stopping is on
Spelling fixes
2014-07-25 19:17:45 -04:00
88cf1bdc5b Shift modifier: Hold an action to use another set of controls, if nothing is set to the shifted control, in falls back to the default action
View input of controls in profiles, see exactly when a deadzone is passed and check the input delay for controllers (special thanks to jhebbel), click the on sixaxis panel
Click the Empty text on in the lightbar box to copy the lightbar color from full to empty.
While opened, option to keep the window size after closing the profile's settings
Old profiles are automatically upgraded if it's missing new settings, such as how colors are now saved, sixaxis deadzones, and shift controls
Other UI changes for profile settings, flipped touchpad and other settings boxes
Fix for when clicking the semicolon in the select an action screen
Fix assigning Sixaxis action to a key
minor UI changes and bug fixes, such as auto resize of the log listview
DS4Updater: Also now works for the new numbering system, can read the version number right from the exe instead of in profiles.xml, UI additions to better notify users of errors, Bug fixes for non-portable users
2014-07-07 15:22:42 -04:00
49e2e642ed Sixaxis Deadzones can be reconfigured: 0.25+ recommended to lay down the controller without movement
Mouse Acceleration option
Rumble settings now more simple
Better detection of where profiles and settings are stored, if you use jheb's tool and this as a portable one, it better detects which settings are which.
Smaller filesize for profiles.
Reorder of tabs
2014-06-26 14:02:01 -04:00
1a8fb309ee Sixaxis tilts can now mapped, map them to the analog sticks, buttons, keyboards, and even macros
Better Support of multiple action being mapped to analog sticks
Fixed crash with an empty macro
UI Fixes
2014-06-23 18:27:14 -04:00
edd7cf9403 Version 10.55
Dimming by idle timeout synced with color/dim by Battery % setting
Swipe to cycle through profiles can now be disabled.

Version 10.52
Input by DS4 in profile settings now turns off when off that tab
Able to use edit button to open that profile settings, even when profile settings are  already open open.

Version 10.51
Fix for BT disconnecting while DS4Windows is running, and Disconnect BT when stopping is checked.

Version 10.5
Support for Left/Right Shift, Control, Alt in macros
Better support of Tab and media keys (note: media keys can not be held between actions)
Option to disconnect controller from BT if stopping/closing DS4Windows
Spelling fixes
Start of support for other languages, starting with very barebones support for Spanish, If anyone can help with translations of your language, please PM me here or email me here with translations for as much text as you can. Here is a link to all the text that appears in DS4Windows in English
2014-06-21 14:00:28 -04:00
ea5c9694fb UI redesign for 360 controls in mapping window
Added manual mouse click buttons for 4th and 5th mouse button
Can also hold an X360 action while a macro is running
Changelog link in help window, also fixes in tips
Macro list scrolls down as you record strokes
DS4Updater: If settings are in appdata, the update zip actually unzips
2014-06-16 19:43:01 -04:00
320dec8378 Truer Macro support: Record keystrokes and mouse clicks by the press and release, repeat a macro while button is held down or play once, option to record the delay between actions. NOTE: Recommended that you re-record macros, however old macros will work)
Mouse movement works a bit better
Fix for startup shortcut disappearing/unchecking
When programs that are used in auto-profiles are uninstalled, they are removed from the auto profile list
Support for Scan code keys in macros
2014-06-14 15:14:27 -04:00
d11b15d073 DS4Windows no longer crashes if no source games are installed (ie shinra's crash)
Auto profile has more ways to add programs, add origin games if installed, and start menu programs
You can also add by shortcuts (.lnk)
Auto Profiles now work by the foreground program
DS4Windows no longer checks for driver at start, will help speed up DS4's connection when starting up with windows.
Welcome to DS4Windows Window is now an option in the Settings Tab, will automatically show up if mine or DSDCS was never started before.
Touchpad scrolling reworked via electrobrains newest build
Idle Timeout has a checkbox, also small UI fixes
2014-06-08 19:41:36 -04:00
fe9fec0e78 Better support for higher DPI users
Fix for those using text at 125%
Small fix for swapping profiles with touchpad
Fix for profile name when making a new profile
2014-06-03 01:29:42 -04:00
2da3c285a9 Option to change what happens to the lightbar when charging: options are normal, fade in and out, rainbow, and it's own color
Settings for saving,renaming, and cancelling the save of a profile while in profile settings moved into the toolbar
Switch profiles now by a 2 finger swipe left or right on touchpad
When shutting down, the controller light turns fully off
2014-06-02 13:29:38 -04:00
f7883ec543 Version 9.111
Bug fix when changing profiles with touchpad

Version 9.11
Bug fix for checking updates in Help

Version 9.1
Setting to adjust when battery flash begins
Import profiles moved to profiles toolbar
You can now export Profiles
Tool can get even smaller now, as checkboxes and start/stop button are on same line
Log clear button moved to log tab
UI fixes in About
Use Enter or escape to save or cancel profiles respectively in options or when duplicating profile
Use Enter, Delete or Ctrl+C in the profile list to edit, delete, or duplicate a profile respectively
2014-05-31 00:37:02 -04:00
66d03c3fb9 Revamped UI - Options are now in the same window as the main tool, Can edit profiles without it being selected, Organized Info of controllers, minimum size changes by number of controllers connected
You can now duplicate profiles
Cycle through profiles by holding L1+R1 and swiping left and right on the touchpad
Check for updates options in Hotkeys/About
Small mouse movements with analog fixes
Mouse movement with triggers fixed
Alpha of Auto Profiles implemented, not yet able to use
Minor fixes
2014-05-30 16:39:39 -04:00
7e4d8b7606 Version 8.01
Touchpad macros now work without also clicking)
Mouse Buttons are now toggleable

Version 8
More mapping options!
Toggle option: Press a button once and the key will be held down until the button is pressed again
Macro option: Assign multiple keys or mouse buttons to a single button! Just check Macro and select the buttons in the order you want them to be pressed (maximum 5)
Light bar even closer to default bluetooth when stopping
When disconnecting Controller via PS button and Options, if PS is assigned to a key or keys, the key is let go.
If Idle timeout is on, the light bar idles fades when fully charged (but doesn't disconnect)
DS4 Icon always shows, notifications only at startup, and when the main window is unfocused.
In options the tap, scroll, and slide are unchecked at start if any of them were turned off before
For always rainbow mode, the cycle goes in reverse when charging, remains dim if checked.

Version 7.8
Mouse Sensitivity now works with analog sticks as well as buttons and triggers
Option for using the controller input to change it's mapping in options
Fix for lightbar not remembering the color
Disable edit/delete buttons until controllers finish connecting
2014-05-27 22:49:58 -04:00
96268b0296 "Connecting..." issue Fixed again, I think...
Pushing the Right stick down also works correctly now.
In options,when changing values on the lightbar sliders, a tooltip shows up to the side showing the number.
The lightbar now only fades out when idle when half the idle time has passed.
2014-05-24 19:08:40 -04:00
4b7b773e6e Option Redesign (yes again) 2014-05-23 22:30:43 -04:00
12d1fe9231 Fix connecting issue, small ui/gui improvements, like the start with windows doesn't hide when small, there's a tooltip on the rainbow icon, and the lightbar shows the default light blue when stopping/closing ds4windows. The lightbar also doesn't go weird when charging and idle timeout is on. 2014-05-23 19:44:30 -04:00
36f01ac30c When using Idle timeout, The lightbar now will fade as the controller sits idle. Added a decimal place to idle timeout so you can use half/etc. minutes now. Proper Display of percentages of dead-zones when reentering options 2014-05-22 15:13:38 -04:00
268defb6b9 Added analog stick deadzone, truly added trigger deadzones 2014-05-21 17:42:25 -04:00
67bf8b061c You can now press a button/axis/touchpad in options to change that control when in options. The icon in the notification area also shows not only when minimized, but when the main window unfocused. Fixed bug where when the tool is shrunken down, the last message of log didn’t show. 2014-05-19 01:55:12 -04:00
dacaada0ea Removed Aboutbox, moved profile and sttings to appdata, added import profile options minor UI changes 2014-05-15 18:10:17 -04:00
809bc119ca Added Auto Updates using my dropbx 2014-05-14 03:12:15 -04:00
a3ca56d8a6 New UI for Options, no more tabs! Same with the actions window 2014-05-12 01:48:50 -04:00
c52929f5fa Made keystrokes more akin to phyiscally pressing (holding down actually repeats the key), removed repeat option due to this
Edit Profile button shows new if controller has no profile, other small UI changes
2014-05-06 14:49:18 -04:00
0303922270 changing value while testing resets the rumble event 2014-05-05 03:42:05 -04:00
371353029c Moved rumble to other tab, as well as revised it, removed rumble swap
Signed-off-by: jays2kings <jays2kings@gmail.com>
2014-05-05 03:31:24 -04:00
35f322598c added image to main DS4 Controller if rainbow mode is on 2014-05-04 22:25:53 -04:00
fda3c65dcd Reworked Rainbow algorithm + added option for rainbow and speed
Also Revised popup on notification icon
2014-04-30 15:32:44 -04:00
b2aef9a984 Merged Electrobrain's beta 10: this tool now uses ScpVBus devices 11-14, so other vitrual xinput tools don't have conflict
Also slight reorganization for context menu
2014-04-29 23:54:41 -04:00
794cefe2e6 Added Mouse movement to custom mapping
Works with both the sticks and the buttons (Sens. setting in options)

Signed-off-by: jays2kings <jays2kings@gmail.com>
2014-04-29 17:56:58 -04:00
472481248a Saving a profile works again 2014-04-29 04:22:37 -04:00
6fcba28093 Added double tap option (Tap and hold to drag mouse) and a context menu
Signed-off-by: jays2kings <jays2kings@gmail.com>
2014-04-28 21:14:01 -04:00
ac89fb13d0 Fix if clicked R Sick Left in options list, you'd get circle
Signed-off-by: jays2kings <jays2kings@gmail.com>
2014-04-28 00:08:49 -04:00
c443be85a7 Major revamp all around:
Profile system; Megred options/mapping; Button mode and Standard Mode; removed other touchpad modes; allow 360 controls on touchpad points;
Minor Changes: Color picker for light bar is more accurate, added keyboard popup for mapping, PS+Touching pad toggles sliding, added more mouse buttons + media keys

Signed-off-by: jays2kings <jays2kings@gmail.com>
2014-04-27 15:32:09 -04:00
df43fd0d74 Revised Custom Mapping
I kinda just felt like doing it :P wanted to test myself,
trying to make a cleaner UI
2014-03-27 21:50:40 -04:00