# DS4Windows Like those other ds4tools, but sexier. DS4Windows is an extract anywhere program that allows you to get the best DualShock 4 experience on your PC. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible. This project is a fork of the work of Jays2Kings. You can find the old project website at [ds4windows.com](http://ds4windows.com). ## Downloads - **[Main builds of DS4Windows](https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases)** - Alternative builds: - [UdpServer ViGEm build](http://ryochan7.xyz/ds4windows/test/DS4Windows_1.5.6_ViGEm_UdpServer_x64.zip) ## Requirements - Windows 7 SP1 or newer - [Microsoft .NET 4.6.1 or higher (needed to unzip the driver and for macros to work properly)](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49982) - SCP Virtual Bus Driver (DS4Windows will install it for you) - Microsoft 360 Driver (link inside DS4Windows, already installed by Windows if you've used a 360 controller before) - Sony DualShock 4 🤔 - Connection method: - Micro USB cable - Bluetooth 2.1+ (via an [adapter like this](https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833166126) or built in pc). Toshiba's adapters currently do not work. ## Device Detection Issue If your DS4 is not detected by DS4Windows and the lightbar continues to flash yellow, there is a chance that Exclusive Mode has permanently disabled your DS4 in Windows. The easiest way to test if this has happened is for you to plug in the controller into a different USB port and see if it works then. Although this problem mainly affected versions of DS4Windows prior to 1.4.109 when using some applications, other mapping programs can cause the same problem to occur. If you suspect that your DS4 has been disabled, open the Device Manager (Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Device Manager) and look for devices listed under the path "Human Interface Devices\HID-compliant game controller". ![Disabled Device Example](https://i.imgur.com/KI3QX2i.png) If the icon shown for a device has a down arrow icon then you should check the device's device instance path and see if the device is a DualShock 4 device. Right click the device item and select "Enable device" from the menu. That will re-enable the device and be seen by applications again. ## Pull Requests Pull requests for DS4Windows are welcome. Before making a pull request, please test your changes to ensure that the changes made do not negatively affect the performance of other parts of the application. Some consideration will be made during code review to try to tweak the changes in order to improve application performance. However, there is a chance that a pull request will be rejected if no reasonable solution can be found to incorporate code changes. ## Tip Jar If you would like to send some coin my way, here are some means by which to do so. **Bitcoin:** 1DnMJwjdd7JRfHJap2mmTmADYm38SzR2z9 **Dogecoin:** D9fhbXp9bCHEhuS8vX1BmVu6t7Y2nVNUCK **Litecoin:** La5mniW7SFMH2RhqDgUty3RwkBSYbjbnJ6 **Monero:** 49RvRMiMewaeez1Y2auxHmfMaAUYfhUpBem4ohzRJd9b5acPcxzh1icjnhZfjnYd1S7NQ57reQ7cP1swGre3rpfzUgJhEB7 **PayPal:** https://paypal.me/ryochan7