using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using DS4Library; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace DS4Control { public class Control { X360Device x360Bus; DS4Device[] DS4Controllers = new DS4Device[4]; //TPadModeSwitcher[] modeSwitcher = new TPadModeSwitcher[4]; Mouse[] touchPad = new Mouse[4]; private bool running = false; private DS4State[] MappedState = new DS4State[4]; private DS4State[] CurrentState = new DS4State[4]; private DS4State[] PreviousState = new DS4State[4]; public DS4StateExposed[] ExposedState = new DS4StateExposed[4]; public event EventHandler Debug = null; private class X360Data { public byte[] Report = new byte[28]; public byte[] Rumble = new byte[8]; } private X360Data[] processingData = new X360Data[4]; public Control() { x360Bus = new X360Device(); for (int i = 0; i < DS4Controllers.Length; i++) { processingData[i] = new X360Data(); MappedState[i] = new DS4State(); CurrentState[i] = new DS4State(); PreviousState[i] = new DS4State(); ExposedState[i] = new DS4StateExposed(CurrentState[i]); } } private void WarnExclusiveModeFailure(DS4Device device) { if (DS4Devices.isExclusiveMode && !device.IsExclusive) { String message = "Warning: Could not open DS4 " + device.MacAddress + " exclusively. " + "You must quit other applications like Steam, Uplay before activating the 'Hide DS4 Controller' option."; LogDebug(message); Log.LogToTray(message); } } public bool Start() { if (x360Bus.Open() && x360Bus.Start()) { LogDebug("Starting..."); DS4Devices.isExclusiveMode = Global.getUseExclusiveMode(); LogDebug("Searching for controllers...."); LogDebug("Using " + (DS4Devices.isExclusiveMode ? "Exclusive Mode" : "Shared Mode")); try { DS4Devices.findControllers(); IEnumerable devices = DS4Devices.getDS4Controllers(); int ind = 0; foreach (DS4Device device in devices) { LogDebug("Found Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " (" + device.ConnectionType + ")"); WarnExclusiveModeFailure(device); DS4Controllers[ind] = device; device.Removal -= DS4Devices.On_Removal; device.Removal += this.On_DS4Removal; device.Removal += DS4Devices.On_Removal; //TPadModeSwitcher m_switcher = new TPadModeSwitcher(device, ind); //m_switcher.Debug += OnDebug; //modeSwitcher[ind] = m_switcher; touchPad[ind] = new Mouse(ind, device); DS4Color color = Global.loadColor(ind); device.LightBarColor = color; x360Bus.Plugin(ind); device.Report += this.On_Report; //m_switcher.setMode(Global.getInitialMode(ind)); TouchPadOn(ind, device); string[] profileA = Global.getAProfile(ind).Split('\\'); string filename = profileA[profileA.Length - 1]; ind++; if (System.IO.File.Exists(Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FullName + @"\Profiles\" + filename)) { LogDebug("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using Profile \"" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + "\""); Log.LogToTray("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using Profile \"" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + "\""); } else { LogDebug("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using a profile not found"); Log.LogToTray("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using a profile not found"); } if (ind >= 4) // out of Xinput devices! break; } } catch (Exception e) { LogDebug(e.Message); Log.LogToTray(e.Message); } running = true; } return true; } public bool Stop() { if (running) { running = false; LogDebug("Stopping X360 Controllers"); bool anyUnplugged = false; for (int i = 0; i < DS4Controllers.Length; i++) { if (DS4Controllers[i] != null) { CurrentState[i].Battery = PreviousState[i].Battery = 0; // Reset for the next connection's initial status change. x360Bus.Unplug(i); anyUnplugged = true; DS4Controllers[i] = null; touchPad[i] = null; } } if (anyUnplugged) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(XINPUT_UNPLUG_SETTLE_TIME); x360Bus.Stop(); LogDebug("Stopping DS4 Controllers"); DS4Devices.stopControllers(); LogDebug("Stopped DS4 Tool"); Global.ControllerStatusChanged(this); } return true; } public bool HotPlug() { if (running) { DS4Devices.findControllers(); IEnumerable devices = DS4Devices.getDS4Controllers(); foreach (DS4Device device in devices) { if (device.IsDisconnecting) continue; if (((Func)delegate { for (Int32 Index = 0; Index < DS4Controllers.Length; Index++) if (DS4Controllers[Index] != null && DS4Controllers[Index].MacAddress == device.MacAddress) return true; return false; })()) continue; for (Int32 Index = 0; Index < DS4Controllers.Length; Index++) if (DS4Controllers[Index] == null) { LogDebug("Found Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " (" + device.ConnectionType + ")"); WarnExclusiveModeFailure(device); DS4Controllers[Index] = device; device.Removal -= DS4Devices.On_Removal; device.Removal += this.On_DS4Removal; device.Removal += DS4Devices.On_Removal; //TPadModeSwitcher m_switcher = new TPadModeSwitcher(device, Index); //m_switcher.Debug += OnDebug; //modeSwitcher[Index] = m_switcher; touchPad[Index] = new Mouse(Index, device); device.LightBarColor = Global.loadColor(Index); device.Report += this.On_Report; x360Bus.Plugin(Index); //m_switcher.setMode(Global.getInitialMode(Index)); TouchPadOn(Index, device); string[] profileA = Global.getAProfile(Index).Split('\\'); string filename = profileA[profileA.Length - 1]; if (System.IO.File.Exists(Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FullName + @"\Profiles\" + filename)) { LogDebug("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using Profile \"" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + "\""); Log.LogToTray("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using Profile \"" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + "\""); } else { LogDebug("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using a profile not found"); Log.LogToTray("Controller: " + device.MacAddress + " is using a profile not found"); } break; } } } return true; } public void TouchPadOn(int ind, DS4Device device) { ITouchpadBehaviour tPad = touchPad[ind]; device.Touchpad.TouchButtonDown += tPad.touchButtonDown; device.Touchpad.TouchButtonUp += tPad.touchButtonUp; device.Touchpad.TouchesBegan += tPad.touchesBegan; device.Touchpad.TouchesMoved += tPad.touchesMoved; device.Touchpad.TouchesEnded += tPad.touchesEnded; device.Touchpad.TouchUnchanged += tPad.touchUnchanged; //LogDebug("Touchpad mode for " + device.MacAddress + " is now " + tmode.ToString()); //Log.LogToTray("Touchpad mode for " + device.MacAddress + " is now " + tmode.ToString()); Global.ControllerStatusChanged(this); } public string getDS4ControllerInfo(int index) { if (DS4Controllers[index] != null) { DS4Device d = DS4Controllers[index]; if (!d.IsAlive()) return "Connecting..."; // awaiting the first battery charge indication String battery; if (d.Charging) { if (d.Battery >= 100) battery = "Charged"; else battery = "Charging:" + d.Battery + "%"; } else { battery = "Battery: " + d.Battery + "%"; } return d.MacAddress + " (" + d.ConnectionType + "), " + battery; //return d.MacAddress + " (" + d.ConnectionType + "), Battery is " + battery + ", Touchpad in " + modeSwitcher[index].ToString(); } else return String.Empty; } public string getShortDS4ControllerInfo(int index) { if (DS4Controllers[index] != null) { DS4Device d = DS4Controllers[index]; String battery; if (!d.IsAlive()) battery = "..."; if (d.Charging) { if (d.Battery >= 100) battery = "Full"; else battery = d.Battery + "%+"; } else { battery = d.Battery + "%"; } return d.ConnectionType + " " + battery; } else return "None"; } private int XINPUT_UNPLUG_SETTLE_TIME = 250; // Inhibit races that occur with the asynchronous teardown of ScpVBus -> X360 driver instance. //Called when DS4 is disconnected or timed out protected virtual void On_DS4Removal(object sender, EventArgs e) { DS4Device device = (DS4Device)sender; int ind = -1; for (int i = 0; i < DS4Controllers.Length; i++) if (DS4Controllers[i] != null && device.MacAddress == DS4Controllers[i].MacAddress) ind = i; if (ind != -1) { CurrentState[ind].Battery = PreviousState[ind].Battery = 0; // Reset for the next connection's initial status change. x360Bus.Unplug(ind); LogDebug("Controller " + device.MacAddress + " was removed or lost connection"); Log.LogToTray("Controller " + device.MacAddress + " was removed or lost connection"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(XINPUT_UNPLUG_SETTLE_TIME); DS4Controllers[ind] = null; //modeSwitcher[ind] = null; touchPad[ind] = null; Global.ControllerStatusChanged(this); } } //Called every time the new input report has arrived protected virtual void On_Report(object sender, EventArgs e) { DS4Device device = (DS4Device)sender; int ind = -1; for (int i = 0; i < DS4Controllers.Length; i++) if (device == DS4Controllers[i]) ind = i; if (ind != -1) { device.getExposedState(ExposedState[ind], CurrentState[ind]); DS4State cState = CurrentState[ind]; device.getPreviousState(PreviousState[ind]); DS4State pState = PreviousState[ind]; if (pState.Battery != cState.Battery) Global.ControllerStatusChanged(this); //bool wasButtonMouse = modeSwitcher[ind].getCurrentMode() is ButtonMouse; CheckForHotkeys(ind, cState, pState); //if (wasButtonMouse && modeSwitcher[ind].getCurrentMode() is ButtonMouse) { //ButtonMouse mode = (ButtonMouse)modeSwitcher[ind].getCurrentMode(); // XXX so disgusting, need to virtualize this again // mode.getDS4State().CopyTo(cState); } if (Global.getHasCustomKeysorButtons(ind)) { Mapping.MapCustom(ind, cState, MappedState[ind], pState); cState = MappedState[ind]; } // Update the GUI/whatever. DS4LightBar.updateLightBar(device, ind); x360Bus.Parse(cState, processingData[ind].Report, ind); // We push the translated Xinput state, and simultaneously we // pull back any possible rumble data coming from Xinput consumers. if (x360Bus.Report(processingData[ind].Report, processingData[ind].Rumble)) { Byte Big = (Byte)(processingData[ind].Rumble[3]); Byte Small = (Byte)(processingData[ind].Rumble[4]); if (processingData[ind].Rumble[1] == 0x08) { setRumble(Small, Big, ind); } } // Output any synthetic events. Mapping.Commit(ind); // Pull settings updates. device.IdleTimeout = Global.getIdleDisconnectTimeout(ind); } } bool touchreleased = true; byte oldtouchvalue = 0; protected virtual void CheckForHotkeys(int deviceID, DS4State cState, DS4State pState) { DS4Device d = DS4Controllers[deviceID]; if (cState.Touch1 && !pState.Share && !pState.Options) { /*if (cState.Share) Global.setTouchSensitivity(deviceID, 0); else if (cState.Options) Global.setTouchSensitivity(deviceID, 100); */ } if (cState.Touch1 && pState.PS) { if (Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceID) > 0 && touchreleased) { oldtouchvalue = Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceID); Global.setTouchSensitivity(deviceID, 0); LogDebug("Touchpad Movement is now " + (Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceID) > 0 ? "On" : "Off")); Log.LogToTray("Touchpad Movement is now " + (Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceID) > 0 ? "On" : "Off")); touchreleased = false; } else if (touchreleased) { Global.setTouchSensitivity(deviceID, oldtouchvalue); LogDebug("Touchpad Movement is now " + (Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceID) > 0 ? "On" : "Off")); Log.LogToTray("Touchpad Movement is now " + (Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceID) > 0 ? "On" : "Off")); touchreleased = false; } } else touchreleased = true; } public virtual void LogDebug(String Data) { Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + "> " + Data); if (Debug != null) { DebugEventArgs args = new DebugEventArgs(Data); OnDebug(this, args); } } public virtual void OnDebug(object sender, DebugEventArgs args) { if (Debug != null) Debug(this, args); } //sets the rumble adjusted with rumble boost public virtual void setRumble(byte heavyMotor, byte lightMotor, int deviceNum) { byte boost = Global.loadRumbleBoost(deviceNum); uint lightBoosted = ((uint)lightMotor * (uint)boost) / 100; if (lightBoosted > 255) lightBoosted = 255; uint heavyBoosted = ((uint)heavyMotor * (uint)boost) / 100; if (heavyBoosted > 255) heavyBoosted = 255; DS4Controllers[deviceNum].setRumble((byte)lightBoosted, (byte)heavyBoosted); } } }