using System; namespace DS4Windows { class MouseCursor { private readonly int deviceNumber; public MouseCursor(int deviceNum) { deviceNumber = deviceNum; } // Keep track of remainders when performing moves or we lose fractional parts. private double horizontalRemainder = 0.0, verticalRemainder = 0.0; private double hRemainder = 0.0, vRemainder = 0.0; /** Indicate x/y direction for doing jitter compensation, etc. */ public enum Direction { Negative, Neutral, Positive } // Track direction vector separately and very trivially for now. private Direction horizontalDirection = Direction.Neutral, verticalDirection = Direction.Neutral; private Direction hDirection = Direction.Neutral, vDirection = Direction.Neutral; private const double GYRO_MOUSE_COEFFICIENT = 0.0095; private const int GYRO_MOUSE_DEADZONE = 12; private const double GYRO_MOUSE_OFFSET = 0.1463; private const double GYRO_SMOOTH_MOUSE_OFFSET = 0.14698; private const double TOUCHPAD_MOUSE_OFFSET = 0.015; private const int SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN = 3; private double[] xSmoothBuffer = new double[SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN]; private double[] ySmoothBuffer = new double[SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN]; private int smoothBufferTail = 0; double coefficient = 0.0; double verticalScale = 0.0; bool gyroSmooth = false; int tempInt = 0; double tempDouble = 0.0; bool tempBool = false; public virtual void sixaxisMoved(SixAxisEventArgs arg) { int deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; deltaX = Global.getGyroMouseHorizontalAxis(deviceNumber) == 0 ? arg.sixAxis.gyroYawFull : arg.sixAxis.gyroRollFull; deltaY = -arg.sixAxis.gyroPitchFull; //tempDouble = arg.sixAxis.elapsed * 0.001 * 200.0; // Base default speed on 5 ms tempDouble = arg.sixAxis.elapsed * 200.0; // Base default speed on 5 ms gyroSmooth = Global.getGyroSmoothing(deviceNumber); double gyroSmoothWeight = 0.0; coefficient = (Global.getGyroSensitivity(deviceNumber) * 0.01) * GYRO_MOUSE_COEFFICIENT; double offset = GYRO_MOUSE_OFFSET; if (gyroSmooth) { gyroSmoothWeight = Global.getGyroSmoothingWeight(deviceNumber); if (gyroSmoothWeight > 0.0) { offset = GYRO_SMOOTH_MOUSE_OFFSET; } } double tempAngle = Math.Atan2(-deltaY, deltaX); double normX = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(tempAngle)); double normY = Math.Abs(Math.Sin(tempAngle)); int signX = Math.Sign(deltaX); int signY = Math.Sign(deltaY); if (deltaX == 0 || (hRemainder > 0 != deltaX > 0)) { hRemainder = 0.0; } if (deltaY == 0 || (vRemainder > 0 != deltaY > 0)) { vRemainder = 0.0; } int deadzoneX = (int)Math.Abs(normX * GYRO_MOUSE_DEADZONE); int deadzoneY = (int)Math.Abs(normY * GYRO_MOUSE_DEADZONE); if (Math.Abs(deltaX) > deadzoneX) { deltaX -= signX * deadzoneX; } else { deltaX = 0; } if (Math.Abs(deltaY) > deadzoneY) { deltaY -= signY * deadzoneY; } else { deltaY = 0; } double xMotion = deltaX != 0 ? coefficient * (deltaX * tempDouble) + (normX * (offset * signX)) : 0; int xAction = 0; if (xMotion != 0.0) { xMotion += hRemainder; } else { hRemainder = 0.0; } verticalScale = Global.getGyroSensVerticalScale(deviceNumber) * 0.01; double yMotion = deltaY != 0 ? (coefficient * verticalScale) * (deltaY * tempDouble) + (normY * (offset * signY)) : 0; int yAction = 0; if (yMotion != 0.0) { yMotion += vRemainder; } else { vRemainder = 0.0; } if (gyroSmooth) { int iIndex = smoothBufferTail % SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN; xSmoothBuffer[iIndex] = xMotion; ySmoothBuffer[iIndex] = yMotion; smoothBufferTail = iIndex + 1; double currentWeight = 1.0; double finalWeight = 0.0; double x_out = 0.0, y_out = 0.0; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN; i++) { idx = Math.Abs(smoothBufferTail - i - 1) % SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN; x_out += xSmoothBuffer[idx] * currentWeight; y_out += ySmoothBuffer[idx] * currentWeight; finalWeight += currentWeight; currentWeight *= gyroSmoothWeight; } x_out /= finalWeight; xMotion = x_out; y_out /= finalWeight; yMotion = y_out; } hRemainder = vRemainder = 0.0; if (xMotion != 0.0) { xAction = (int)xMotion; hRemainder = xMotion - xAction; } if (yMotion != 0.0) { yAction = (int)yMotion; vRemainder = yMotion - yAction; } int gyroInvert = Global.getGyroInvert(deviceNumber); if ((gyroInvert & 0x02) == 2) xAction *= -1; if ((gyroInvert & 0x01) == 1) yAction *= -1; if (yAction != 0 || xAction != 0) InputMethods.MoveCursorBy(xAction, yAction); hDirection = xMotion > 0.0 ? Direction.Positive : xMotion < 0.0 ? Direction.Negative : Direction.Neutral; vDirection = yMotion > 0.0 ? Direction.Positive : yMotion < 0.0 ? Direction.Negative : Direction.Neutral; } public void mouseRemainderReset() { hRemainder = vRemainder = 0.0; int iIndex = smoothBufferTail % SMOOTH_BUFFER_LEN; xSmoothBuffer[iIndex] = 0.0; ySmoothBuffer[iIndex] = 0.0; smoothBufferTail = iIndex + 1; } public void touchesBegan(TouchpadEventArgs arg) { if (arg.touches.Length == 1) { horizontalRemainder = verticalRemainder = 0.0; horizontalDirection = verticalDirection = Direction.Neutral; } } private byte lastTouchID; public void touchesMoved(TouchpadEventArgs arg, bool dragging, bool disableInvert = false) { int touchesLen = arg.touches.Length; if ((!dragging && touchesLen != 1) || (dragging && touchesLen < 1)) return; int deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; if (arg.touches[0].touchID != lastTouchID) { deltaX = deltaY = 0; horizontalRemainder = verticalRemainder = 0.0; horizontalDirection = verticalDirection = Direction.Neutral; lastTouchID = arg.touches[0].touchID; } else { if (dragging && touchesLen > 1) { deltaX = arg.touches[1].deltaX; deltaY = arg.touches[1].deltaY; } else { deltaX = arg.touches[0].deltaX; deltaY = arg.touches[0].deltaY; } } double tempAngle = Math.Atan2(-deltaY, deltaX); double normX = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(tempAngle)); double normY = Math.Abs(Math.Sin(tempAngle)); int signX = Math.Sign(deltaX); int signY = Math.Sign(deltaY); double coefficient = Global.getTouchSensitivity(deviceNumber) * 0.01; bool jitterCompenstation = Global.getTouchpadJitterCompensation(deviceNumber); double xMotion = deltaX != 0 ? coefficient * deltaX + (normX * (TOUCHPAD_MOUSE_OFFSET * signX)) : 0.0; double yMotion = deltaY != 0 ? coefficient * deltaY + (normY * (TOUCHPAD_MOUSE_OFFSET * signY)) : 0.0; if (jitterCompenstation) { double absX = Math.Abs(xMotion); if (absX <= normX * 0.4) { xMotion = signX * Math.Pow(absX / 0.4f, 1.44) * 0.4; } double absY = Math.Abs(yMotion); if (absY <= normY * 0.4) { yMotion = signY * Math.Pow(absY / 0.4f, 1.44) * 0.4; } } // Collect rounding errors instead of losing motion. if (xMotion > 0.0 && horizontalRemainder > 0.0) { xMotion += horizontalRemainder; } else if (xMotion < 0.0 && horizontalRemainder < 0.0) { xMotion += horizontalRemainder; } int xAction = (int)xMotion; horizontalRemainder = xMotion - xAction; if (yMotion > 0.0 && verticalRemainder > 0.0) { yMotion += verticalRemainder; } else if (yMotion < 0.0 && verticalRemainder < 0.0) { yMotion += verticalRemainder; } int yAction = (int)yMotion; verticalRemainder = yMotion - yAction; if (disableInvert == false) { int touchpadInvert = tempInt = Global.getTouchpadInvert(deviceNumber); if ((touchpadInvert & 0x02) == 2) xAction *= -1; if ((touchpadInvert & 0x01) == 1) yAction *= -1; } if (yAction != 0 || xAction != 0) InputMethods.MoveCursorBy(xAction, yAction); horizontalDirection = xMotion > 0.0 ? Direction.Positive : xMotion < 0.0 ? Direction.Negative : Direction.Neutral; verticalDirection = yMotion > 0.0 ? Direction.Positive : yMotion < 0.0 ? Direction.Negative : Direction.Neutral; } } }