using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; namespace DS4Windows { [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] public class X360BusDevice : ScpDevice { private const String DS3_BUS_CLASS_GUID = "{F679F562-3164-42CE-A4DB-E7DDBE723909}"; private const int CONTROLLER_OFFSET = 1; // Device 0 is the virtual USB hub itself, and we leave devices 1-10 available for other software (like the Scarlet.Crush DualShock driver itself) private const int inputResolution = 127 - (-128); private const float reciprocalInputResolution = 1 / (float)inputResolution; private const int outputResolution = 32767 - (-32768); private int firstController = 1; // Device 0 is the virtual USB hub itself, and we can leave more available for other software (like the Scarlet.Crush DualShock driver) public int FirstController { get { return firstController; } set { firstController = value > 0 ? value : 1; } } protected Int32 Scale(Int32 Value, Boolean Flip) { unchecked { Value -= 0x80; //float temp = (Value - (-128)) / (float)inputResolution; float temp = (Value - (-128)) * reciprocalInputResolution; if (Flip) temp = (temp - 0.5f) * -1.0f + 0.5f; return (Int32)(temp * outputResolution + (-32768)); } } public X360BusDevice() : base(DS3_BUS_CLASS_GUID) { } /* public override Boolean Open(int Instance = 0) { if (base.Open(Instance)) { } return true; } */ public override Boolean Open(String DevicePath) { m_Path = DevicePath; m_WinUsbHandle = (IntPtr)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (GetDeviceHandle(m_Path)) { m_IsActive = true; } return true; } public override Boolean Start() { if (IsActive) { } return true; } public override Boolean Stop() { if (IsActive) { //Unplug(0); } return base.Stop(); } public override Boolean Close() { if (IsActive) { Unplug(0); } return base.Close(); } public void Parse(DS4State state, Byte[] Output, int device) { Output[0] = 0x1C; Output[4] = (Byte)(device + firstController); Output[9] = 0x14; for (int i = 10; i < 28; i++) { Output[i] = 0; } unchecked { if (state.Share) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 5); // Back if (state.L3) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 6); // Left Thumb if (state.R3) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 7); // Right Thumb if (state.Options) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 4); // Start if (state.DpadUp) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 0); // Up if (state.DpadRight) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 3); // Down if (state.DpadDown) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 1); // Right if (state.DpadLeft) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 2); // Left if (state.L1) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 0); // Left Shoulder if (state.R1) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 1); // Right Shoulder if (state.Triangle) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 7); // Y if (state.Circle) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 5); // B if (state.Cross) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 4); // A if (state.Square) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 6); // X if (state.PS) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 2); // Guide SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType steeringWheelMappedAxis = Global.GetSASteeringWheelEmulationAxis(device); Int32 ThumbLX; Int32 ThumbLY; Int32 ThumbRX; Int32 ThumbRY; Output[12] = state.L2; // Left Trigger Output[13] = state.R2; // Right Trigger switch(steeringWheelMappedAxis) { case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.None: ThumbLX = Scale(state.LX, false); ThumbLY = Scale(state.LY, true); ThumbRX = Scale(state.RX, false); ThumbRY = Scale(state.RY, true); break; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.LX: ThumbLX = state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit; ThumbLY = Scale(state.LY, true); ThumbRX = Scale(state.RX, false); ThumbRY = Scale(state.RY, true); break; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.LY: ThumbLX = Scale(state.LX, false); ThumbLY = state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit; ThumbRX = Scale(state.RX, false); ThumbRY = Scale(state.RY, true); break; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.RX: ThumbLX = Scale(state.LX, false); ThumbLY = Scale(state.LY, true); ThumbRX = state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit; ThumbRY = Scale(state.RY, true); break; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.RY: ThumbLX = Scale(state.LX, false); ThumbLY = Scale(state.LY, true); ThumbRX = Scale(state.RX, false); ThumbRY = state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit; break; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.L2R2: Output[12] = Output[13] = 0; if (state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit >= 0) Output[12] = (Byte)state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit; else Output[13] = (Byte)state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit; goto case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.None; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy1X: case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy2X: DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder.vJoyFeeder.FeedAxisValue(state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit, ((((uint)steeringWheelMappedAxis) - ((uint)SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy1X)) / 3) + 1, DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder.HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X); goto case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.None; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy1Y: case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy2Y: DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder.vJoyFeeder.FeedAxisValue(state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit, ((((uint)steeringWheelMappedAxis) - ((uint)SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy1X)) / 3) + 1, DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder.HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Y); goto case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.None; case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy1Z: case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy2Z: DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder.vJoyFeeder.FeedAxisValue(state.SASteeringWheelEmulationUnit, ((((uint)steeringWheelMappedAxis) - ((uint)SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.VJoy1X)) / 3) + 1, DS4Windows.VJoyFeeder.HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Z); goto case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.None; default: // Should never come here but just in case use the NONE case as default handler.... goto case SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType.None; } Output[14] = (Byte)((ThumbLX >> 0) & 0xFF); // LX Output[15] = (Byte)((ThumbLX >> 8) & 0xFF); Output[16] = (Byte)((ThumbLY >> 0) & 0xFF); // LY Output[17] = (Byte)((ThumbLY >> 8) & 0xFF); Output[18] = (Byte)((ThumbRX >> 0) & 0xFF); // RX Output[19] = (Byte)((ThumbRX >> 8) & 0xFF); Output[20] = (Byte)((ThumbRY >> 0) & 0xFF); // RY Output[21] = (Byte)((ThumbRY >> 8) & 0xFF); } } public Boolean Plugin(Int32 Serial) { if (IsActive) { Int32 Transfered = 0; Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[16]; Buffer[0] = 0x10; Buffer[1] = 0x00; Buffer[2] = 0x00; Buffer[3] = 0x00; Serial += firstController; Buffer[4] = (Byte)((Serial >> 0) & 0xFF); Buffer[5] = (Byte)((Serial >> 8) & 0xFF); Buffer[6] = (Byte)((Serial >> 16) & 0xFF); Buffer[7] = (Byte)((Serial >> 24) & 0xFF); return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A4000, Buffer, Buffer.Length, null, 0, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero); } return false; } public Boolean Unplug(Int32 Serial) { if (IsActive) { Int32 Transfered = 0; Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[16]; Buffer[0] = 0x10; Buffer[1] = 0x00; Buffer[2] = 0x00; Buffer[3] = 0x00; Serial += firstController; Buffer[4] = (Byte)((Serial >> 0) & 0xFF); Buffer[5] = (Byte)((Serial >> 8) & 0xFF); Buffer[6] = (Byte)((Serial >> 16) & 0xFF); Buffer[7] = (Byte)((Serial >> 24) & 0xFF); return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A4004, Buffer, Buffer.Length, null, 0, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero); } return false; } public Boolean UnplugAll() //not yet implemented, not sure if will { if (IsActive) { Int32 Transfered = 0; Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[16]; Buffer[0] = 0x10; Buffer[1] = 0x00; Buffer[2] = 0x00; Buffer[3] = 0x00; return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A4004, Buffer, Buffer.Length, null, 0, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero); } return false; } public Boolean Report(Byte[] Input, Byte[] Output) { if (IsActive) { Int32 Transfered = 0; return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A400C, Input, Input.Length, Output, Output.Length, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero) && Transfered > 0; } return false; } } }