using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Diagnostics; namespace DS4Windows { public class Mapping { /* * Represent the synthetic keyboard and mouse events. Maintain counts for each so we don't duplicate events. */ public class SyntheticState { public struct MouseClick { public int leftCount, middleCount, rightCount, fourthCount, fifthCount, wUpCount, wDownCount, toggleCount; public bool toggle; } public MouseClick previousClicks, currentClicks; public struct KeyPress { public int vkCount, scanCodeCount, repeatCount, toggleCount; // repeat takes priority over non-, and scancode takes priority over non- public bool toggle; } public class KeyPresses { public KeyPress previous, current; } public Dictionary keyPresses = new Dictionary(); public void SavePrevious(bool performClear) { previousClicks = currentClicks; if (performClear) currentClicks.leftCount = currentClicks.middleCount = currentClicks.rightCount = currentClicks.fourthCount = currentClicks.fifthCount = currentClicks.wUpCount = currentClicks.wDownCount = currentClicks.toggleCount = 0; foreach (KeyPresses kp in keyPresses.Values) { kp.previous = kp.current; if (performClear) { kp.current.repeatCount = kp.current.scanCodeCount = kp.current.vkCount = kp.current.toggleCount = 0; //kp.current.toggle = false; } } } } public static SyntheticState globalState = new SyntheticState(); public static SyntheticState[] deviceState = { new SyntheticState(), new SyntheticState(), new SyntheticState(), new SyntheticState() }; // TODO When we disconnect, process a null/dead state to release any keys or buttons. public static DateTime oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow; private static bool pressagain = false; private static int wheel = 0, keyshelddown = 0; //mapcustom public static bool[] pressedonce = new bool[261], macrodone = new bool[34]; static bool[] macroControl = new bool[25]; //actions public static int[] fadetimer = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; public static int[] prevFadetimer = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; public static DS4Color[] lastColor = new DS4Color[4]; public static bool[,] actionDone = new bool[4, 50]; public static SpecialAction[] untriggeraction = new SpecialAction[4]; public static DateTime[] nowAction = { DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue }; public static DateTime[] oldnowAction = { DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue }; public static int[] untriggerindex = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; public static DateTime[] oldnowKeyAct = { DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue }; private static bool tappedOnce = false, firstTouch = false, secondtouchbegin = false; private static DateTime pastTime, firstTap, TimeofEnd; //special macros static bool altTabDone = true; static DateTime altTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow, oldAltTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); //mouse public static int mcounter = 34; public static int mouseaccel = 0; public static int prevmouseaccel = 0; private static double horizontalRemainder = 0.0, verticalRemainder = 0.0; public static void Commit(int device) { SyntheticState state = deviceState[device]; lock (globalState) { globalState.currentClicks.leftCount += state.currentClicks.leftCount - state.previousClicks.leftCount; globalState.currentClicks.middleCount += state.currentClicks.middleCount - state.previousClicks.middleCount; globalState.currentClicks.rightCount += state.currentClicks.rightCount - state.previousClicks.rightCount; globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount += state.currentClicks.fourthCount - state.previousClicks.fourthCount; globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount += state.currentClicks.fifthCount - state.previousClicks.fifthCount; globalState.currentClicks.wUpCount += state.currentClicks.wUpCount - state.previousClicks.wUpCount; globalState.currentClicks.wDownCount += state.currentClicks.wDownCount - state.previousClicks.wDownCount; globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount += state.currentClicks.toggleCount - state.previousClicks.toggleCount; globalState.currentClicks.toggle = state.currentClicks.toggle; if (globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.toggleCount == 0 && globalState.currentClicks.toggle) { if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN); if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN); if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN); if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 1); if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 2); } else if (globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.toggleCount == 0 && !globalState.currentClicks.toggle) { if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP); if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP); if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1); if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2); } if (globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.toggleCount == 0) { if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN); else if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount != 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN); else if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount != 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP); if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN); else if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount != 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP); if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 1); else if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount != 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1); if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount == 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 2); else if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount != 0) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2); if (globalState.currentClicks.wUpCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wUpCount == 0) { InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 100); oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow; wheel = 100; } else if (globalState.currentClicks.wUpCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wUpCount != 0) wheel = 0; if (globalState.currentClicks.wDownCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wDownCount == 0) { InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, -100); oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow; wheel = -100; } if (globalState.currentClicks.wDownCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wDownCount != 0) wheel = 0; } if (wheel != 0) //Continue mouse wheel movement { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) && !pressagain) { oldnow = now; InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, wheel); } } // Merge and synthesize all key presses/releases that are present in this device's mapping. // TODO what about the rest? e.g. repeat keys really ought to be on some set schedule foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in state.keyPresses) { SyntheticState.KeyPresses gkp; if (globalState.keyPresses.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out gkp)) { gkp.current.vkCount += kvp.Value.current.vkCount - kvp.Value.previous.vkCount; gkp.current.scanCodeCount += kvp.Value.current.scanCodeCount - kvp.Value.previous.scanCodeCount; gkp.current.repeatCount += kvp.Value.current.repeatCount - kvp.Value.previous.repeatCount; gkp.current.toggle = kvp.Value.current.toggle; gkp.current.toggleCount += kvp.Value.current.toggleCount - kvp.Value.previous.toggleCount; } else { gkp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses(); gkp.current = kvp.Value.current; globalState.keyPresses[kvp.Key] = gkp; } if (gkp.current.toggleCount != 0 && gkp.previous.toggleCount == 0 && gkp.current.toggle) { if (gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0) InputMethods.performSCKeyPress(kvp.Key); else InputMethods.performKeyPress(kvp.Key); } else if (gkp.current.toggleCount != 0 && gkp.previous.toggleCount == 0 && !gkp.current.toggle) { if (gkp.previous.scanCodeCount != 0) // use the last type of VK/SC InputMethods.performSCKeyRelease(kvp.Key); else InputMethods.performKeyRelease(kvp.Key); } else if (gkp.current.vkCount + gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0 && gkp.previous.vkCount + gkp.previous.scanCodeCount == 0) { if (gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0) { oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow; InputMethods.performSCKeyPress(kvp.Key); pressagain = false; keyshelddown = kvp.Key; } else { oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow; InputMethods.performKeyPress(kvp.Key); pressagain = false; keyshelddown = kvp.Key; } } else if (gkp.current.toggleCount != 0 || gkp.previous.toggleCount != 0 || gkp.current.repeatCount != 0 || // repeat or SC/VK transition ((gkp.previous.scanCodeCount == 0) != (gkp.current.scanCodeCount == 0))) //repeat keystroke after 500ms { if (keyshelddown == kvp.Key) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) && !pressagain) { oldnow = now; pressagain = true; } if (pressagain && gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0) { now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25) && pressagain) { oldnow = now; InputMethods.performSCKeyPress(kvp.Key); } } else if (pressagain) { now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25) && pressagain) { oldnow = now; InputMethods.performKeyPress(kvp.Key); } } } } if ((gkp.current.toggleCount == 0 && gkp.previous.toggleCount == 0) && gkp.current.vkCount + gkp.current.scanCodeCount == 0 && gkp.previous.vkCount + gkp.previous.scanCodeCount != 0) { if (gkp.previous.scanCodeCount != 0) // use the last type of VK/SC { InputMethods.performSCKeyRelease(kvp.Key); pressagain = false; } else { InputMethods.performKeyRelease(kvp.Key); pressagain = false; } } } globalState.SavePrevious(false); } state.SavePrevious(true); } public enum Click { None, Left, Middle, Right, Fourth, Fifth, WUP, WDOWN }; public static void MapClick(int device, Click mouseClick) { switch (mouseClick) { case Click.Left: deviceState[device].currentClicks.leftCount++; break; case Click.Middle: deviceState[device].currentClicks.middleCount++; break; case Click.Right: deviceState[device].currentClicks.rightCount++; break; case Click.Fourth: deviceState[device].currentClicks.fourthCount++; break; case Click.Fifth: deviceState[device].currentClicks.fifthCount++; break; case Click.WUP: deviceState[device].currentClicks.wUpCount++; break; case Click.WDOWN: deviceState[device].currentClicks.wDownCount++; break; } } public static int DS4ControltoInt(DS4Controls ctrl) { switch (ctrl) { case DS4Controls.Share: return 1; case DS4Controls.Options: return 2; case DS4Controls.L1: return 3; case DS4Controls.R1: return 4; case DS4Controls.L3: return 5; case DS4Controls.R3: return 6; case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return 7; case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return 8; case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return 9; case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return 10; case DS4Controls.PS: return 11; case DS4Controls.Cross: return 12; case DS4Controls.Square: return 13; case DS4Controls.Triangle: return 14; case DS4Controls.Circle: return 15; case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return 16; case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return 17; case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return 18; case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return 19; case DS4Controls.LXPos: return 20; case DS4Controls.LYPos: return 21; case DS4Controls.RXPos: return 22; case DS4Controls.RYPos: return 23; case DS4Controls.L2: return 24; case DS4Controls.R2: return 25; case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return 26; case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return 27; case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return 28; case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return 29; case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return 30; case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return 31; case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return 32; case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return 33; } return 0; } static double TValue(double value1, double value2, double percent) { percent /= 100f; return value1 * percent + value2 * (1 - percent); } public static DS4State SetCurveAndDeadzone(int device, DS4State cState) { DS4State dState = new DS4State(cState); int x; int y; int curve; if (Global.LSCurve[device] > 0) { x = cState.LX; y = cState.LY; float max = x + y; double curvex; double curvey; curve = Global.LSCurve[device]; double multimax = TValue(382.5, max, curve); double multimin = TValue(127.5, max, curve); if ((x > 127.5f && y > 127.5f) || (x < 127.5f && y < 127.5f)) { curvex = (x > 127.5f ? Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(x, (x / max) * multimin)); curvey = (y > 127.5f ? Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(y, (y / max) * multimin)); //btnLSTrack.Location = new Point((int)(dpix * curvex / 2.09 + lbLSTrack.Location.X), (int)(dpiy * curvey / 2.09 + lbLSTrack.Location.Y)); } else { if (x < 127.5f) { curvex = Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax); curvey = Math.Min(y, (-(y / max) * multimax + 510)); } else { curvex = Math.Min(x, (-(x / max) * multimax + 510)); curvey = Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax); } } dState.LX = (byte)Math.Round(curvex, 0); dState.LY = (byte)Math.Round(curvey, 0); } if (Global.RSCurve[device] > 0) { x = cState.RX; y = cState.RY; float max = x + y; double curvex; double curvey; curve = Global.RSCurve[device]; double multimax = TValue(382.5, max, curve); double multimin = TValue(127.5, max, curve); if ((x > 127.5f && y > 127.5f) || (x < 127.5f && y < 127.5f)) { curvex = (x > 127.5f ? Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(x, (x / max) * multimin)); curvey = (y > 127.5f ? Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(y, (y / max) * multimin)); } else { if (x < 127.5f) { curvex = Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax); curvey = Math.Min(y, (-(y / max) * multimax + 510)); } else { curvex = Math.Min(x, (-(x / max) * multimax + 510)); curvey = Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax); } } dState.RX = (byte)Math.Round(curvex, 0); dState.RY = (byte)Math.Round(curvey, 0); } double ls = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(cState.LX - 127.5f, 2) + Math.Pow(cState.LY - 127.5f, 2)); //deadzones if (Global.LSDeadzone[device] > 0 && ls < Global.LSDeadzone[device]) { dState.LX = 127; dState.LY = 127; } else if (Global.LSDeadzone[device] < 0 && ls > 127.5f + Global.LSDeadzone[device]) { double r = Math.Atan2((dState.LY - 127.5f), (dState.LX - 127.5f)); dState.LX = (byte)(Math.Cos(r) * (127.5f + Global.LSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f); dState.LY = (byte)(Math.Sin(r) * (127.5f + Global.LSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f); } //Console.WriteLine double rs = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(cState.RX - 127.5f, 2) + Math.Pow(cState.RY - 127.5f, 2)); if (Global.RSDeadzone[device] > 0 && rs < Global.LSDeadzone[device]) { dState.RX = 127; dState.RY = 127; } else if (Global.RSDeadzone[device] < 0 && rs > 127.5f + Global.RSDeadzone[device]) { double r = Math.Atan2((dState.RY - 127.5f), (dState.RX - 127.5f)); dState.RX = (byte)(Math.Cos(r) * (127.5f + Global.RSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f); dState.RY = (byte)(Math.Sin(r) * (127.5f + Global.RSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f); } if (Global.L2Deadzone[device] > 0 && cState.L2 < Global.L2Deadzone[device]) dState.L2 = 0; if (Global.R2Deadzone[device] > 0 && cState.R2 < Global.R2Deadzone[device]) dState.R2 = 0; return dState; } /// /// Map DS4 Buttons/Axes to other DS4 Buttons/Axes (largely the same as Xinput ones) and to keyboard and mouse buttons. /// public static void MapCustom(int device, DS4State cState, DS4State MappedState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, ControlService ctrl) { bool shift; MappedState.LX = 127; MappedState.LY = 127; MappedState.RX = 127; MappedState.RY = 127; int MouseDeltaX = 0; int MouseDeltaY = 0; SyntheticState deviceState = Mapping.deviceState[device]; if (Global.GetActions().Count > 0 && (Global.ProfileActions[device].Count > 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.tempprofilename[device]))) MapCustomAction(device, cState, MappedState, eState, tp, ctrl); if (ctrl.DS4Controllers[device] == null) return; switch (Global.ShiftModifier[device]) { case 1: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.Cross, cState, eState, tp); break; case 2: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.Circle, cState, eState, tp); break; case 3: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.Square, cState, eState, tp); break; case 4: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.Triangle, cState, eState, tp); break; case 5: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.Options, cState, eState, tp); break; case 6: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.Share, cState, eState, tp); break; case 7: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.DpadUp, cState, eState, tp); break; case 8: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.DpadDown, cState, eState, tp); break; case 9: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.DpadLeft, cState, eState, tp); break; case 10: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.DpadRight, cState, eState, tp); break; case 11: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.PS, cState, eState, tp); break; case 12: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.L1, cState, eState, tp); break; case 13: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.R1, cState, eState, tp); break; case 14: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.L2, cState, eState, tp); break; case 15: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.R2, cState, eState, tp); break; case 16: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.L3, cState, eState, tp); break; case 17: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.R3, cState, eState, tp); break; case 18: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.TouchLeft, cState, eState, tp); break; case 19: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.TouchUpper, cState, eState, tp); break; case 20: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.TouchMulti, cState, eState, tp); break; case 21: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.TouchRight, cState, eState, tp); break; case 22: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.GyroZNeg, cState, eState, tp); break; case 23: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.GyroZPos, cState, eState, tp); break; case 24: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.GyroXPos, cState, eState, tp); break; case 25: shift = getBoolMapping(DS4Controls.GyroXNeg, cState, eState, tp); break; case 26: shift = cState.Touch1; break; default: shift = false; break; } cState.CopyTo(MappedState); if (shift) MapShiftCustom(device, cState, MappedState, eState, tp); foreach (KeyValuePair customKey in Global.getCustomMacros(device)) { if (shift == false || (Global.getShiftCustomMacro(device, customKey.Key) == "0" && Global.getShiftCustomKey(device, customKey.Key) == 0 && Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, customKey.Key) == X360Controls.None)) { DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getCustomKeyType(device, customKey.Key); if (getBoolMapping(customKey.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { resetToDefaultValue(customKey.Key, MappedState); PlayMacro(device, macroControl, customKey.Value, customKey.Key, keyType); } else if (!getBoolMapping(customKey.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { EndMacro(device, macroControl, customKey.Value, customKey.Key); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair customKey in Global.getCustomKeys(device)) { if (shift == false || (Global.getShiftCustomMacro(device, customKey.Key) == "0" && Global.getShiftCustomKey(device, customKey.Key) == 0 && Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, customKey.Key) == X360Controls.None)) { DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getCustomKeyType(device, customKey.Key); if (getBoolMapping(customKey.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { resetToDefaultValue(customKey.Key, MappedState); SyntheticState.KeyPresses kp; if (!deviceState.keyPresses.TryGetValue(customKey.Value, out kp)) deviceState.keyPresses[customKey.Value] = kp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses(); if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) kp.current.scanCodeCount++; else kp.current.vkCount++; if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.Toggle)) { if (!pressedonce[customKey.Value]) { kp.current.toggle = !kp.current.toggle; pressedonce[customKey.Value] = true; } kp.current.toggleCount++; } kp.current.repeatCount++; } else pressedonce[customKey.Value] = false; } } //Dictionary customButtons = Global.getCustomButtons(device); //foreach (KeyValuePair customButton in customButtons) List Cross = new List(); List Circle = new List(); List Square = new List(); List Triangle = new List(); List Options = new List(); List Share = new List(); List DpadUp = new List(); List DpadDown = new List(); List DpadLeft = new List(); List DpadRight = new List(); List PS = new List(); List L1 = new List(); List R1 = new List(); List L2 = new List(); List R2 = new List(); List L3 = new List(); List R3 = new List(); List LXN = new List(); List LXP = new List(); List LYN = new List(); List LYP = new List(); List RXN = new List(); List RXP = new List(); List RYN = new List(); List RYP = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair customButton in Global.getCustomButtons(device)) { if (shift == false || (Global.getShiftCustomMacro(device, customButton.Key) == "0" && Global.getShiftCustomKey(device, customButton.Key) == 0 && Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, customButton.Key) == X360Controls.None)) { DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getCustomKeyType(device, customButton.Key); int keyvalue = 0; switch (customButton.Value) { case X360Controls.LeftMouse: keyvalue = 256; break; case X360Controls.RightMouse: keyvalue = 257; break; case X360Controls.MiddleMouse: keyvalue = 258; break; case X360Controls.FourthMouse: keyvalue = 259; break; case X360Controls.FifthMouse: keyvalue = 260; break; } if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.Toggle)) { if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { resetToDefaultValue(customButton.Key, MappedState); if (!pressedonce[keyvalue]) { deviceState.currentClicks.toggle = !deviceState.currentClicks.toggle; pressedonce[keyvalue] = true; } deviceState.currentClicks.toggleCount++; } else { pressedonce[keyvalue] = false; } } resetToDefaultValue(customButton.Key, MappedState); // erase default mappings for things that are remapped bool isAnalog = customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("LX") || customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("RX") || customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("LY") || customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("LY") || customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("R2") || customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("L2") || customButton.Key.ToString().Contains("Gyro"); switch (customButton.Value) { case X360Controls.A: Cross.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.B: Circle.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.X: Square.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Y: Triangle.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LB: L1.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LS: L3.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RB: R1.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RS: R3.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadUp: DpadUp.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadDown: DpadDown.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadLeft: DpadLeft.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadRight: DpadRight.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Start: Options.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Guide: PS.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Back: Share.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LXNeg: LXN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LYNeg: LYN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RXNeg: RXN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RYNeg: RYN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LXPos: LXP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LYPos: LYP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RXPos: RXP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RYPos: RYP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LT: L2.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RT: R2.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LeftMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.leftCount++; break; case X360Controls.RightMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.rightCount++; break; case X360Controls.MiddleMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.middleCount++; break; case X360Controls.FourthMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.fourthCount++; break; case X360Controls.FifthMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.fifthCount++; break; case X360Controls.WUP: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) if (isAnalog) getMouseWheelMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp, false); else deviceState.currentClicks.wUpCount++; break; case X360Controls.WDOWN: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) if (isAnalog) getMouseWheelMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp, true); else deviceState.currentClicks.wDownCount++; break; case X360Controls.MouseUp: if (MouseDeltaY == 0) { MouseDeltaY = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 0); MouseDeltaY = -Math.Abs((MouseDeltaY == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaY)); } break; case X360Controls.MouseDown: if (MouseDeltaY == 0) { MouseDeltaY = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 1); MouseDeltaY = Math.Abs((MouseDeltaY == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaY)); } break; case X360Controls.MouseLeft: if (MouseDeltaX == 0) { MouseDeltaX = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 2); MouseDeltaX = -Math.Abs((MouseDeltaX == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaX)); } break; case X360Controls.MouseRight: if (MouseDeltaX == 0) { MouseDeltaX = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 3); MouseDeltaX = Math.Abs((MouseDeltaX == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaX)); } break; } } } if (macroControl[00]) MappedState.Cross = true; if (macroControl[01]) MappedState.Circle = true; if (macroControl[02]) MappedState.Square = true; if (macroControl[03]) MappedState.Triangle = true; if (macroControl[04]) MappedState.Options = true; if (macroControl[05]) MappedState.Share = true; if (macroControl[06]) MappedState.DpadUp = true; if (macroControl[07]) MappedState.DpadDown = true; if (macroControl[08]) MappedState.DpadLeft = true; if (macroControl[09]) MappedState.DpadRight = true; if (macroControl[10]) MappedState.PS = true; if (macroControl[11]) MappedState.L1 = true; if (macroControl[12]) MappedState.R1 = true; if (macroControl[13]) MappedState.L2 = 255; if (macroControl[14]) MappedState.R2 = 255; if (macroControl[15]) MappedState.L3 = true; if (macroControl[16]) MappedState.R3 = true; if (macroControl[17]) MappedState.LX = 255; if (macroControl[18]) MappedState.LX = 0; if (macroControl[19]) MappedState.LY = 255; if (macroControl[20]) MappedState.LY = 0; if (macroControl[21]) MappedState.RX = 255; if (macroControl[22]) MappedState.RX = 0; if (macroControl[23]) MappedState.RY = 255; if (macroControl[24]) MappedState.RY = 0; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Cross) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Cross = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Circle) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Circle = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Square) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Square = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Triangle) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Triangle = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in L1) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.L1 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in L2) if (getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp) > 5) MappedState.L2 = getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in L3) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.L3 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in R1) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.R1 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in R2) if (getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp) > 5) MappedState.R2 = getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in R3) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.R3 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadUp) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadUp = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadRight) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadRight = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadLeft) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadLeft = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadDown) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadDown = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Options) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Options = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Share) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Share = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in PS) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.PS = true; if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LXNeg) == X360Controls.None) LXN.Add(DS4Controls.LXNeg); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LXPos) == X360Controls.None) LXP.Add(DS4Controls.LXPos); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LYNeg) == X360Controls.None) LYN.Add(DS4Controls.LYNeg); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LYPos) == X360Controls.None) LYP.Add(DS4Controls.LYPos); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RXNeg) == X360Controls.None) RXN.Add(DS4Controls.RXNeg); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RXPos) == X360Controls.None) RXP.Add(DS4Controls.RXPos); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RYNeg) == X360Controls.None) RYN.Add(DS4Controls.RYNeg); if (Global.getCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RYPos) == X360Controls.None) RYP.Add(DS4Controls.RYPos); if ((shift && MappedState.LX == 127) || !shift) if (LXN.Count > 0 || LXP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in LXP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.LX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); foreach (DS4Controls dc in LXN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.LX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); } else MappedState.LX = cState.LX; if ((shift && MappedState.LY == 127) || !shift) if (LYN.Count > 0 || LYP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in LYN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.LY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in LYP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.LY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); } else MappedState.LY = cState.LY; if ((shift && MappedState.RX == 127) || !shift) if (RXN.Count > 0 || RXP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in RXN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.RX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in RXP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.RX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); } else MappedState.RX = cState.RX; if ((shift && MappedState.RY == 127) || !shift) if (RYN.Count > 0 || RYP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in RYN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.RY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in RYP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.RY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); } else MappedState.RY = cState.RY; InputMethods.MoveCursorBy(MouseDeltaX, MouseDeltaY); } public static void MapShiftCustom(int device, DS4State cState, DS4State MappedState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp) { //cState.CopyTo(MappedState); SyntheticState deviceState = Mapping.deviceState[device]; foreach (KeyValuePair customKey in Global.getShiftCustomMacros(device)) //with delays { DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getShiftCustomKeyType(device, customKey.Key); if (getBoolMapping(customKey.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { resetToDefaultValue(customKey.Key, MappedState); PlayMacro(device, macroControl, customKey.Value, customKey.Key, keyType); } else if (!getBoolMapping(customKey.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { EndMacro(device, macroControl, customKey.Value, customKey.Key); } } foreach (KeyValuePair customKey in Global.getShiftCustomKeys(device)) { DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getShiftCustomKeyType(device, customKey.Key); if (getBoolMapping(customKey.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { resetToDefaultValue(customKey.Key, MappedState); SyntheticState.KeyPresses kp; if (!deviceState.keyPresses.TryGetValue(customKey.Value, out kp)) deviceState.keyPresses[customKey.Value] = kp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses(); if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) kp.current.scanCodeCount++; else kp.current.vkCount++; if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.Toggle)) { if (!pressedonce[customKey.Value]) { kp.current.toggle = !kp.current.toggle; pressedonce[customKey.Value] = true; } kp.current.toggleCount++; } kp.current.repeatCount++; } else pressedonce[customKey.Value] = false; } MappedState.LX = 127; MappedState.LY = 127; MappedState.RX = 127; MappedState.RY = 127; int MouseDeltaX = 0; int MouseDeltaY = 0; Dictionary customButtons = Global.getShiftCustomButtons(device); //foreach (KeyValuePair customButton in customButtons) // resetToDefaultValue(customButton.Key, MappedState); // erase default mappings for things that are remapped List Cross = new List(); List Circle = new List(); List Square = new List(); List Triangle = new List(); List Options = new List(); List Share = new List(); List DpadUp = new List(); List DpadDown = new List(); List DpadLeft = new List(); List DpadRight = new List(); List PS = new List(); List L1 = new List(); List R1 = new List(); List L2 = new List(); List R2 = new List(); List L3 = new List(); List R3 = new List(); List LXN = new List(); List LXP = new List(); List LYN = new List(); List LYP = new List(); List RXN = new List(); List RXP = new List(); List RYN = new List(); List RYP = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair customButton in customButtons) { resetToDefaultValue(customButton.Key, MappedState); // erase default mappings for things that are remapped DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getShiftCustomKeyType(device, customButton.Key); int keyvalue = 0; switch (customButton.Value) { case X360Controls.LeftMouse: keyvalue = 256; break; case X360Controls.RightMouse: keyvalue = 257; break; case X360Controls.MiddleMouse: keyvalue = 258; break; case X360Controls.FourthMouse: keyvalue = 259; break; case X360Controls.FifthMouse: keyvalue = 260; break; } if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.Toggle)) { if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) { if (!pressedonce[keyvalue]) { deviceState.currentClicks.toggle = !deviceState.currentClicks.toggle; pressedonce[keyvalue] = true; } deviceState.currentClicks.toggleCount++; } else { pressedonce[keyvalue] = false; } } switch (customButton.Value) { case X360Controls.A: Cross.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.B: Circle.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.X: Square.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Y: Triangle.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LB: L1.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LS: L3.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RB: R1.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RS: R3.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadUp: DpadUp.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadDown: DpadDown.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadLeft: DpadLeft.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.DpadRight: DpadRight.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Start: Options.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Guide: PS.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.Back: Share.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LXNeg: LXN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LYNeg: LYN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RXNeg: RXN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RYNeg: RYN.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LXPos: LXP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LYPos: LYP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RXPos: RXP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RYPos: RYP.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LT: L2.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.RT: R2.Add(customButton.Key); break; case X360Controls.LeftMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.leftCount++; break; case X360Controls.RightMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.rightCount++; break; case X360Controls.MiddleMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.middleCount++; break; case X360Controls.FourthMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.fourthCount++; break; case X360Controls.FifthMouse: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.fifthCount++; break; case X360Controls.WUP: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.wUpCount++; break; case X360Controls.WDOWN: if (getBoolMapping(customButton.Key, cState, eState, tp)) deviceState.currentClicks.wDownCount++; break; case X360Controls.MouseUp: if (MouseDeltaY == 0) { MouseDeltaY = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 0); MouseDeltaY = -Math.Abs((MouseDeltaY == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaY)); } break; case X360Controls.MouseDown: if (MouseDeltaY == 0) { MouseDeltaY = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 1); MouseDeltaY = Math.Abs((MouseDeltaY == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaY)); } break; case X360Controls.MouseLeft: if (MouseDeltaX == 0) { MouseDeltaX = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 2); MouseDeltaX = -Math.Abs((MouseDeltaX == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaX)); } break; case X360Controls.MouseRight: if (MouseDeltaX == 0) { MouseDeltaX = getMouseMapping(device, customButton.Key, cState, eState, 3); MouseDeltaX = Math.Abs((MouseDeltaX == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaX)); } break; } } if (macroControl[0]) MappedState.Cross = true; if (macroControl[1]) MappedState.Circle = true; if (macroControl[2]) MappedState.Square = true; if (macroControl[3]) MappedState.Triangle = true; if (macroControl[4]) MappedState.Options = true; if (macroControl[5]) MappedState.Share = true; if (macroControl[6]) MappedState.DpadUp = true; if (macroControl[7]) MappedState.DpadDown = true; if (macroControl[8]) MappedState.DpadLeft = true; if (macroControl[9]) MappedState.DpadRight = true; if (macroControl[10]) MappedState.PS = true; if (macroControl[11]) MappedState.L1 = true; if (macroControl[12]) MappedState.R1 = true; if (macroControl[13]) MappedState.L2 = 255; if (macroControl[14]) MappedState.R2 = 255; if (macroControl[15]) MappedState.L3 = true; if (macroControl[16]) MappedState.R3 = true; if (macroControl[17]) MappedState.LX = 255; if (macroControl[18]) MappedState.LX = 0; if (macroControl[19]) MappedState.LY = 255; if (macroControl[20]) MappedState.LY = 0; if (macroControl[21]) MappedState.RX = 255; if (macroControl[22]) MappedState.RX = 0; if (macroControl[23]) MappedState.RY = 255; if (macroControl[24]) MappedState.RY = 0; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Cross) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Cross = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Circle) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Circle = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Square) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Square = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Triangle) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Triangle = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in L1) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.L1 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in L2) if (getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp) != 0) MappedState.L2 = getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in L3) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.L3 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in R1) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.R1 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in R2) if (getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp) != 0) MappedState.R2 = getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in R3) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.R3 = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadUp) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadUp = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadRight) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadRight = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadLeft) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadLeft = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadDown) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.DpadDown = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Options) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Options = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in Share) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.Share = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in PS) if (getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) MappedState.PS = true; if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LXNeg) == X360Controls.None) LXN.Add(DS4Controls.LXNeg); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LXPos) == X360Controls.None) LXP.Add(DS4Controls.LXPos); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LYNeg) == X360Controls.None) LYN.Add(DS4Controls.LYNeg); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.LYPos) == X360Controls.None) LYP.Add(DS4Controls.LYPos); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RXNeg) == X360Controls.None) RXN.Add(DS4Controls.RXNeg); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RXPos) == X360Controls.None) RXP.Add(DS4Controls.RXPos); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RYNeg) == X360Controls.None) RYN.Add(DS4Controls.RYNeg); if (Global.getShiftCustomButton(device, DS4Controls.RYPos) == X360Controls.None) RYP.Add(DS4Controls.RYPos); if (LXN.Count > 0 || LXP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in LXP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.LX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); foreach (DS4Controls dc in LXN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.LX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); } else MappedState.LX = cState.LX; if (LYN.Count > 0 || LYP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in LYN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.LY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in LYP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.LY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); } else MappedState.LY = cState.LY; if (RXN.Count > 0 || RXP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in RXN) { if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) { MappedState.RX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); } } foreach (DS4Controls dc in RXP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.RX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); } else MappedState.RX = cState.RX; if (RYN.Count > 0 || RYP.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in RYN) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5) MappedState.RY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp); foreach (DS4Controls dc in RYP) if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5) MappedState.RY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true); } else MappedState.RY = cState.RY; InputMethods.MoveCursorBy(MouseDeltaX, MouseDeltaY); } public static async void MapCustomAction(int device, DS4State cState, DS4State MappedState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, ControlService ctrl) { foreach (string actionname in Global.ProfileActions[device]) { //DS4KeyType keyType = Global.getShiftCustomKeyType(device, customKey.Key); SpecialAction action = Global.GetAction(actionname); int index = Global.GetActionIndexOf(actionname); double time; //If a key or button is assigned to the trigger, a key special action is used like //a quick tap to use and hold to use the regular custom button/key bool triggerToBeTapped = action.type == "Key" && action.trigger.Count == 1 && (Global.getCustomMacro(device, action.trigger[0]) != "0" || Global.getCustomKey(device, action.trigger[0]) != 0 || Global.getCustomButton(device, action.trigger[0]) != X360Controls.None); if (!( == "null" || index < 0)) { bool triggeractivated = true; if (action.delayTime > 0) { triggeractivated = false; bool subtriggeractivated = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) { if (!getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) { subtriggeractivated = false; break; } } if (subtriggeractivated) { time = action.delayTime; nowAction[device] = DateTime.UtcNow; if (nowAction[device] >= oldnowAction[device] + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time)) triggeractivated = true; } else if (nowAction[device] < DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)) oldnowAction[device] = DateTime.UtcNow; } else if (triggerToBeTapped && oldnowKeyAct[device] == DateTime.MinValue) { triggeractivated = false; bool subtriggeractivated = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) { if (!getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) { subtriggeractivated = false; break; } } if (subtriggeractivated) { oldnowKeyAct[device] = DateTime.UtcNow; } } else if (triggerToBeTapped && oldnowKeyAct[device] != DateTime.MinValue) { triggeractivated = false; bool subtriggeractivated = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) { if (!getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) { subtriggeractivated = false; break; } } DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (!subtriggeractivated && now <= oldnowKeyAct[device] + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)) { await Task.Delay(3); //if the button is assigned to the same key use a delay so the key down is the last action, not key up triggeractivated = true; oldnowKeyAct[device] = DateTime.MinValue; } else if (!subtriggeractivated) oldnowKeyAct[device] = DateTime.MinValue; } else foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) { if (!getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) { triggeractivated = false; break; } } bool utriggeractivated = true; if (action.type == "Key" && action.uTrigger.Count > 0) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.uTrigger) { if (!getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) { utriggeractivated = false; break; } } if (action.pressRelease) utriggeractivated = !utriggeractivated; } if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Program") { if (!actionDone[device, index]) { actionDone[device, index] = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.extra)) Process.Start(action.details, action.extra); else Process.Start(action.details); } } else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Profile") { if (!actionDone[device, index] && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.tempprofilename[device])) { actionDone[device, index] = true; untriggeraction[device] = action; untriggerindex[device] = index; foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) { InputMethods.performKeyRelease(Global.getCustomKey(0, dc)); string[] skeys = Global.getCustomMacro(0, dc).Split('/'); ushort[] keys = new ushort[skeys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { keys[i] = ushort.Parse(skeys[i]); InputMethods.performKeyRelease(keys[i]); } } Global.LoadTempProfile(device, action.details, true, ctrl); return; } } else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Macro") { if (!actionDone[device, index]) { DS4KeyType keyType = action.keyType; actionDone[device, index] = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) resetToDefaultValue(dc, MappedState); PlayMacro(device, macroControl, String.Join("/", action.macro), DS4Controls.None, keyType); } else EndMacro(device, macroControl, String.Join("/", action.macro), DS4Controls.None); } else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Key") { if (action.uTrigger.Count == 0 || (action.uTrigger.Count > 0 && untriggerindex[device] == -1 && !actionDone[device, index])) { actionDone[device, index] = true; untriggerindex[device] = index; ushort key; ushort.TryParse(action.details, out key); if (action.uTrigger.Count == 0) { SyntheticState.KeyPresses kp; if (!deviceState[device].keyPresses.TryGetValue(key, out kp)) deviceState[device].keyPresses[key] = kp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses(); if (action.keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) kp.current.scanCodeCount++; else kp.current.vkCount++; kp.current.repeatCount++; } else if (action.keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) InputMethods.performSCKeyPress(key); else InputMethods.performKeyPress(key); } } else if (action.uTrigger.Count > 0 && utriggeractivated && action.type == "Key") { if (untriggerindex[device] > -1 && !actionDone[device, index]) { actionDone[device, index] = true; untriggerindex[device] = -1; ushort key; ushort.TryParse(action.details, out key); if (action.keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) InputMethods.performSCKeyRelease(key); else InputMethods.performKeyRelease(key); } } else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "DisconnectBT") { DS4Device d = ctrl.DS4Controllers[device]; if (!d.Charging) { d.DisconnectBT(); foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger) { InputMethods.performKeyRelease(Global.getCustomKey(0, dc)); string[] skeys = Global.getCustomMacro(0, dc).Split('/'); ushort[] keys = new ushort[skeys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { keys[i] = ushort.Parse(skeys[i]); InputMethods.performKeyRelease(keys[i]); } } return; } } else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "BatteryCheck") { string[] dets = action.details.Split(','); if (bool.Parse(dets[1]) && !actionDone[device, index]) { Log.LogToTray("Controller " + (device + 1) + ": " + ctrl.getDS4Battery(device), true); } if (bool.Parse(dets[2])) { DS4Device d = ctrl.DS4Controllers[device]; if (!actionDone[device, index]) { lastColor[device] = d.LightBarColor; DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true; } DS4Color empty = new DS4Color(byte.Parse(dets[3]), byte.Parse(dets[4]), byte.Parse(dets[5])); DS4Color full = new DS4Color(byte.Parse(dets[6]), byte.Parse(dets[7]), byte.Parse(dets[8])); DS4Color trans = Global.getTransitionedColor(empty, full, d.Battery); if (fadetimer[device] < 100) DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = Global.getTransitionedColor(lastColor[device], trans, fadetimer[device] += 2); } actionDone[device, index] = true; } else if (!triggeractivated && action.type == "BatteryCheck") { if (actionDone[device, index]) { fadetimer[device] = 0; /*if (prevFadetimer[device] == fadetimer[device]) { prevFadetimer[device] = 0; fadetimer[device] = 0; } else prevFadetimer[device] = fadetimer[device];*/ DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false; actionDone[device, index] = false; } } else if (action.type == "XboxGameDVR") { if (Global.getCustomButton(device, action.trigger[0]) != X360Controls.Unbound) Global.getCustomButtons(device)[action.trigger[0]] = X360Controls.Unbound; if (Global.getCustomMacro(device, action.trigger[0]) != "0") Global.getCustomMacros(device).Remove(action.trigger[0]); if (Global.getCustomKey(device, action.trigger[0]) != 0) Global.getCustomMacros(device).Remove(action.trigger[0]); string[] dets = action.details.Split(','); DS4Device d = ctrl.DS4Controllers[device]; //Global.cus if (getBoolMapping(action.trigger[0], cState, eState, tp) && !getBoolMapping(action.trigger[0], d.getPreviousState(), eState, tp)) {//pressed down pastTime = DateTime.UtcNow; if (DateTime.UtcNow <= (firstTap + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150))) { tappedOnce = false; secondtouchbegin = true; } else firstTouch = true; } else if (!getBoolMapping(action.trigger[0], cState, eState, tp) && getBoolMapping(action.trigger[0], d.getPreviousState(), eState, tp)) {//released if (secondtouchbegin) { firstTouch = false; secondtouchbegin = false; } else if (firstTouch) { firstTouch = false; if (DateTime.UtcNow <= (pastTime + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)) && !tappedOnce) { tappedOnce = true; firstTap = DateTime.UtcNow; TimeofEnd = DateTime.UtcNow; } } } int type = 0; string macro = ""; if (tappedOnce) //single tap { if (int.TryParse(dets[0], out type)) { switch (type) { case 0: macro = "91/71/71/91"; break; case 1: macro = "91/164/82/82/164/91"; break; case 2: macro = "91/164/44/44/164/91"; break; case 3: macro = dets[3] + "/" + dets[3]; break; case 4: macro = "91/164/71/71/164/91"; break; } } if ((DateTime.UtcNow - TimeofEnd) > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)) { PlayMacro(device, macroControl, macro, DS4Controls.None, DS4KeyType.None); tappedOnce = false; } //if it fails the method resets, and tries again with a new tester value (gives tap a delay so tap and hold can work) } else if (firstTouch && (DateTime.UtcNow - pastTime) > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) //helddown { if (int.TryParse(dets[1], out type)) { switch (type) { case 0: macro = "91/71/71/91"; break; case 1: macro = "91/164/82/82/164/91"; break; case 2: macro = "91/164/44/44/164/91"; break; case 3: macro = dets[3] + "/" + dets[3]; break; case 4: macro = "91/164/71/71/164/91"; break; } } PlayMacro(device, macroControl, macro, DS4Controls.None, DS4KeyType.None); firstTouch = false; } else if (secondtouchbegin) //if double tap { if (int.TryParse(dets[2], out type)) { switch (type) { case 0: macro = "91/71/71/91"; break; case 1: macro = "91/164/82/82/164/91"; break; case 2: macro = "91/164/44/44/164/91"; break; case 3: macro = dets[3] + "/" + dets[3]; break; case 4: macro = "91/164/71/71/164/91"; break; } } PlayMacro(device, macroControl, macro, DS4Controls.None, DS4KeyType.None); secondtouchbegin = false; } } else actionDone[device, index] = false; } } if (untriggeraction[device] != null) { SpecialAction action = untriggeraction[device]; int index = untriggerindex[device]; bool utriggeractivated = true; foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.uTrigger) { if (!getBoolMapping(dc, cState, eState, tp)) { utriggeractivated = false; break; } } if (utriggeractivated && action.type == "Profile") { if ((action.controls == action.ucontrols && !actionDone[device, index]) || //if trigger and end trigger are the same action.controls != action.ucontrols) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.tempprofilename[device])) { foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.uTrigger) { actionDone[device, index] = true; InputMethods.performKeyRelease(Global.getCustomKey(0, dc)); string[] skeys = Global.getCustomMacro(0, dc).Split('/'); ushort[] keys = new ushort[skeys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { keys[i] = ushort.Parse(skeys[i]); InputMethods.performKeyRelease(keys[i]); } } untriggeraction[device] = null; Global.LoadProfile(device, false, ctrl); } } else actionDone[device, index] = false; } } private static async void PlayMacro(int device, bool[] macrocontrol, string macro, DS4Controls control, DS4KeyType keyType) { if (macro.StartsWith("164/9/9/164") || macro.StartsWith("18/9/9/18")) { string[] skeys; int wait = 1000; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(macro)) { skeys = macro.Split('/'); ushort delay; if (ushort.TryParse(skeys[skeys.Length - 1], out delay) && delay > 300) wait = delay - 300; } AltTabSwapping(wait, device); if (control != DS4Controls.None) macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = true; } else { string[] skeys; int[] keys; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(macro)) { skeys = macro.Split('/'); keys = new int[skeys.Length]; } else { skeys = new string[0]; keys = new int[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) keys[i] = int.Parse(skeys[i]); bool[] keydown = new bool[286]; if (control == DS4Controls.None || !macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)]) { if (control != DS4Controls.None) macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = true; foreach (int i in keys) { if (i >= 1000000000) { string lb = i.ToString().Substring(1); if (i > 1000000000) { byte r = (byte)(int.Parse(lb[0].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(lb[1].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(lb[2].ToString())); byte g = (byte)(int.Parse(lb[3].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(lb[4].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(lb[5].ToString())); byte b = (byte)(int.Parse(lb[6].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(lb[7].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(lb[8].ToString())); DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true; DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0; DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = new DS4Color(r, g, b); } else { DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0; DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false; } } else if (i >= 1000000) { DS4Device d = Program.rootHub.DS4Controllers[device]; string r = i.ToString().Substring(1); byte heavy = (byte)(int.Parse(r[0].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(r[1].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(r[2].ToString())); byte light = (byte)(int.Parse(r[3].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(r[4].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(r[5].ToString())); d.setRumble(light, heavy); } else if (i >= 300) //ints over 300 used to delay await Task.Delay(i - 300); else if (!keydown[i]) { if (i == 256) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN); //anything above 255 is not a keyvalue else if (i == 257) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN); else if (i == 258) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN); else if (i == 259) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 1); else if (i == 260) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 2); else if (i == 261) macroControl[0] = true; else if (i == 262) macroControl[1] = true; else if (i == 263) macroControl[2] = true; else if (i == 264) macroControl[3] = true; else if (i == 265) macroControl[4] = true; else if (i == 266) macroControl[5] = true; else if (i == 267) macroControl[6] = true; else if (i == 268) macroControl[7] = true; else if (i == 269) macroControl[8] = true; else if (i == 270) macroControl[9] = true; else if (i == 271) macroControl[10] = true; else if (i == 272) macroControl[11] = true; else if (i == 273) macroControl[12] = true; else if (i == 274) macroControl[13] = true; else if (i == 275) macroControl[14] = true; else if (i == 276) macroControl[15] = true; else if (i == 277) macroControl[16] = true; else if (i == 278) macroControl[17] = true; else if (i == 279) macroControl[18] = true; else if (i == 280) macroControl[19] = true; else if (i == 281) macroControl[20] = true; else if (i == 282) macroControl[21] = true; else if (i == 283) macroControl[22] = true; else if (i == 284) macroControl[23] = true; else if (i == 285) macroControl[24] = true; else if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) InputMethods.performSCKeyPress((ushort)i); else InputMethods.performKeyPress((ushort)i); keydown[i] = true; } else { if (i == 256) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); //anything above 255 is not a keyvalue else if (i == 257) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP); else if (i == 258) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP); else if (i == 259) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1); else if (i == 260) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2); else if (i == 261) macroControl[0] = false; else if (i == 262) macroControl[1] = false; else if (i == 263) macroControl[2] = false; else if (i == 264) macroControl[3] = false; else if (i == 265) macroControl[4] = false; else if (i == 266) macroControl[5] = false; else if (i == 267) macroControl[6] = false; else if (i == 268) macroControl[7] = false; else if (i == 269) macroControl[8] = false; else if (i == 270) macroControl[9] = false; else if (i == 271) macroControl[10] = false; else if (i == 272) macroControl[11] = false; else if (i == 273) macroControl[12] = false; else if (i == 274) macroControl[13] = false; else if (i == 275) macroControl[14] = false; else if (i == 276) macroControl[15] = false; else if (i == 277) macroControl[16] = false; else if (i == 278) macroControl[17] = false; else if (i == 279) macroControl[18] = false; else if (i == 280) macroControl[19] = false; else if (i == 281) macroControl[20] = false; else if (i == 282) macroControl[21] = false; else if (i == 283) macroControl[22] = false; else if (i == 284) macroControl[23] = false; else if (i == 285) macroControl[24] = false; else if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) InputMethods.performSCKeyRelease((ushort)i); else InputMethods.performKeyRelease((ushort)i); keydown[i] = false; } } for (ushort i = 0; i < keydown.Length; i++) { if (keydown[i]) if (i == 256) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); //anything above 255 is not a keyvalue else if (i == 257) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP); else if (i == 258) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP); else if (i == 259) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1); else if (i == 260) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2); else if (i == 261) macroControl[0] = false; else if (i == 262) macroControl[1] = false; else if (i == 263) macroControl[2] = false; else if (i == 264) macroControl[3] = false; else if (i == 265) macroControl[4] = false; else if (i == 266) macroControl[5] = false; else if (i == 267) macroControl[6] = false; else if (i == 268) macroControl[7] = false; else if (i == 269) macroControl[8] = false; else if (i == 270) macroControl[9] = false; else if (i == 271) macroControl[10] = false; else if (i == 272) macroControl[11] = false; else if (i == 273) macroControl[12] = false; else if (i == 274) macroControl[13] = false; else if (i == 275) macroControl[14] = false; else if (i == 276) macroControl[15] = false; else if (i == 277) macroControl[16] = false; else if (i == 278) macroControl[17] = false; else if (i == 279) macroControl[18] = false; else if (i == 280) macroControl[19] = false; else if (i == 281) macroControl[20] = false; else if (i == 282) macroControl[21] = false; else if (i == 283) macroControl[22] = false; else if (i == 284) macroControl[23] = false; else if (i == 285) macroControl[24] = false; else if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode)) InputMethods.performSCKeyRelease(i); else InputMethods.performKeyRelease(i); } DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0; DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false; Program.rootHub.DS4Controllers[device].setRumble(0, 0); if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.HoldMacro)) { await Task.Delay(50); if (control != DS4Controls.None) macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = false; } } } } private static void EndMacro(int device, bool[] macrocontrol, string macro, DS4Controls control) { if ((macro.StartsWith("164/9/9/164") || macro.StartsWith("18/9/9/18")) && !altTabDone) AltTabSwappingRelease(); if (control != DS4Controls.None) macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = false; } private static void AltTabSwapping(int wait, int device) { if (altTabDone) { altTabDone = false; InputMethods.performKeyPress(18); } else { altTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow; if (altTabNow >= oldAltTabNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(wait)) { oldAltTabNow = altTabNow; InputMethods.performKeyPress(9); InputMethods.performKeyRelease(9); } } } private static void AltTabSwappingRelease() { if (altTabNow < DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)) //in case multiple controls are mapped to alt+tab { altTabDone = true; InputMethods.performKeyRelease(9); InputMethods.performKeyRelease(18); altTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow; oldAltTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(1); } } private static void getMouseWheelMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, bool down) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10) && !pressagain) { oldnow = now; InputMethods.MouseWheel((int)(getByteMapping(device, control, cState, eState, tp) / 51f * (down ? -1 : 1)), 0); } } private static int getMouseMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, int mnum) { int controlnum = DS4ControltoInt(control); double SXD = Global.SXDeadzone[device]; double SZD = Global.SZDeadzone[device]; int deadzoneL = 3; int deadzoneR = 3; if (Global.LSDeadzone[device] >= 3) deadzoneL = 0; if (Global.RSDeadzone[device] >= 3) deadzoneR = 0; double value = 0; int speed = Global.ButtonMouseSensitivity[device] + 15; double root = 1.002; double divide = 10000d; //DateTime now = mousenow[mnum]; switch (control) { case DS4Controls.LXNeg: if (cState.LX - 127.5f < -deadzoneL) value = -(cState.LX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.LXPos: if (cState.LX - 127.5f > deadzoneL) value = (cState.LX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.RXNeg: if (cState.RX - 127.5f < -deadzoneR) value = -(cState.RX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.RXPos: if (cState.RX - 127.5f > deadzoneR) value = (cState.RX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.LYNeg: if (cState.LY - 127.5f < -deadzoneL) value = -(cState.LY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.LYPos: if (cState.LY - 127.5f > deadzoneL) value = (cState.LY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.RYNeg: if (cState.RY - 127.5f < -deadzoneR) value = -(cState.RY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.RYPos: if (cState.RY - 127.5f > deadzoneR) value = (cState.RY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed; break; case DS4Controls.Share: value = (cState.Share ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.Options: value = (cState.Options ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.L1: value = (cState.L1 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.R1: value = (cState.R1 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.L3: value = (cState.L3 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.R3: value = (cState.R3 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.DpadUp: value = (cState.DpadUp ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.DpadDown: value = (cState.DpadDown ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: value = (cState.DpadLeft ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.DpadRight: value = (cState.DpadRight ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.PS: value = (cState.PS ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.Cross: value = (cState.Cross ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.Square: value = (cState.Square ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.Triangle: value = (cState.Triangle ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.Circle: value = (cState.Circle ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break; case DS4Controls.L2: value = Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, cState.L2 / 2d) - 1; break; case DS4Controls.R2: value = Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, cState.R2 / 2d) - 1; break; case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return (byte)(eState.GyroX > SXD * 7500 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, eState.GyroX / 62) : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return (byte)(eState.GyroX < -SXD * 7500 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, -eState.GyroX / 48) : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return (byte)(eState.GyroZ > SZD * 7500 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, eState.GyroZ / 62) : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return (byte)(eState.GyroZ < -SZD * 7500 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, -eState.GyroZ / 62) : 0); } bool LXChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.LX) < deadzoneL); bool LYChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.LY) < deadzoneL); bool RXChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.RX) < deadzoneR); bool RYChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.RY) < deadzoneR); bool contains = (control.ToString().Contains("LX") || control.ToString().Contains("LY") || control.ToString().Contains("RX") || control.ToString().Contains("RY")); if (Global.MouseAccel[device]) { if (value > 0) { mcounter = 34; mouseaccel++; } if (mouseaccel == prevmouseaccel) { mcounter--; } if (mcounter <= 0) { mouseaccel = 0; mcounter = 34; } value *= 1 + (double)Math.Min(20000, (mouseaccel)) / 10000d; prevmouseaccel = mouseaccel; } int intValue; if (mnum > 1) { if ((value > 0.0 && horizontalRemainder > 0.0) || (value < 0.0 && horizontalRemainder < 0.0)) value += horizontalRemainder; intValue = (int)value; horizontalRemainder = value - intValue; } else { if ((value > 0.0 && verticalRemainder > 0.0) || (value < 0.0 && verticalRemainder < 0.0)) value += verticalRemainder; intValue = (int)value; verticalRemainder = value - intValue; } return intValue; } public static bool compare(byte b1, byte b2) { if (Math.Abs(b1 - b2) > 10) { return false; } return true; } public static byte getByteMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp) { double SXD = Global.SXDeadzone[device]; double SZD = Global.SZDeadzone[device]; switch (control) { case DS4Controls.Share: return (byte)(cState.Share ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.Options: return (byte)(cState.Options ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.L1: return (byte)(cState.L1 ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.R1: return (byte)(cState.R1 ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.L3: return (byte)(cState.L3 ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.R3: return (byte)(cState.R3 ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return (byte)(cState.DpadUp ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return (byte)(cState.DpadDown ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return (byte)(cState.DpadLeft ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return (byte)(cState.DpadRight ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.PS: return (byte)(cState.PS ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.Cross: return (byte)(cState.Cross ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.Square: return (byte)(cState.Square ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.Triangle: return (byte)(cState.Triangle ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.Circle: return (byte)(cState.Circle ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.leftDown ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.rightDown ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.multiDown ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.upperDown ? 255 : 0); case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return (byte)(cState.LX - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.LX - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return (byte)(cState.LY - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.LY - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return (byte)(cState.RX - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.RX - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return (byte)(cState.RY - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.RY - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.LXPos: return (byte)(cState.LX - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.LX - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.LYPos: return (byte)(cState.LY - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.LY - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.RXPos: return (byte)(cState.RX - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.RX - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.RYPos: return (byte)(cState.RY - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.RY - 127.5f) * 2); case DS4Controls.L2: return cState.L2; case DS4Controls.R2: return cState.R2; case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return (byte)(eState.GyroX > SXD * 7500 ? Math.Min(255, eState.GyroX / 31) : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return (byte)(eState.GyroX < -SXD * 7500 ? Math.Min(255, -eState.GyroX / 31) : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return (byte)(eState.GyroZ > SZD * 7500 ? Math.Min(255, eState.GyroZ / 31) : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return (byte)(eState.GyroZ < -SZD * 7500 ? Math.Min(255, -eState.GyroZ / 31) : 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeUp: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeUpB : 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeDown: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeDownB: 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeLeft: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeLeftB: 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeRight: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeRightB : 0); } return 0; } public static bool getBoolMapping(DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp) { switch (control) { case DS4Controls.Share: return cState.Share; case DS4Controls.Options: return cState.Options; case DS4Controls.L1: return cState.L1; case DS4Controls.R1: return cState.R1; case DS4Controls.L3: return cState.L3; case DS4Controls.R3: return cState.R3; case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return cState.DpadUp; case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return cState.DpadDown; case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return cState.DpadLeft; case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return cState.DpadRight; case DS4Controls.PS: return cState.PS; case DS4Controls.Cross: return cState.Cross; case DS4Controls.Square: return cState.Square; case DS4Controls.Triangle: return cState.Triangle; case DS4Controls.Circle: return cState.Circle; case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return (tp != null ? tp.leftDown : false); case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return (tp != null ? tp.rightDown : false); case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return (tp != null ? tp.multiDown : false); case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return (tp != null ? tp.upperDown : false); case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return cState.LX < 127 - 55; case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return cState.LY < 127 - 55; case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return cState.RX < 127 - 55; case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return cState.RY < 127 - 55; case DS4Controls.LXPos: return cState.LX > 127 + 55; case DS4Controls.LYPos: return cState.LY > 127 + 55; case DS4Controls.RXPos: return cState.RX > 127 + 55; case DS4Controls.RYPos: return cState.RY > 127 + 55; case DS4Controls.L2: return cState.L2 > 100; case DS4Controls.R2: return cState.R2 > 100; case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return eState.GyroX > 5000; case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return eState.GyroX < -5000; case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return eState.GyroZ > 5000; case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return eState.GyroZ < -5000; case DS4Controls.SwipeUp: return (tp != null && tp.swipeUp); case DS4Controls.SwipeDown: return (tp != null && tp.swipeDown); case DS4Controls.SwipeLeft: return (tp != null && tp.swipeLeft); case DS4Controls.SwipeRight: return (tp != null && tp.swipeRight); } return false; } public static byte getXYAxisMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, bool alt = false) { byte trueVal = 0; byte falseVal = 127; double SXD = Global.SXDeadzone[device]; double SZD = Global.SZDeadzone[device]; if (alt) trueVal = 255; switch (control) { case DS4Controls.Share: return (byte)(cState.Share ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.Options: return (byte)(cState.Options ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.L1: return (byte)(cState.L1 ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.R1: return (byte)(cState.R1 ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.L3: return (byte)(cState.L3 ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.R3: return (byte)(cState.R3 ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return (byte)(cState.DpadUp ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return (byte)(cState.DpadDown ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return (byte)(cState.DpadLeft ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return (byte)(cState.DpadRight ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.PS: return (byte)(cState.PS ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.Cross: return (byte)(cState.Cross ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.Square: return (byte)(cState.Square ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.Triangle: return (byte)(cState.Triangle ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.Circle: return (byte)(cState.Circle ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.leftDown ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.rightDown ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.multiDown ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.upperDown ? trueVal : falseVal); case DS4Controls.L2: if (alt) return (byte)(127.5f + cState.L2 / 2f); else return (byte)(127.5f - cState.L2 / 2f); case DS4Controls.R2: if (alt) return (byte)(127.5f + cState.R2 / 2f); else return (byte)(127.5f - cState.R2 / 2f); case DS4Controls.SwipeUp: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeUpB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeUpB / 2f : 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeDown: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeDownB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeDownB / 2f : 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeLeft: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeLeftB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeLeftB / 2f : 0); case DS4Controls.SwipeRight: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeRightB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeRightB / 2f : 0); case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: if (eState.GyroX > SXD * 7500) if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + eState.GyroX / 62); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - eState.GyroX / 62); else return falseVal; case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: if (eState.GyroX < -SXD * 7500) if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + -eState.GyroX / 62); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - -eState.GyroX / 62); else return falseVal; case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: if (eState.GyroZ > SZD * 7500) if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + eState.GyroZ / 62); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - eState.GyroZ / 62); else return falseVal; case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: if (eState.GyroZ < -SZD * 7500) if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + -eState.GyroZ / 62); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - -eState.GyroZ / 62); else return falseVal; } if (!alt) { switch (control) { case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return cState.LX; case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return cState.LY; case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return cState.RX; case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return cState.RY; case DS4Controls.LXPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.LX); case DS4Controls.LYPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.LY); case DS4Controls.RXPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.RX); case DS4Controls.RYPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.RY); } } else { switch (control) { case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.LX); case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.LY); case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.RX); case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.RY); case DS4Controls.LXPos: return cState.LX; case DS4Controls.LYPos: return cState.LY; case DS4Controls.RXPos: return cState.RX; case DS4Controls.RYPos: return cState.RY; } } return 0; } //Returns false for any bool, //if control is one of the xy axis returns 127 //if its a trigger returns 0 public static void resetToDefaultValue(DS4Controls control, DS4State cState) { switch (control) { case DS4Controls.Share: cState.Share = false; break; case DS4Controls.Options: cState.Options = false; break; case DS4Controls.L1: cState.L1 = false; break; case DS4Controls.R1: cState.R1 = false; break; case DS4Controls.L3: cState.L3 = false; break; case DS4Controls.R3: cState.R3 = false; break; case DS4Controls.DpadUp: cState.DpadUp = false; break; case DS4Controls.DpadDown: cState.DpadDown = false; break; case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: cState.DpadLeft = false; break; case DS4Controls.DpadRight: cState.DpadRight = false; break; case DS4Controls.PS: cState.PS = false; break; case DS4Controls.Cross: cState.Cross = false; break; case DS4Controls.Square: cState.Square = false; break; case DS4Controls.Triangle: cState.Triangle = false; break; case DS4Controls.Circle: cState.Circle = false; break; case DS4Controls.LXNeg: cState.LX = 127; break; case DS4Controls.LYNeg: cState.LY = 127; break; case DS4Controls.RXNeg: cState.RX = 127; break; case DS4Controls.RYNeg: cState.RY = 127; break; case DS4Controls.LXPos: cState.LX = 127; break; case DS4Controls.LYPos: cState.LY = 127; break; case DS4Controls.RXPos: cState.RX = 127; break; case DS4Controls.RYPos: cState.RY = 127; break; case DS4Controls.L2: cState.L2 = 0; break; case DS4Controls.R2: cState.R2 = 0; break; } } } }