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using DS4Windows;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace DS4WinWPF.DS4Forms.ViewModels
public class ProfileSettingsViewModel
private int device;
public int Device { get => device; }
private int funcDevNum;
public int FuncDevNum { get => funcDevNum; }
private ImageBrush lightbarImgBrush = new ImageBrush();
private SolidColorBrush lightbarColBrush = new SolidColorBrush();
public System.Windows.Media.Brush LightbarBrush
System.Windows.Media.Brush tempBrush;
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.MainColor[device];
if (!RainbowExists)
lightbarColBrush.Color = new System.Windows.Media.Color()
A = 255,
R = color.red,
G = color.green,
B = color.blue
tempBrush = lightbarColBrush as System.Windows.Media.Brush;
tempBrush = lightbarImgBrush as System.Windows.Media.Brush;
return tempBrush;
public event EventHandler LightbarBrushChanged;
public System.Windows.Media.Color MainColor
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.MainColor[device];
return new System.Windows.Media.Color()
A = 255,
R = color.red,
G = color.green,
B = color.blue
public event EventHandler MainColorChanged;
public string MainColorString
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.MainColor[device];
return $"#FF{color.red.ToString("X2")}{color.green.ToString("X2")}{color.blue.ToString("X2")}";
/*return new System.Windows.Media.Color()
A = 255,
R = color.red,
G = color.green,
B = color.blue
public event EventHandler MainColorStringChanged;
public int MainColorR
get => Global.MainColor[device].red;
Global.MainColor[device].red = (byte)value;
MainColorRChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler MainColorRChanged;
public string MainColorRString
get => $"#{ Global.MainColor[device].red.ToString("X2")}FF0000";
public event EventHandler MainColorRStringChanged;
public int MainColorG
get => Global.MainColor[device].green;
Global.MainColor[device].green = (byte)value;
MainColorGChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler MainColorGChanged;
public string MainColorGString
get => $"#{ Global.MainColor[device].green.ToString("X2")}00FF00";
public event EventHandler MainColorGStringChanged;
public int MainColorB
get => Global.MainColor[device].blue;
Global.MainColor[device].blue = (byte)value;
MainColorBChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler MainColorBChanged;
public string MainColorBString
get => $"#{ Global.MainColor[device].blue.ToString("X2")}0000FF";
public event EventHandler MainColorBStringChanged;
public string LowColor
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.LowColor[device];
return $"#FF{color.red.ToString("X2")}{color.green.ToString("X2")}{color.blue.ToString("X2")}";
public event EventHandler LowColorChanged;
public int LowColorR
get => Global.LowColor[device].red;
Global.LowColor[device].red = (byte)value;
LowColorRChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorRStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler LowColorRChanged;
public string LowColorRString
get => $"#{ Global.LowColor[device].red.ToString("X2")}FF0000";
public event EventHandler LowColorRStringChanged;
public int LowColorG
get => Global.LowColor[device].green;
Global.LowColor[device].green = (byte)value;
LowColorGChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorGStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler LowColorGChanged;
public string LowColorGString
get => $"#{ Global.LowColor[device].green.ToString("X2")}00FF00";
public event EventHandler LowColorGStringChanged;
public int LowColorB
get => Global.LowColor[device].blue;
Global.LowColor[device].blue = (byte)value;
LowColorBChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorBStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler LowColorBChanged;
public string LowColorBString
get => $"#{ Global.LowColor[device].blue.ToString("X2")}0000FF";
public event EventHandler LowColorBStringChanged;
public System.Windows.Media.Color LowColorMedia
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.LowColor[device];
return new System.Windows.Media.Color()
A = 255,
R = color.red,
B = color.blue,
G = color.green
public int FlashTypeIndex
get => Global.FlashType[device];
set => Global.FlashType[device] = (byte)value;
public int FlashAt
get => Global.FlashAt[device];
set => Global.FlashAt[device] = value;
public string FlashColor
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.FlashColor[device];
if (color.red == 0 && color.green == 0 && color.blue == 0)
color = ref Global.MainColor[device];
return $"#FF{color.red.ToString("X2")}{color.green.ToString("X2")}{color.blue.ToString("X2")}";
public event EventHandler FlashColorChanged;
public System.Windows.Media.Color FlashColorMedia
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.FlashColor[device];
if (color.red == 0 && color.green == 0 && color.blue == 0)
color = ref Global.MainColor[device];
return new System.Windows.Media.Color()
A = 255,
R = color.red,
B = color.blue,
G = color.green
public int ChargingType
get => Global.ChargingType[device];
Global.ChargingType[device] = value;
ChargingColorVisibleChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool ColorBatteryPercent
get => Global.LedAsBatteryIndicator[device];
Global.LedAsBatteryIndicator[device] = value;
public string ChargingColor
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.ChargingColor[device];
return $"#FF{color.red.ToString("X2")}{color.green.ToString("X2")}{color.blue.ToString("X2")}";
public event EventHandler ChargingColorChanged;
public System.Windows.Media.Color ChargingColorMedia
ref DS4Color color = ref Global.ChargingColor[device];
return new System.Windows.Media.Color()
A = 255,
R = color.red,
B = color.blue,
G = color.green
public Visibility ChargingColorVisible
get => Global.ChargingType[device] == 3 ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;
public event EventHandler ChargingColorVisibleChanged;
public double Rainbow
get => Global.Rainbow[device];
Global.Rainbow[device] = value;
RainbowChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
RainbowExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler RainbowChanged;
public bool RainbowExists
get => Global.Rainbow[device] != 0.0;
public event EventHandler RainbowExistsChanged;
public double MaxSatRainbow
get => Global.MaxSatRainbow[device] * 100.0;
set => Global.MaxSatRainbow[device] = value / 100.0;
public int RumbleBoost
get => Global.RumbleBoost[device];
set => Global.RumbleBoost[device] = (byte)value;
public int RumbleAutostopTime
// RumbleAutostopTime value is in milliseconds in XML config file, but GUI uses just seconds
get => Global.getRumbleAutostopTime(device) / 1000;
set => Global.setRumbleAutostopTime(device, value * 1000);
private bool heavyRumbleActive;
public bool HeavyRumbleActive
get => heavyRumbleActive;
heavyRumbleActive = value;
HeavyRumbleActiveChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler HeavyRumbleActiveChanged;
private bool lightRumbleActive;
public bool LightRumbleActive
get => lightRumbleActive;
lightRumbleActive = value;
LightRumbleActiveChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler LightRumbleActiveChanged;
public bool UseControllerReadout
get => Global.DS4Mapping;
set => Global.DS4Mapping = value;
public bool MouseAcceleration
get => Global.MouseAccel[device];
set => Global.MouseAccel[device] = value;
public bool EnableTouchpadToggle
get => Global.EnableTouchToggle[device];
set => Global.EnableTouchToggle[device] = value;
public bool LaunchProgramExists
get => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.LaunchProgram[device]);
if (!value) ResetLauchProgram();
public event EventHandler LaunchProgramExistsChanged;
public string LaunchProgram
get => Global.LaunchProgram[device];
public event EventHandler LaunchProgramChanged;
public string LaunchProgramName
string temp = Global.LaunchProgram[device];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
temp = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(temp);
temp = "Browse";
return temp;
public event EventHandler LaunchProgramNameChanged;
public ImageSource LaunchProgramIcon
ImageSource exeicon = null;
string path = Global.LaunchProgram[device];
if (File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path) == ".exe")
using (Icon ico = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(path))
exeicon = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(ico.Handle, Int32Rect.Empty,
return exeicon;
public event EventHandler LaunchProgramIconChanged;
public bool DInputOnly
get => Global.DinputOnly[device];
set => Global.DinputOnly[device] = value;
public bool FlushHid
get => Global.FlushHIDQueue[device];
set => Global.FlushHIDQueue[device] = value;
public bool IdleDisconnectExists
get => Global.IdleDisconnectTimeout[device] != 0;
Global.IdleDisconnectTimeout[device] = value ? 5 * 60 : 0;
IdleDisconnectChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
IdleDisconnectExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler IdleDisconnectExistsChanged;
public int IdleDisconnect
get => Global.IdleDisconnectTimeout[device] / 60;
int temp = Global.IdleDisconnectTimeout[device] / 60;
if (temp == value) return;
Global.IdleDisconnectTimeout[device] = value * 60;
IdleDisconnectChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
IdleDisconnectExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler IdleDisconnectChanged;
private int tempBtPollRate;
public int TempBTPollRateIndex
get => tempBtPollRate;
set => tempBtPollRate = value;
public int ControllerTypeIndex
int type = 0;
switch (Global.OutContType[device])
case OutContType.X360:
type = 0;
case OutContType.DS4:
type = 1;
default: break;
return type;
private int tempControllerIndex;
public int TempControllerIndex
get => tempControllerIndex; set
tempControllerIndex = value;
Global.outDevTypeTemp[device] = TempConType;
public OutContType TempConType
OutContType result = OutContType.None;
switch (tempControllerIndex)
case 0:
result = OutContType.X360; break;
case 1:
result = OutContType.DS4; break;
default: result = OutContType.X360; break;
return result;
public int GyroOutModeIndex
int index = 0;
switch (Global.GyroOutputMode[device])
case GyroOutMode.Controls:
index = 0; break;
case GyroOutMode.Mouse:
index = 1; break;
case GyroOutMode.MouseJoystick:
index = 2; break;
default: break;
return index;
GyroOutMode temp = GyroOutMode.Controls;
case 0: break;
case 1:
temp = GyroOutMode.Mouse; break;
case 2:
temp = GyroOutMode.MouseJoystick; break;
default: break;
Global.GyroOutputMode[device] = temp;
public OutContType ContType
get => Global.OutContType[device];
public int SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisIndex
get => (int)Global.SASteeringWheelEmulationAxis[device];
set => Global.SASteeringWheelEmulationAxis[device] = (SASteeringWheelEmulationAxisType)value;
private int[] saSteeringRangeValues =
new int[9] { 90, 180, 270, 360, 450, 720, 900, 1080, 1440 };
public int SASteeringWheelEmulationRangeIndex
int index = 360;
case 90:
index = 0; break;
case 180:
index = 1; break;
case 270:
index = 2; break;
case 360:
index = 3; break;
case 450:
index = 4; break;
case 720:
index = 5; break;
case 900:
index = 6; break;
case 1080:
index = 7; break;
case 1440:
index = 8; break;
default: break;
return index;
int temp = saSteeringRangeValues[value];
Global.SASteeringWheelEmulationRange[device] = temp;
public int SASteeringWheelEmulationRange
get => Global.SASteeringWheelEmulationRange[device];
set => Global.SASteeringWheelEmulationRange[device] = value;
public double LSDeadZone
get => Global.LSModInfo[device].deadZone / 127d;
double temp = Global.LSModInfo[device].deadZone / 127d;
if (temp == value) return;
Global.LSModInfo[device].deadZone = (int)(value * 127d);
LSDeadZoneChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler LSDeadZoneChanged;
public double RSDeadZone
get => Global.RSModInfo[device].deadZone / 127d;
double temp = Global.RSModInfo[device].deadZone / 127d;
if (temp == value) return;
Global.RSModInfo[device].deadZone = (int)(value * 127d);
RSDeadZoneChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler RSDeadZoneChanged;
public double LSMaxZone
get => Global.LSModInfo[device].maxZone / 100.0;
set => Global.LSModInfo[device].maxZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double RSMaxZone
get => Global.RSModInfo[device].maxZone / 100.0;
set => Global.RSModInfo[device].maxZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double LSAntiDeadZone
get => Global.LSModInfo[device].antiDeadZone / 100.0;
set => Global.LSModInfo[device].antiDeadZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double RSAntiDeadZone
get => Global.RSModInfo[device].antiDeadZone / 100.0;
set => Global.RSModInfo[device].antiDeadZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double LSSens
get => Global.LSSens[device];
set => Global.LSSens[device] = value;
public double RSSens
get => Global.RSSens[device];
set => Global.RSSens[device] = value;
public bool LSSquareStick
get => Global.SquStickInfo[device].lsMode;
set => Global.SquStickInfo[device].lsMode = value;
public bool RSSquareStick
get => Global.SquStickInfo[device].rsMode;
set => Global.SquStickInfo[device].rsMode = value;
public double LSSquareRoundness
get => Global.SquStickInfo[device].lsRoundness;
set => Global.SquStickInfo[device].lsRoundness = value;
public double RSSquareRoundness
get => Global.SquStickInfo[device].rsRoundness;
set => Global.SquStickInfo[device].rsRoundness = value;
public int LSOutputCurveIndex
get => Global.getLsOutCurveMode(device);
Global.setLsOutCurveMode(device, value);
LSCustomCurveSelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public int RSOutputCurveIndex
get => Global.getRsOutCurveMode(device);
Global.setRsOutCurveMode(device, value);
RSCustomCurveSelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public int LSCurve
get => Global.LSCurve[device];
set => Global.LSCurve[device] = value;
public int RSCurve
get => Global.RSCurve[device];
set => Global.RSCurve[device] = value;
public double LSRotation
get => Global.LSRotation[device] * 180.0 / Math.PI;
set => Global.LSRotation[device] = value * Math.PI / 180.0;
public double RSRotation
get => Global.RSRotation[device] * 180.0 / Math.PI;
set => Global.RSRotation[device] = value * Math.PI / 180.0;
public bool LSCustomCurveSelected
get => Global.getLsOutCurveMode(device) == 6;
public event EventHandler LSCustomCurveSelectedChanged;
public bool RSCustomCurveSelected
get => Global.getRsOutCurveMode(device) == 6;
public event EventHandler RSCustomCurveSelectedChanged;
public string LSCustomCurve
get => Global.lsOutBezierCurveObj[device].CustomDefinition;
set => Global.lsOutBezierCurveObj[device].InitBezierCurve(value, BezierCurve.AxisType.LSRS, true);
public string RSCustomCurve
get => Global.rsOutBezierCurveObj[device].CustomDefinition;
set => Global.rsOutBezierCurveObj[device].InitBezierCurve(value, BezierCurve.AxisType.LSRS, true);
public double L2DeadZone
get => Global.L2ModInfo[device].deadZone / 255.0;
double temp = Global.L2ModInfo[device].deadZone / 255.0;
if (temp == value) return;
Global.L2ModInfo[device].deadZone = (byte)(value * 255.0);
L2DeadZoneChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler L2DeadZoneChanged;
public double R2DeadZone
get => Global.R2ModInfo[device].deadZone / 255.0;
double temp = Global.R2ModInfo[device].deadZone / 255.0;
if (temp == value) return;
Global.R2ModInfo[device].deadZone = (byte)(value * 255.0);
R2DeadZoneChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler R2DeadZoneChanged;
public double L2MaxZone
get => Global.L2ModInfo[device].maxZone / 100.0;
set => Global.L2ModInfo[device].maxZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double R2MaxZone
get => Global.R2ModInfo[device].maxZone / 100.0;
set => Global.R2ModInfo[device].maxZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double L2AntiDeadZone
get => Global.L2ModInfo[device].antiDeadZone / 100.0;
set => Global.L2ModInfo[device].antiDeadZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double R2AntiDeadZone
get => Global.R2ModInfo[device].antiDeadZone / 100.0;
set => Global.R2ModInfo[device].antiDeadZone = (int)(value * 100.0);
public double L2Sens
get => Global.L2Sens[device];
set => Global.L2Sens[device] = value;
public double R2Sens
get => Global.R2Sens[device];
set => Global.R2Sens[device] = value;
public int L2OutputCurveIndex
get => Global.getL2OutCurveMode(device);
Global.setL2OutCurveMode(device, value);
L2CustomCurveSelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public int R2OutputCurveIndex
get => Global.getR2OutCurveMode(device);
Global.setR2OutCurveMode(device, value);
R2CustomCurveSelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool L2CustomCurveSelected
get => Global.getL2OutCurveMode(device) == 6;
public event EventHandler L2CustomCurveSelectedChanged;
public bool R2CustomCurveSelected
get => Global.getR2OutCurveMode(device) == 6;
public event EventHandler R2CustomCurveSelectedChanged;
public string L2CustomCurve
get => Global.l2OutBezierCurveObj[device].CustomDefinition;
set => Global.l2OutBezierCurveObj[device].InitBezierCurve(value, BezierCurve.AxisType.L2R2, true);
public string R2CustomCurve
get => Global.r2OutBezierCurveObj[device].CustomDefinition;
set => Global.r2OutBezierCurveObj[device].InitBezierCurve(value, BezierCurve.AxisType.L2R2, true);
public double SXDeadZone
get => Global.SXDeadzone[device];
double temp = Global.SXDeadzone[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.SXDeadzone[device] = value;
SXDeadZoneChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler SXDeadZoneChanged;
public double SZDeadZone
get => Global.SZDeadzone[device];
double temp = Global.SZDeadzone[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.SZDeadzone[device] = value;
SZDeadZoneChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler SZDeadZoneChanged;
public double SXMaxZone
get => Global.SXMaxzone[device];
set => Global.SXMaxzone[device] = value;
public double SZMaxZone
get => Global.SZMaxzone[device];
set => Global.SZMaxzone[device] = value;
public double SXAntiDeadZone
get => Global.SXAntiDeadzone[device];
set => Global.SXAntiDeadzone[device] = value;
public double SZAntiDeadZone
get => Global.SZAntiDeadzone[device];
set => Global.SZAntiDeadzone[device] = value;
public double SXSens
get => Global.SXSens[device];
set => Global.SXSens[device] = value;
public double SZSens
get => Global.SZSens[device];
set => Global.SZSens[device] = value;
public int SXOutputCurveIndex
get => Global.getSXOutCurveMode(device);
Global.setSXOutCurveMode(device, value);
SXCustomCurveSelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public int SZOutputCurveIndex
get => Global.getSZOutCurveMode(device);
Global.setSZOutCurveMode(device, value);
SZCustomCurveSelectedChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool SXCustomCurveSelected
get => Global.getSXOutCurveMode(device) == 6;
public event EventHandler SXCustomCurveSelectedChanged;
public bool SZCustomCurveSelected
get => Global.getSZOutCurveMode(device) == 6;
public event EventHandler SZCustomCurveSelectedChanged;
public string SXCustomCurve
get => Global.sxOutBezierCurveObj[device].CustomDefinition;
set => Global.sxOutBezierCurveObj[device].InitBezierCurve(value, BezierCurve.AxisType.SA, true);
public string SZCustomCurve
get => Global.szOutBezierCurveObj[device].CustomDefinition;
set => Global.szOutBezierCurveObj[device].InitBezierCurve(value, BezierCurve.AxisType.SA, true);
public bool UseTouchMouse
get => !Global.UseTPforControls[device];
bool temp = !Global.UseTPforControls[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.UseTPforControls[device] = !value;
UseTouchMouseChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler UseTouchMouseChanged;
public bool UseTouchControls
get => Global.UseTPforControls[device];
bool temp = Global.UseTPforControls[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.UseTPforControls[device] = value;
UseTouchControlsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler UseTouchControlsChanged;
public bool TouchSenExists
get => Global.TouchSensitivity[device] != 0;
Global.TouchSensitivity[device] = value ? (byte)100 : (byte)0;
TouchSenExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
TouchSensChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchSenExistsChanged;
public int TouchSens
get => Global.TouchSensitivity[device];
int temp = Global.TouchSensitivity[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.TouchSensitivity[device] = (byte)value;
if (value == 0) TouchSenExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
TouchSensChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchSensChanged;
public bool TouchScrollExists
get => Global.ScrollSensitivity[device] != 0;
Global.ScrollSensitivity[device] = value ? (byte)100 : (byte)0;
TouchScrollExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
TouchScrollChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchScrollExistsChanged;
public int TouchScroll
get => Global.ScrollSensitivity[device];
int temp = Global.ScrollSensitivity[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.ScrollSensitivity[device] = value;
if (value == 0) TouchScrollExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
TouchScrollChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchScrollChanged;
public bool TouchTapExists
get => Global.TapSensitivity[device] != 0;
Global.TapSensitivity[device] = value ? (byte)100 : (byte)0;
TouchTapExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
TouchTapChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchTapExistsChanged;
public int TouchTap
get => Global.TapSensitivity[device];
int temp = Global.TapSensitivity[device];
if (temp == value) return;
Global.TapSensitivity[device] = (byte)value;
if (value == 0) TouchTapExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
TouchTapChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchTapChanged;
public bool TouchDoubleTap
get => Global.DoubleTap[device];
Global.DoubleTap[device] = value;
public bool TouchJitter
get => Global.TouchpadJitterCompensation[device];
set => Global.TouchpadJitterCompensation[device] = value;
private int[] touchpadInvertToValue = new int[4] { 0, 2, 1, 3 };
public int TouchInvertIndex
int invert = Global.TouchpadInvert[device];
int index = Array.IndexOf(touchpadInvertToValue, invert);
return index;
int invert = touchpadInvertToValue[value];
Global.TouchpadInvert[device] = invert;
public bool LowerRightTouchRMB
get => Global.LowerRCOn[device];
Global.LowerRCOn[device] = value;
public bool StartTouchpadOff
get => Global.StartTouchpadOff[device];
Global.StartTouchpadOff[device] = value;
public bool TouchTrackball
get => Global.TrackballMode[device];
set => Global.TrackballMode[device] = value;
public double TouchTrackballFriction
get => Global.TrackballFriction[device];
set => Global.TrackballFriction[device] = value;
public bool GyroMouseTurns
get => Global.GyroMouseStickTriggerTurns[device];
set => Global.GyroMouseStickTriggerTurns[device] = value;
public int GyroSensitivity
get => Global.GyroSensitivity[device];
set => Global.GyroSensitivity[device] = value;
public int GyroVertScale
get => Global.GyroSensVerticalScale[device];
set => Global.GyroSensVerticalScale[device] = value;
public int GyroMouseEvalCondIndex
get => Global.getSATriggerCond(device) ? 0 : 1;
set => Global.SetSaTriggerCond(device, value == 0 ? "and" : "or");
public int GyroMouseXAxis
get => Global.GyroMouseHorizontalAxis[device];
set => Global.GyroMouseHorizontalAxis[device] = value;
public bool GyroMouseInvertX
get => (Global.GyroInvert[device] & 2) == 2;
if (value)
Global.GyroInvert[device] |= 2;
Global.GyroInvert[device] &= ~2;
public bool GyroMouseInvertY
get => (Global.GyroInvert[device] & 1) == 1;
if (value)
Global.GyroInvert[device] |= 1;
Global.GyroInvert[device] &= ~1;
public bool GyroMouseSmooth
get => Global.GyroSmoothing[device];
set => Global.GyroSmoothing[device] = value;
public double GyroMouseSmoothWeight
get => Global.GyroSmoothingWeight[device];
set => Global.GyroSmoothingWeight[device] = value;
public int GyroMouseDeadZone
get => Global.GyroMouseDeadZone[device];
Global.SetGyroMouseDeadZone(device, value, App.rootHub);
public bool GyroMouseToggle
get => Global.GyroMouseToggle[device];
Global.SetGyroMouseToggle(device, value, App.rootHub);
public bool GyroMouseStickTurns
get => Global.GyroMouseStickTriggerTurns[device];
Global.GyroMouseStickTriggerTurns[device] = value;
public bool GyroMouseStickToggle
get => Global.GyroMouseStickToggle[device];
Global.SetGyroMouseStickToggle(device, value, App.rootHub);
public int GyroMouseStickDeadZone
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].deadZone;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].deadZone = value;
public int GyroMouseStickMaxZone
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].maxZone;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].maxZone = value;
public double GyroMouseStickAntiDeadX
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].antiDeadX;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].antiDeadX = value;
public double GyroMouseStickAntiDeadY
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].antiDeadY;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].antiDeadY = value;
public int GyroMouseStickVertScale
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].vertScale;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].vertScale = value;
public int GyroMouseStickEvalCondIndex
get => Global.GetSAMouseStickTriggerCond(device) ? 0 : 1;
set => Global.SetSaMouseStickTriggerCond(device, value == 0 ? "and" : "or");
public int GyroMouseStickXAxis
get => Global.GyroMouseStickHorizontalAxis[device];
set => Global.GyroMouseStickHorizontalAxis[device] = value;
public bool GyroMouseStickInvertX
get => (Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].inverted & 2) == 2;
if (value)
Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].inverted |= 2;
Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].inverted &= 1;
public bool GyroMouseStickInvertY
get => (Global.GyroInvert[device] & 1) == 1;
if (value)
Global.GyroInvert[device] |= 1;
Global.GyroInvert[device] &= 2;
public bool GyroMouseStickSmooth
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].useSmoothing;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].useSmoothing = value;
public double GyroMousetickSmoothWeight
get => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].smoothWeight;
set => Global.GyroMouseStickInf[device].smoothWeight = value;
private string touchDisInvertString = "None";
public string TouchDisInvertString
get => touchDisInvertString;
touchDisInvertString = value;
TouchDisInvertStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler TouchDisInvertStringChanged;
private string gyroMouseTrigDisplay = "Always On";
public string GyroMouseTrigDisplay
get => gyroMouseTrigDisplay;
gyroMouseTrigDisplay = value;
GyroMouseTrigDisplayChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler GyroMouseTrigDisplayChanged;
private string gyroMouseStickTrigDisplay = "Always On";
public string GyroMouseStickTrigDisplay
get => gyroMouseStickTrigDisplay;
gyroMouseStickTrigDisplay = value;
GyroMouseStickTrigDisplayChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler GyroMouseStickTrigDisplayChanged;
public ProfileSettingsViewModel(int device)
this.device = device;
funcDevNum = device < 4 ? device : 0;
tempControllerIndex = ControllerTypeIndex;
Global.outDevTypeTemp[device] = OutContType.X360;
tempBtPollRate = Global.BTPollRate[device];
ImageSourceConverter sourceConverter = new ImageSourceConverter();
ImageSource temp = sourceConverter.
ConvertFromString("pack://application:,,,/DS4Windows;component/Resources/rainbowCCrop.png") as ImageSource;
lightbarImgBrush.ImageSource = temp.Clone();
MainColorChanged += ProfileSettingsViewModel_MainColorChanged;
MainColorRChanged += (sender, args) =>
MainColorRStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LightbarBrushChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorGChanged += (sender, args) =>
MainColorGStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LightbarBrushChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorBChanged += (sender, args) =>
MainColorBStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LightbarBrushChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
RainbowChanged += (sender, args) =>
LightbarBrushChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ProfileSettingsViewModel_MainColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MainColorStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorRChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorGChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
MainColorBChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LightbarBrushChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void UpdateFlashColor(System.Windows.Media.Color color)
Global.FlashColor[device] = new DS4Color() { red = color.R, green = color.G, blue = color.B };
FlashColorChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void UpdateMainColor(System.Windows.Media.Color color)
Global.MainColor[device] = new DS4Color() { red = color.R, green = color.G, blue = color.B };
MainColorChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void UpdateLowColor(System.Windows.Media.Color color)
ref DS4Color lowColor = ref Global.LowColor[device];
lowColor.red = color.R;
lowColor.green = color.G;
lowColor.blue = color.B;
LowColorChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorRChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorGChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorBChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorRStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorGStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LowColorBStringChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void UpdateForcedColor(System.Windows.Media.Color color)
if (device < 4)
DS4Color dcolor = new DS4Color() { red = color.R, green = color.G, blue = color.B };
DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = dcolor;
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true;
public void StartForcedColor(System.Windows.Media.Color color)
if (device < 4)
DS4Color dcolor = new DS4Color() { red = color.R, green = color.G, blue = color.B };
DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = dcolor;
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true;
public void EndForcedColor()
if (device < 4)
DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = new DS4Color(0, 0, 0);
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false;
public void UpdateChargingColor(System.Windows.Media.Color color)
ref DS4Color chargeColor = ref Global.ChargingColor[device];
chargeColor.red = color.R;
chargeColor.green = color.G;
chargeColor.blue = color.B;
ChargingColorChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void UpdateLaunchProgram(string path)
Global.LaunchProgram[device] = path;
LaunchProgramExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LaunchProgramChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LaunchProgramNameChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LaunchProgramIconChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void ResetLauchProgram()
Global.LaunchProgram[device] = string.Empty;
LaunchProgramExistsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LaunchProgramChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LaunchProgramNameChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
LaunchProgramIconChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void UpdateTouchDisInvert(ContextMenu menu)
int index = 0;
List<int> triggerList = new List<int>();
List<string> triggerName = new List<string>();
foreach(MenuItem item in menu.Items)
if (item.IsChecked)
if (triggerList.Count == 0)
Global.TouchDisInvertTriggers[device] = triggerList.ToArray();
TouchDisInvertString = string.Join(", ", triggerName.ToArray());
public void PopulateTouchDisInver(ContextMenu menu)
int[] triggers = Global.TouchDisInvertTriggers[device];
int itemCount = menu.Items.Count;
List<string> triggerName = new List<string>();
foreach (int trigid in triggers)
if (trigid >= 0 && trigid < itemCount - 1)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[trigid] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
else if (trigid == -1)
if (triggerName.Count == 0)
TouchDisInvertString = string.Join(", ", triggerName.ToArray());
public void UpdateGyroMouseTrig(ContextMenu menu, bool alwaysOnChecked)
int index = 0;
List<int> triggerList = new List<int>();
List<string> triggerName = new List<string>();
int itemCount = menu.Items.Count;
MenuItem alwaysOnItem = menu.Items[itemCount - 1] as MenuItem;
if (alwaysOnChecked)
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount - 1; i++)
MenuItem item = menu.Items[i] as MenuItem;
item.IsChecked = false;
alwaysOnItem.IsChecked = false;
foreach (MenuItem item in menu.Items)
if (item.IsChecked)
if (triggerList.Count == 0)
triggerName.Add("Always On");
alwaysOnItem.IsChecked = true;
Global.SATriggers[device] = string.Join(",", triggerList.ToArray());
GyroMouseTrigDisplay = string.Join(", ", triggerName.ToArray());
public void PopulateGyroMouseTrig(ContextMenu menu)
string[] triggers = Global.SATriggers[device].Split(',');
int itemCount = menu.Items.Count;
List<string> triggerName = new List<string>();
foreach (string trig in triggers)
bool valid = int.TryParse(trig, out int trigid);
if (valid && trigid >= 0 && trigid < itemCount - 1)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[trigid] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
else if (valid && trigid == -1)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[itemCount - 1] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
triggerName.Add("Always On");
if (triggerName.Count == 0)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[itemCount - 1] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
triggerName.Add("Always On");
GyroMouseTrigDisplay = string.Join(", ", triggerName.ToArray());
public void UpdateGyroMouseStickTrig(ContextMenu menu, bool alwaysOnChecked)
int index = 0;
List<int> triggerList = new List<int>();
List<string> triggerName = new List<string>();
int itemCount = menu.Items.Count;
MenuItem alwaysOnItem = menu.Items[itemCount - 1] as MenuItem;
if (alwaysOnChecked)
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount - 1; i++)
MenuItem item = menu.Items[i] as MenuItem;
item.IsChecked = false;
alwaysOnItem.IsChecked = false;
foreach (MenuItem item in menu.Items)
if (item.IsChecked)
if (triggerList.Count == 0)
triggerName.Add("Always On");
alwaysOnItem.IsChecked = true;
Global.SAMousestickTriggers[device] = string.Join(",", triggerList.ToArray());
GyroMouseStickTrigDisplay = string.Join(", ", triggerName.ToArray());
public void PopulateGyroMouseStickTrig(ContextMenu menu)
string[] triggers = Global.SAMousestickTriggers[device].Split(',');
int itemCount = menu.Items.Count;
List<string> triggerName = new List<string>();
foreach (string trig in triggers)
bool valid = int.TryParse(trig, out int trigid);
if (valid && trigid >= 0 && trigid < itemCount - 1)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[trigid] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
else if (valid && trigid == -1)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[itemCount-1] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
triggerName.Add("Always On");
if (triggerName.Count == 0)
MenuItem current = menu.Items[itemCount - 1] as MenuItem;
current.IsChecked = true;
triggerName.Add("Always On");
GyroMouseStickTrigDisplay = string.Join(", ", triggerName.ToArray());
public void LaunchCurveEditor(string customDefinition)
// Custom curve editor web link clicked. Open the bezier curve editor web app usign the default browser app and pass on current custom definition as a query string parameter.
// The Process.Start command using HTML page doesn't support query parameters, so if there is a custom curve definition then lookup the default browser executable name from a sysreg.
string defaultBrowserCmd = String.Empty;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customDefinition))
string progId = String.Empty;
using (RegistryKey userChoiceKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Shell\\Associations\\UrlAssociations\\http\\UserChoice"))
progId = userChoiceKey?.GetValue("Progid")?.ToString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(progId))
using (RegistryKey browserPathCmdKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey($"{progId}\\shell\\open\\command"))
defaultBrowserCmd = browserPathCmdKey?.GetValue(null).ToString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultBrowserCmd))
int iStartPos = (defaultBrowserCmd[0] == '"' ? 1 : 0);
defaultBrowserCmd = defaultBrowserCmd.Substring(iStartPos, defaultBrowserCmd.LastIndexOf(".exe") + 4 - iStartPos);
if (Path.GetFileName(defaultBrowserCmd).ToLower() == "launchwinapp.exe")
defaultBrowserCmd = String.Empty;
// Fallback to IE executable if the default browser HTML shell association is for some reason missing or is not set
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultBrowserCmd))
defaultBrowserCmd = "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe";
if (!File.Exists(defaultBrowserCmd))
defaultBrowserCmd = String.Empty;
// Launch custom bezier editor webapp using a default browser executable command or via a default shell command. The default shell exeution doesn't support query parameters.
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultBrowserCmd))
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(defaultBrowserCmd, $"\"file:///{Global.exedirpath}\\BezierCurveEditor\\index.html?curve={customDefinition.Replace(" ", "")}\"");
catch (Exception ex)
AppLogger.LogToGui($"ERROR. Failed to open {Global.exedirpath}\\BezierCurveEditor\\index.html web app. Check that the web file exits or launch it outside of DS4Windows application. {ex.Message}", true);
public void UpdateLateProperties()
tempControllerIndex = ControllerTypeIndex;
Global.outDevTypeTemp[device] = Global.OutContType[device];
tempBtPollRate = Global.BTPollRate[device];