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using System;
namespace DS4Windows
public delegate void SixAxisHandler<TEventArgs>(DS4SixAxis sender, TEventArgs args);
public class SixAxisEventArgs : EventArgs
public readonly SixAxis sixAxis;
public readonly DateTime timeStamp;
public SixAxisEventArgs(DateTime utcTimestamp, SixAxis sa)
sixAxis = sa;
timeStamp = utcTimestamp;
public class SixAxis
public const int ACC_RES_PER_G = 8192;
private const float F_ACC_RES_PER_G = ACC_RES_PER_G;
public const int GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC = 16;
private const float F_GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC = GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
public int gyroYaw, gyroPitch, gyroRoll, accelX, accelY, accelZ;
public int outputAccelX, outputAccelY, outputAccelZ;
public double accelXG, accelYG, accelZG;
public double angVelYaw, angVelPitch, angVelRoll;
public int gyroYawFull, gyroPitchFull, gyroRollFull;
public int accelXFull, accelYFull, accelZFull;
public double elapsed;
public SixAxis previousAxis = null;
private double tempDouble = 0d;
public SixAxis(int X, int Y, int Z,
int aX, int aY, int aZ,
double elapsedDelta, SixAxis prevAxis = null)
populate(X, Y, Z, aX, aY, aZ, elapsedDelta, prevAxis);
public void copy(SixAxis src)
gyroYaw = src.gyroYaw;
gyroPitch = src.gyroPitch;
gyroRoll = src.gyroRoll;
gyroYawFull = src.gyroYawFull;
accelXFull = src.accelXFull; accelYFull = src.accelYFull; accelZFull = src.accelZFull;
angVelYaw = src.angVelYaw;
angVelPitch = src.angVelPitch;
angVelRoll = src.angVelRoll;
accelXG = src.accelXG;
accelYG = src.accelYG;
accelZG = src.accelZG;
// Put accel ranges between 0 - 128 abs
accelX = src.accelX;
accelY = src.accelY;
accelZ = src.accelZ;
outputAccelX = accelX;
outputAccelY = accelY;
outputAccelZ = accelZ;
elapsed = src.elapsed;
previousAxis = src.previousAxis;
public void populate(int X, int Y, int Z,
int aX, int aY, int aZ,
double elapsedDelta, SixAxis prevAxis = null)
gyroYaw = -X / 256;
gyroPitch = Y / 256;
gyroRoll = -Z / 256;
gyroYawFull = -X; gyroPitchFull = Y; gyroRollFull = -Z;
accelXFull = -aX; accelYFull = -aY; accelZFull = aZ;
angVelYaw = gyroYawFull / F_GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
angVelPitch = gyroPitchFull / F_GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
angVelRoll = gyroRollFull / F_GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
accelXG = tempDouble = accelXFull / F_ACC_RES_PER_G;
accelYG = tempDouble = accelYFull / F_ACC_RES_PER_G;
accelZG = tempDouble = accelZFull / F_ACC_RES_PER_G;
// Put accel ranges between 0 - 128 abs
accelX = -aX / 64;
accelY = -aY / 64;
accelZ = aZ / 64;
outputAccelX = accelX;
outputAccelY = accelY;
outputAccelZ = accelZ;
elapsed = elapsedDelta;
previousAxis = prevAxis;
internal class CalibData
public int bias;
public int sensNumer;
public int sensDenom;
public const int GyroPitchIdx = 0, GyroYawIdx = 1, GyroRollIdx = 2,
AccelXIdx = 3, AccelYIdx = 4, AccelZIdx = 5;
public class DS4SixAxis
//public event EventHandler<SixAxisEventArgs> SixAccelMoved = null;
public event SixAxisHandler<SixAxisEventArgs> SixAccelMoved = null;
private SixAxis sPrev = null, now = null;
private CalibData[] calibrationData = new CalibData[6] { new CalibData(), new CalibData(),
new CalibData(), new CalibData(), new CalibData(), new CalibData()
private bool calibrationDone = false;
public DS4SixAxis()
sPrev = new SixAxis(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0);
now = new SixAxis(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0);
int temInt = 0;
public void setCalibrationData(ref byte[] calibData, bool fromUSB)
int pitchPlus, pitchMinus, yawPlus, yawMinus, rollPlus, rollMinus,
accelXPlus, accelXMinus, accelYPlus, accelYMinus, accelZPlus, accelZMinus,
gyroSpeedPlus, gyroSpeedMinus;
calibrationData[0].bias = (short)((ushort)(calibData[2] << 8) | calibData[1]);
calibrationData[1].bias = (short)((ushort)(calibData[4] << 8) | calibData[3]);
calibrationData[2].bias = (short)((ushort)(calibData[6] << 8) | calibData[5]);
if (!fromUSB)
pitchPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[8] << 8) | calibData[7]);
yawPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[10] << 8) | calibData[9]);
rollPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[12] << 8) | calibData[11]);
pitchMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[14] << 8) | calibData[13]);
yawMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[16] << 8) | calibData[15]);
rollMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[18] << 8) | calibData[17]);
pitchPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[8] << 8) | calibData[7]);
pitchMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[10] << 8) | calibData[9]);
yawPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[12] << 8) | calibData[11]);
yawMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[14] << 8) | calibData[13]);
rollPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[16] << 8) | calibData[15]);
rollMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[18] << 8) | calibData[17]);
gyroSpeedPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[20] << 8) | calibData[19]);
gyroSpeedMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[22] << 8) | calibData[21]);
accelXPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[24] << 8) | calibData[23]);
accelXMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[26] << 8) | calibData[25]);
accelYPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[28] << 8) | calibData[27]);
accelYMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[30] << 8) | calibData[29]);
accelZPlus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[32] << 8) | calibData[31]);
accelZMinus = temInt = (short)((ushort)(calibData[34] << 8) | calibData[33]);
int gyroSpeed2x = temInt = (gyroSpeedPlus + gyroSpeedMinus);
calibrationData[0].sensNumer = gyroSpeed2x* SixAxis.GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
calibrationData[0].sensDenom = pitchPlus - pitchMinus;
calibrationData[1].sensNumer = gyroSpeed2x* SixAxis.GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
calibrationData[1].sensDenom = yawPlus - yawMinus;
calibrationData[2].sensNumer = gyroSpeed2x* SixAxis.GYRO_RES_IN_DEG_SEC;
calibrationData[2].sensDenom = rollPlus - rollMinus;
int accelRange = temInt = accelXPlus - accelXMinus;
calibrationData[3].bias = accelXPlus - accelRange / 2;
calibrationData[3].sensNumer = 2 * SixAxis.ACC_RES_PER_G;
calibrationData[3].sensDenom = accelRange;
accelRange = temInt = accelYPlus - accelYMinus;
calibrationData[4].bias = accelYPlus - accelRange / 2;
calibrationData[4].sensNumer = 2 * SixAxis.ACC_RES_PER_G;
calibrationData[4].sensDenom = accelRange;
accelRange = temInt = accelZPlus - accelZMinus;
calibrationData[5].bias = accelZPlus - accelRange / 2;
calibrationData[5].sensNumer = 2 * SixAxis.ACC_RES_PER_G;
calibrationData[5].sensDenom = accelRange;
// Check that denom will not be zero.
calibrationDone = calibrationData[0].sensDenom != 0 &&
calibrationData[1].sensDenom != 0 &&
calibrationData[2].sensDenom != 0 &&
accelRange != 0;
private void applyCalibs(ref int yaw, ref int pitch, ref int roll,
ref int accelX, ref int accelY, ref int accelZ)
CalibData current = calibrationData[0];
temInt = pitch - current.bias;
pitch = temInt = (int)(temInt * (current.sensNumer / (float)current.sensDenom));
current = calibrationData[1];
temInt = yaw - current.bias;
yaw = temInt = (int)(temInt * (current.sensNumer / (float)current.sensDenom));
current = calibrationData[2];
temInt = roll - current.bias;
roll = temInt = (int)(temInt * (current.sensNumer / (float)current.sensDenom));
current = calibrationData[3];
temInt = accelX - current.bias;
accelX = temInt = (int)(temInt * (current.sensNumer / (float)current.sensDenom));
current = calibrationData[4];
temInt = accelY - current.bias;
accelY = temInt = (int)(temInt * (current.sensNumer / (float)current.sensDenom));
current = calibrationData[5];
temInt = accelZ - current.bias;
accelZ = temInt = (int)(temInt * (current.sensNumer / (float)current.sensDenom));
public unsafe void handleSixaxis(byte* gyro, byte* accel, DS4State state,
double elapsedDelta)
int currentYaw = (short)((ushort)(gyro[3] << 8) | gyro[2]);
int currentPitch = (short)((ushort)(gyro[1] << 8) | gyro[0]);
int currentRoll = (short)((ushort)(gyro[5] << 8) | gyro[4]);
int AccelX = (short)((ushort)(accel[1] << 8) | accel[0]);
int AccelY = (short)((ushort)(accel[3] << 8) | accel[2]);
int AccelZ = (short)((ushort)(accel[5] << 8) | accel[4]);
if (calibrationDone)
applyCalibs(ref currentYaw, ref currentPitch, ref currentRoll, ref AccelX, ref AccelY, ref AccelZ);
SixAxisEventArgs args = null;
if (AccelX != 0 || AccelY != 0 || AccelZ != 0)
if (SixAccelMoved != null)
now.populate(currentYaw, currentPitch, currentRoll,
AccelX, AccelY, AccelZ, elapsedDelta, sPrev);
args = new SixAxisEventArgs(state.ReportTimeStamp, now);
state.Motion = now;
SixAccelMoved(this, args);