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synced 2024-12-26 16:41:50 +01:00
Bug fix when changing profiles with touchpad Version 9.11 Bug fix for checking updates in Help Version 9.1 Setting to adjust when battery flash begins Import profiles moved to profiles toolbar You can now export Profiles Tool can get even smaller now, as checkboxes and start/stop button are on same line Log clear button moved to log tab UI fixes in About Use Enter or escape to save or cancel profiles respectively in options or when duplicating profile Use Enter, Delete or Ctrl+C in the profile list to edit, delete, or duplicate a profile respectively
840 lines
40 KiB
840 lines
40 KiB
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DS4Library;
using DS4Control;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ScpServer
public partial class Options : Form
private DS4Control.Control scpDevice;
public int device;
private string filename;
Byte[] oldLedColor, oldLowLedColor;
Timer inputtimer = new Timer(), sixaxisTimer = new Timer();
private List<Button> buttons = new List<Button>();
private Button lastSelected;
private int alphacolor;
private Color reg, full;
private Image colored, greyscale;
ToolTip tp = new ToolTip();
ScpForm root;
public Options(DS4Control.Control bus_device, int deviceNum, string name, ScpForm rt)
device = deviceNum;
scpDevice = bus_device;
filename = name;
colored = pBRainbow.Image;
root = rt;
greyscale = GreyscaleImage((Bitmap)pBRainbow.Image);
if (deviceNum < 4)
nUDSixaxis.Value = deviceNum + 1;
if (filename != "")
Global.setAProfile(4, name);
tBProfile.Text = filename;
DS4Color color = Global.loadColor(device);
redBar.Value = color.red;
greenBar.Value = color.green;
blueBar.Value = color.blue;
batteryLed.Checked = Global.getLedAsBatteryIndicator(device);
nUDflashLED.Value = Global.getFlashAt(device);
lowBatteryPanel.Visible = batteryLed.Checked;
lbFull.Text = (batteryLed.Checked ? "Full:" : "Color:");
FullPanel.Location = (batteryLed.Checked ? new Point(FullPanel.Location.X, 42) : new Point(FullPanel.Location.X, 48));
DS4Color lowColor = Global.loadLowColor(device);
lowRedBar.Value = lowColor.red;
lowGreenBar.Value = lowColor.green;
lowBlueBar.Value = lowColor.blue;
rumbleBoostBar.Value = Global.loadRumbleBoost(device);
flashLed.Checked = Global.getFlashWhenLowBattery(device);
numUDTouch.Value = Global.getTouchSensitivity(device);
cBSlide.Checked = Global.getTouchSensitivity(device) > 0;
numUDScroll.Value = Global.getScrollSensitivity(device);
cBScroll.Checked = Global.getScrollSensitivity(device) >0;
numUDTap.Value = Global.getTapSensitivity(device);
cBTap.Checked = Global.getTapSensitivity(device) > 0;
cBDoubleTap.Checked = Global.getDoubleTap(device);
numUDL2.Value = (decimal)Global.getLeftTriggerMiddle(device)/255;
numUDR2.Value = (decimal)Global.getRightTriggerMiddle(device)/255;
touchpadJitterCompensation.Checked = Global.getTouchpadJitterCompensation(device);
cBlowerRCOn.Checked = Global.getLowerRCOn(device);
flushHIDQueue.Checked = Global.getFlushHIDQueue(device);
idleDisconnectTimeout.Value = Math.Round((decimal)(Global.getIdleDisconnectTimeout(device) / 60d), 1);
numUDMouseSens.Value = Global.getButtonMouseSensitivity(device);
// Force update of color choosers
alphacolor = Math.Max(redBar.Value, Math.Max(greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(color.red, color.green, color.blue);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
alphacolor = Math.Max(lowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(lowColor.red, lowColor.green, lowColor.blue);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
numUDRainbow.Value = (decimal)Global.getRainbow(device);
if (Global.getRainbow(device) == 0)
pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
pBRainbow.Image = colored;
numUDLS.Value = Math.Round((decimal)(Global.getLSDeadzone(device) / 127d ), 3);
numUDRS.Value = Math.Round((decimal)(Global.getRSDeadzone(device) / 127d ), 3);
#region watch sixaxis data
sixaxisTimer.Tick += sixaxisTimer_Tick;
sixaxisTimer.Interval = 1000 / 60;
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in this.MainPanel.Controls)
if (control is Button)
if (!((Button)control).Name.Contains("btn"))
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in this.SticksPanel.Controls)
if (control is Button)
if (!((Button)control).Name.Contains("btn"))
foreach (Button b in buttons)
b.MouseHover += button_MouseHover;
if (filename != "" && filename != "New Profile")
Global.LoadProfile(device, buttons.ToArray());
tp.SetToolTip(cBlowerRCOn, "Best used with right side as a mouse function");
tp.SetToolTip(cBDoubleTap, "Tap and hold to drag, slight delay with single taps");
tp.SetToolTip(lBControlTip, "You can also use your controller to change controls");
tp.SetToolTip(touchpadJitterCompensation, "Use Sixaxis to help calulate touchpad movement");
tp.SetToolTip(pBRainbow, "Always on Rainbow Mode");
advColorDialog.OnUpdateColor += advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor;
btnLeftStick.Enter += btnSticks_Enter;
btnRightStick.Enter += btnSticks_Enter;
inputtimer.Tick += InputDS4;
void sixaxisTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// MEMS gyro data is all calibrated to roughly -1G..1G for values -0x2000..0x1fff
// Enough additional acceleration and we are no longer mostly measuring Earth's gravity...
// We should try to indicate setpoints of the calibration when exposing this measurement....
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisGyroX, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value -1].GyroX + tBsixaxisGyroX.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisGyroY, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroY + tBsixaxisGyroY.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisGyroZ, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroZ + tBsixaxisGyroZ.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisAccelX, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].AccelX + tBsixaxisAccelX.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisAccelY, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].AccelY + tBsixaxisAccelY.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisAccelZ, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].AccelZ + tBsixaxisAccelZ.Value * 2) / 3);
private void InputDS4(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region DS4Input
if (Form.ActiveForm == root && cBControllerInput.Checked)
switch (scpDevice.GetInputkeys((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1))
case ("Cross"): Show_ControlsBn(bnCross, e); break;
case ("Circle"): Show_ControlsBn(bnCircle, e); break;
case ("Square"): Show_ControlsBn(bnSquare, e); break;
case ("Triangle"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTriangle, e); break;
case ("Options"): Show_ControlsBn(bnOptions, e); break;
case ("Share"): Show_ControlsBn(bnShare, e); break;
case ("Up"): Show_ControlsBn(bnUp, e); break;
case ("Down"): Show_ControlsBn(bnDown, e); break;
case ("Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLeft, e); break;
case ("Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRight, e); break;
case ("PS"): Show_ControlsBn(bnPS, e); break;
case ("L1"): Show_ControlsBn(bnL1, e); break;
case ("R1"): Show_ControlsBn(bnR1, e); break;
case ("L2"): Show_ControlsBn(bnL2, e); break;
case ("R2"): Show_ControlsBn(bnR2, e); break;
case ("L3"): Show_ControlsBn(bnL3, e); break;
case ("R3"): Show_ControlsBn(bnR3, e); break;
case ("Touch Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchLeft, e); break;
case ("Touch Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchRight, e); break;
case ("Touch Multi"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchMulti, e); break;
case ("Touch Upper"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchUpper, e); break;
case ("LS Up"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSUp, e); break;
case ("LS Down"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSDown, e); break;
case ("LS Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSLeft, e); break;
case ("LS Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSRight, e); break;
case ("RS Up"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSUp, e); break;
case ("RS Down"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSDown, e); break;
case ("RS Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSLeft, e); break;
case ("RS Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSRight, e); break;
private void button_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (((Button)sender).Name)
case ("bnCross"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 0; break;
case ("bnCircle"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 1; break;
case ("bnSquare"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 2; break;
case ("bnTriangle"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 3; break;
case ("bnOptions"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 4; break;
case ("bnShare"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 5; break;
case ("bnUp"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 6; break;
case ("bnDown"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 7; break;
case ("bnLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 8; break;
case ("bnRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 9; break;
case ("bnPS"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 10; break;
case ("bnL1"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 11; break;
case ("bnR1"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 12; break;
case ("bnL2"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 13; break;
case ("bnR2"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 14; break;
case ("bnL3"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 15; break;
case ("bnR3"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 16; break;
case ("bnTouchLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 17; break;
case ("bnTouchRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 18; break;
case ("bnTouchMulti"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 19; break;
case ("bnTouchUpper"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 20; break;
case ("bnLSUp"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 21; break;
case ("bnLSDown"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 22; break;
case ("bnLSLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 23; break;
case ("bnLSRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 24; break;
case ("bnRSUp"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 25; break;
case ("bnRSDown"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 26; break;
case ("bnRSLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 27; break;
case ("bnRSRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 28; break;
private void SetDynamicTrackBarValue(TrackBar trackBar, int value)
if (trackBar.Maximum < value)
trackBar.Maximum = value;
else if (trackBar.Minimum > value)
trackBar.Minimum = value;
trackBar.Value = value;
private void Set()
lowBatteryPanel.Visible = batteryLed.Checked;
lbFull.Text = (batteryLed.Checked ? "Full:" : "Color:");
FullPanel.Location = (batteryLed.Checked ? new Point(FullPanel.Location.X, 42) : new Point(FullPanel.Location.X, 48));
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)redBar.Value, (byte)greenBar.Value, (byte)blueBar.Value);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)lowRedBar.Value, (byte)lowGreenBar.Value, (byte)lowBlueBar.Value);
Global.setLeftTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)Math.Round((numUDL2.Value * 255), 0));
Global.setRightTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)Math.Round((numUDR2.Value * 255), 0));
Global.saveRumbleBoost(device, (byte)rumbleBoostBar.Value);
Global.setFlashWhenLowBattery(device, flashLed.Checked);
Global.setTouchSensitivity(device, (byte)numUDTouch.Value);
Global.setTouchpadJitterCompensation(device, touchpadJitterCompensation.Checked);
Global.setLowerRCOn(device, cBlowerRCOn.Checked);
Global.setScrollSensitivity(device, (byte)numUDScroll.Value);
Global.setDoubleTap(device, cBDoubleTap.Checked);
Global.setTapSensitivity(device, (byte)numUDTap.Value);
Global.setIdleDisconnectTimeout(device, (int)(idleDisconnectTimeout.Value * 60));
Global.setRainbow(device, (int)numUDRainbow.Value);
Global.setRSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((numUDRS.Value * 127), 0));
Global.setLSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((numUDLS.Value * 127), 0));
Global.setButtonMouseSensitivity(device, (int)numUDMouseSens.Value);
Global.setFlashAt(device, (int)nUDflashLED.Value);
if (numUDRainbow.Value == 0) pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
else pBRainbow.Image = colored;
private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tBProfile.Text != null && tBProfile.Text != "" && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("\\") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("/") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains(":") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("*") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("?") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("\"") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("<") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains(">") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("|"))
System.IO.File.Delete(Global.appdatapath + @"\Profiles\" + filename + ".xml");
Global.setAProfile(device, tBProfile.Text);
Global.SaveProfile(device, tBProfile.Text, buttons.ToArray());
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid name", "Not valid", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
KBM360 kbm360 = null;
private void Show_ControlsBn(object sender, EventArgs e)
lastSelected = (Button)sender;
kbm360 = new KBM360(scpDevice, device, this, lastSelected);
kbm360.Icon = this.Icon;
public void ChangeButtonText(string controlname, object tag)
lastSelected.Text = controlname;
int value;
if (Int32.TryParse(tag.ToString(), out value))
lastSelected.Tag = value;
else if (tag is Int32[])
lastSelected.Tag = tag;
lastSelected.Tag = tag.ToString();
public void ChangeButtonText(string controlname)
lastSelected.Text = controlname;
lastSelected.Tag = controlname;
public void Toggle_Bn(bool SC, bool TG, bool MC)
if (lastSelected.Tag is int || lastSelected.Tag is UInt16 || lastSelected.Tag is int[])
lastSelected.Font = new Font(lastSelected.Font, (SC ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular) |
(TG ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular) | (MC ? FontStyle.Underline : FontStyle.Regular));
else if (lastSelected.Tag is string)
if (lastSelected.Tag.ToString().Contains("Mouse Button"))
lastSelected.Font = new Font(lastSelected.Font, TG ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular);
lastSelected.Font = new Font(lastSelected.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
private void btnSticks_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
SticksPanel.Visible = true;
MainPanel.Visible = false;
private void btnFullView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SticksPanel.Visible = false;
MainPanel.Visible = true;
private void btnLightbar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
advColorDialog.Color = Color.FromArgb(redBar.Value, greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value);
advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(pBController.BackColor, e);
if (advColorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
pBController.BackColor = advColorDialog.Color;
redBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.R;
greenBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.G;
blueBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.B;
else Global.saveColor(device, oldLedColor[0], oldLedColor[1], oldLedColor[2]);
//Global.saveLowColor(device, oldLowLedColor[0], oldLowLedColor[1], oldLowLedColor[2]);
oldLedColor = null;
oldLowLedColor = null;
private void lowColorChooserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
advColorDialog.Color = lowColorChooserButton.BackColor;
advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(lowColorChooserButton.BackColor, e);
if (advColorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = advColorDialog.Color;
lowRedBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.R;
lowGreenBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.G;
lowBlueBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.B;
else Global.saveLowColor(device, oldLowLedColor[0], oldLowLedColor[1], oldLowLedColor[2]);
Global.saveColor(device, oldLedColor[0], oldLedColor[1], oldLedColor[2]);
oldLedColor = null;
oldLowLedColor = null;
private void advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (oldLedColor == null || oldLowLedColor == null)
DS4Color color = Global.loadColor(device);
oldLedColor = new Byte[] { color.red, color.green, color.blue };
color = Global.loadLowColor(device);
oldLowLedColor = new Byte[] { color.red, color.green, color.blue };
if (sender is Color)
Color color = (Color)sender;
Global.saveColor(device, color.R, color.G, color.B);
Global.saveLowColor(device, color.R, color.G, color.B);
int bgc = 255; //Color of the form background, If greyscale color
private void redBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(som, sat, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(redBar.Value, Math.Max(greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(redBar.Value, greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)redBar.Value, (byte)greenBar.Value, (byte)blueBar.Value);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void greenBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, som, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(redBar.Value, Math.Max(greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(redBar.Value, greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)redBar.Value, (byte)greenBar.Value, (byte)blueBar.Value);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void blueBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, sat, som);
alphacolor = Math.Max(redBar.Value, Math.Max(greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(redBar.Value, greenBar.Value, blueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)redBar.Value, (byte)greenBar.Value, (byte)blueBar.Value);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void lowRedBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(som, sat, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(lowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(lowGreenBar.Value, lowBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(lowRedBar.Value, lowGreenBar.Value, lowBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)lowRedBar.Value, (byte)lowGreenBar.Value, (byte)lowBlueBar.Value);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void lowGreenBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, som, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(lowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(lowGreenBar.Value, lowBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(lowRedBar.Value, lowGreenBar.Value, lowBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)lowRedBar.Value, (byte)lowGreenBar.Value, (byte)lowBlueBar.Value);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void lowBlueBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, sat, som);
alphacolor = Math.Max(lowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(lowGreenBar.Value, lowBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(lowRedBar.Value, lowGreenBar.Value, lowBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)lowRedBar.Value, (byte)lowGreenBar.Value, (byte)lowBlueBar.Value);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
public Color HuetoRGB(float hue, float light, Color rgb)
float L = (float)Math.Max(.5, light);
float C = (1 - Math.Abs(2 * L - 1));
float X = (C * (1 - Math.Abs((hue / 60) % 2 - 1)));
float m = L - C / 2;
float R =0, G=0, B=0;
if (light == 1) return Color.FromName("White");
else if (rgb.R == rgb.G && rgb.G == rgb.B) return Color.FromName("White");
else if (0 <= hue && hue < 60) { R = C; G = X; }
else if (60 <= hue && hue < 120) { R = X; G = C; }
else if (120 <= hue && hue < 180) { G = C; B = X; }
else if (180 <= hue && hue < 240) { G = X; B = C; }
else if (240 <= hue && hue < 300) { R = X; B = C; }
else if (300 <= hue && hue < 360) { R = C; B = X; }
return Color.FromArgb((int)((R + m) * 255), (int)((G + m) * 255), (int)((B + m) * 255));
private void rumbleBoostBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.saveRumbleBoost(device, (byte)rumbleBoostBar.Value);
scpDevice.setRumble((byte)numUDHeavyRumble.Value, (byte)numUDLightRumble.Value, device);
private void numUDLightRumble_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (btnRumbleTest.Text == "Stop")
scpDevice.setRumble((byte)numUDHeavyRumble.Value, (byte)numUDLightRumble.Value, device);
private void numUDHeavyRumble_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (btnRumbleTest.Text == "Stop")
scpDevice.setRumble((byte)numUDHeavyRumble.Value, (byte)numUDLightRumble.Value, device);
private void btnRumbleTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (((Button)sender).Text == "Test")
scpDevice.setRumble((byte)numUDHeavyRumble.Value, (byte)numUDLightRumble.Value, (int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1);
((Button)sender).Text = "Stop";
scpDevice.setRumble(0, 0, (int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1);
((Button)sender).Text = "Test";
private void numUDTouch_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setTouchSensitivity(device, (byte)numUDTouch.Value);
private void numUDTap_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setTapSensitivity(device, (byte)numUDTap.Value);
private void numUDScroll_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setScrollSensitivity(device, (int)numUDScroll.Value);
private void ledAsBatteryIndicator_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLedAsBatteryIndicator(device, batteryLed.Checked);
lowBatteryPanel.Visible = batteryLed.Checked;
FullPanel.Location = (batteryLed.Checked ? new Point(FullPanel.Location.X, 42) : new Point(FullPanel.Location.X, 48));
lbFull.Text = (batteryLed.Checked ? "Full:" : "Color:");
private void flashWhenLowBattery_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setFlashWhenLowBattery(device, flashLed.Checked);
private void lowerRCOffCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLowerRCOn(device, cBlowerRCOn.Checked);
private void touchpadJitterCompensation_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setTouchpadJitterCompensation(device, touchpadJitterCompensation.Checked);
private void flushHIDQueue_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setFlushHIDQueue(device, flushHIDQueue.Checked);
private void idleDisconnectTimeout_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setIdleDisconnectTimeout(device, (int)(idleDisconnectTimeout.Value * 60));
private void Options_Closed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
if (sixaxisTimer.Enabled)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Global.LoadProfile(i); //Refreshes all profiles in case other controllers are using the same profile
private void tBProfile_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tBProfile.Text != null && tBProfile.Text != "" && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("\\") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("/") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains(":") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("*") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("?") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("\"") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("<") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains(">") && !tBProfile.Text.Contains("|"))
tBProfile.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText;
tBProfile.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText;
private void tBProfile_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tBProfile.Text == "<type profile name here>")
tBProfile.Text = "";
private void tBProfile_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tBProfile.Text == "")
tBProfile.Text = "<type profile name here>";
private void cBSlide_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBSlide.Checked)
numUDTouch.Value = 100;
numUDTouch.Value = 0;
numUDTouch.Enabled = cBSlide.Checked;
private void cBScroll_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBScroll.Checked)
numUDScroll.Value = 5;
numUDScroll.Value = 0;
numUDScroll.Enabled = cBScroll.Checked;
private void cBTap_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBTap.Checked)
numUDTap.Value = 100;
numUDTap.Value = 0;
numUDTap.Enabled = cBTap.Checked;
cBDoubleTap.Enabled = cBTap.Checked;
private void cBDoubleTap_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setDoubleTap(device, cBDoubleTap.Checked);
private void tbProfile_EnterDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyValue == 13)
saveButton_Click(sender, e);
public void UpdateLists()
lBControls.Items[0] = "Cross : " + bnCross.Text;
lBControls.Items[1] = "Circle : " + bnCircle.Text;
lBControls.Items[2] = "Sqaure : " + bnSquare.Text;
lBControls.Items[3] = "Triangle : " + bnTriangle.Text;
lBControls.Items[4] = "Options : " + bnOptions.Text;
lBControls.Items[5] = "Share : " + bnShare.Text;
lBControls.Items[6] = "Up : " + bnUp.Text;
lBControls.Items[7] = "Down : " + bnDown.Text;
lBControls.Items[8] = "Left : " + bnLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[9] = "Right : " + bnRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[10] = "PS : " + bnPS.Text;
lBControls.Items[11] = "L1 : " + bnL1.Text;
lBControls.Items[12] = "R1 : " + bnR1.Text;
lBControls.Items[13] = "L2 : " + bnL2.Text;
lBControls.Items[14] = "R2 : " + bnR2.Text;
lBControls.Items[15] = "L3 : " + bnL3.Text;
lBControls.Items[16] = "R3 : " + bnR3.Text;
lBControls.Items[17] = "Left Touch : " + bnTouchLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[18] = "Right Touch : " + bnTouchRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[19] = "Multitouch : " + bnTouchMulti.Text;
lBControls.Items[20] = "Upper Touch : " + bnTouchUpper.Text;
lBControls.Items[21] = "LS Up : " + bnLSUp.Text;
lBControls.Items[22] = "LS Down : " + bnLSDown.Text;
lBControls.Items[23] = "LS Left : " + bnLSLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[24] = "LS Right : " + bnLSRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[25] = "RS Up : " + bnRSUp.Text;
lBControls.Items[26] = "RS Down : " + bnRSDown.Text;
lBControls.Items[27] = "RS Left : " + bnRSLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[28] = "RS Right : " + bnRSRight.Text;
private void Show_ControlsList(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 0) Show_ControlsBn(bnCross, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 1) Show_ControlsBn(bnCircle, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 2) Show_ControlsBn(bnSquare, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 3) Show_ControlsBn(bnTriangle, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 4) Show_ControlsBn(bnOptions, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 5) Show_ControlsBn(bnShare, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 6) Show_ControlsBn(bnUp, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 7) Show_ControlsBn(bnDown, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 8) Show_ControlsBn(bnLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 9) Show_ControlsBn(bnRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 10) Show_ControlsBn(bnPS, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 11) Show_ControlsBn(bnL1, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 12) Show_ControlsBn(bnR1, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 13) Show_ControlsBn(bnL2, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 14) Show_ControlsBn(bnR2, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 15) Show_ControlsBn(bnL3, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 16) Show_ControlsBn(bnR3, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 17) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 18) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 19) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchMulti, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 20) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchUpper, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 21) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSUp, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 22) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSDown, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 23) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 24) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 25) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSUp, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 26) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSDown, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 27) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 28) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSRight, e);
private void List_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Show_ControlsList(sender, e);
private void List_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyValue == 13)
Show_ControlsList(sender, e);
private void numUDRainbow_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setRainbow(device, (double)numUDRainbow.Value);
if ((double)numUDRainbow.Value <= 0.5)
pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
numUDRainbow.Value = 0;
private void pbRainbow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (pBRainbow.Image == greyscale)
pBRainbow.Image = colored;
numUDRainbow.Value = 5;
pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
numUDRainbow.Value = 0;
private void ToggleRainbow(bool on)
numUDRainbow.Enabled = on;
if (on)
//pBRainbow.Location = new Point(216 - 78, pBRainbow.Location.Y);
pBController.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.rainbowC;
batteryLed.Text = "Battery Level Dim";
lowBatteryPanel.Enabled = batteryLed.Checked;
//pBRainbow.Location = new Point(216, pBRainbow.Location.Y);
pBController.BackgroundImage = null;
batteryLed.Text = "Battery Level Color";
lBspc.Enabled = on;
lowBatteryPanel.Enabled = !on;
FullPanel.Enabled = !on;
private Bitmap GreyscaleImage(Bitmap image)
Bitmap c = (Bitmap)image;
Bitmap d = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height);
for (int i = 0; i < c.Width; i++)
for (int x = 0; x < c.Height; x++)
Color oc = c.GetPixel(i, x);
int grayScale = (int)((oc.R * 0.3) + (oc.G * 0.59) + (oc.B * 0.11));
Color nc = Color.FromArgb(oc.A, grayScale, grayScale, grayScale);
d.SetPixel(i, x, nc);
return d;
private void numUDL2_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLeftTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)(numUDL2.Value * 255));
private void numUDR2_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setRightTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)(numUDR2.Value * 255));
private void flashLed_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Image L = Properties.Resources.LeftTouch;
Image R = Properties.Resources.RightTouch;
Image M = Properties.Resources.MultiTouch;
Image U = Properties.Resources.UpperTouch;
private void bnTouchLeft_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = L;
private void bnTouchMulti_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = M;
private void bnTouchRight_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = R;
private void bnTouchUpper_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = U;
private void Toucpad_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = Properties.Resources.DS4_Controller;
private void numUDRS_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setRSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((numUDRS.Value * 127),0));
private void numUDLS_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((numUDLS.Value * 127),0));
private void numUDMouseSens_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setButtonMouseSensitivity(device, (int)numUDMouseSens.Value);
private void LightBar_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0);
private void Lightbar_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void nUDflashLED_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (nUDflashLED.Value % 10 != 0)
nUDflashLED.Value = Math.Round(nUDflashLED.Value / 10, 0) * 10;
Global.setFlashAt(device, (int)nUDflashLED.Value);