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synced 2025-03-10 18:28:02 +01:00

Added support for the New DS4 USB Adapater (Thanks to boganhobo and Chamilsaan) Implemented teokp's amazing fix for hide ds4 not working on the anniversary update of Windows 10: when a controller fails to enter exclusive mode, DS4Windows will ask for admin privilages to fix the issue. Now (near)unlimited Special Actions can be made from the previous limit of 50 Special Action Xbox Game DVR is now no longer limited to Windows 10, renamed multi action button: Assign a macro to single tap, double tap, and holding down a button Added option for White DS4Windows Icon in the notification tray (While not merged from, thanks to tehmantra) Added option to temporarily turn off DS4Windows when using a certain program (togglable in the Auto Profiles Tab) (Same case as above but thanks to dedChar to bring to light) Fixed Options crashes in certain locales where decimal points are repesented with commas, such as German (Thanks to kiliansch) Added/Updated translations for many languauges, now including Japanese, Slovenian, Hungarian, Greek, Finnish, Czech, Indonesian, and Ukrainian
2028 lines
114 KiB
2028 lines
114 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using static DS4Windows.Global;
namespace DS4Windows
public class Mapping
* Represent the synthetic keyboard and mouse events. Maintain counts for each so we don't duplicate events.
public class SyntheticState
public struct MouseClick
public int leftCount, middleCount, rightCount, fourthCount, fifthCount, wUpCount, wDownCount, toggleCount;
public bool toggle;
public MouseClick previousClicks, currentClicks;
public struct KeyPress
public int vkCount, scanCodeCount, repeatCount, toggleCount; // repeat takes priority over non-, and scancode takes priority over non-
public bool toggle;
public class KeyPresses
public KeyPress previous, current;
public Dictionary<UInt16, KeyPresses> keyPresses = new Dictionary<UInt16, KeyPresses>();
public void SavePrevious(bool performClear)
previousClicks = currentClicks;
if (performClear)
currentClicks.leftCount = currentClicks.middleCount = currentClicks.rightCount = currentClicks.fourthCount = currentClicks.fifthCount = currentClicks.wUpCount = currentClicks.wDownCount = currentClicks.toggleCount = 0;
foreach (KeyPresses kp in keyPresses.Values)
kp.previous = kp.current;
if (performClear)
kp.current.repeatCount = kp.current.scanCodeCount = kp.current.vkCount = kp.current.toggleCount = 0;
//kp.current.toggle = false;
public class ActionState
public bool[] dev = new bool[4];
public static SyntheticState globalState = new SyntheticState();
public static SyntheticState[] deviceState = { new SyntheticState(), new SyntheticState(), new SyntheticState(), new SyntheticState() };
// TODO When we disconnect, process a null/dead state to release any keys or buttons.
public static DateTime oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow;
private static bool pressagain = false;
private static int wheel = 0, keyshelddown = 0;
public static bool[] pressedonce = new bool[261], macrodone = new bool[34];
static bool[] macroControl = new bool[25];
public static int[] fadetimer = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
public static int[] prevFadetimer = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
public static DS4Color[] lastColor = new DS4Color[4];
public static List<ActionState> actionDone = new List<ActionState>();
//public static List<bool>[] actionDone = { new List<bool>(), new List<bool>(), new List<bool>(), new List<bool>() };
//public static bool[,] actionDone = new bool[4, 50];
public static SpecialAction[] untriggeraction = new SpecialAction[4];
public static DateTime[] nowAction = { DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue };
public static DateTime[] oldnowAction = { DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue };
public static int[] untriggerindex = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
public static DateTime[] oldnowKeyAct = { DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue };
private static bool tappedOnce = false, firstTouch = false, secondtouchbegin = false;
private static DateTime pastTime, firstTap, TimeofEnd;
//special macros
static bool altTabDone = true;
static DateTime altTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow, oldAltTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
public static int mcounter = 34;
public static int mouseaccel = 0;
public static int prevmouseaccel = 0;
private static double horizontalRemainder = 0.0, verticalRemainder = 0.0;
public static void Commit(int device)
SyntheticState state = deviceState[device];
lock (globalState)
globalState.currentClicks.leftCount += state.currentClicks.leftCount - state.previousClicks.leftCount;
globalState.currentClicks.middleCount += state.currentClicks.middleCount - state.previousClicks.middleCount;
globalState.currentClicks.rightCount += state.currentClicks.rightCount - state.previousClicks.rightCount;
globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount += state.currentClicks.fourthCount - state.previousClicks.fourthCount;
globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount += state.currentClicks.fifthCount - state.previousClicks.fifthCount;
globalState.currentClicks.wUpCount += state.currentClicks.wUpCount - state.previousClicks.wUpCount;
globalState.currentClicks.wDownCount += state.currentClicks.wDownCount - state.previousClicks.wDownCount;
globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount += state.currentClicks.toggleCount - state.previousClicks.toggleCount;
globalState.currentClicks.toggle = state.currentClicks.toggle;
if (globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.toggleCount == 0 && globalState.currentClicks.toggle)
if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 1);
if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 2);
else if (globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.toggleCount == 0 && !globalState.currentClicks.toggle)
if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1);
if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2);
if (globalState.currentClicks.toggleCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.toggleCount == 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount == 0)
else if (globalState.currentClicks.leftCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.leftCount != 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount == 0)
else if (globalState.currentClicks.middleCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.middleCount != 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount == 0)
else if (globalState.currentClicks.rightCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.rightCount != 0)
if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 1);
else if (globalState.currentClicks.fourthCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fourthCount != 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1);
if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 2);
else if (globalState.currentClicks.fifthCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.fifthCount != 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2);
if (globalState.currentClicks.wUpCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wUpCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 100);
oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow;
wheel = 100;
else if (globalState.currentClicks.wUpCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wUpCount != 0)
wheel = 0;
if (globalState.currentClicks.wDownCount != 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wDownCount == 0)
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, -100);
oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow;
wheel = -100;
if (globalState.currentClicks.wDownCount == 0 && globalState.previousClicks.wDownCount != 0)
wheel = 0;
if (wheel != 0) //Continue mouse wheel movement
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) && !pressagain)
oldnow = now;
InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, wheel);
// Merge and synthesize all key presses/releases that are present in this device's mapping.
// TODO what about the rest? e.g. repeat keys really ought to be on some set schedule
foreach (KeyValuePair<UInt16, SyntheticState.KeyPresses> kvp in state.keyPresses)
SyntheticState.KeyPresses gkp;
if (globalState.keyPresses.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out gkp))
gkp.current.vkCount += kvp.Value.current.vkCount - kvp.Value.previous.vkCount;
gkp.current.scanCodeCount += kvp.Value.current.scanCodeCount - kvp.Value.previous.scanCodeCount;
gkp.current.repeatCount += kvp.Value.current.repeatCount - kvp.Value.previous.repeatCount;
gkp.current.toggle = kvp.Value.current.toggle;
gkp.current.toggleCount += kvp.Value.current.toggleCount - kvp.Value.previous.toggleCount;
gkp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses();
gkp.current = kvp.Value.current;
globalState.keyPresses[kvp.Key] = gkp;
if (gkp.current.toggleCount != 0 && gkp.previous.toggleCount == 0 && gkp.current.toggle)
if (gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0)
else if (gkp.current.toggleCount != 0 && gkp.previous.toggleCount == 0 && !gkp.current.toggle)
if (gkp.previous.scanCodeCount != 0) // use the last type of VK/SC
else if (gkp.current.vkCount + gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0 && gkp.previous.vkCount + gkp.previous.scanCodeCount == 0)
if (gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0)
oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow;
pressagain = false;
keyshelddown = kvp.Key;
oldnow = DateTime.UtcNow;
pressagain = false;
keyshelddown = kvp.Key;
else if (gkp.current.toggleCount != 0 || gkp.previous.toggleCount != 0 || gkp.current.repeatCount != 0 || // repeat or SC/VK transition
((gkp.previous.scanCodeCount == 0) != (gkp.current.scanCodeCount == 0))) //repeat keystroke after 500ms
if (keyshelddown == kvp.Key)
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) && !pressagain)
oldnow = now;
pressagain = true;
if (pressagain && gkp.current.scanCodeCount != 0)
now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25) && pressagain)
oldnow = now;
else if (pressagain)
now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25) && pressagain)
oldnow = now;
if ((gkp.current.toggleCount == 0 && gkp.previous.toggleCount == 0) && gkp.current.vkCount + gkp.current.scanCodeCount == 0 && gkp.previous.vkCount + gkp.previous.scanCodeCount != 0)
if (gkp.previous.scanCodeCount != 0) // use the last type of VK/SC
pressagain = false;
pressagain = false;
public enum Click { None, Left, Middle, Right, Fourth, Fifth, WUP, WDOWN };
public static void MapClick(int device, Click mouseClick)
switch (mouseClick)
case Click.Left:
case Click.Middle:
case Click.Right:
case Click.Fourth:
case Click.Fifth:
case Click.WUP:
case Click.WDOWN:
public static int DS4ControltoInt(DS4Controls ctrl)
switch (ctrl)
case DS4Controls.Share: return 1;
case DS4Controls.Options: return 2;
case DS4Controls.L1: return 3;
case DS4Controls.R1: return 4;
case DS4Controls.L3: return 5;
case DS4Controls.R3: return 6;
case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return 7;
case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return 8;
case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return 9;
case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return 10;
case DS4Controls.PS: return 11;
case DS4Controls.Cross: return 12;
case DS4Controls.Square: return 13;
case DS4Controls.Triangle: return 14;
case DS4Controls.Circle: return 15;
case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return 16;
case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return 17;
case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return 18;
case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return 19;
case DS4Controls.LXPos: return 20;
case DS4Controls.LYPos: return 21;
case DS4Controls.RXPos: return 22;
case DS4Controls.RYPos: return 23;
case DS4Controls.L2: return 24;
case DS4Controls.R2: return 25;
case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return 26;
case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return 27;
case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return 28;
case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return 29;
case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return 30;
case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return 31;
case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return 32;
case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return 33;
return 0;
static double TValue(double value1, double value2, double percent)
percent /= 100f;
return value1 * percent + value2 * (1 - percent);
static double Clamp(double min, double value, double max)
if (value > max)
return max;
else if (value < min)
return min;
return value;
public static DS4State SetCurveAndDeadzone(int device, DS4State cState)
DS4State dState = new DS4State(cState);
int x;
int y;
int curve;
if (LSCurve[device] > 0)
x = cState.LX;
y = cState.LY;
float max = x + y;
double curvex;
double curvey;
curve = LSCurve[device];
double multimax = TValue(382.5, max, curve);
double multimin = TValue(127.5, max, curve);
if ((x > 127.5f && y > 127.5f) || (x < 127.5f && y < 127.5f))
curvex = (x > 127.5f ? Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(x, (x / max) * multimin));
curvey = (y > 127.5f ? Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(y, (y / max) * multimin));
//btnLSTrack.Location = new Point((int)(dpix * curvex / 2.09 + lbLSTrack.Location.X), (int)(dpiy * curvey / 2.09 + lbLSTrack.Location.Y));
if (x < 127.5f)
curvex = Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax);
curvey = Math.Min(y, (-(y / max) * multimax + 510));
curvex = Math.Min(x, (-(x / max) * multimax + 510));
curvey = Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax);
dState.LX = (byte)Math.Round(curvex, 0);
dState.LY = (byte)Math.Round(curvey, 0);
if (RSCurve[device] > 0)
x = cState.RX;
y = cState.RY;
float max = x + y;
double curvex;
double curvey;
curve = RSCurve[device];
double multimax = TValue(382.5, max, curve);
double multimin = TValue(127.5, max, curve);
if ((x > 127.5f && y > 127.5f) || (x < 127.5f && y < 127.5f))
curvex = (x > 127.5f ? Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(x, (x / max) * multimin));
curvey = (y > 127.5f ? Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax) : Math.Max(y, (y / max) * multimin));
if (x < 127.5f)
curvex = Math.Min(x, (x / max) * multimax);
curvey = Math.Min(y, (-(y / max) * multimax + 510));
curvex = Math.Min(x, (-(x / max) * multimax + 510));
curvey = Math.Min(y, (y / max) * multimax);
dState.RX = (byte)Math.Round(curvex, 0);
dState.RY = (byte)Math.Round(curvey, 0);
double ls = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(cState.LX - 127.5f, 2) + Math.Pow(cState.LY - 127.5f, 2));
if (LSDeadzone[device] > 0 && ls < LSDeadzone[device])
dState.LX = 127;
dState.LY = 127;
else if (LSDeadzone[device] < 0 && ls > 127.5f + LSDeadzone[device])
double r = Math.Atan2((dState.LY - 127.5f), (dState.LX - 127.5f));
dState.LX = (byte)(Math.Cos(r) * (127.5f + LSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f);
dState.LY = (byte)(Math.Sin(r) * (127.5f + LSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f);
double rs = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(cState.RX - 127.5f, 2) + Math.Pow(cState.RY - 127.5f, 2));
if (RSDeadzone[device] > 0 && rs < LSDeadzone[device])
dState.RX = 127;
dState.RY = 127;
else if (RSDeadzone[device] < 0 && rs > 127.5f + RSDeadzone[device])
double r = Math.Atan2((dState.RY - 127.5f), (dState.RX - 127.5f));
dState.RX = (byte)(Math.Cos(r) * (127.5f + RSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f);
dState.RY = (byte)(Math.Sin(r) * (127.5f + RSDeadzone[device]) + 127.5f);
if (L2Deadzone[device] > 0 && cState.L2 < L2Deadzone[device])
dState.L2 = 0;
if (R2Deadzone[device] > 0 && cState.R2 < R2Deadzone[device])
dState.R2 = 0;
if (LSSens[device] != 1)
dState.LX = (byte)Clamp(0, LSSens[device] * (dState.LX - 127) + 127, 255);
dState.LY = (byte)Clamp(0, LSSens[device] * (dState.LY - 127) + 127, 255);
if (RSSens[device] != 1)
dState.RX = (byte)Clamp(0, RSSens[device] * (dState.RX - 127) + 127, 255);
dState.RY = (byte)Clamp(0, RSSens[device] * (dState.RY - 127) + 127, 255);
if (L2Sens[device] != 1)
dState.L2 = (byte)Clamp(0, L2Sens[device] * dState.L2, 255);
if (R2Sens[device] != 1)
dState.R2 = (byte)Clamp(0, R2Sens[device] * dState.R2, 255);
return dState;
private static bool ShiftTrigger(int trigger, int device, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp)
switch (trigger)
case 1: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.Cross, cState, eState, tp);
case 2: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.Circle, cState, eState, tp);
case 3: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.Square, cState, eState, tp);
case 4: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.Triangle, cState, eState, tp);
case 5: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.Options, cState, eState, tp);
case 6: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.Share, cState, eState, tp);
case 7: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.DpadUp, cState, eState, tp);
case 8: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.DpadDown, cState, eState, tp);
case 9: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.DpadLeft, cState, eState, tp);
case 10: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.DpadRight, cState, eState, tp);
case 11: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.PS, cState, eState, tp);
case 12: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.L1, cState, eState, tp);
case 13: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.R1, cState, eState, tp);
case 14: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.L2, cState, eState, tp);
case 15: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.R2, cState, eState, tp);
case 16: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.L3, cState, eState, tp);
case 17: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.R3, cState, eState, tp);
case 18: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.TouchLeft, cState, eState, tp);
case 19: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.TouchUpper, cState, eState, tp);
case 20: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.TouchMulti, cState, eState, tp);
case 21: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.TouchRight, cState, eState, tp);
case 22: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.GyroZNeg, cState, eState, tp);
case 23: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.GyroZPos, cState, eState, tp);
case 24: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.GyroXPos, cState, eState, tp);
case 25: return getBoolMapping(device, DS4Controls.GyroXNeg, cState, eState, tp);
case 26: return cState.Touch1;
default: return false;
private static X360Controls getX360ControlsByName(string key)
X360Controls x3c;
if (Enum.TryParse(key, true, out x3c))
return x3c;
switch (key)
case "Back": return X360Controls.Back;
case "Left Stick": return X360Controls.LS;
case "Right Stick": return X360Controls.RS;
case "Start": return X360Controls.Start;
case "Up Button": return X360Controls.DpadUp;
case "Right Button": return X360Controls.DpadRight;
case "Down Button": return X360Controls.DpadDown;
case "Left Button": return X360Controls.DpadLeft;
case "Left Bumper": return X360Controls.LB;
case "Right Bumper": return X360Controls.RB;
case "Y Button": return X360Controls.Y;
case "B Button": return X360Controls.B;
case "A Button": return X360Controls.A;
case "X Button": return X360Controls.X;
case "Guide": return X360Controls.Guide;
case "Left X-Axis-": return X360Controls.LXNeg;
case "Left Y-Axis-": return X360Controls.LYNeg;
case "Right X-Axis-": return X360Controls.RXNeg;
case "Right Y-Axis-": return X360Controls.RYNeg;
case "Left X-Axis+": return X360Controls.LXPos;
case "Left Y-Axis+": return X360Controls.LYPos;
case "Right X-Axis+": return X360Controls.RXPos;
case "Right Y-Axis+": return X360Controls.RYPos;
case "Left Trigger": return X360Controls.LT;
case "Right Trigger": return X360Controls.RT;
case "Left Mouse Button": return X360Controls.LeftMouse;
case "Right Mouse Button": return X360Controls.RightMouse;
case "Middle Mouse Button": return X360Controls.MiddleMouse;
case "4th Mouse Button": return X360Controls.FourthMouse;
case "5th Mouse Button": return X360Controls.FifthMouse;
case "Mouse Wheel Up": return X360Controls.WUP;
case "Mouse Wheel Down": return X360Controls.WDOWN;
case "Mouse Up": return X360Controls.MouseUp;
case "Mouse Down": return X360Controls.MouseDown;
case "Mouse Left": return X360Controls.MouseLeft;
case "Mouse Right": return X360Controls.MouseRight;
case "Unbound": return X360Controls.Unbound;
return X360Controls.Unbound;
/// <summary>
/// Map DS4 Buttons/Axes to other DS4 Buttons/Axes (largely the same as Xinput ones) and to keyboard and mouse buttons.
/// </summary>
static bool[] held = new bool[4];
static int[] oldmouse = new int[4] { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
public static void MapCustom(int device, DS4State cState, DS4State MappedState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, ControlService ctrl)
MappedState.LX = 127;
MappedState.LY = 127;
MappedState.RX = 127;
MappedState.RY = 127;
int MouseDeltaX = 0;
int MouseDeltaY = 0;
SyntheticState deviceState = Mapping.deviceState[device];
if (GetActions().Count > 0 && (ProfileActions[device].Count > 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempprofilename[device])))
MapCustomAction(device, cState, MappedState, eState, tp, ctrl);
if (ctrl.DS4Controllers[device] == null) return;
List<DS4Controls> Cross = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> Circle = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> Square = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> Triangle = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> Options = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> Share = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> DpadUp = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> DpadDown = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> DpadLeft = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> DpadRight = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> PS = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> L1 = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> R1 = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> L2 = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> R2 = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> L3 = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> R3 = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> LXN = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> LXP = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> LYN = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> LYP = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> RXN = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> RXP = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> RYN = new List<DS4Controls>();
List<DS4Controls> RYP = new List<DS4Controls>();
DS4Controls usingExtra = DS4Controls.None;
foreach (DS4ControlSettings dcs in getDS4CSettings(device))
object action = null;
DS4ControlSettings.ActionType actionType = 0;
DS4KeyType keyType = DS4KeyType.None;
if (dcs.shiftAction != null && ShiftTrigger(dcs.shiftTrigger, device, cState, eState, tp))
action = dcs.shiftAction;
actionType = dcs.shiftActionType;
keyType = dcs.shiftKeyType;
else if (dcs.action != null)
action = dcs.action;
actionType = dcs.actionType;
keyType = dcs.keyType;
if (action != null)
if (actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Macro)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
resetToDefaultValue(dcs.control, MappedState);
PlayMacro(device, macroControl, string.Join("/", (int[])action), dcs.control, keyType);
else if (!getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
EndMacro(device, macroControl, string.Join("/", (int[])action), dcs.control);
else if (actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Key)
ushort value = ushort.Parse(action.ToString());
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
resetToDefaultValue(dcs.control, MappedState);
SyntheticState.KeyPresses kp;
if (!deviceState.keyPresses.TryGetValue(value, out kp))
deviceState.keyPresses[value] = kp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses();
if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.Toggle))
if (!pressedonce[value])
kp.current.toggle = !kp.current.toggle;
pressedonce[value] = true;
pressedonce[value] = false;
else if (actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Button)
int keyvalue = 0;
bool isAnalog = dcs.control.ToString().Contains("LX") ||
dcs.control.ToString().Contains("RX") ||
dcs.control.ToString().Contains("LY") ||
dcs.control.ToString().Contains("LY") ||
dcs.control.ToString().Contains("R2") ||
dcs.control.ToString().Contains("L2") ||
switch (getX360ControlsByName(action.ToString()))
case X360Controls.A: Cross.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.B: Circle.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.X: Square.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.Y: Triangle.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LB: L1.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LS: L3.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RB: R1.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RS: R3.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.DpadUp: DpadUp.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.DpadDown: DpadDown.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.DpadLeft: DpadLeft.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.DpadRight: DpadRight.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.Start: Options.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.Guide: PS.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.Back: Share.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LXNeg: LXN.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LYNeg: LYN.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RXNeg: RXN.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RYNeg: RYN.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LXPos: LXP.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LYPos: LYP.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RXPos: RXP.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RYPos: RYP.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LT: L2.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.RT: R2.Add(dcs.control); break;
case X360Controls.LeftMouse:
keyvalue = 256;
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
case X360Controls.RightMouse:
keyvalue = 257;
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
case X360Controls.MiddleMouse:
keyvalue = 258;
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
case X360Controls.FourthMouse:
keyvalue = 259;
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
case X360Controls.FifthMouse:
keyvalue = 260;
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
case X360Controls.WUP:
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
if (isAnalog)
getMouseWheelMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp, false);
case X360Controls.WDOWN:
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
if (isAnalog)
getMouseWheelMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp, true);
case X360Controls.MouseUp:
if (MouseDeltaY == 0)
MouseDeltaY = getMouseMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, 0);
MouseDeltaY = -Math.Abs((MouseDeltaY == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaY));
case X360Controls.MouseDown:
if (MouseDeltaY == 0)
MouseDeltaY = getMouseMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, 1);
MouseDeltaY = Math.Abs((MouseDeltaY == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaY));
case X360Controls.MouseLeft:
if (MouseDeltaX == 0)
MouseDeltaX = getMouseMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, 2);
MouseDeltaX = -Math.Abs((MouseDeltaX == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaX));
case X360Controls.MouseRight:
if (MouseDeltaX == 0)
MouseDeltaX = getMouseMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, 3);
MouseDeltaX = Math.Abs((MouseDeltaX == -2147483648 ? 0 : MouseDeltaX));
if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.Toggle))
if (getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
resetToDefaultValue(dcs.control, MappedState);
if (!pressedonce[keyvalue])
deviceState.currentClicks.toggle = !deviceState.currentClicks.toggle;
pressedonce[keyvalue] = true;
pressedonce[keyvalue] = false;
resetToDefaultValue(dcs.control, MappedState); // erase default mappings for things that are remapped
if (usingExtra == DS4Controls.None || usingExtra == dcs.control)
bool shiftE = dcs.shiftExtras != "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" && dcs.shiftExtras != "" && ShiftTrigger(dcs.shiftTrigger, device, cState, eState, tp);
bool regE = dcs.extras != "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" && dcs.extras != "";
if ((regE || shiftE) && getBoolMapping(device, dcs.control, cState, eState, tp))
usingExtra = dcs.control;
string p;
if (shiftE)
p = dcs.shiftExtras;
p = dcs.extras;
string[] extraS = p.Split(',');
int[] extras = new int[extraS.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < extraS.Length; i++)
int b;
if (int.TryParse(extraS[i], out b))
extras[i] = b;
held[device] = true;
if (!(extras[0] == extras[1] && extras[1] == 0))
ctrl.setRumble((byte)extras[0], (byte)extras[1], device);
if (extras[2] == 1)
DS4Color color = new DS4Color { red = (byte)extras[3], green = (byte)extras[4], blue = (byte)extras[5] };
DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = color;
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = (byte)extras[6];
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true;
if (extras[7] == 1)
if (oldmouse[device] == -1)
oldmouse[device] = ButtonMouseSensitivity[device];
ButtonMouseSensitivity[device] = extras[8];
catch { }
else if ((regE || shiftE) && held[device])
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false;
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
ButtonMouseSensitivity[device] = oldmouse[device];
oldmouse[device] = -1;
ctrl.setRumble(0, 0, device);
held[device] = false;
usingExtra = DS4Controls.None;
if (macroControl[00]) MappedState.Cross = true;
if (macroControl[01]) MappedState.Circle = true;
if (macroControl[02]) MappedState.Square = true;
if (macroControl[03]) MappedState.Triangle = true;
if (macroControl[04]) MappedState.Options = true;
if (macroControl[05]) MappedState.Share = true;
if (macroControl[06]) MappedState.DpadUp = true;
if (macroControl[07]) MappedState.DpadDown = true;
if (macroControl[08]) MappedState.DpadLeft = true;
if (macroControl[09]) MappedState.DpadRight = true;
if (macroControl[10]) MappedState.PS = true;
if (macroControl[11]) MappedState.L1 = true;
if (macroControl[12]) MappedState.R1 = true;
if (macroControl[13]) MappedState.L2 = 255;
if (macroControl[14]) MappedState.R2 = 255;
if (macroControl[15]) MappedState.L3 = true;
if (macroControl[16]) MappedState.R3 = true;
if (macroControl[17]) MappedState.LX = 255;
if (macroControl[18]) MappedState.LX = 0;
if (macroControl[19]) MappedState.LY = 255;
if (macroControl[20]) MappedState.LY = 0;
if (macroControl[21]) MappedState.RX = 255;
if (macroControl[22]) MappedState.RX = 0;
if (macroControl[23]) MappedState.RY = 255;
if (macroControl[24]) MappedState.RY = 0;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in Cross)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.Cross = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in Circle)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.Circle = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in Square)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.Square = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in Triangle)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.Triangle = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in L1)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.L1 = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in L2)
if (getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp) > 5)
MappedState.L2 = getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp);
foreach (DS4Controls dc in L3)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.L3 = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in R1)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.R1 = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in R2)
if (getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp) > 5)
MappedState.R2 = getByteMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp);
foreach (DS4Controls dc in R3)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.R3 = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadUp)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.DpadUp = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadRight)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.DpadRight = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadLeft)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.DpadLeft = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in DpadDown)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.DpadDown = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in Options)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.Options = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in Share)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.Share = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in PS)
if (getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
MappedState.PS = true;
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.LXNeg.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.LXNeg))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.LXPos.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.LXPos))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.LYNeg.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.LYNeg))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.LYPos.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.LYPos))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.RXNeg.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.RXNeg))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.RXPos.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.RXPos))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.RYNeg.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.RYNeg))
if (IfAxisIsNotModified(device, ShiftTrigger(GetDS4STrigger(device, DS4Controls.RYPos.ToString()), device, cState, eState, tp), DS4Controls.RYPos))
if (Math.Abs(MappedState.LX - 127) < 10)
if (LXN.Count > 0 || LXP.Count > 0)
foreach (DS4Controls dc in LXP)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5)
MappedState.LX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true);
foreach (DS4Controls dc in LXN)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5)
MappedState.LX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp);
//MappedState.LX = cState.LX;
if (Math.Abs(MappedState.LY - 127) < 10)
if (LYN.Count > 0 || LYP.Count > 0)
foreach (DS4Controls dc in LYN)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5)
MappedState.LY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp);
foreach (DS4Controls dc in LYP)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5)
MappedState.LY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true);
//MappedState.LY = cState.LY;
if (Math.Abs(MappedState.RX - 127) < 10)
if (RXN.Count > 0 || RXP.Count > 0)
foreach (DS4Controls dc in RXN)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5)
MappedState.RX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp);
foreach (DS4Controls dc in RXP)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5)
MappedState.RX = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true);
// MappedState.RX = cState.RX;
if (Math.Abs(MappedState.RY - 127) < 10)
if (RYN.Count > 0 || RYP.Count > 0)
foreach (DS4Controls dc in RYN)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp)) > 5)
MappedState.RY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp);
foreach (DS4Controls dc in RYP)
if (Math.Abs(127 - getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true)) > 5)
MappedState.RY = getXYAxisMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp, true);
// else
// MappedState.RY = cState.RY;
InputMethods.MoveCursorBy(MouseDeltaX, MouseDeltaY);
private static bool IfAxisIsNotModified(int device, bool shift, DS4Controls dc)
return shift ? false : GetDS4Action(device, dc.ToString(), false) == null;
public static async void MapCustomAction(int device, DS4State cState, DS4State MappedState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, ControlService ctrl)
try {
foreach (string actionname in ProfileActions[device])
//DS4KeyType keyType = getShiftCustomKeyType(device, customKey.Key);
SpecialAction action = GetAction(actionname);
int index = GetActionIndexOf(actionname);
if (actionDone.Count < index + 1)
actionDone.Add(new ActionState());
else if (actionDone.Count > GetActions().Count())
actionDone.RemoveAt(actionDone.Count - 1);
double time;
//If a key or button is assigned to the trigger, a key special action is used like
//a quick tap to use and hold to use the regular custom button/key
bool triggerToBeTapped = action.type == "Key" && action.trigger.Count == 1 &&
GetDS4Action(device, action.trigger[0].ToString(), false) == null;
if (!(action.name == "null" || index < 0))
bool triggeractivated = true;
if (action.delayTime > 0)
triggeractivated = false;
bool subtriggeractivated = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
if (!getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
subtriggeractivated = false;
if (subtriggeractivated)
time = action.delayTime;
nowAction[device] = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (nowAction[device] >= oldnowAction[device] + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time))
triggeractivated = true;
else if (nowAction[device] < DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
oldnowAction[device] = DateTime.UtcNow;
else if (triggerToBeTapped && oldnowKeyAct[device] == DateTime.MinValue)
triggeractivated = false;
bool subtriggeractivated = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
if (!getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
subtriggeractivated = false;
if (subtriggeractivated)
oldnowKeyAct[device] = DateTime.UtcNow;
else if (triggerToBeTapped && oldnowKeyAct[device] != DateTime.MinValue)
triggeractivated = false;
bool subtriggeractivated = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
if (!getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
subtriggeractivated = false;
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (!subtriggeractivated && now <= oldnowKeyAct[device] + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250))
await Task.Delay(3); //if the button is assigned to the same key use a delay so the key down is the last action, not key up
triggeractivated = true;
oldnowKeyAct[device] = DateTime.MinValue;
else if (!subtriggeractivated)
oldnowKeyAct[device] = DateTime.MinValue;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
if (!getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
triggeractivated = false;
bool utriggeractivated = true;
if (action.type == "Key" && action.uTrigger.Count > 0)
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.uTrigger)
if (!getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
utriggeractivated = false;
if (action.pressRelease) utriggeractivated = !utriggeractivated;
if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Program")
if (!actionDone[index].dev[device])
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.extra))
Process.Start(action.details, action.extra);
else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Profile")
if (!actionDone[index].dev[device] && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempprofilename[device]))
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
untriggeraction[device] = action;
untriggerindex[device] = index;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
DS4ControlSettings dcs = getDS4CSetting(device, dc.ToString());
if (dcs.action != null)
if (dcs.actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Key)
else if (dcs.actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Macro)
int[] keys = (int[])dcs.action;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
LoadTempProfile(device, action.details, true, ctrl);
else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Macro")
if (!actionDone[index].dev[device])
DS4KeyType keyType = action.keyType;
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
resetToDefaultValue(dc, MappedState);
PlayMacro(device, macroControl, String.Join("/", action.macro), DS4Controls.None, keyType);
EndMacro(device, macroControl, String.Join("/", action.macro), DS4Controls.None);
else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "Key")
if (action.uTrigger.Count == 0 || (action.uTrigger.Count > 0 && untriggerindex[device] == -1 && !actionDone[index].dev[device]))
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
untriggerindex[device] = index;
ushort key;
ushort.TryParse(action.details, out key);
if (action.uTrigger.Count == 0)
SyntheticState.KeyPresses kp;
if (!deviceState[device].keyPresses.TryGetValue(key, out kp))
deviceState[device].keyPresses[key] = kp = new SyntheticState.KeyPresses();
if (action.keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
else if (action.keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
else if (action.uTrigger.Count > 0 && utriggeractivated && action.type == "Key")
if (untriggerindex[device] > -1 && !actionDone[index].dev[device])
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
untriggerindex[device] = -1;
ushort key;
ushort.TryParse(action.details, out key);
if (action.keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "DisconnectBT")
DS4Device d = ctrl.DS4Controllers[device];
if (!d.Charging)
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.trigger)
DS4ControlSettings dcs = getDS4CSetting(device, dc.ToString());
if (dcs.action != null)
if (dcs.actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Key)
else if (dcs.actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Macro)
int[] keys = (int[])dcs.action;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
else if (triggeractivated && action.type == "BatteryCheck")
string[] dets = action.details.Split('|');
if (dets.Length == 1)
dets = action.details.Split(',');
if (bool.Parse(dets[1]) && !actionDone[index].dev[device])
Log.LogToTray("Controller " + (device + 1) + ": " +
ctrl.getDS4Battery(device), true);
if (bool.Parse(dets[2]))
DS4Device d = ctrl.DS4Controllers[device];
if (!actionDone[index].dev[device])
lastColor[device] = d.LightBarColor;
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true;
DS4Color empty = new DS4Color(byte.Parse(dets[3]), byte.Parse(dets[4]), byte.Parse(dets[5]));
DS4Color full = new DS4Color(byte.Parse(dets[6]), byte.Parse(dets[7]), byte.Parse(dets[8]));
DS4Color trans = getTransitionedColor(empty, full, d.Battery);
if (fadetimer[device] < 100)
DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = getTransitionedColor(lastColor[device], trans, fadetimer[device] += 2);
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
else if (!triggeractivated && action.type == "BatteryCheck")
if (actionDone[index].dev[device])
fadetimer[device] = 0;
/*if (prevFadetimer[device] == fadetimer[device])
prevFadetimer[device] = 0;
fadetimer[device] = 0;
prevFadetimer[device] = fadetimer[device];*/
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false;
actionDone[index].dev[device] = false;
else if (action.type == "XboxGameDVR" || action.type == "MultiAction")
/*if (getCustomButton(device, action.trigger[0]) != X360Controls.Unbound)
getCustomButtons(device)[action.trigger[0]] = X360Controls.Unbound;
if (getCustomMacro(device, action.trigger[0]) != "0")
if (getCustomKey(device, action.trigger[0]) != 0)
string[] dets = action.details.Split(',');
DS4Device d = ctrl.DS4Controllers[device];
if (getBoolMapping(device, action.trigger[0], cState, eState, tp) && !getBoolMapping(device, action.trigger[0], d.getPreviousState(), eState, tp))
{//pressed down
pastTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (DateTime.UtcNow <= (firstTap + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)))
tappedOnce = false;
secondtouchbegin = true;
firstTouch = true;
else if (!getBoolMapping(device, action.trigger[0], cState, eState, tp) && getBoolMapping(device, action.trigger[0], d.getPreviousState(), eState, tp))
if (secondtouchbegin)
firstTouch = false;
secondtouchbegin = false;
else if (firstTouch)
firstTouch = false;
if (DateTime.UtcNow <= (pastTime + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)) && !tappedOnce)
tappedOnce = true;
firstTap = DateTime.UtcNow;
TimeofEnd = DateTime.UtcNow;
int type = 0;
string macro = "";
if (tappedOnce) //single tap
if (action.type == "MultiAction")
macro = dets[0];
else if (int.TryParse(dets[0], out type))
switch (type)
case 0: macro = "91/71/71/91"; break;
case 1: macro = "91/164/82/82/164/91"; break;
case 2: macro = "91/164/44/44/164/91"; break;
case 3: macro = dets[3] + "/" + dets[3]; break;
case 4: macro = "91/164/71/71/164/91"; break;
if ((DateTime.UtcNow - TimeofEnd) > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150))
if (macro != "")
PlayMacro(device, macroControl, macro, DS4Controls.None, DS4KeyType.None);
tappedOnce = false;
//if it fails the method resets, and tries again with a new tester value (gives tap a delay so tap and hold can work)
else if (firstTouch && (DateTime.UtcNow - pastTime) > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) //helddown
if (action.type == "MultiAction")
macro = dets[1];
else if (int.TryParse(dets[1], out type))
switch (type)
case 0: macro = "91/71/71/91"; break;
case 1: macro = "91/164/82/82/164/91"; break;
case 2: macro = "91/164/44/44/164/91"; break;
case 3: macro = dets[3] + "/" + dets[3]; break;
case 4: macro = "91/164/71/71/164/91"; break;
if (macro != "")
PlayMacro(device, macroControl, macro, DS4Controls.None, DS4KeyType.None);
firstTouch = false;
else if (secondtouchbegin) //if double tap
if (action.type == "MultiAction")
macro = dets[2];
else if (int.TryParse(dets[2], out type))
switch (type)
case 0: macro = "91/71/71/91"; break;
case 1: macro = "91/164/82/82/164/91"; break;
case 2: macro = "91/164/44/44/164/91"; break;
case 3: macro = dets[3] + "/" + dets[3]; break;
case 4: macro = "91/164/71/71/164/91"; break;
if (macro != "")
PlayMacro(device, macroControl, macro, DS4Controls.None, DS4KeyType.None);
secondtouchbegin = false;
actionDone[index].dev[device] = false;
catch { return; }
if (untriggeraction[device] != null)
SpecialAction action = untriggeraction[device];
int index = untriggerindex[device];
bool utriggeractivated = true;
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.uTrigger)
if (!getBoolMapping(device, dc, cState, eState, tp))
utriggeractivated = false;
if (utriggeractivated && action.type == "Profile")
if ((action.controls == action.ucontrols && !actionDone[index].dev[device]) || //if trigger and end trigger are the same
action.controls != action.ucontrols)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempprofilename[device]))
foreach (DS4Controls dc in action.uTrigger)
actionDone[index].dev[device] = true;
DS4ControlSettings dcs = getDS4CSetting(device, dc.ToString());
if (dcs.action != null)
if (dcs.actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Key)
else if (dcs.actionType == DS4ControlSettings.ActionType.Macro)
int[] keys = (int[])dcs.action;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
untriggeraction[device] = null;
LoadProfile(device, false, ctrl);
actionDone[index].dev[device] = false;
private static async void PlayMacro(int device, bool[] macrocontrol, string macro, DS4Controls control, DS4KeyType keyType)
if (macro.StartsWith("164/9/9/164") || macro.StartsWith("18/9/9/18"))
string[] skeys;
int wait = 1000;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(macro))
skeys = macro.Split('/');
ushort delay;
if (ushort.TryParse(skeys[skeys.Length - 1], out delay) && delay > 300)
wait = delay - 300;
AltTabSwapping(wait, device);
if (control != DS4Controls.None)
macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = true;
string[] skeys;
int[] keys;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(macro))
skeys = macro.Split('/');
keys = new int[skeys.Length];
skeys = new string[0];
keys = new int[0];
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
keys[i] = int.Parse(skeys[i]);
bool[] keydown = new bool[286];
if (control == DS4Controls.None || !macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)])
if (control != DS4Controls.None)
macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = true;
foreach (int i in keys)
if (i >= 1000000000)
string lb = i.ToString().Substring(1);
if (i > 1000000000)
byte r = (byte)(int.Parse(lb[0].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(lb[1].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(lb[2].ToString()));
byte g = (byte)(int.Parse(lb[3].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(lb[4].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(lb[5].ToString()));
byte b = (byte)(int.Parse(lb[6].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(lb[7].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(lb[8].ToString()));
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = true;
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
DS4LightBar.forcedColor[device] = new DS4Color(r, g, b);
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false;
else if (i >= 1000000)
DS4Device d = Program.rootHub.DS4Controllers[device];
string r = i.ToString().Substring(1);
byte heavy = (byte)(int.Parse(r[0].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(r[1].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(r[2].ToString()));
byte light = (byte)(int.Parse(r[3].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(r[4].ToString()) * 10 + int.Parse(r[5].ToString()));
d.setRumble(light, heavy);
else if (i >= 300) //ints over 300 used to delay
await Task.Delay(i - 300);
else if (!keydown[i])
if (i == 256) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN); //anything above 255 is not a keyvalue
else if (i == 257) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN);
else if (i == 258) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN);
else if (i == 259) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 1);
else if (i == 260) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONDOWN, 2);
else if (i == 261) macroControl[0] = true;
else if (i == 262) macroControl[1] = true;
else if (i == 263) macroControl[2] = true;
else if (i == 264) macroControl[3] = true;
else if (i == 265) macroControl[4] = true;
else if (i == 266) macroControl[5] = true;
else if (i == 267) macroControl[6] = true;
else if (i == 268) macroControl[7] = true;
else if (i == 269) macroControl[8] = true;
else if (i == 270) macroControl[9] = true;
else if (i == 271) macroControl[10] = true;
else if (i == 272) macroControl[11] = true;
else if (i == 273) macroControl[12] = true;
else if (i == 274) macroControl[13] = true;
else if (i == 275) macroControl[14] = true;
else if (i == 276) macroControl[15] = true;
else if (i == 277) macroControl[16] = true;
else if (i == 278) macroControl[17] = true;
else if (i == 279) macroControl[18] = true;
else if (i == 280) macroControl[19] = true;
else if (i == 281) macroControl[20] = true;
else if (i == 282) macroControl[21] = true;
else if (i == 283) macroControl[22] = true;
else if (i == 284) macroControl[23] = true;
else if (i == 285) macroControl[24] = true;
else if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
keydown[i] = true;
if (i == 256) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); //anything above 255 is not a keyvalue
else if (i == 257) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP);
else if (i == 258) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP);
else if (i == 259) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1);
else if (i == 260) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2);
else if (i == 261) macroControl[0] = false;
else if (i == 262) macroControl[1] = false;
else if (i == 263) macroControl[2] = false;
else if (i == 264) macroControl[3] = false;
else if (i == 265) macroControl[4] = false;
else if (i == 266) macroControl[5] = false;
else if (i == 267) macroControl[6] = false;
else if (i == 268) macroControl[7] = false;
else if (i == 269) macroControl[8] = false;
else if (i == 270) macroControl[9] = false;
else if (i == 271) macroControl[10] = false;
else if (i == 272) macroControl[11] = false;
else if (i == 273) macroControl[12] = false;
else if (i == 274) macroControl[13] = false;
else if (i == 275) macroControl[14] = false;
else if (i == 276) macroControl[15] = false;
else if (i == 277) macroControl[16] = false;
else if (i == 278) macroControl[17] = false;
else if (i == 279) macroControl[18] = false;
else if (i == 280) macroControl[19] = false;
else if (i == 281) macroControl[20] = false;
else if (i == 282) macroControl[21] = false;
else if (i == 283) macroControl[22] = false;
else if (i == 284) macroControl[23] = false;
else if (i == 285) macroControl[24] = false;
else if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
keydown[i] = false;
for (ushort i = 0; i < keydown.Length; i++)
if (keydown[i])
if (i == 256) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); //anything above 255 is not a keyvalue
else if (i == 257) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP);
else if (i == 258) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP);
else if (i == 259) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 1);
else if (i == 260) InputMethods.MouseEvent(InputMethods.MOUSEEVENTF_XBUTTONUP, 2);
else if (i == 261) macroControl[0] = false;
else if (i == 262) macroControl[1] = false;
else if (i == 263) macroControl[2] = false;
else if (i == 264) macroControl[3] = false;
else if (i == 265) macroControl[4] = false;
else if (i == 266) macroControl[5] = false;
else if (i == 267) macroControl[6] = false;
else if (i == 268) macroControl[7] = false;
else if (i == 269) macroControl[8] = false;
else if (i == 270) macroControl[9] = false;
else if (i == 271) macroControl[10] = false;
else if (i == 272) macroControl[11] = false;
else if (i == 273) macroControl[12] = false;
else if (i == 274) macroControl[13] = false;
else if (i == 275) macroControl[14] = false;
else if (i == 276) macroControl[15] = false;
else if (i == 277) macroControl[16] = false;
else if (i == 278) macroControl[17] = false;
else if (i == 279) macroControl[18] = false;
else if (i == 280) macroControl[19] = false;
else if (i == 281) macroControl[20] = false;
else if (i == 282) macroControl[21] = false;
else if (i == 283) macroControl[22] = false;
else if (i == 284) macroControl[23] = false;
else if (i == 285) macroControl[24] = false;
else if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.ScanCode))
DS4LightBar.forcedFlash[device] = 0;
DS4LightBar.forcelight[device] = false;
Program.rootHub.DS4Controllers[device].setRumble(0, 0);
if (keyType.HasFlag(DS4KeyType.HoldMacro))
await Task.Delay(50);
if (control != DS4Controls.None)
macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = false;
private static void EndMacro(int device, bool[] macrocontrol, string macro, DS4Controls control)
if ((macro.StartsWith("164/9/9/164") || macro.StartsWith("18/9/9/18")) && !altTabDone)
if (control != DS4Controls.None)
macrodone[DS4ControltoInt(control)] = false;
private static void AltTabSwapping(int wait, int device)
if (altTabDone)
altTabDone = false;
altTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (altTabNow >= oldAltTabNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(wait))
oldAltTabNow = altTabNow;
private static void AltTabSwappingRelease()
if (altTabNow < DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)) //in case multiple controls are mapped to alt+tab
altTabDone = true;
altTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
oldAltTabNow = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
private static void getMouseWheelMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, bool down)
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now >= oldnow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10) && !pressagain)
oldnow = now;
InputMethods.MouseWheel((int)(getByteMapping(device, control, cState, eState, tp) / 51f * (down ? -1 : 1)), 0);
private static int getMouseMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, int mnum)
int controlnum = DS4ControltoInt(control);
double SXD = SXDeadzone[device];
double SZD = SZDeadzone[device];
int deadzoneL = 3;
int deadzoneR = 3;
if (LSDeadzone[device] >= 3)
deadzoneL = 0;
if (RSDeadzone[device] >= 3)
deadzoneR = 0;
double value = 0;
int speed = ButtonMouseSensitivity[device] + 15;
double root = 1.002;
double divide = 10000d;
//DateTime now = mousenow[mnum];
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.LXNeg:
if (cState.LX - 127.5f < -deadzoneL)
value = -(cState.LX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.LXPos:
if (cState.LX - 127.5f > deadzoneL)
value = (cState.LX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.RXNeg:
if (cState.RX - 127.5f < -deadzoneR)
value = -(cState.RX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.RXPos:
if (cState.RX - 127.5f > deadzoneR)
value = (cState.RX - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.LYNeg:
if (cState.LY - 127.5f < -deadzoneL)
value = -(cState.LY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.LYPos:
if (cState.LY - 127.5f > deadzoneL)
value = (cState.LY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.RYNeg:
if (cState.RY - 127.5f < -deadzoneR)
value = -(cState.RY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.RYPos:
if (cState.RY - 127.5f > deadzoneR)
value = (cState.RY - 127.5f) / 2550d * speed;
case DS4Controls.Share: value = (cState.Share ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.Options: value = (cState.Options ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.L1: value = (cState.L1 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.R1: value = (cState.R1 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.L3: value = (cState.L3 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.R3: value = (cState.R3 ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.DpadUp: value = (cState.DpadUp ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.DpadDown: value = (cState.DpadDown ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: value = (cState.DpadLeft ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.DpadRight: value = (cState.DpadRight ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.PS: value = (cState.PS ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.Cross: value = (cState.Cross ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.Square: value = (cState.Square ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.Triangle: value = (cState.Triangle ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.Circle: value = (cState.Circle ? Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, 100) - 1 : 0); break;
case DS4Controls.L2: value = Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, cState.L2 / 2d) - 1; break;
case DS4Controls.R2: value = Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, cState.R2 / 2d) - 1; break;
case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return (byte)(eState.GyroX > SXD * 10 ?
Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, eState.GyroX) : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return (byte)(eState.GyroX < -SXD * 10 ?
Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, -eState.GyroX) : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return (byte)(eState.GyroZ > SZD * 10 ?
Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, eState.GyroZ) : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return (byte)(eState.GyroZ < -SZD * 10 ?
Math.Pow(root + speed / divide, -eState.GyroZ) : 0);
bool LXChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.LX) < deadzoneL);
bool LYChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.LY) < deadzoneL);
bool RXChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.RX) < deadzoneR);
bool RYChanged = (Math.Abs(127 - cState.RY) < deadzoneR);
bool contains = (control.ToString().Contains("LX") ||
control.ToString().Contains("LY") ||
control.ToString().Contains("RX") ||
if (MouseAccel[device])
if (value > 0)
mcounter = 34;
if (mouseaccel == prevmouseaccel)
if (mcounter <= 0)
mouseaccel = 0;
mcounter = 34;
value *= 1 + (double)Math.Min(20000, (mouseaccel)) / 10000d;
prevmouseaccel = mouseaccel;
int intValue;
if (mnum > 1)
if ((value > 0.0 && horizontalRemainder > 0.0) || (value < 0.0 && horizontalRemainder < 0.0))
value += horizontalRemainder;
intValue = (int)value;
horizontalRemainder = value - intValue;
if ((value > 0.0 && verticalRemainder > 0.0) || (value < 0.0 && verticalRemainder < 0.0))
value += verticalRemainder;
intValue = (int)value;
verticalRemainder = value - intValue;
return intValue;
public static bool compare(byte b1, byte b2)
if (Math.Abs(b1 - b2) > 10)
return false;
return true;
public static byte getByteMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp)
double SXD = SXDeadzone[device];
double SZD = SZDeadzone[device];
bool sOff = UseSAforMouse[device];
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.Share: return (byte)(cState.Share ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.Options: return (byte)(cState.Options ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.L1: return (byte)(cState.L1 ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.R1: return (byte)(cState.R1 ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.L3: return (byte)(cState.L3 ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.R3: return (byte)(cState.R3 ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return (byte)(cState.DpadUp ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return (byte)(cState.DpadDown ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return (byte)(cState.DpadLeft ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return (byte)(cState.DpadRight ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.PS: return (byte)(cState.PS ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.Cross: return (byte)(cState.Cross ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.Square: return (byte)(cState.Square ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.Triangle: return (byte)(cState.Triangle ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.Circle: return (byte)(cState.Circle ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.leftDown ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.rightDown ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.multiDown ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.upperDown ? 255 : 0);
case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return (byte)(cState.LX - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.LX - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return (byte)(cState.LY - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.LY - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return (byte)(cState.RX - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.RX - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return (byte)(cState.RY - 127.5f > 0 ? 0 : -(cState.RY - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.LXPos: return (byte)(cState.LX - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.LX - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.LYPos: return (byte)(cState.LY - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.LY - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.RXPos: return (byte)(cState.RX - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.RX - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.RYPos: return (byte)(cState.RY - 127.5f < 0 ? 0 : (cState.RY - 127.5f) * 2);
case DS4Controls.L2: return cState.L2;
case DS4Controls.R2: return cState.R2;
case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return (byte)(!sOff && SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX > SXD * 10 ? Math.Min(255, SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX * 2) : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return (byte)(!sOff && SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX < -SXD * 10 ? Math.Min(255, SXSens[device] * -eState.GyroX * 2) : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return (byte)(!sOff && SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ > SZD * 10 ? Math.Min(255, SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ * 2) : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return (byte)(!sOff && SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ < -SZD * 10 ? Math.Min(255, SZSens[device] * -eState.GyroZ * 2) : 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeUp: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeUpB : 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeDown: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeDownB: 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeLeft: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeLeftB: 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeRight: return (byte)(tp != null ? tp.swipeRightB : 0);
return 0;
public static bool getBoolMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp)
bool sOff = UseSAforMouse[device];
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.Share: return cState.Share;
case DS4Controls.Options: return cState.Options;
case DS4Controls.L1: return cState.L1;
case DS4Controls.R1: return cState.R1;
case DS4Controls.L3: return cState.L3;
case DS4Controls.R3: return cState.R3;
case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return cState.DpadUp;
case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return cState.DpadDown;
case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return cState.DpadLeft;
case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return cState.DpadRight;
case DS4Controls.PS: return cState.PS;
case DS4Controls.Cross: return cState.Cross;
case DS4Controls.Square: return cState.Square;
case DS4Controls.Triangle: return cState.Triangle;
case DS4Controls.Circle: return cState.Circle;
case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return (tp != null ? tp.leftDown : false);
case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return (tp != null ? tp.rightDown : false);
case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return (tp != null ? tp.multiDown : false);
case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return (tp != null ? tp.upperDown : false);
case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return cState.LX < 127 - 55;
case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return cState.LY < 127 - 55;
case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return cState.RX < 127 - 55;
case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return cState.RY < 127 - 55;
case DS4Controls.LXPos: return cState.LX > 127 + 55;
case DS4Controls.LYPos: return cState.LY > 127 + 55;
case DS4Controls.RXPos: return cState.RX > 127 + 55;
case DS4Controls.RYPos: return cState.RY > 127 + 55;
case DS4Controls.L2: return cState.L2 > 100;
case DS4Controls.R2: return cState.R2 > 100;
case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: return !sOff ? SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX > 67 : false;
case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: return !sOff ? SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX < -67 : false;
case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: return !sOff ? SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ > 67 : false;
case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: return !sOff ? SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ < -67 : false;
case DS4Controls.SwipeUp: return (tp != null && tp.swipeUp);
case DS4Controls.SwipeDown: return (tp != null && tp.swipeDown);
case DS4Controls.SwipeLeft: return (tp != null && tp.swipeLeft);
case DS4Controls.SwipeRight: return (tp != null && tp.swipeRight);
return false;
public static byte getXYAxisMapping(int device, DS4Controls control, DS4State cState, DS4StateExposed eState, Mouse tp, bool alt = false)
byte trueVal = 0;
byte falseVal = 127;
double SXD = SXDeadzone[device];
double SZD = SZDeadzone[device];
bool sOff = UseSAforMouse[device];
if (alt)
trueVal = 255;
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.Share: return (byte)(cState.Share ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.Options: return (byte)(cState.Options ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.L1: return (byte)(cState.L1 ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.R1: return (byte)(cState.R1 ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.L3: return (byte)(cState.L3 ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.R3: return (byte)(cState.R3 ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.DpadUp: return (byte)(cState.DpadUp ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.DpadDown: return (byte)(cState.DpadDown ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: return (byte)(cState.DpadLeft ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.DpadRight: return (byte)(cState.DpadRight ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.PS: return (byte)(cState.PS ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.Cross: return (byte)(cState.Cross ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.Square: return (byte)(cState.Square ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.Triangle: return (byte)(cState.Triangle ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.Circle: return (byte)(cState.Circle ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.TouchLeft: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.leftDown ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.TouchRight: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.rightDown ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.TouchMulti: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.multiDown ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.TouchUpper: return (byte)(tp != null && tp.upperDown ? trueVal : falseVal);
case DS4Controls.L2: if (alt) return (byte)(127.5f + cState.L2 / 2f); else return (byte)(127.5f - cState.L2 / 2f);
case DS4Controls.R2: if (alt) return (byte)(127.5f + cState.R2 / 2f); else return (byte)(127.5f - cState.R2 / 2f);
case DS4Controls.SwipeUp: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeUpB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeUpB / 2f : 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeDown: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeDownB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeDownB / 2f : 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeLeft: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeLeftB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeLeftB / 2f : 0);
case DS4Controls.SwipeRight: if (alt) return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f + tp.swipeRightB / 2f : 0); else return (byte)(tp != null ? 127.5f - tp.swipeRightB / 2f : 0);
case DS4Controls.GyroXPos: if (!sOff && eState.GyroX > SXD * 10)
if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - SXSens[device] * eState.GyroX);
else return falseVal;
case DS4Controls.GyroXNeg: if (!sOff && eState.GyroX < -SXD * 10)
if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + SXSens[device] * -eState.GyroX); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - SXSens[device] * -eState.GyroX);
else return falseVal;
case DS4Controls.GyroZPos: if (!sOff && eState.GyroZ > SZD * 10)
if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - SZSens[device] * eState.GyroZ);
else return falseVal;
case DS4Controls.GyroZNeg: if (!sOff && eState.GyroZ < -SZD * 10)
if (alt) return (byte)Math.Min(255, 127 + SZSens[device] * -eState.GyroZ); else return (byte)Math.Max(0, 127 - SZSens[device] * -eState.GyroZ);
else return falseVal;
if (!alt)
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return cState.LX;
case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return cState.LY;
case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return cState.RX;
case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return cState.RY;
case DS4Controls.LXPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.LX);
case DS4Controls.LYPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.LY);
case DS4Controls.RXPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.RX);
case DS4Controls.RYPos: return (byte)(255 - cState.RY);
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.LXNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.LX);
case DS4Controls.LYNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.LY);
case DS4Controls.RXNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.RX);
case DS4Controls.RYNeg: return (byte)(255 - cState.RY);
case DS4Controls.LXPos: return cState.LX;
case DS4Controls.LYPos: return cState.LY;
case DS4Controls.RXPos: return cState.RX;
case DS4Controls.RYPos: return cState.RY;
return 0;
//Returns false for any bool,
//if control is one of the xy axis returns 127
//if its a trigger returns 0
public static void resetToDefaultValue(DS4Controls control, DS4State cState)
switch (control)
case DS4Controls.Share: cState.Share = false; break;
case DS4Controls.Options: cState.Options = false; break;
case DS4Controls.L1: cState.L1 = false; break;
case DS4Controls.R1: cState.R1 = false; break;
case DS4Controls.L3: cState.L3 = false; break;
case DS4Controls.R3: cState.R3 = false; break;
case DS4Controls.DpadUp: cState.DpadUp = false; break;
case DS4Controls.DpadDown: cState.DpadDown = false; break;
case DS4Controls.DpadLeft: cState.DpadLeft = false; break;
case DS4Controls.DpadRight: cState.DpadRight = false; break;
case DS4Controls.PS: cState.PS = false; break;
case DS4Controls.Cross: cState.Cross = false; break;
case DS4Controls.Square: cState.Square = false; break;
case DS4Controls.Triangle: cState.Triangle = false; break;
case DS4Controls.Circle: cState.Circle = false; break;
case DS4Controls.LXNeg: cState.LX = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.LYNeg: cState.LY = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.RXNeg: cState.RX = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.RYNeg: cState.RY = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.LXPos: cState.LX = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.LYPos: cState.LY = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.RXPos: cState.RX = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.RYPos: cState.RY = 127; break;
case DS4Controls.L2: cState.L2 = 0; break;
case DS4Controls.R2: cState.R2 = 0; break;