jays2kings 8acd9b7ad1 Version
Many fixes for shift modifier
2014-11-01 17:49:22 -04:00

1450 lines
75 KiB

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DS4Library;
using DS4Control;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ScpServer
public partial class Options : Form
private DS4Control.Control scpDevice;
public int device;
public string filename;
Byte[] oldLedColor, oldLowLedColor, oldChargingColor;
public Timer inputtimer = new Timer(), sixaxisTimer = new Timer();
public List<Button> buttons = new List<Button>(), subbuttons = new List<Button>();
private Button lastSelected;
private int alphacolor;
private Color reg, full;
private Image colored, greyscale;
ToolTip tp = new ToolTip();
Graphics g;
ScpForm root;
bool olddinputcheck = false;
public Options(DS4Control.Control bus_device, int deviceNum, string name, ScpForm rt)
device = deviceNum;
scpDevice = bus_device;
filename = name;
colored = pBRainbow.Image;
root = rt;
g = CreateGraphics();
greyscale = GreyscaleImage((Bitmap)pBRainbow.Image);
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in pnlMain.Controls)
if (control is Button && !((Button)control).Name.Contains("btn"))
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in pnlSticks.Controls)
if (control is Button && !((Button)control).Name.Contains("btn"))
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in fLPTiltControls.Controls)
if (control is Button && !((Button)control).Name.Contains("btn"))
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in pnlShiftMain.Controls)
if (control is Button && !((Button)control).Name.Contains("btnShift"))
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in pnlShiftSticks.Controls)
if (control is Button && !((Button)control).Name.Contains("btnShift"))
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in fLPShiftTiltControls.Controls)
if (control is Button && !((Button)control).Name.Contains("btnShift"))
string butts = "";
foreach (Button b in buttons)
butts += "\n" + b.Name;
root.lbLastMessage.ForeColor = Color.Black;
root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Hover over items to see description or more about";
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control control in Controls)
if (control.HasChildren)
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control ctrl in control.Controls)
if (ctrl.HasChildren)
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control ctrl2 in ctrl.Controls)
if (ctrl2.HasChildren)
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Control ctrl3 in ctrl2.Controls)
ctrl3.MouseHover += Items_MouseHover;
ctrl2.MouseHover += Items_MouseHover;
ctrl.MouseHover += Items_MouseHover;
control.MouseHover += Items_MouseHover;
if (device < 4)
nUDSixaxis.Value = deviceNum + 1;
if (filename != "")
if (device == 4)
Global.setAProfile(4, name);
Global.LoadProfile(device, buttons.ToArray(), subbuttons.ToArray(), false, scpDevice);
DS4Color color = Global.loadColor(device);
tBRedBar.Value = color.red;
tBGreenBar.Value = color.green;
tBBlueBar.Value = color.blue;
cBLightbyBattery.Checked = Global.getLedAsBatteryIndicator(device);
nUDflashLED.Value = Global.getFlashAt(device);
pnlLowBattery.Visible = cBLightbyBattery.Checked;
lbFull.Text = (cBLightbyBattery.Checked ? "Full:" : "Color:");
pnlFull.Location = (cBLightbyBattery.Checked ? new Point(pnlFull.Location.X, 42) : new Point(pnlFull.Location.X, 48));
DS4Color lowColor = Global.loadLowColor(device);
tBLowRedBar.Value = lowColor.red;
tBLowGreenBar.Value = lowColor.green;
tBLowBlueBar.Value = lowColor.blue;
DS4Color shiftColor = Global.loadShiftColor(device);
tBShiftRedBar.Value = shiftColor.red;
tBShiftGreenBar.Value = shiftColor.green;
tBShiftBlueBar.Value = shiftColor.blue;
cBShiftLight.Checked = Global.getShiftColorOn(device);
DS4Color cColor = Global.loadChargingColor(device);
btnChargingColor.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(cColor.red, cColor.green, cColor.blue);
DS4Color fColor = Global.loadFlashColor(device);
lbFlashAt.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(fColor.red, fColor.green, fColor.blue);
if (lbFlashAt.ForeColor.GetBrightness() > .5f)
lbFlashAt.BackColor = Color.Black;
lbPercentFlashBar.ForeColor = lbFlashAt.ForeColor;
lbPercentFlashBar.BackColor = lbFlashAt.BackColor;
nUDRumbleBoost.Value = Global.loadRumbleBoost(device);
nUDTouch.Value = Global.getTouchSensitivity(device);
cBSlide.Checked = Global.getTouchSensitivity(device) > 0;
nUDScroll.Value = Global.getScrollSensitivity(device);
cBScroll.Checked = Global.getScrollSensitivity(device) > 0;
nUDTap.Value = Global.getTapSensitivity(device);
cBTap.Checked = Global.getTapSensitivity(device) > 0;
cBDoubleTap.Checked = Global.getDoubleTap(device);
nUDL2.Value = (decimal)Global.getLeftTriggerMiddle(device) / 255;
nUDR2.Value = (decimal)Global.getRightTriggerMiddle(device) / 255;
cBTouchpadJitterCompensation.Checked = Global.getTouchpadJitterCompensation(device);
cBlowerRCOn.Checked = Global.getLowerRCOn(device);
cBFlushHIDQueue.Checked = Global.getFlushHIDQueue(device);
nUDIdleDisconnect.Value = Math.Round((decimal)(Global.getIdleDisconnectTimeout(device) / 60d), 1);
cBIdleDisconnect.Checked = Global.getIdleDisconnectTimeout(device) > 0;
numUDMouseSens.Value = Global.getButtonMouseSensitivity(device);
cBMouseAccel.Checked = Global.getMouseAccel(device);
// Force update of color choosers
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(color.red, color.green, color.blue);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBLowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(lowColor.red, lowColor.green, lowColor.blue);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
nUDRainbow.Value = (decimal)Global.getRainbow(device);
switch (Global.getChargingType(deviceNum))
case 1: rBFade.Checked = true; break;
case 2: rBRainbow.Checked = true; break;
case 3: rBColor.Checked = true; break;
default: rBNormal.Checked = true; break;
if (Global.getRainbow(device) == 0)
pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
pBRainbow.Image = colored;
nUDLS.Value = Math.Round((decimal)(Global.getLSDeadzone(device) / 127d), 3);
nUDRS.Value = Math.Round((decimal)(Global.getRSDeadzone(device) / 127d), 3);
nUDSX.Value = (decimal)Global.getSXDeadzone(device);
nUDSZ.Value = (decimal)Global.getSZDeadzone(device);
cBShiftControl.SelectedIndex = Global.getShiftModifier(device);
if (Global.getLaunchProgram(device) != string.Empty)
cBLaunchProgram.Checked = true;
pBProgram.Image = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Global.getLaunchProgram(device)).ToBitmap();
btnBrowse.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Global.getLaunchProgram(device));
cBDinput.Checked = Global.getDinputOnly(device);
olddinputcheck = cBDinput.Checked;
cbStartTouchpadOff.Checked = Global.getStartTouchpadOff(device);
switch (device)
case 0: tBRedBar.Value = 0; tBGreenBar.Value = 0; break;
case 1: tBGreenBar.Value = 0; tBBlueBar.Value = 0; break;
case 2: tBRedBar.Value = 0; tBBlueBar.Value = 0; break;
case 3: tBGreenBar.Value = 0; break;
case 4: tBRedBar.Value = 0; tBGreenBar.Value = 0; break;
foreach (Button b in buttons)
b.MouseHover += button_MouseHover;
foreach (Button b in subbuttons)
b.MouseHover += button_MouseHover;
advColorDialog.OnUpdateColor += advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor;
btnLeftStick.Enter += btnSticks_Enter;
btnRightStick.Enter += btnSticks_Enter;
btnShiftLeftStick.Enter += btnShiftSticks_Enter;
btnShiftRightStick.Enter += btnShiftSticks_Enter;
inputtimer.Tick += InputDS4;
sixaxisTimer.Tick += sixaxisTimer_Tick;
sixaxisTimer.Interval = 1000 / 60;
void sixaxisTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// MEMS gyro data is all calibrated to roughly -1G..1G for values -0x2000..0x1fff
// Enough additional acceleration and we are no longer mostly measuring Earth's gravity...
// We should try to indicate setpoints of the calibration when exposing this measurement....
if (scpDevice.DS4Controllers[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1] == null)
tPController.Enabled = false;
lbInputDelay.Text = Properties.Resources.InputDelay.Replace("*number*", Properties.Resources.NA).Replace("*ms*", "ms");
pBDelayTracker.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
tPController.Enabled = true;
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisGyroX, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroX + tBsixaxisGyroX.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisGyroY, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroY + tBsixaxisGyroY.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisGyroZ, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroZ + tBsixaxisGyroZ.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisAccelX, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].AccelX + tBsixaxisAccelX.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisAccelY, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].AccelY + tBsixaxisAccelY.Value * 2) / 3);
SetDynamicTrackBarValue(tBsixaxisAccelZ, (scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].AccelZ + tBsixaxisAccelZ.Value * 2) / 3);
int x = scpDevice.getDS4State((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1).LX;
int y = scpDevice.getDS4State((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1).LY;
btnLSTrack.Location = new Point((int)(x / 2.09 + lbLSTrack.Location.X), (int)(y / 2.09 + lbLSTrack.Location.Y));
x = scpDevice.getDS4State((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1).RX;
y = scpDevice.getDS4State((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1).RY;
btnRSTrack.Location = new Point((int)(x / 2.09 + lbRSTrack.Location.X), (int)(y / 2.09 + lbRSTrack.Location.Y));
x = -scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroX / 62 + 127;
y = scpDevice.ExposedState[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].GyroZ / 62 + 127;
btnSATrack.Location = new Point((int)(x / 2.09 + lbSATrack.Location.X), (int)(y / 2.09 + lbSATrack.Location.Y));
tBL2.Value = scpDevice.getDS4State((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1).L2;
lbL2Track.Location = new Point(tBL2.Location.X - 15, (int)(24 - tBL2.Value / 10.625) + 10);
if (tBL2.Value == 255)
lbL2Track.ForeColor = Color.Green;
else if (tBL2.Value < (double)nUDL2.Value * 255)
lbL2Track.ForeColor = Color.Red;
lbL2Track.ForeColor = Color.Black;
tBR2.Value = scpDevice.getDS4State((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1).R2;
lbR2Track.Location = new Point(tBR2.Location.X + 20, (int)(24 - tBR2.Value / 10.625) + 10);
if (tBR2.Value == 255)
lbR2Track.ForeColor = Color.Green;
else if (tBR2.Value < (double)nUDR2.Value * 255)
lbR2Track.ForeColor = Color.Red;
lbR2Track.ForeColor = Color.Black;
double latency = scpDevice.DS4Controllers[(int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1].Latency;
lbInputDelay.Text = Properties.Resources.InputDelay.Replace("*number*", latency.ToString()).Replace("*ms*", "ms");
if (latency > 10)
pBDelayTracker.BackColor = Color.Red;
else if (latency > 5)
pBDelayTracker.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
pBDelayTracker.BackColor = Color.Green;
private void InputDS4(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region DS4Input
if (Form.ActiveForm == root && cBControllerInput.Checked && tabControls.SelectedIndex != 2)
switch (scpDevice.GetInputkeys((int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1))
case ("Cross"): Show_ControlsBn(bnCross, e); break;
case ("Circle"): Show_ControlsBn(bnCircle, e); break;
case ("Square"): Show_ControlsBn(bnSquare, e); break;
case ("Triangle"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTriangle, e); break;
case ("Options"): Show_ControlsBn(bnOptions, e); break;
case ("Share"): Show_ControlsBn(bnShare, e); break;
case ("Up"): Show_ControlsBn(bnUp, e); break;
case ("Down"): Show_ControlsBn(bnDown, e); break;
case ("Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLeft, e); break;
case ("Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRight, e); break;
case ("PS"): Show_ControlsBn(bnPS, e); break;
case ("L1"): Show_ControlsBn(bnL1, e); break;
case ("R1"): Show_ControlsBn(bnR1, e); break;
case ("L2"): Show_ControlsBn(bnL2, e); break;
case ("R2"): Show_ControlsBn(bnR2, e); break;
case ("L3"): Show_ControlsBn(bnL3, e); break;
case ("R3"): Show_ControlsBn(bnR3, e); break;
case ("Touch Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchLeft, e); break;
case ("Touch Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchRight, e); break;
case ("Touch Multi"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchMulti, e); break;
case ("Touch Upper"): Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchUpper, e); break;
case ("LS Up"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSUp, e); break;
case ("LS Down"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSDown, e); break;
case ("LS Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSLeft, e); break;
case ("LS Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnLSRight, e); break;
case ("RS Up"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSUp, e); break;
case ("RS Down"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSDown, e); break;
case ("RS Left"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSLeft, e); break;
case ("RS Right"): Show_ControlsBn(bnRSRight, e); break;
case ("GyroXP"): Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroXP, e); break;
case ("GyroXN"): Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroXN, e); break;
case ("GyroZP"): Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroZP, e); break;
case ("GyroZN"): Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroZN, e); break;
private void button_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (((Button)sender).Name)
case ("bnCross"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 0; break;
case ("bnCircle"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 1; break;
case ("bnSquare"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 2; break;
case ("bnTriangle"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 3; break;
case ("bnOptions"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 4; break;
case ("bnShare"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 5; break;
case ("bnUp"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 6; break;
case ("bnDown"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 7; break;
case ("bnLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 8; break;
case ("bnRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 9; break;
case ("bnPS"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 10; break;
case ("bnL1"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 11; break;
case ("bnR1"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 12; break;
case ("bnL2"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 13; break;
case ("bnR2"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 14; break;
case ("bnL3"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 15; break;
case ("bnR3"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 16; break;
case ("bnTouchLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 17; break;
case ("bnTouchRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 18; break;
case ("bnTouchMulti"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 19; break;
case ("bnTouchUpper"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 20; break;
case ("bnLSUp"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 21; break;
case ("bnLSDown"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 22; break;
case ("bnLSLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 23; break;
case ("bnLSRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 24; break;
case ("bnRSUp"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 25; break;
case ("bnRSDown"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 26; break;
case ("bnRSLeft"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 27; break;
case ("bnRSRight"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 28; break;
case ("bnGyroZN"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 29; break;
case ("bnGyroZP"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 30; break;
case ("bnGyroXP"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 31; break;
case ("bnGyroXN"): lBControls.SelectedIndex = 32; break;
case ("bnShiftCross"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 0; break;
case ("bnShiftCircle"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 1; break;
case ("bnShiftSquare"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 2; break;
case ("bnShiftTriangle"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 3; break;
case ("bnShiftOptions"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 4; break;
case ("bnShiftShare"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 5; break;
case ("bnShiftUp"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 6; break;
case ("bnShiftDown"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 7; break;
case ("bnShiftLeft"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 8; break;
case ("bnShiftRight"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 9; break;
case ("bnShiftPS"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 10; break;
case ("bnShiftL1"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 11; break;
case ("bnShiftR1"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 12; break;
case ("bnShiftL2"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 13; break;
case ("bnShiftR2"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 14; break;
case ("bnShiftL3"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 15; break;
case ("bnShiftR3"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 16; break;
case ("bnShiftTouchLeft"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 17; break;
case ("bnShiftTouchRight"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 18; break;
case ("bnShiftTouchMulti"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 19; break;
case ("bnShiftTouchUpper"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 20; break;
case ("bnShiftLSUp"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 21; break;
case ("bnShiftLSDown"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 22; break;
case ("bnShiftLSLeft"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 23; break;
case ("bnShiftLSRight"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 24; break;
case ("bnShiftRSUp"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 25; break;
case ("bnShiftRSDown"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 26; break;
case ("bnShiftRSLeft"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 27; break;
case ("bnShiftRSRight"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 28; break;
case ("bnShiftGyroZN"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 29; break;
case ("bnShiftGyroZP"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 30; break;
case ("bnShiftGyroXP"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 31; break;
case ("bnShiftGyroXN"): lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex = 32; break;
private void SetDynamicTrackBarValue(TrackBar trackBar, int value)
if (trackBar.Maximum < value)
trackBar.Maximum = value;
else if (trackBar.Minimum > value)
trackBar.Minimum = value;
trackBar.Value = value;
public void Set()
pnlLowBattery.Visible = cBLightbyBattery.Checked;
lbFull.Text = (cBLightbyBattery.Checked ? Properties.Resources.Full + ":": Properties.Resources.Color + ":");
pnlFull.Location = (cBLightbyBattery.Checked ? new Point(pnlFull.Location.X, 42) : new Point(pnlFull.Location.X, 48));
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)tBRedBar.Value, (byte)tBGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBBlueBar.Value);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)tBLowRedBar.Value, (byte)tBLowGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBLowBlueBar.Value);
Global.saveShiftColor(device, (byte)tBShiftRedBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
Global.saveFlashColor(device, lbFlashAt.ForeColor.R, lbFlashAt.ForeColor.G, lbFlashAt.ForeColor.B);
Global.setLeftTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)Math.Round((nUDL2.Value * 255), 0));
Global.setRightTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)Math.Round((nUDR2.Value * 255), 0));
Global.saveRumbleBoost(device, (byte)nUDRumbleBoost.Value);
Global.setTouchSensitivity(device, (byte)nUDTouch.Value);
Global.setTouchpadJitterCompensation(device, cBTouchpadJitterCompensation.Checked);
Global.setLowerRCOn(device, cBlowerRCOn.Checked);
Global.setScrollSensitivity(device, (byte)nUDScroll.Value);
Global.setDoubleTap(device, cBDoubleTap.Checked);
Global.setTapSensitivity(device, (byte)nUDTap.Value);
Global.setIdleDisconnectTimeout(device, (int)(nUDIdleDisconnect.Value * 60));
Global.setRainbow(device, (int)nUDRainbow.Value);
Global.setRSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((nUDRS.Value * 127), 0));
Global.setLSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((nUDLS.Value * 127), 0));
Global.setButtonMouseSensitivity(device, (int)numUDMouseSens.Value);
Global.setFlashAt(device, (int)nUDflashLED.Value);
Global.setSXDeadzone(device, (double)nUDSX.Value);
Global.setSZDeadzone(device, (double)nUDSZ.Value);
Global.setMouseAccel(device, cBMouseAccel.Checked);
Global.setShiftModifier(device, cBShiftControl.SelectedIndex);
Global.setDinputOnly(device, cBDinput.Checked);
Global.setStartTouchpadOff(device, cbStartTouchpadOff.Checked);
if (nUDRainbow.Value == 0) pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
else pBRainbow.Image = colored;
KBM360 kbm360 = null;
private void Show_ControlsBn(object sender, EventArgs e)
lastSelected = (Button)sender;
kbm360 = new KBM360(scpDevice, device, this, lastSelected);
kbm360.Icon = this.Icon;
public void ChangeButtonText(string controlname, object tag)
lastSelected.Text = controlname;
int value;
if (tag == null)
lastSelected.Tag = tag;
else if (Int32.TryParse(tag.ToString(), out value))
lastSelected.Tag = value;
else if (tag is Int32[])
lastSelected.Tag = tag;
lastSelected.Tag = tag.ToString();
public void ChangeButtonText(string controlname)
lastSelected.Text = controlname;
lastSelected.Tag = controlname;
public void Toggle_Bn(bool SC, bool TG, bool MC, bool MR)
if (lastSelected.Tag is int || lastSelected.Tag is UInt16 || lastSelected.Tag is int[])
lastSelected.Font = new Font(lastSelected.Font,
(SC ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular) | (TG ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular) |
(MC ? FontStyle.Underline : FontStyle.Regular) | (MR ? FontStyle.Strikeout : FontStyle.Regular));
else if (lastSelected.Tag is string)
if (lastSelected.Tag.ToString().Contains("Mouse Button"))
lastSelected.Font = new Font(lastSelected.Font, TG ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular);
lastSelected.Font = new Font(lastSelected.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
private void btnSticks_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlSticks.Visible = true;
pnlMain.Visible = false;
private void btnFullView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlSticks.Visible = false;
pnlMain.Visible = true;
private void btnShiftSticks_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlShiftSticks.Visible = true;
pnlShiftMain.Visible = false;
private void btnShiftFullView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlShiftSticks.Visible = false;
pnlShiftMain.Visible = true;
private void btnLightbar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
advColorDialog.Color = Color.FromArgb(tBRedBar.Value, tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value);
advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(pBController.BackColor, e);
if (advColorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
pBController.BackColor = advColorDialog.Color;
tBRedBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.R;
tBGreenBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.G;
tBBlueBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.B;
else Global.saveColor(device, oldLedColor[0], oldLedColor[1], oldLedColor[2]);
Global.saveChargingColor(device, oldChargingColor[0], oldChargingColor[1], oldChargingColor[2]);
Global.saveLowColor(device, oldLowLedColor[0], oldLowLedColor[1], oldLowLedColor[2]);
oldChargingColor = null;
oldLedColor = null;
oldLowLedColor = null;
private void lowColorChooserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
advColorDialog.Color = lowColorChooserButton.BackColor;
advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(lowColorChooserButton.BackColor, e);
if (advColorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = advColorDialog.Color;
tBLowRedBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.R;
tBLowGreenBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.G;
tBLowBlueBar.Value = advColorDialog.Color.B;
else Global.saveLowColor(device, oldLowLedColor[0], oldLowLedColor[1], oldLowLedColor[2]);
Global.saveChargingColor(device, oldChargingColor[0], oldChargingColor[1], oldChargingColor[2]);
Global.saveColor(device, oldLedColor[0], oldLedColor[1], oldLedColor[2]);
oldChargingColor = null;
oldLedColor = null;
oldLowLedColor = null;
private void btnChargingColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
advColorDialog.Color = btnChargingColor.BackColor;
advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(btnChargingColor.BackColor, e);
if (advColorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
btnChargingColor.BackColor = advColorDialog.Color;
else Global.saveChargingColor(device, oldChargingColor[0], oldChargingColor[1], oldChargingColor[2]);
Global.saveLowColor(device, oldLowLedColor[0], oldLowLedColor[1], oldLowLedColor[2]);
Global.saveColor(device, oldLedColor[0], oldLedColor[1], oldLedColor[2]);
oldChargingColor = null;
oldLedColor = null;
oldLowLedColor = null;
private void advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (oldLedColor == null || oldLowLedColor == null || oldChargingColor == null)
DS4Color color = Global.loadColor(device);
oldLedColor = new Byte[] { color.red, color.green, color.blue };
color = Global.loadLowColor(device);
oldLowLedColor = new Byte[] { color.red, color.green, color.blue };
color = Global.loadChargingColor(device);
oldChargingColor = new Byte[] { color.red, color.green, color.blue };
if (sender is Color)
Color color = (Color)sender;
Global.saveColor(device, color.R, color.G, color.B);
Global.saveLowColor(device, color.R, color.G, color.B);
Global.saveChargingColor(device, color.R, color.G, color.B);
int bgc = 255; //Color of the form background, If greyscale color
private void redBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(som, sat, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBRedBar.Value, tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)tBRedBar.Value, (byte)tBGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void greenBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, som, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBRedBar.Value, tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)tBRedBar.Value, (byte)tBGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void blueBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, sat, som);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBRedBar.Value, tBGreenBar.Value, tBBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveColor(device, (byte)tBRedBar.Value, (byte)tBGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void lowRedBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(som, sat, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBLowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBLowGreenBar.Value, tBLowBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBLowRedBar.Value, tBLowGreenBar.Value, tBLowBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)tBLowRedBar.Value, (byte)tBLowGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBLowBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void lowGreenBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, som, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBLowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBLowGreenBar.Value, tBLowBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBLowRedBar.Value, tBLowGreenBar.Value, tBLowBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)tBLowRedBar.Value, (byte)tBLowGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBLowBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void lowBlueBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, sat, som);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBLowRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBLowGreenBar.Value, tBLowBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBLowRedBar.Value, tBLowGreenBar.Value, tBLowBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
lowColorChooserButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveLowColor(device, (byte)tBLowRedBar.Value, (byte)tBLowGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBLowBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void shiftRedBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(som, sat, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBShiftRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBShiftRedBar.Value, tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBShiftController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveShiftColor(device, (byte)tBShiftRedBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void shiftGreenBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, som, sat);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBShiftRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBShiftRedBar.Value, tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBShiftController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveShiftColor(device, (byte)tBShiftRedBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void shiftBlueBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = ((TrackBar)sender).Value;
int sat = bgc - (value < bgc ? value : bgc);
int som = bgc + 11 * (int)(value * 0.0039215);
((TrackBar)sender).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(sat, sat, som);
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBShiftRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBShiftRedBar.Value, tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBShiftController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.saveShiftColor(device, (byte)tBShiftRedBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftGreenBar.Value, (byte)tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
public Color HuetoRGB(float hue, float light, Color rgb)
float L = (float)Math.Max(.5, light);
float C = (1 - Math.Abs(2 * L - 1));
float X = (C * (1 - Math.Abs((hue / 60) % 2 - 1)));
float m = L - C / 2;
float R =0, G=0, B=0;
if (light == 1) return Color.FromName("White");
else if (rgb.R == rgb.G && rgb.G == rgb.B) return Color.FromName("White");
else if (0 <= hue && hue < 60) { R = C; G = X; }
else if (60 <= hue && hue < 120) { R = X; G = C; }
else if (120 <= hue && hue < 180) { G = C; B = X; }
else if (180 <= hue && hue < 240) { G = X; B = C; }
else if (240 <= hue && hue < 300) { R = X; B = C; }
else if (300 <= hue && hue < 360) { R = C; B = X; }
return Color.FromArgb((int)((R + m) * 255), (int)((G + m) * 255), (int)((B + m) * 255));
private void rumbleBoostBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.saveRumbleBoost(device, (byte)nUDRumbleBoost.Value);
if (btnRumbleTest.Text == Properties.Resources.StopText)
scpDevice.setRumble(255, 255, device);
private void btnRumbleTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (((Button)sender).Text == Properties.Resources.TestText)
scpDevice.setRumble((byte)Math.Min(255, (255 * nUDRumbleBoost.Value / 100)), (byte)Math.Min(255, (255 * nUDRumbleBoost.Value / 100)), (int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1);
((Button)sender).Text = Properties.Resources.StopText;
scpDevice.setRumble(0, 0, (int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1);
((Button)sender).Text = Properties.Resources.TestText;
private void numUDTouch_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setTouchSensitivity(device, (byte)nUDTouch.Value);
private void numUDTap_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setTapSensitivity(device, (byte)nUDTap.Value);
private void numUDScroll_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setScrollSensitivity(device, (int)nUDScroll.Value);
private void ledAsBatteryIndicator_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLedAsBatteryIndicator(device, cBLightbyBattery.Checked);
pnlLowBattery.Visible = cBLightbyBattery.Checked;
pnlFull.Location = (cBLightbyBattery.Checked ? new Point(pnlFull.Location.X, 42) : new Point(pnlFull.Location.X, 48));
lbFull.Text = (cBLightbyBattery.Checked ? Properties.Resources.Full + ":" : Properties.Resources.Color + ":");
private void lowerRCOffCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLowerRCOn(device, cBlowerRCOn.Checked);
private void touchpadJitterCompensation_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setTouchpadJitterCompensation(device, cBTouchpadJitterCompensation.Checked);
private void flushHIDQueue_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setFlushHIDQueue(device, cBFlushHIDQueue.Checked);
private void nUDIdleDisconnect_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setIdleDisconnectTimeout(device, (int)(nUDIdleDisconnect.Value * 60));
//if (nUDIdleDisconnect.Value == 0)
//cBIdleDisconnect.Checked = false;
private void cBIdleDisconnect_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBIdleDisconnect.Checked)
nUDIdleDisconnect.Value = 5;
nUDIdleDisconnect.Value = 0;
nUDIdleDisconnect.Enabled = cBIdleDisconnect.Checked;
private void Options_Closed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Global.LoadProfile(i, false, scpDevice); //Refreshes all profiles in case other controllers are using the same profile
if (olddinputcheck != cBDinput.Checked)
if (btnRumbleTest.Text == Properties.Resources.StopText)
scpDevice.setRumble(0, 0, (int)nUDSixaxis.Value - 1);
private void cBSlide_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBSlide.Checked)
nUDTouch.Value = 100;
nUDTouch.Value = 0;
nUDTouch.Enabled = cBSlide.Checked;
private void cBScroll_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBScroll.Checked)
nUDScroll.Value = 5;
nUDScroll.Value = 0;
nUDScroll.Enabled = cBScroll.Checked;
private void cBTap_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cBTap.Checked)
nUDTap.Value = 100;
nUDTap.Value = 0;
nUDTap.Enabled = cBTap.Checked;
cBDoubleTap.Enabled = cBTap.Checked;
private void cBDoubleTap_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setDoubleTap(device, cBDoubleTap.Checked);
public void UpdateLists()
lBControls.Items[0] = "Cross : " + bnCross.Text;
lBControls.Items[1] = "Circle : " + bnCircle.Text;
lBControls.Items[2] = "Square : " + bnSquare.Text;
lBControls.Items[3] = "Triangle : " + bnTriangle.Text;
lBControls.Items[4] = "Options : " + bnOptions.Text;
lBControls.Items[5] = "Share : " + bnShare.Text;
lBControls.Items[6] = "Up : " + bnUp.Text;
lBControls.Items[7] = "Down : " + bnDown.Text;
lBControls.Items[8] = "Left : " + bnLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[9] = "Right : " + bnRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[10] = "PS : " + bnPS.Text;
lBControls.Items[11] = "L1 : " + bnL1.Text;
lBControls.Items[12] = "R1 : " + bnR1.Text;
lBControls.Items[13] = "L2 : " + bnL2.Text;
lBControls.Items[14] = "R2 : " + bnR2.Text;
lBControls.Items[15] = "L3 : " + bnL3.Text;
lBControls.Items[16] = "R3 : " + bnR3.Text;
lBControls.Items[17] = "Left Touch : " + bnTouchLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[18] = "Right Touch : " + bnTouchRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[19] = "Multitouch : " + bnTouchMulti.Text;
lBControls.Items[20] = "Upper Touch : " + bnTouchUpper.Text;
lBControls.Items[21] = "LS Up : " + bnLSUp.Text;
lBControls.Items[22] = "LS Down : " + bnLSDown.Text;
lBControls.Items[23] = "LS Left : " + bnLSLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[24] = "LS Right : " + bnLSRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[25] = "RS Up : " + bnRSUp.Text;
lBControls.Items[26] = "RS Down : " + bnRSDown.Text;
lBControls.Items[27] = "RS Left : " + bnRSLeft.Text;
lBControls.Items[28] = "RS Right : " + bnRSRight.Text;
lBControls.Items[29] = Properties.Resources.TiltUp + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnGyroZN);
lBControls.Items[30] = Properties.Resources.TiltDown + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnGyroZP);
lBControls.Items[31] = Properties.Resources.TiltLeft + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnGyroXP);
lBControls.Items[32] = Properties.Resources.TiltRight + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnGyroXN);
bnGyroZN.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltUp;
bnGyroZP.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltDown;
bnGyroXP.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltLeft;
bnGyroXN.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltRight;
foreach (Button b in subbuttons)
if (b.Tag == null)
b.Text = "Fall Back to " + buttons[subbuttons.IndexOf(b)].Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[0] = "Cross : " + bnShiftCross.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[1] = "Circle : " + bnShiftCircle.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[2] = "Square : " + bnShiftSquare.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[3] = "Triangle : " + bnShiftTriangle.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[4] = "Options : " + bnShiftOptions.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[5] = "Share : " + bnShiftShare.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[6] = "Up : " + bnShiftUp.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[7] = "Down : " + bnShiftDown.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[8] = "Left : " + bnShiftLeft.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[9] = "Right : " + bnShiftRight.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[10] = "PS : " + bnShiftPS.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[11] = "L1 : " + bnShiftL1.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[12] = "R1 : " + bnShiftR1.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[13] = "L2 : " + bnShiftL2.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[14] = "R2 : " + bnShiftR2.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[15] = "L3 : " + bnShiftL3.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[16] = "R3 : " + bnShiftR3.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[17] = "Left Touch : " + bnShiftTouchLeft.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[18] = "Right Touch : " + bnShiftTouchRight.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[19] = "Multitouch : " + bnShiftTouchMulti.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[20] = "Upper Touch : " + bnShiftTouchUpper.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[21] = "LS Up : " + bnShiftLSUp.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[22] = "LS Down : " + bnShiftLSDown.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[23] = "LS Left : " + bnShiftLSLeft.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[24] = "LS Right : " + bnShiftLSRight.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[25] = "RS Up : " + bnShiftRSUp.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[26] = "RS Down : " + bnShiftRSDown.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[27] = "RS Left : " + bnShiftRSLeft.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[28] = "RS Right : " + bnShiftRSRight.Text;
lBShiftControls.Items[29] = Properties.Resources.TiltUp + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnShiftGyroZN);
lBShiftControls.Items[30] = Properties.Resources.TiltDown + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnShiftGyroZP);
lBShiftControls.Items[31] = Properties.Resources.TiltLeft + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnShiftGyroXP);
lBShiftControls.Items[32] = Properties.Resources.TiltRight + " : " + UpdateGyroList(bnShiftGyroXN);
bnShiftGyroZN.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltUp;
bnShiftGyroZP.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltDown;
bnShiftGyroXP.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltLeft;
bnShiftGyroXN.Text = Properties.Resources.TiltRight;
private string UpdateGyroList(Button button)
if (button.Tag is String && (String)button.Tag == "Unbound")
return "Unbound";
else if (button.Tag is IEnumerable<int> || button.Tag is Int32[] || button.Tag is UInt16[])
return "Macro";
else if (button.Tag is Int32)
return ((Keys)(Int32)button.Tag).ToString();
else if (button.Tag is UInt16)
return ((Keys)(UInt16)button.Tag).ToString();
else if (button.Tag is string)
return button.Tag.ToString();
else if (button.Name.StartsWith("s") && buttons[subbuttons.IndexOf(button)].Tag != null && button.Tag == null)
return "Fall Back to " + UpdateGyroList(buttons[subbuttons.IndexOf(button)]);
return string.Empty;
private void Show_ControlsList(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 0) Show_ControlsBn(bnCross, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 1) Show_ControlsBn(bnCircle, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 2) Show_ControlsBn(bnSquare, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 3) Show_ControlsBn(bnTriangle, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 4) Show_ControlsBn(bnOptions, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 5) Show_ControlsBn(bnShare, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 6) Show_ControlsBn(bnUp, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 7) Show_ControlsBn(bnDown, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 8) Show_ControlsBn(bnLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 9) Show_ControlsBn(bnRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 10) Show_ControlsBn(bnPS, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 11) Show_ControlsBn(bnL1, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 12) Show_ControlsBn(bnR1, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 13) Show_ControlsBn(bnL2, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 14) Show_ControlsBn(bnR2, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 15) Show_ControlsBn(bnL3, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 16) Show_ControlsBn(bnR3, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 17) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 18) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 19) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchMulti, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 20) Show_ControlsBn(bnTouchUpper, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 21) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSUp, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 22) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSDown, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 23) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 24) Show_ControlsBn(bnLSRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 25) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSUp, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 26) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSDown, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 27) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSLeft, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 28) Show_ControlsBn(bnRSRight, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 29) Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroZN, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 30) Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroZP, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 31) Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroXP, e);
if (lBControls.SelectedIndex == 32) Show_ControlsBn(bnGyroXN, e);
private void Show_ShiftControlsList(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 0) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftCross, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 1) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftCircle, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 2) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftSquare, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 3) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftTriangle, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 4) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftOptions, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 5) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftShare, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 6) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftUp, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 7) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftDown, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 8) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftLeft, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 9) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftRight, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 10) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftPS, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 11) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftL1, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 12) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftR1, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 13) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftL2, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 14) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftR2, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 15) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftL3, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 16) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftR3, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 17) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftTouchLeft, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 18) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftTouchRight, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 19) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftTouchMulti, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 20) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftTouchUpper, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 21) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftLSUp, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 22) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftLSDown, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 23) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftLSLeft, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 24) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftLSRight, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 25) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftRSUp, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 26) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftRSDown, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 27) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftRSLeft, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 28) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftRSRight, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 29) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftGyroZN, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 30) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftGyroZP, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 31) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftGyroXP, e);
if (lBShiftControls.SelectedIndex == 32) Show_ControlsBn(bnShiftGyroXN, e);
private void List_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (((ListBox)sender).Name.Contains("Shift"))
Show_ShiftControlsList(sender, e);
Show_ControlsList(sender, e);
private void List_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyValue == 13)
if (((ListBox)sender).Name.Contains("Shift"))
Show_ShiftControlsList(sender, e);
Show_ControlsList(sender, e);
private void numUDRainbow_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setRainbow(device, (double)nUDRainbow.Value);
if ((double)nUDRainbow.Value <= 0.5)
pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
nUDRainbow.Value = 0;
private void pbRainbow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (pBRainbow.Image == greyscale)
pBRainbow.Image = colored;
nUDRainbow.Value = 5;
pBRainbow.Image = greyscale;
nUDRainbow.Value = 0;
private void ToggleRainbow(bool on)
nUDRainbow.Enabled = on;
if (on)
//pBRainbow.Location = new Point(216 - 78, pBRainbow.Location.Y);
pBController.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.rainbowC;
cBLightbyBattery.Text = Properties.Resources.DimByBattery.Replace("*nl*", "\n");
pnlLowBattery.Enabled = cBLightbyBattery.Checked;
//pBRainbow.Location = new Point(216, pBRainbow.Location.Y);
pBController.BackgroundImage = null;
cBLightbyBattery.Text = Properties.Resources.ColorByBattery.Replace("*nl*", "\n");
lbspc.Enabled = on;
pnlLowBattery.Enabled = !on;
pnlFull.Enabled = !on;
private Bitmap GreyscaleImage(Bitmap image)
Bitmap c = (Bitmap)image;
Bitmap d = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height);
for (int i = 0; i < c.Width; i++)
for (int x = 0; x < c.Height; x++)
Color oc = c.GetPixel(i, x);
int grayScale = (int)((oc.R * 0.3) + (oc.G * 0.59) + (oc.B * 0.11));
Color nc = Color.FromArgb(oc.A, grayScale, grayScale, grayScale);
d.SetPixel(i, x, nc);
return d;
private void numUDL2_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLeftTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)(nUDL2.Value * 255));
private void numUDR2_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setRightTriggerMiddle(device, (byte)(nUDR2.Value * 255));
private void nUDSX_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setSXDeadzone(device, (double)nUDSX.Value);
if (nUDSX.Value <= 0 && nUDSZ.Value <= 0)
pBSADeadzone.Visible = false;
pBSADeadzone.Visible = true;
pBSADeadzone.Size = new Size((int)(nUDSX.Value * 125), (int)(nUDSZ.Value * 125));
pBSADeadzone.Location = new Point(lbSATrack.Location.X + 63 - pBSADeadzone.Size.Width / 2, lbSATrack.Location.Y + 63 - pBSADeadzone.Size.Height / 2);
private void nUDSZ_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setSZDeadzone(device, (double)nUDSZ.Value);
if (nUDSX.Value <= 0 && nUDSZ.Value <= 0)
pBSADeadzone.Visible = false;
pBSADeadzone.Visible = true;
pBSADeadzone.Size = new Size((int)(nUDSX.Value * 125), (int)(nUDSZ.Value * 125));
pBSADeadzone.Location = new Point(lbSATrack.Location.X + 63 - pBSADeadzone.Size.Width / 2, lbSATrack.Location.Y + 63 - pBSADeadzone.Size.Height / 2);
Image L = Properties.Resources.LeftTouch;
Image R = Properties.Resources.RightTouch;
Image M = Properties.Resources.MultiTouch;
Image U = Properties.Resources.UpperTouch;
private void bnTouchLeft_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = L;
private void bnTouchMulti_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = M;
private void bnTouchRight_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = R;
private void bnTouchUpper_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = U;
private void Toucpad_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBController.Image = Properties.Resources.DS4_Controller;
private void numUDRS_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setRSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((nUDRS.Value * 127),0));
if (nUDRS.Value <= 0)
pBRSDeadzone.Visible = false;
pBRSDeadzone.Visible = true;
pBRSDeadzone.Size = new Size((int)(nUDRS.Value * 125), (int)(nUDRS.Value * 125));
pBRSDeadzone.Location = new Point(lbRSTrack.Location.X + 63 - pBRSDeadzone.Size.Width / 2, lbRSTrack.Location.Y + 63 - pBRSDeadzone.Size.Width / 2);
private void numUDLS_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setLSDeadzone(device, (byte)Math.Round((nUDLS.Value * 127),0));
if (nUDLS.Value <= 0)
pBLSDeadzone.Visible = false;
pBLSDeadzone.Visible = true;
pBLSDeadzone.Size = new Size((int)(nUDLS.Value*125), (int)(nUDLS.Value*125));
pBLSDeadzone.Location = new Point(lbLSTrack.Location.X + 63 - pBLSDeadzone.Size.Width / 2, lbLSTrack.Location.Y + 63 - pBLSDeadzone.Size.Width / 2);
private void numUDMouseSens_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setButtonMouseSensitivity(device, (int)numUDMouseSens.Value);
private void LightBar_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (g.DpiX == 120)
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 125, 0, 2000);
tp.Show(((TrackBar)sender).Value.ToString(), ((TrackBar)sender), 100, 0, 2000);
private void Lightbar_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void nUDflashLED_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (nUDflashLED.Value % 10 != 0)
nUDflashLED.Value = Math.Round(nUDflashLED.Value / 10, 0) * 10;
Global.setFlashAt(device, (int)nUDflashLED.Value);
private void rBNormal_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setChargingType(device, 0);
btnChargingColor.Visible = false;
private void rBFade_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setChargingType(device, 1);
btnChargingColor.Visible = false;
private void rBRainbow_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setChargingType(device, 2);
btnChargingColor.Visible = false;
private void rBColor_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setChargingType(device, 3);
btnChargingColor.Visible = true;
private void cBMouseAccel_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setMouseAccel(device, cBMouseAccel.Checked);
private void cBShiftControl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setShiftModifier(device, cBShiftControl.SelectedIndex);
if (cBShiftControl.SelectedIndex < 1)
cBShiftLight.Checked = false;
private void tabControls_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tabControls.SelectedIndex == 2)
if (tabControls.SelectedIndex == 1)
pnlShift.Visible = true;
pnlShift.Visible = false;
private void DrawCircle(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
// Create pen.
Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Red);
// Create rectangle for ellipse.
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, ((PictureBox)sender).Size.Width, ((PictureBox)sender).Size.Height);
// Draw ellipse to screen.
e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(blackPen, rect);
private void lbEmpty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tBLowRedBar.Value = tBRedBar.Value;
tBLowGreenBar.Value = tBGreenBar.Value;
tBLowBlueBar.Value = tBBlueBar.Value;
private void lbShift_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tBShiftRedBar.Value = tBRedBar.Value;
tBShiftGreenBar.Value = tBGreenBar.Value;
tBShiftBlueBar.Value = tBBlueBar.Value;
private void lbSATip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlSixaxis.Visible = !pnlSixaxis.Visible;
pBSADeadzone.Visible = !pBSADeadzone.Visible;
btnSATrack.Visible = !btnSATrack.Visible;
private void SixaxisPanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
lbSATip_Click(sender, e);
private void lbSATrack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
lbSATip_Click(sender, e);
private void cBShiftLight_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Global.getShiftModifier(device) < 1)
cBShiftLight.Checked = false;
if (!cBShiftLight.Checked)
pBShiftController.BackColor = pBController.BackColor;
pBShiftController.BackgroundImage = pBController.BackgroundImage;
alphacolor = Math.Max(tBShiftRedBar.Value, Math.Max(tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value));
reg = Color.FromArgb(tBShiftRedBar.Value, tBShiftGreenBar.Value, tBShiftBlueBar.Value);
full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
pBShiftController.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
Global.setShiftColorOn(device, cBShiftLight.Checked);
lbShift.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
lbShiftRed.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
lbShiftGreen.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
lbShiftBlue.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
tBShiftRedBar.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
tBShiftGreenBar.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
tBShiftBlueBar.Enabled = cBShiftLight.Checked;
private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if( openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
cBLaunchProgram.Checked = true;
Global.setLaunchProgram(device, openFileDialog1.FileName);
pBProgram.Image = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToBitmap();
btnBrowse.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName);
private void cBLaunchProgram_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!cBLaunchProgram.Checked)
Global.setLaunchProgram(device, string.Empty);
pBProgram.Image = null;
btnBrowse.Text = Properties.Resources.Browse;
private void cBDinput_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setDinputOnly(device, cBDinput.Checked);
if (device > 4)
private void lbFlashAt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
advColorDialog.Color = lbFlashAt.ForeColor;
advColorDialog.Color = lbPercentFlashBar.ForeColor;
advColorDialog_OnUpdateColor(lbPercentFlashBar.ForeColor, e);
if (advColorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
lbFlashAt.ForeColor = advColorDialog.Color;
lbPercentFlashBar.ForeColor = advColorDialog.Color;
Global.saveFlashColor(device, advColorDialog.Color.R, advColorDialog.Color.G, advColorDialog.Color.B);
//else Global.saveChargingColor(device, oldChargingColor[0], oldChargingColor[1], oldChargingColor[2]);
//Global.saveLowColor(device, oldLowLedColor[0], oldLowLedColor[1], oldLowLedColor[2]);
Global.saveColor(device, oldLedColor[0], oldLedColor[1], oldLedColor[2]);
oldLedColor = null;
if (lbFlashAt.ForeColor.GetBrightness() > .5f)
lbFlashAt.BackColor = Color.Black;
lbPercentFlashBar.BackColor = Color.Black;
lbFlashAt.BackColor = Color.White;
lbPercentFlashBar.BackColor = Color.White;
//oldChargingColor = null;
//oldLowLedColor = null;
private void cbStartTouchpadOff_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Global.setStartTouchpadOff(device, cbStartTouchpadOff.Checked);
private void cBDinput_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.DinputOnly;
private void Items_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (((System.Windows.Forms.Control)sender).Name)
case "cBlowerRCOn": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.BestUsedRightSide; break;
case "cBDoubleTap": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.TapAndHold; break;
case "lbControlTip": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.UseControllerForMapping; break;
case "cBTouchpadJitterCompensation": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Use Sixaxis to help calculate touchpad movement"; break;
case "pBRainbow": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.AlwaysRainbow; break;
case "cBFlushHIDQueue": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Flush HID Queue after each reading"; break;
case "cBLightbyBattery": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Also dim light by idle timeout if on"; break;
case "lbGryo": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Click to see readout of Sixaxis Gyro"; break;
case "tBsixaxisGyroX": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "GyroX, Left and Right Tilt"; break;
case "tBsixaxisGyroY": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "GyroY, Forward and Back Tilt"; break;
case "tBsixaxisGyroZ": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "GyroZ, Up and Down Tilt"; break;
case "tBsixaxisAccelX": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "AccelX"; break;
case "tBsixaxisAccelY": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "AccelY"; break;
case "tBsixaxisAccelZ": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "AccelZ"; break;
case "lbEmpty": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.CopyFullColor; break;
case "lbShift": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.CopyFullColor; break;
case "lbSATip": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Click for advanced Sixaxis reading"; break;
case "cBDinput": root.lbLastMessage.Text = Properties.Resources.DinputOnly; break;
case "lbFlashAt": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Click to change flash color. Black = default color"; break;
case "cbStartTouchpadOff": root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Re-enable by pressing PS+Touchpad"; break;
default: root.lbLastMessage.Text = "Hover over items to see description or more about"; break;
if (root.lbLastMessage.Text != "Hover over items to see description or more about")
root.lbLastMessage.ForeColor = Color.Black;
root.lbLastMessage.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;