mika-n a933eae0a9 New "360 degree gyro steering wheel emulation" functionality. This works best if the DS4 controller is mounted on a "DoItYourself steering wheel rig" (ie. controller attached at a tip of a plastic or wooden pipe which acts as a "steering shaft". This way the controller turns around like a steering wheel and gyro sensor values are more consistent).
At this point there is no GUI to enable this, so you should edit a profile XML file (fex default.xml profile) with Notepad and add <SASteeringWheelEmulationAxis>LXPos</SASteeringWheelEmulationAxis> entry.
Accepted values are None, LXPos, LYPos, RXPos, RYPos) which indicates which X360 axis is used for steering wheel values (ie. gyro tilt converted as steering wheel turning range values). The normal behaviour of this axis should be set as "unmapped" to avoid conflicting values. If steering wheel axis is LX then LY axis is still available for other purposes.
2018-11-17 01:41:21 +02:00

1561 lines
58 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using DS4Windows.DS4Library;
namespace DS4Windows
public struct DS4Color
public byte red;
public byte green;
public byte blue;
public DS4Color(Color c)
red = c.R;
green = c.G;
blue = c.B;
public DS4Color(byte r, byte g, byte b)
red = r;
green = g;
blue = b;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is DS4Color)
DS4Color dsc = ((DS4Color)obj);
return (this.red == dsc.red && this.green == dsc.green && this.blue == dsc.blue);
return false;
public Color ToColor => Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
public Color ToColorA
byte alphacolor = Math.Max(red, Math.Max(green, blue));
Color reg = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
Color full = HuetoRGB(reg.GetHue(), reg.GetBrightness(), reg);
return Color.FromArgb((alphacolor > 205 ? 255 : (alphacolor + 50)), full);
private Color HuetoRGB(float hue, float light, Color rgb)
float L = (float)Math.Max(.5, light);
float C = (1 - Math.Abs(2 * L - 1));
float X = (C * (1 - Math.Abs((hue / 60) % 2 - 1)));
float m = L - C / 2;
float R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
if (light == 1) return Color.White;
else if (rgb.R == rgb.G && rgb.G == rgb.B) return Color.White;
else if (0 <= hue && hue < 60) { R = C; G = X; }
else if (60 <= hue && hue < 120) { R = X; G = C; }
else if (120 <= hue && hue < 180) { G = C; B = X; }
else if (180 <= hue && hue < 240) { G = X; B = C; }
else if (240 <= hue && hue < 300) { R = X; B = C; }
else if (300 <= hue && hue < 360) { R = C; B = X; }
return Color.FromArgb((int)((R + m) * 255), (int)((G + m) * 255), (int)((B + m) * 255));
public static bool TryParse(string value, ref DS4Color ds4color)
string[] ss = value.Split(',');
return byte.TryParse(ss[0], out ds4color.red) && byte.TryParse(ss[1], out ds4color.green) && byte.TryParse(ss[2], out ds4color.blue);
catch { return false; }
public override string ToString() => $"Red: {red} Green: {green} Blue: {blue}";
public enum ConnectionType : byte { BT, SONYWA, USB }; // Prioritize Bluetooth when both BT and USB are connected.
* The haptics engine uses a stack of these states representing the light bar and rumble motor settings.
* It (will) handle composing them and the details of output report management.
public struct DS4HapticState
public DS4Color LightBarColor;
public bool LightBarExplicitlyOff;
public byte LightBarFlashDurationOn, LightBarFlashDurationOff;
public byte RumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow, RumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast;
public bool RumbleMotorsExplicitlyOff;
public bool IsLightBarSet()
return LightBarExplicitlyOff || LightBarColor.red != 0 || LightBarColor.green != 0 || LightBarColor.blue != 0;
public bool IsRumbleSet()
const byte zero = 0;
return RumbleMotorsExplicitlyOff || RumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow != zero || RumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast != zero;
public class DS4Device
internal const int BT_OUTPUT_REPORT_LENGTH = 78;
internal const int BT_INPUT_REPORT_LENGTH = 547;
internal const int BT_OUTPUT_CHANGE_LENGTH = 13;
internal const int USB_OUTPUT_CHANGE_LENGTH = 11;
// Use large value for worst case scenario
internal const int READ_STREAM_TIMEOUT = 3000;
// Isolated BT report can have latency as high as 15 ms
// due to hardware.
internal const int WARN_INTERVAL_BT = 20;
internal const int WARN_INTERVAL_USB = 10;
// Maximum values for battery level when no USB cable is connected
// and when a USB cable is connected
internal const int BATTERY_MAX = 8;
internal const int BATTERY_MAX_USB = 11;
public const string blankSerial = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
private HidDevice hDevice;
private string Mac;
private DS4State cState = new DS4State();
private DS4State pState = new DS4State();
private ConnectionType conType;
private byte[] accel = new byte[6];
private byte[] gyro = new byte[6];
private byte[] inputReport;
private byte[] btInputReport = null;
private byte[] outReportBuffer, outputReport;
private readonly DS4Touchpad touchpad = null;
private readonly DS4SixAxis sixAxis = null;
private byte rightLightFastRumble;
private byte leftHeavySlowRumble;
private DS4Color ligtBarColor;
private byte ledFlashOn, ledFlashOff;
private Thread ds4Input, ds4Output;
private int battery;
private DS4Audio audio = null;
private DS4Audio micAudio = null;
public DateTime lastActive = DateTime.UtcNow;
public DateTime firstActive = DateTime.UtcNow;
private bool charging;
private int warnInterval = WARN_INTERVAL_USB;
public int getWarnInterval()
return warnInterval;
public Point wheelCenterPoint;
public Point wheel90DegPointLeft;
public Point wheelCircleCenterPointLeft;
public Point wheel90DegPointRight;
public Point wheelCircleCenterPointRight;
public DateTime wheelPrevRecalibrateTime;
private bool wheelRecalibrateActive = false;
public bool WheelRecalibrateActive
get { return wheelRecalibrateActive; }
wheelRecalibrateActive = value;
public enum WheelCalibrationPoint
None = 0,
Center = 1,
Right90 = 2,
Left90 = 4,
All = Center | Right90 | Left90
public WheelCalibrationPoint wheelCalibratedAxisBitmask;
private bool exitOutputThread = false;
public bool ExitOutputThread => exitOutputThread;
private bool exitInputThread = false;
private object exitLocker = new object();
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Report = null;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Removal = null;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> SyncChange = null;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> SerialChange = null;
public EventHandler<EventArgs> MotionEvent = null;
public HidDevice HidDevice => hDevice;
public bool IsExclusive => HidDevice.IsExclusive;
public bool isExclusive()
return HidDevice.IsExclusive;
private bool isDisconnecting = false;
public bool IsDisconnecting
get { return isDisconnecting; }
private set
this.isDisconnecting = value;
public bool isDisconnectingStatus()
return this.isDisconnecting;
private bool isRemoving = false;
public bool IsRemoving
get { return isRemoving; }
this.isRemoving = value;
private bool isRemoved = false;
public bool IsRemoved
get { return isRemoved; }
this.isRemoved = value;
public object removeLocker = new object();
public string MacAddress => Mac;
public string getMacAddress()
return this.Mac;
public ConnectionType ConnectionType => conType;
public ConnectionType getConnectionType()
return this.conType;
// behavior only active when > 0
private int idleTimeout = 0;
public int IdleTimeout
get { return idleTimeout; }
idleTimeout = value;
public int getIdleTimeout()
return idleTimeout;
public void setIdleTimeout(int value)
if (idleTimeout != value)
idleTimeout = value;
public int Battery => battery;
public int getBattery()
return battery;
public bool Charging => charging;
public bool isCharging()
return charging;
private long lastTimeElapsed = 0;
public long getLastTimeElapsed()
return lastTimeElapsed;
public double lastTimeElapsedDouble = 0.0;
public double getLastTimeElapsedDouble()
return lastTimeElapsedDouble;
public byte RightLightFastRumble
get { return rightLightFastRumble; }
if (rightLightFastRumble != value)
rightLightFastRumble = value;
public byte LeftHeavySlowRumble
get { return leftHeavySlowRumble; }
if (leftHeavySlowRumble != value)
leftHeavySlowRumble = value;
public byte getLeftHeavySlowRumble()
return leftHeavySlowRumble;
public DS4Color LightBarColor
get { return ligtBarColor; }
if (ligtBarColor.red != value.red || ligtBarColor.green != value.green || ligtBarColor.blue != value.blue)
ligtBarColor = value;
public byte LightBarOnDuration
get { return ledFlashOn; }
if (ledFlashOn != value)
ledFlashOn = value;
public byte getLightBarOnDuration()
return ledFlashOn;
public byte LightBarOffDuration
get { return ledFlashOff; }
if (ledFlashOff != value)
ledFlashOff = value;
public byte getLightBarOffDuration()
return ledFlashOff;
// Specify the poll rate interval used for the DS4 hardware when
// connected via Bluetooth
private int btPollRate = 0;
public int BTPollRate
get { return btPollRate; }
if (btPollRate != value && value >= 0 && value <= 16)
btPollRate = value;
public int getBTPollRate()
return btPollRate;
public void setBTPollRate(int value)
if (btPollRate != value && value >= 0 && value <= 16)
btPollRate = value;
public DS4Touchpad Touchpad { get { return touchpad; } }
public DS4SixAxis SixAxis { get { return sixAxis; } }
public static ConnectionType HidConnectionType(HidDevice hidDevice)
ConnectionType result = ConnectionType.USB;
if (hidDevice.Capabilities.InputReportByteLength == 64)
if (hidDevice.Capabilities.NumberFeatureDataIndices == 22)
result = ConnectionType.SONYWA;
result = ConnectionType.BT;
return result;
private Queue<Action> eventQueue = new Queue<Action>();
private object eventQueueLock = new object();
private Thread timeoutCheckThread = null;
private bool timeoutExecuted = false;
private bool timeoutEvent = false;
private bool runCalib;
private bool hasInputEvts = false;
public bool ShouldRunCalib()
return runCalib;
public DS4Device(HidDevice hidDevice)
hDevice = hidDevice;
conType = HidConnectionType(hDevice);
Mac = hDevice.readSerial();
runCalib = true;
if (conType == ConnectionType.USB || conType == ConnectionType.SONYWA)
inputReport = new byte[64];
outputReport = new byte[hDevice.Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength];
outReportBuffer = new byte[hDevice.Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength];
if (conType == ConnectionType.USB)
warnInterval = WARN_INTERVAL_USB;
HidDeviceAttributes tempAttr = hDevice.Attributes;
if (tempAttr.VendorId == 0x054C && tempAttr.ProductId == 0x09CC)
audio = new DS4Audio();
micAudio = new DS4Audio(DS4Library.CoreAudio.DataFlow.Capture);
else if (tempAttr.VendorId == 0x146B)
runCalib = false;
synced = true;
warnInterval = WARN_INTERVAL_BT;
audio = new DS4Audio();
micAudio = new DS4Audio(DS4Library.CoreAudio.DataFlow.Capture);
runCalib = synced = isValidSerial();
btInputReport = new byte[BT_INPUT_REPORT_LENGTH];
inputReport = new byte[BT_INPUT_REPORT_LENGTH - 2];
outputReport = new byte[BT_OUTPUT_REPORT_LENGTH];
outReportBuffer = new byte[BT_OUTPUT_REPORT_LENGTH];
warnInterval = WARN_INTERVAL_BT;
synced = isValidSerial();
touchpad = new DS4Touchpad();
sixAxis = new DS4SixAxis();
if (runCalib)
if (!hDevice.IsFileStreamOpen())
sendOutputReport(true, true); // initialize the output report
private void TimeoutTestThread()
while (!timeoutExecuted)
if (timeoutEvent)
timeoutExecuted = true;
this.sendOutputReport(true, true); // Kick Windows into noticing the disconnection.
timeoutEvent = true;
const int DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_5_LEN = 41;
public void RefreshCalibration()
byte[] calibration = new byte[41];
calibration[0] = conType == ConnectionType.BT ? (byte)0x05 : (byte)0x02;
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT)
bool found = false;
for (int tries = 0; !found && tries < 5; tries++)
uint recvCrc32 = calibration[DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_5_CRC32_POS] |
(uint)(calibration[DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_5_CRC32_POS + 1] << 8) |
(uint)(calibration[DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_5_CRC32_POS + 2] << 16) |
(uint)(calibration[DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_5_CRC32_POS + 3] << 24);
uint calcCrc32 = ~Crc32Algorithm.Compute(new byte[] { 0xA3 });
calcCrc32 = ~Crc32Algorithm.CalculateBasicHash(ref calcCrc32, ref calibration, 0, DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_5_LEN - 4);
bool validCrc = recvCrc32 == calcCrc32;
if (!validCrc && tries >= 5)
AppLogger.LogToGui("Gyro Calibration Failed", true);
else if (validCrc)
found = true;
sixAxis.setCalibrationData(ref calibration, conType == ConnectionType.USB);
sixAxis.setCalibrationData(ref calibration, conType == ConnectionType.USB);
public void StartUpdate()
if (ds4Input == null)
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT)
ds4Output = new Thread(performDs4Output);
ds4Output.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
ds4Output.Name = "DS4 Output thread: " + Mac;
ds4Output.IsBackground = true;
timeoutCheckThread = new Thread(TimeoutTestThread);
timeoutCheckThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
timeoutCheckThread.Name = "DS4 Timeout thread: " + Mac;
timeoutCheckThread.IsBackground = true;
ds4Output = new Thread(OutReportCopy);
ds4Output.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
ds4Output.Name = "DS4 Arr Copy thread: " + Mac;
ds4Output.IsBackground = true;
ds4Input = new Thread(performDs4Input);
ds4Input.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
ds4Input.Name = "DS4 Input thread: " + Mac;
ds4Input.IsBackground = true;
Console.WriteLine("Thread already running for DS4: " + Mac);
public void StopUpdate()
if (ds4Input != null &&
ds4Input.IsAlive && !ds4Input.ThreadState.HasFlag(System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped) &&
exitInputThread = true;
catch (Exception e)
private void StopOutputUpdate()
lock (exitLocker)
if (ds4Output != null &&
ds4Output.IsAlive && !ds4Output.ThreadState.HasFlag(System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped) &&
exitOutputThread = true;
catch (Exception e)
private bool writeOutput()
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT)
return hDevice.WriteOutputReportViaControl(outputReport);
return hDevice.WriteOutputReportViaInterrupt(outReportBuffer, READ_STREAM_TIMEOUT);
private byte outputPendCount = 0;
private unsafe void performDs4Output()
int lastError = 0;
bool result = false, currentRumble = false;
while (!exitOutputThread)
if (currentRumble)
result = writeOutput();
currentRumble = false;
if (!result)
currentRumble = true;
exitOutputThread = true;
int thisError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (lastError != thisError)
Console.WriteLine(Mac.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + "> encountered write failure: " + thisError);
//Log.LogToGui(Mac.ToString() + " encountered write failure: " + thisError, true);
lastError = thisError;
if (!currentRumble)
lastError = 0;
lock (outReportBuffer)
fixed (byte* byteR = outputReport, byteB = outReportBuffer)
for (int i = 0, arlen = BT_OUTPUT_CHANGE_LENGTH; i < arlen; i++)
byteR[i] = byteB[i];
//outReportBuffer.CopyTo(outputReport, 0);
currentRumble = true;
catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { }
/** Is the device alive and receiving valid sensor input reports? */
public bool IsAlive()
return priorInputReport30 != 0xff;
private byte priorInputReport30 = 0xff;
private bool synced = false;
public bool Synced
get { return synced; }
if (synced != value)
synced = value;
public bool isSynced()
return synced;
public double Latency = 0.0;
public string error;
public bool firstReport = true;
public bool oldCharging = false;
double curTimeDouble = 0.0;
double oldTimeDouble = 0.0;
DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
bool ds4InactiveFrame = true;
bool idleInput = true;
bool timeStampInit = false;
uint timeStampPrevious = 0;
uint deltaTimeCurrent = 0;
const int BT_INPUT_REPORT_CRC32_POS = BT_OUTPUT_REPORT_LENGTH - 4; //last 4 bytes of the 78-sized input report are crc32
const uint DefaultPolynomial = 0xedb88320u;
uint HamSeed = 2351727372;
private unsafe void performDs4Input()
firstActive = DateTime.UtcNow;
NativeMethods.HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(hDevice.safeReadHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), 2);
Queue<long> latencyQueue = new Queue<long>(21); // Set capacity at max + 1 to avoid any resizing
int tempLatencyCount = 0;
long oldtime = 0;
string currerror = string.Empty;
long curtime = 0;
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
timeoutEvent = false;
ds4InactiveFrame = true;
idleInput = true;
bool syncWriteReport = conType != ConnectionType.BT;
int maxBatteryValue = 0;
int tempBattery = 0;
uint tempStamp = 0;
double elapsedDeltaTime = 0.0;
uint tempDelta = 0;
byte tempByte = 0;
int crcpos = BT_INPUT_REPORT_CRC32_POS;
int crcoffset = 0;
long latencySum = 0;
while (!exitInputThread)
oldCharging = charging;
currerror = string.Empty;
if (tempLatencyCount >= 20)
latencySum -= latencyQueue.Dequeue();
latencySum += this.lastTimeElapsed;
//Latency = latencyQueue.Average();
Latency = latencySum / tempLatencyCount;
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT)
//HidDevice.ReadStatus res = hDevice.ReadFile(btInputReport);
//HidDevice.ReadStatus res = hDevice.ReadAsyncWithFileStream(btInputReport, READ_STREAM_TIMEOUT);
HidDevice.ReadStatus res = hDevice.ReadWithFileStream(btInputReport);
timeoutEvent = false;
if (res == HidDevice.ReadStatus.Success)
//Array.Copy(btInputReport, 2, inputReport, 0, inputReport.Length);
fixed (byte* byteP = &btInputReport[2], imp = inputReport)
for (int j = 0; j < BT_INPUT_REPORT_LENGTH - 2; j++)
imp[j] = byteP[j];
//uint recvCrc32 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(btInputReport, BT_INPUT_REPORT_CRC32_POS);
uint recvCrc32 = btInputReport[BT_INPUT_REPORT_CRC32_POS] |
(uint)(btInputReport[CRC32_POS_1] << 8) |
(uint)(btInputReport[CRC32_POS_2] << 16) |
(uint)(btInputReport[CRC32_POS_3] << 24);
uint calcCrc32 = ~Crc32Algorithm.CalculateFasterBTHash(ref HamSeed, ref btInputReport, ref crcoffset, ref crcpos);
if (recvCrc32 != calcCrc32)
//Log.LogToGui("Crc check failed", true);
//Console.WriteLine(MacAddress.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + "" +
// "> invalid CRC32 in BT input report: 0x" + recvCrc32.ToString("X8") + " expected: 0x" + calcCrc32.ToString("X8"));
cState.PacketCounter = pState.PacketCounter + 1; //still increase so we know there were lost packets
if (res == HidDevice.ReadStatus.WaitTimedOut)
AppLogger.LogToGui(Mac.ToString() + " disconnected due to timeout", true);
int winError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine(Mac.ToString() + " " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + "> disconnect due to read failure: " + winError);
//Log.LogToGui(Mac.ToString() + " disconnected due to read failure: " + winError, true);
sendOutputReport(true, true); // Kick Windows into noticing the disconnection.
isDisconnecting = true;
Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
timeoutExecuted = true;
//HidDevice.ReadStatus res = hDevice.ReadFile(inputReport);
//Array.Clear(inputReport, 0, inputReport.Length);
//HidDevice.ReadStatus res = hDevice.ReadAsyncWithFileStream(inputReport, READ_STREAM_TIMEOUT);
HidDevice.ReadStatus res = hDevice.ReadWithFileStream(inputReport);
if (res != HidDevice.ReadStatus.Success)
if (res == HidDevice.ReadStatus.WaitTimedOut)
AppLogger.LogToGui(Mac.ToString() + " disconnected due to timeout", true);
int winError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine(Mac.ToString() + " " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + "> disconnect due to read failure: " + winError);
//Log.LogToGui(Mac.ToString() + " disconnected due to read failure: " + winError, true);
isDisconnecting = true;
Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
timeoutExecuted = true;
curTimeDouble = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
curtime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
lastTimeElapsed = curtime - oldtime;
lastTimeElapsedDouble = (curTimeDouble - oldTimeDouble);
oldtime = curtime;
oldTimeDouble = curTimeDouble;
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT && btInputReport[0] != 0x11)
//Received incorrect report, skip it
utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; // timestamp with UTC in case system time zone changes
cState.PacketCounter = pState.PacketCounter + 1;
cState.ReportTimeStamp = utcNow;
cState.LX = inputReport[1];
cState.LY = inputReport[2];
cState.RX = inputReport[3];
cState.RY = inputReport[4];
cState.L2 = inputReport[8];
cState.R2 = inputReport[9];
tempByte = inputReport[5];
cState.Triangle = (tempByte & (1 << 7)) != 0;
cState.Circle = (tempByte & (1 << 6)) != 0;
cState.Cross = (tempByte & (1 << 5)) != 0;
cState.Square = (tempByte & (1 << 4)) != 0;
// First 4 bits denote dpad state. Clock representation
// with 8 meaning centered and 0 meaning DpadUp.
byte dpad_state = (byte)(tempByte & 0x0F);
switch (dpad_state)
case 0: cState.DpadUp = true; cState.DpadDown = false; cState.DpadLeft = false; cState.DpadRight = false; break;
case 1: cState.DpadUp = true; cState.DpadDown = false; cState.DpadLeft = false; cState.DpadRight = true; break;
case 2: cState.DpadUp = false; cState.DpadDown = false; cState.DpadLeft = false; cState.DpadRight = true; break;
case 3: cState.DpadUp = false; cState.DpadDown = true; cState.DpadLeft = false; cState.DpadRight = true; break;
case 4: cState.DpadUp = false; cState.DpadDown = true; cState.DpadLeft = false; cState.DpadRight = false; break;
case 5: cState.DpadUp = false; cState.DpadDown = true; cState.DpadLeft = true; cState.DpadRight = false; break;
case 6: cState.DpadUp = false; cState.DpadDown = false; cState.DpadLeft = true; cState.DpadRight = false; break;
case 7: cState.DpadUp = true; cState.DpadDown = false; cState.DpadLeft = true; cState.DpadRight = false; break;
case 8:
default: cState.DpadUp = false; cState.DpadDown = false; cState.DpadLeft = false; cState.DpadRight = false; break;
tempByte = inputReport[6];
cState.R3 = (tempByte & (1 << 7)) != 0;
cState.L3 = (tempByte & (1 << 6)) != 0;
cState.Options = (tempByte & (1 << 5)) != 0;
cState.Share = (tempByte & (1 << 4)) != 0;
cState.R2Btn = (inputReport[6] & (1 << 3)) != 0;
cState.L2Btn = (inputReport[6] & (1 << 2)) != 0;
cState.R1 = (tempByte & (1 << 1)) != 0;
cState.L1 = (tempByte & (1 << 0)) != 0;
tempByte = inputReport[7];
cState.PS = (tempByte & (1 << 0)) != 0;
cState.TouchButton = (tempByte & 0x02) != 0;
cState.FrameCounter = (byte)(tempByte >> 2);
tempByte = inputReport[30];
charging = (tempByte & 0x10) != 0;
maxBatteryValue = charging ? BATTERY_MAX_USB : BATTERY_MAX;
tempBattery = (tempByte & 0x0f) * 100 / maxBatteryValue;
battery = Math.Min((byte)tempBattery, (byte)100);
cState.Battery = (byte)battery;
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("CURRENT BATTERY: " + (inputReport[30] & 0x0f) + " | " + tempBattery + " | " + battery);
if (tempByte != priorInputReport30)
priorInputReport30 = tempByte;
//Console.WriteLine(MacAddress.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + "> power subsystem octet: 0x" + inputReport[30].ToString("x02"));
tempStamp = (uint)((ushort)(inputReport[11] << 8) | inputReport[10]);
if (timeStampInit == false)
timeStampInit = true;
deltaTimeCurrent = tempStamp * 16u / 3u;
else if (timeStampPrevious > tempStamp)
tempDelta = ushort.MaxValue - timeStampPrevious + tempStamp + 1u;
deltaTimeCurrent = tempDelta * 16u / 3u;
tempDelta = tempStamp - timeStampPrevious;
deltaTimeCurrent = tempDelta * 16u / 3u;
timeStampPrevious = tempStamp;
elapsedDeltaTime = 0.000001 * deltaTimeCurrent; // Convert from microseconds to seconds
cState.elapsedTime = elapsedDeltaTime;
cState.totalMicroSec = pState.totalMicroSec + deltaTimeCurrent;
//Simpler touch storing
cState.TrackPadTouch0.Id = (byte)(inputReport[35] & 0x7f);
cState.TrackPadTouch0.IsActive = (inputReport[35] & 0x80) == 0;
cState.TrackPadTouch0.X = (short)(((ushort)(inputReport[37] & 0x0f) << 8) | (ushort)(inputReport[36]));
cState.TrackPadTouch0.Y = (short)(((ushort)(inputReport[38]) << 4) | ((ushort)(inputReport[37] & 0xf0) >> 4));
cState.TrackPadTouch1.Id = (byte)(inputReport[39] & 0x7f);
cState.TrackPadTouch1.IsActive = (inputReport[39] & 0x80) == 0;
cState.TrackPadTouch1.X = (short)(((ushort)(inputReport[41] & 0x0f) << 8) | (ushort)(inputReport[40]));
cState.TrackPadTouch1.Y = (short)(((ushort)(inputReport[42]) << 4) | ((ushort)(inputReport[41] & 0xf0) >> 4));
// XXX DS4State mapping needs fixup, turn touches into an array[4] of structs. And include the touchpad details there instead.
// Only care if one touch packet is detected. Other touch packets
// don't seem to contain relevant data. ds4drv does not use them either.
for (int touches = Math.Max((int)(inputReport[-1 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET - 1]), 1), touchOffset = 0; touches > 0; touches--, touchOffset += 9)
//for (int touches = inputReport[-1 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET - 1], touchOffset = 0; touches > 0; touches--, touchOffset += 9)
cState.TouchPacketCounter = inputReport[-1 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset];
cState.Touch1 = (inputReport[0 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset] >> 7) != 0 ? false : true; // finger 1 detected
cState.Touch1Identifier = (byte)(inputReport[0 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset] & 0x7f);
cState.Touch2 = (inputReport[4 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset] >> 7) != 0 ? false : true; // finger 2 detected
cState.Touch2Identifier = (byte)(inputReport[4 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset] & 0x7f);
cState.Touch1Finger = cState.Touch1 || cState.Touch2; // >= 1 touch detected
cState.Touch2Fingers = cState.Touch1 && cState.Touch2; // 2 touches detected
int touchX = (((inputReport[2 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset] & 0xF) << 8) | inputReport[1 + DS4Touchpad.TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchOffset]);
cState.TouchLeft = touchX >= 1920 * 2 / 5 ? false : true;
cState.TouchRight = touchX < 1920 * 2 / 5 ? false : true;
// Even when idling there is still a touch packet indicating no touch 1 or 2
touchpad.handleTouchpad(inputReport, cState, touchOffset);
catch { currerror = "Index out of bounds: touchpad"; }
// Store Gyro and Accel values
//Array.Copy(inputReport, 13, gyro, 0, 6);
//Array.Copy(inputReport, 19, accel, 0, 6);
fixed (byte* pbInput = &inputReport[13], pbGyro = gyro, pbAccel = accel)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
pbGyro[i] = pbInput[i];
for (int i = 6; i < 12; i++)
pbAccel[i - 6] = pbInput[i];
sixAxis.handleSixaxis(pbGyro, pbAccel, cState, elapsedDeltaTime);
/* Debug output of incoming HID data:
if (cState.L2 == 0xff && cState.R2 == 0xff)
Console.Write(MacAddress.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o") + ">");
for (int i = 0; i < inputReport.Length; i++)
Console.Write(" " + inputReport[i].ToString("x2"));
if (conType == ConnectionType.SONYWA)
bool controllerSynced = inputReport[31] == 0;
if (controllerSynced != synced)
runCalib = synced = controllerSynced;
SyncChange?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
sendOutputReport(true, true);
ds4InactiveFrame = cState.FrameCounter == pState.FrameCounter;
if (!ds4InactiveFrame)
isRemoved = false;
if (conType == ConnectionType.USB)
if (idleTimeout == 0)
lastActive = utcNow;
idleInput = isDS4Idle();
if (!idleInput)
lastActive = utcNow;
bool shouldDisconnect = false;
if (!isRemoved && idleTimeout > 0)
idleInput = isDS4Idle();
if (idleInput)
DateTime timeout = lastActive + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(idleTimeout);
if (!charging)
shouldDisconnect = utcNow >= timeout;
lastActive = utcNow;
lastActive = utcNow;
if (shouldDisconnect)
AppLogger.LogToGui(Mac.ToString() + " disconnecting due to idle disconnect", false);
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT)
if (DisconnectBT(true))
timeoutExecuted = true;
return; // all done
else if (conType == ConnectionType.SONYWA)
if (conType == ConnectionType.BT && oldCharging != charging)
if (Global.getQuickCharge() && charging)
timeoutExecuted = true;
if (Report != null)
Report(this, EventArgs.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currerror))
error = currerror;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
error = string.Empty;
if (hasInputEvts)
lock (eventQueueLock)
Action tempAct = null;
for (int actInd = 0, actLen = eventQueue.Count; actInd < actLen; actInd++)
tempAct = eventQueue.Dequeue();
hasInputEvts = false;
timeoutExecuted = true;
public void FlushHID()
private unsafe void sendOutputReport(bool synchronous, bool force = false)
bool quitOutputThread = false;
bool usingBT = conType == ConnectionType.BT;
lock (outReportBuffer)
bool output = outputPendCount > 0, change = force;
if (usingBT)
outReportBuffer[0] = 0x11;
outReportBuffer[1] = (byte)(0x80 | btPollRate); // input report rate
// enable rumble (0x01), lightbar (0x02), flash (0x04)
outReportBuffer[3] = 0xf7;
outReportBuffer[6] = rightLightFastRumble; // fast motor
outReportBuffer[7] = leftHeavySlowRumble; // slow motor
outReportBuffer[8] = ligtBarColor.red; // red
outReportBuffer[9] = ligtBarColor.green; // green
outReportBuffer[10] = ligtBarColor.blue; // blue
outReportBuffer[11] = ledFlashOn; // flash on duration
outReportBuffer[12] = ledFlashOff; // flash off duration
fixed (byte* byteR = outputReport, byteB = outReportBuffer)
for (int i = 0, arlen = BT_OUTPUT_CHANGE_LENGTH; !change && i < arlen; i++)
change = byteR[i] != byteB[i];
outReportBuffer[0] = 0x05;
// enable rumble (0x01), lightbar (0x02), flash (0x04)
outReportBuffer[1] = 0xf7;
outReportBuffer[4] = rightLightFastRumble; // fast motor
outReportBuffer[5] = leftHeavySlowRumble; // slow motor
outReportBuffer[6] = ligtBarColor.red; // red
outReportBuffer[7] = ligtBarColor.green; // green
outReportBuffer[8] = ligtBarColor.blue; // blue
outReportBuffer[9] = ledFlashOn; // flash on duration
outReportBuffer[10] = ledFlashOff; // flash off duration
fixed (byte* byteR = outputReport, byteB = outReportBuffer)
for (int i = 0, arlen = USB_OUTPUT_CHANGE_LENGTH; !change && i < arlen; i++)
change = byteR[i] != byteB[i];
if (change && audio != null)
// Headphone volume levels
outReportBuffer[19] = outReportBuffer[20] =
// Microphone volume level
outReportBuffer[21] = Convert.ToByte(micAudio.getVolume());
if (synchronous)
outputPendCount = 3;
if (change)
if (usingBT)
outReportBuffer.CopyTo(outputReport, 0);
if (!writeOutput())
int winError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
quitOutputThread = true;
catch { } // If it's dead already, don't worry about it.
if (usingBT)
//for (int i = 0, arlen = outputReport.Length; !change && i < arlen; i++)
// change = outputReport[i] != outReportBuffer[i];
if (output || change)
if (change)
outputPendCount = 3;
if (quitOutputThread)
exitOutputThread = true;
public void OutReportCopy()
while (!exitOutputThread)
lock (outReportBuffer)
outReportBuffer.CopyTo(outputReport, 0);
catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { }
public bool DisconnectBT(bool callRemoval = false)
if (Mac != null)
// Wait for output report to be written
Console.WriteLine("Trying to disconnect BT device " + Mac);
IntPtr btHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
byte[] btAddr = new byte[8];
string[] sbytes = Mac.Split(':');
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
// parse hex byte in reverse order
btAddr[5 - i] = Convert.ToByte(sbytes[i], 16);
long lbtAddr = BitConverter.ToInt64(btAddr, 0);
bool success = false;
lock (outputReport)
p.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.BLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS));
IntPtr searchHandle = NativeMethods.BluetoothFindFirstRadio(ref p, ref btHandle);
int bytesReturned = 0;
while (!success && btHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
success = NativeMethods.DeviceIoControl(btHandle, IOCTL_BTH_DISCONNECT_DEVICE, ref lbtAddr, 8, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero);
if (!success)
if (!NativeMethods.BluetoothFindNextRadio(searchHandle, ref btHandle))
btHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
Console.WriteLine("Disconnect successful: " + success);
success = true; // XXX return value indicates failure, but it still works?
if (success)
IsDisconnecting = true;
if (callRemoval)
Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
//System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); });
return success;
return false;
public bool DisconnectDongle(bool remove = false)
bool result = false;
byte[] disconnectReport = new byte[65];
disconnectReport[0] = 0xe2;
disconnectReport[1] = 0x02;
Array.Clear(disconnectReport, 2, 63);
if (remove)
lock (outputReport)
result = hDevice.WriteFeatureReport(disconnectReport);
if (result && remove)
isDisconnecting = true;
Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
//System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); });
//Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
else if (result && !remove)
isRemoved = true;
return result;
private DS4HapticState testRumble = new DS4HapticState();
public void setRumble(byte rightLightFastMotor, byte leftHeavySlowMotor)
testRumble.RumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast = rightLightFastMotor;
testRumble.RumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow = leftHeavySlowMotor;
testRumble.RumbleMotorsExplicitlyOff = rightLightFastMotor == 0 && leftHeavySlowMotor == 0;
private void setTestRumble()
if (testRumble.IsRumbleSet())
pushHapticState(ref testRumble);
if (testRumble.RumbleMotorsExplicitlyOff)
testRumble.RumbleMotorsExplicitlyOff = false;
public DS4State getCurrentState()
return cState.Clone();
public DS4State getPreviousState()
return pState.Clone();
public void getCurrentState(DS4State state)
public void getPreviousState(DS4State state)
public DS4State getCurrentStateRef()
return cState;
public DS4State getPreviousStateRef()
return pState;
public bool isDS4Idle()
if (cState.Square || cState.Cross || cState.Circle || cState.Triangle)
return false;
if (cState.DpadUp || cState.DpadLeft || cState.DpadDown || cState.DpadRight)
return false;
if (cState.L3 || cState.R3 || cState.L1 || cState.R1 || cState.Share || cState.Options)
return false;
if (cState.L2 != 0 || cState.R2 != 0)
return false;
// TODO calibrate to get an accurate jitter and center-play range and centered position
const int slop = 64;
if (cState.LX <= 127 - slop || cState.LX >= 128 + slop || cState.LY <= 127 - slop || cState.LY >= 128 + slop)
return false;
if (cState.RX <= 127 - slop || cState.RX >= 128 + slop || cState.RY <= 127 - slop || cState.RY >= 128 + slop)
return false;
if (cState.Touch1 || cState.Touch2 || cState.TouchButton)
return false;
return true;
private DS4HapticState[] hapticState = new DS4HapticState[1];
private int hapticStackIndex = 0;
private void resetHapticState()
hapticStackIndex = 0;
delegate void HapticItem(ref DS4HapticState haptic);
// Use the "most recently set" haptic state for each of light bar/motor.
private void setHapticState()
byte lightBarFlashDurationOn = ledFlashOn, lightBarFlashDurationOff = ledFlashOff;
byte rumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow = leftHeavySlowRumble,
rumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast = rightLightFastRumble;
int hapticLen = hapticState.Length;
for (int i=0; i < hapticLen; i++)
if (i == hapticStackIndex)
break; // rest haven't been used this time
((HapticItem)((ref DS4HapticState haptic) => {
if (haptic.IsLightBarSet())
ligtBarColor = haptic.LightBarColor;
lightBarFlashDurationOn = haptic.LightBarFlashDurationOn;
lightBarFlashDurationOff = haptic.LightBarFlashDurationOff;
if (haptic.IsRumbleSet())
rumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow = haptic.RumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow;
rumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast = haptic.RumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast;
}))(ref hapticState[i]);
ledFlashOn = lightBarFlashDurationOn;
ledFlashOff = lightBarFlashDurationOff;
leftHeavySlowRumble = rumbleMotorStrengthLeftHeavySlow;
rightLightFastRumble = rumbleMotorStrengthRightLightFast;
public void pushHapticState(ref DS4HapticState hs)
int hapsLen = hapticState.Length;
if (hapticStackIndex == hapsLen)
DS4HapticState[] newHaptics = new DS4HapticState[hapsLen + 1];
Array.Copy(hapticState, newHaptics, hapsLen);
hapticState = newHaptics;
hapticState[hapticStackIndex++] = hs;
public string ToString()
return Mac;
public void runRemoval()
Removal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void removeReportHandlers()
this.Report = null;
public void queueEvent(Action act)
lock (eventQueueLock)
hasInputEvts = true;
public void updateSerial()
string tempMac = hDevice.readSerial();
if (tempMac != Mac)
Mac = tempMac;
SerialChange?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool isValidSerial()
return !Mac.Equals(blankSerial);
public static bool isValidSerial(string test)
return !test.Equals(blankSerial);