jays2kings a4e59cacb8 Version 1.4.15
Use Touchpad swipes for controls and disable it for mouse: swipe in 4
directions to use buttons, marcos, and even use the touchpad as an
analog stick (Relive the great moments of playing an FPS on a
Mapping Stick directions to triggers now work properly
2014-11-15 16:54:14 -05:00

210 lines
8.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using DS4Library;
namespace DS4Control
public class Mouse : ITouchpadBehaviour
protected DateTime pastTime, firstTap, TimeofEnd;
protected Touch firstTouch, secondTouch;
private DS4State s = new DS4State();
protected int deviceNum;
private DS4Device dev = null;
private readonly MouseCursor cursor;
private readonly MouseWheel wheel;
private bool tappedOnce = false, secondtouchbegin = false;
public bool swipeLeft, swipeRight, swipeUp, swipeDown;
public byte swipeLeftB, swipeRightB, swipeUpB, swipeDownB, swipedB;
public bool slideleft, slideright;
// touch area stuff
public bool leftDown, rightDown, upperDown, multiDown;
protected DS4Controls pushed = DS4Controls.None;
protected Mapping.Click clicked = Mapping.Click.None;
public Mouse(int deviceID, DS4Device d)
deviceNum = deviceID;
dev = d;
cursor = new MouseCursor(deviceNum);
wheel = new MouseWheel(deviceNum);
public override string ToString()
return "Standard Mode";
public virtual void touchesMoved(object sender, TouchpadEventArgs arg)
if (!Global.getUseTPforControls(deviceNum))
if (!(swipeUp || swipeDown || swipeLeft || swipeRight) && arg.touches.Length == 1)
if (arg.touches[0].hwX - firstTouch.hwX > 200) swipeRight = true;
if (arg.touches[0].hwX - firstTouch.hwX < -200) swipeLeft = true;
if (arg.touches[0].hwY - firstTouch.hwY > 150) swipeDown = true;
if (arg.touches[0].hwY - firstTouch.hwY < -150) swipeUp = true;
swipeUpB = (byte)Math.Min(255, Math.Max(0, (firstTouch.hwY - arg.touches[0].hwY) * 1.5f));
swipeDownB = (byte)Math.Min(255, Math.Max(0, (arg.touches[0].hwY - firstTouch.hwY) * 1.5f));
swipeLeftB = (byte)Math.Min(255, Math.Max(0, firstTouch.hwX - arg.touches[0].hwX));
swipeRightB = (byte)Math.Min(255, Math.Max(0, arg.touches[0].hwX - firstTouch.hwX));
if (Math.Abs(firstTouch.hwY - arg.touches[0].hwY) < 50 && arg.touches.Length == 2)
if (arg.touches[0].hwX - firstTouch.hwX > 200 && !slideleft)
slideright = true;
else if (firstTouch.hwX - arg.touches[0].hwX > 200 && !slideright)
slideleft = true;
public virtual void touchesBegan(object sender, TouchpadEventArgs arg)
if (!Global.getUseTPforControls(deviceNum))
pastTime = arg.timeStamp;
firstTouch = arg.touches[0];
if (Global.getDoubleTap(deviceNum))
DateTime test = arg.timeStamp;
if (test <= (firstTap + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)Global.getTapSensitivity(deviceNum) * 1.5)) && !arg.touchButtonPressed)
secondtouchbegin = true;
public virtual void touchesEnded(object sender, TouchpadEventArgs arg)
slideright = slideleft = false;
swipeUp = swipeDown = swipeLeft = swipeRight = false;
swipeUpB = swipeDownB = swipeLeftB = swipeRightB = 0;
if (Global.getTapSensitivity(deviceNum) != 0 && !Global.getUseTPforControls(deviceNum))
if (secondtouchbegin)
tappedOnce = false;
secondtouchbegin = false;
DateTime test = arg.timeStamp;
if (test <= (pastTime + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)Global.getTapSensitivity(deviceNum) * 2)) && !arg.touchButtonPressed && !tappedOnce)
if (Math.Abs(firstTouch.hwX - arg.touches[0].hwX) < 10 && Math.Abs(firstTouch.hwY - arg.touches[0].hwY) < 10)
if (Global.getDoubleTap(deviceNum))
tappedOnce = true;
firstTap = arg.timeStamp;
TimeofEnd = DateTime.Now; //since arg can't be used in synthesizeMouseButtons
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Left); //this way no delay if disabled
private bool isLeft(Touch t)
return t.hwX < 1920 * 2 / 5;
private bool isRight(Touch t)
return t.hwX >= 1920 * 2 / 5;
public virtual void touchUnchanged(object sender, EventArgs unused)
//if (s.Touch1 || s.Touch2 || s.TouchButton)
private DS4State remapped = new DS4State();
private void synthesizeMouseButtons()
if (Global.getCustomButton(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchLeft) == X360Controls.None &&
Global.getCustomMacro(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchLeft) == "0" &&
Global.getCustomKey(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchLeft) == 0 &&
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Left);
if (Global.getCustomButton(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchUpper) == X360Controls.None &&
Global.getCustomMacro(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchUpper) == "0" &&
Global.getCustomKey(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchUpper) == 0 &&
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Middle);
if (Global.getCustomButton(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchRight) == X360Controls.None &&
Global.getCustomMacro(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchRight) == "0" &&
Global.getCustomKey(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchRight) == 0 &&
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Left);
if (Global.getCustomButton(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchMulti) == X360Controls.None &&
Global.getCustomMacro(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchMulti) == "0" &&
Global.getCustomKey(deviceNum, DS4Controls.TouchMulti) == 0 &&
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Right);
if (!Global.getUseTPforControls(deviceNum))
if (tappedOnce)
DateTime tester = DateTime.Now;
if (tester > (TimeofEnd + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)(Global.getTapSensitivity(deviceNum)) * 1.5)))
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Left);
tappedOnce = false;
//if it fails the method resets, and tries again with a new tester value (gives tap a delay so tap and hold can work)
if (secondtouchbegin) //if tap and hold (also works as double tap)
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Left);
s = remapped;
public virtual void touchButtonUp(object sender, TouchpadEventArgs arg)
pushed = DS4Controls.None;
upperDown = leftDown = rightDown = multiDown = false;
dev.setRumble(0, 0);
if (s.Touch1 || s.Touch2)
public virtual void touchButtonDown(object sender, TouchpadEventArgs arg)
if (arg.touches == null)
upperDown = true;
else if (arg.touches.Length > 1)
multiDown = true;
if ((Global.getLowerRCOn(deviceNum) && arg.touches[0].hwX > (1920 * 3) / 4 && arg.touches[0].hwY > (960 * 3) / 4))
Mapping.MapClick(deviceNum, Mapping.Click.Right);
if (isLeft(arg.touches[0]))
leftDown = true;
else if (isRight(arg.touches[0]))
rightDown = true;
public DS4State getDS4State()
return s;