jays2kings 7673d6351a Version 1.4.2
Special Actions: press a control or a set of controls to perform a
macro, launch a program/file, or load a different profile. Create new
actions in profile options, and check which ones you want the selected
profile to use.
Set an analog curve for the left and right stick, see the changes live
in the controller readout
Option to set the close button to minimize DS4Windows, and truly close
it by the notification icon
Added Spanish Translations (added credits to the translations sheets so
users can be properly thanked if wanted to be)
Sticks Deadzone reworked from being a square to radial as the controller
readout actually shows
Fix pressing keyboard not setting an action for controls
Fix Tilts and Swipes controls not showing text in the control list
Fix program crashing when uses x360 macros with shift controls
Fix for trying to edit a profile from the context menu after never
restoring DS4Windows form start.
Fix for settings low flash color
Now running with startup will always start minimized, even if start
minimized is unchecked
2014-12-13 15:12:03 -05:00

229 lines
6.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DS4Library;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
namespace DS4Control
public partial class X360Device : ScpDevice
private const String DS3_BUS_CLASS_GUID = "{F679F562-3164-42CE-A4DB-E7DDBE723909}";
private const int CONTROLLER_OFFSET = 1; // Device 0 is the virtual USB hub itself, and we leave devices 1-10 available for other software (like the Scarlet.Crush DualShock driver itself)
private int firstController = 1;
// Device 0 is the virtual USB hub itself, and we can leave more available for other software (like the Scarlet.Crush DualShock driver)
public int FirstController
get { return firstController; }
set { firstController = value > 0 ? value : 1; }
protected Int32 Scale(Int32 Value, Boolean Flip)
Value -= 0x80;
if (Value == -128) Value = -127;
if (Flip) Value *= -1;
return (Int32)((float)Value * 258.00787401574803149606299212599f);
public X360Device()
public X360Device(IContainer container)
/* public override Boolean Open(int Instance = 0)
if (base.Open(Instance))
return true;
} */
public override Boolean Open(String DevicePath)
m_Path = DevicePath;
m_WinUsbHandle = (IntPtr)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (GetDeviceHandle(m_Path))
m_IsActive = true;
return true;
public override Boolean Start()
if (IsActive)
return true;
public override Boolean Stop()
if (IsActive)
return base.Stop();
public override Boolean Close()
if (IsActive)
return base.Close();
public void Parse(DS4State state, Byte[] Output, int device)
Output[0] = 0x1C;
Output[4] = (Byte)(device + firstController);
Output[9] = 0x14;
for (int i = 10; i < Output.Length; i++)
Output[i] = 0;
if (state.Share) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 5); // Back
if (state.L3) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 6); // Left Thumb
if (state.R3) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 7); // Right Thumb
if (state.Options) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 4); // Start
if (state.DpadUp) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 0); // Up
if (state.DpadRight) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 3); // Down
if (state.DpadDown) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 1); // Right
if (state.DpadLeft) Output[10] |= (Byte)(1 << 2); // Left
if (state.L1) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 0); // Left Shoulder
if (state.R1) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 1); // Right Shoulder
if (state.Triangle) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 7); // Y
if (state.Circle) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 5); // B
if (state.Cross) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 4); // A
if (state.Square) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 6); // X
if (state.PS) Output[11] |= (Byte)(1 << 2); // Guide
Output[12] = state.L2; // Left Trigger
Output[13] = state.R2; // Right Trigger
Int32 ThumbLX = Scale(state.LX, false);
Int32 ThumbLY = -Scale(state.LY, false);
Int32 ThumbRX = Scale(state.RX, false);
Int32 ThumbRY = -Scale(state.RY, false);
Output[14] = (Byte)((ThumbLX >> 0) & 0xFF); // LX
Output[15] = (Byte)((ThumbLX >> 8) & 0xFF);
Output[16] = (Byte)((ThumbLY >> 0) & 0xFF); // LY
Output[17] = (Byte)((ThumbLY >> 8) & 0xFF);
Output[18] = (Byte)((ThumbRX >> 0) & 0xFF); // RX
Output[19] = (Byte)((ThumbRX >> 8) & 0xFF);
Output[20] = (Byte)((ThumbRY >> 0) & 0xFF); // RY
Output[21] = (Byte)((ThumbRY >> 8) & 0xFF);
public Boolean Plugin(Int32 Serial)
if (IsActive)
Int32 Transfered = 0;
Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[16];
Buffer[0] = 0x10;
Buffer[1] = 0x00;
Buffer[2] = 0x00;
Buffer[3] = 0x00;
Serial += firstController;
Buffer[4] = (Byte)((Serial >> 0) & 0xFF);
Buffer[5] = (Byte)((Serial >> 8) & 0xFF);
Buffer[6] = (Byte)((Serial >> 16) & 0xFF);
Buffer[7] = (Byte)((Serial >> 24) & 0xFF);
return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A4000, Buffer, Buffer.Length, null, 0, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero);
return false;
public Boolean Unplug(Int32 Serial)
if (IsActive)
Int32 Transfered = 0;
Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[16];
Buffer[0] = 0x10;
Buffer[1] = 0x00;
Buffer[2] = 0x00;
Buffer[3] = 0x00;
Serial += firstController;
Buffer[4] = (Byte)((Serial >> 0) & 0xFF);
Buffer[5] = (Byte)((Serial >> 8) & 0xFF);
Buffer[6] = (Byte)((Serial >> 16) & 0xFF);
Buffer[7] = (Byte)((Serial >> 24) & 0xFF);
return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A4004, Buffer, Buffer.Length, null, 0, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero);
return false;
public Boolean UnplugAll() //not yet implemented, not sure if will
if (IsActive)
Int32 Transfered = 0;
Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[16];
Buffer[0] = 0x10;
Buffer[1] = 0x00;
Buffer[2] = 0x00;
Buffer[3] = 0x00;
return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A4004, Buffer, Buffer.Length, null, 0, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero);
return false;
public Boolean Report(Byte[] Input, Byte[] Output)
if (IsActive)
Int32 Transfered = 0;
return DeviceIoControl(m_FileHandle, 0x2A400C, Input, Input.Length, Output, Output.Length, ref Transfered, IntPtr.Zero) && Transfered > 0;
return false;