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synced 2025-03-12 22:36:43 +01:00

Flash Lightbar when at high latency now has the option to choose what you decide is high latency Show Notifications now has the option to only show warnings, such as when a controller cannot be grabbed exclusively Speaking of bad news for Windows 10 users: Hide DS4 has now been disabled, until i can figure out why this is, it will be disabled, this means some games that rely on this may not work properly or at all, sorry about that As for good news for Windows 10, did you know you can press Windows + G to open a game bar which can record games. For Windows 10 users, there's a new special action: Xbox Game DVR. Pick a trigger (only one button) and tapping/holding/or double tapping does various things, such as start/stop recording, save an ongoing recording, take a screenshot (via the xbox app's option or your own hotkey ie form steam), or just open the gamebar Much of the code has been updated with c# 6.0 Added manifest so DS4Windows can notice Windows 10 and high DPIs, also reorganized files
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace DS4Windows
public class TouchpadEventArgs : EventArgs
public readonly Touch[] touches = null;
public readonly System.DateTime timeStamp;
public readonly bool touchButtonPressed;
public TouchpadEventArgs(System.DateTime utcTimestamp, bool tButtonDown, Touch t0, Touch t1 = null)
if (t1 != null)
touches = new Touch[2];
touches[0] = t0;
touches[1] = t1;
else if (t0 != null)
touches = new Touch[1];
touches[0] = t0;
touchButtonPressed = tButtonDown;
this.timeStamp = utcTimestamp;
public class Touch
public readonly int hwX, hwY, deltaX, deltaY;
public readonly byte touchID;
public readonly Touch previousTouch;
public Touch(int X, int Y, byte tID, Touch prevTouch = null)
hwX = X;
hwY = Y;
touchID = tID;
previousTouch = prevTouch;
if (previousTouch != null)
deltaX = X - previousTouch.hwX;
deltaY = Y - previousTouch.hwY;
public class DS4Touchpad
public event EventHandler<TouchpadEventArgs> TouchesBegan = null; // finger one or two landed (or both, or one then two, or two then one; any touches[] count increase)
public event EventHandler<TouchpadEventArgs> TouchesMoved = null; // deltaX/deltaY are set because one or both fingers were already down on a prior sensor reading
public event EventHandler<TouchpadEventArgs> TouchesEnded = null; // all fingers lifted
public event EventHandler<TouchpadEventArgs> TouchButtonDown = null; // touchpad pushed down until the button clicks
public event EventHandler<TouchpadEventArgs> TouchButtonUp = null; // touchpad button released
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> TouchUnchanged = null; // no status change for the touchpad itself... but other sensors may have changed, or you may just want to do some processing
public readonly static int TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET = 35;
internal int lastTouchPadX1, lastTouchPadY1,
lastTouchPadX2, lastTouchPadY2; // tracks 0, 1 or 2 touches; we maintain touch 1 and 2 separately
internal bool lastTouchPadIsDown;
internal bool lastIsActive1, lastIsActive2;
internal byte lastTouchID1, lastTouchID2;
internal byte[] previousPacket = new byte[8];
// We check everything other than the not bothering with not-very-useful TouchPacketCounter.
private bool PacketChanged(byte[] data, int touchPacketOffset)
bool changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < previousPacket.Length; i++)
byte oldValue = previousPacket[i];
previousPacket[i] = data[i + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset];
if (previousPacket[i] != oldValue)
changed = true;
return changed;
public void handleTouchpad(byte[] data, DS4State sensors, int touchPacketOffset = 0)
bool touchPadIsDown = sensors.TouchButton;
if (!PacketChanged(data, touchPacketOffset) && touchPadIsDown == lastTouchPadIsDown)
if (TouchUnchanged != null)
TouchUnchanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
byte touchID1 = (byte)(data[0 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] & 0x7F);
byte touchID2 = (byte)(data[4 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] & 0x7F);
int currentX1 = data[1 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] + ((data[2 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] & 0xF) * 255);
int currentY1 = ((data[2 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] & 0xF0) >> 4) + (data[3 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] * 16);
int currentX2 = data[5 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] + ((data[6 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] & 0xF) * 255);
int currentY2 = ((data[6 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] & 0xF0) >> 4) + (data[7 + TOUCHPAD_DATA_OFFSET + touchPacketOffset] * 16);
TouchpadEventArgs args;
if (sensors.Touch1 || sensors.Touch2)
if ((sensors.Touch1 && !lastIsActive1) || (sensors.Touch2 && !lastIsActive2))
if (TouchesBegan != null)
if (sensors.Touch1 && sensors.Touch2)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1), new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2));
else if (sensors.Touch1)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1));
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2));
TouchesBegan(this, args);
else if (sensors.Touch1 == lastIsActive1 && sensors.Touch2 == lastIsActive2 && TouchesMoved != null)
Touch tPrev, t0, t1;
if (sensors.Touch1 && sensors.Touch2)
tPrev = new Touch(lastTouchPadX1, lastTouchPadY1, lastTouchID1);
t0 = new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1, tPrev);
tPrev = new Touch(lastTouchPadX2, lastTouchPadY2, lastTouchID2);
t1 = new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2, tPrev);
else if (sensors.Touch1)
tPrev = new Touch(lastTouchPadX1, lastTouchPadY1, lastTouchID1);
t0 = new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1, tPrev);
t1 = null;
tPrev = new Touch(lastTouchPadX2, lastTouchPadY2, lastTouchID2);
t0 = new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2, tPrev);
t1 = null;
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, t0, t1);
TouchesMoved(this, args);
if (!lastTouchPadIsDown && touchPadIsDown && TouchButtonDown != null)
if (sensors.Touch1 && sensors.Touch2)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1), new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2));
else if (sensors.Touch1)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1));
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2));
TouchButtonDown(this, args);
else if (lastTouchPadIsDown && !touchPadIsDown && TouchButtonUp != null)
if (sensors.Touch1 && sensors.Touch2)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1), new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2));
else if (sensors.Touch1)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX1, currentY1, touchID1));
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(currentX2, currentY2, touchID2));
TouchButtonUp(this, args);
if (sensors.Touch1)
lastTouchPadX1 = currentX1;
lastTouchPadY1 = currentY1;
if (sensors.Touch2)
lastTouchPadX2 = currentX2;
lastTouchPadY2 = currentY2;
lastTouchPadIsDown = touchPadIsDown;
if (touchPadIsDown && !lastTouchPadIsDown)
if (TouchButtonDown != null)
TouchButtonDown(this, new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, null, null));
else if (!touchPadIsDown && lastTouchPadIsDown)
if (TouchButtonUp != null)
TouchButtonUp(this, new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, null, null));
if ((lastIsActive1 || lastIsActive2) && TouchesEnded != null)
if (lastIsActive1 && lastIsActive2)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(lastTouchPadX1, lastTouchPadY1, touchID1), new Touch(lastTouchPadX2, lastTouchPadY2, touchID2));
else if (lastIsActive1)
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(lastTouchPadX1, lastTouchPadY1, touchID1));
args = new TouchpadEventArgs(sensors.ReportTimeStamp, sensors.TouchButton, new Touch(lastTouchPadX2, lastTouchPadY2, touchID2));
TouchesEnded(this, args);
lastIsActive1 = sensors.Touch1;
lastIsActive2 = sensors.Touch2;
lastTouchID1 = touchID1;
lastTouchID2 = touchID2;
lastTouchPadIsDown = touchPadIsDown;