2018-06-10 17:23:53 +02:00

349 lines
11 KiB

* WUX file structure (v1.0):
UINT32 magic1 "WUX0"
UINT32 magic2 0x1099d02e
UINT32 sectorSize Size per uncompressed sector (SECTOR_SIZE constant)
UINT64 uncompressedSize Size of the Wii U image before being compressed
UINT32 flags Enable optional parts of the header (not used right now)
UINT32[] lookupIndex table of indices for lookup of each sector. To calculate number of entries in this array: sectorCount = (uncompressedSize+sectorSize-1)/sectorSize
UINT8[] padding Padding until the next field (sectorData) is aligned to sectorSize bytes. You can write whatever data you want here
UINT8[] sectorData Array of unique sectors. Size in bytes: sectorSize * sectorCount
#define SECTOR_SIZE (0x8000)
#define SECTOR_HASH_SIZE (32)
* Hash function used to create a hash of each sector
* The hashes are then compared to find duplicate sectors
void calculateHash256(unsigned char* data, unsigned int length, unsigned char* hashOut)
// cheap and simple hash implementation
// you can replace this part with your favorite hash method
memset(hashOut, 0x00, 32);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<length; i++)
hashOut[i%32] ^= data[i];
hashOut[(i+7)%32] += data[i];
* Compare content of two WUD/WUX files
* Used to compare uncompressed and compressed version of a WUD
* Returns false if there is even a single byte of difference
bool validateWUX(char* wud1Path, char* wud2Path)
puts("Checking for errors...");
wud_t* wudFile1 = wud_open(wud1Path);
wud_t* wudFile2 = wud_open(wud2Path);
if( wudFile1 == NULL )
printf("Failed to open \"%s\"\n", wud1Path);
if( wudFile2 == NULL )
return false;
if( wudFile2 == NULL )
printf("Failed to open \"%s\"\n", wud2Path);
if( wudFile1 == NULL )
return false;
// get and compare sizes
long long wud1Size = wud_getWUDSize(wudFile1);
long long wud2Size = wud_getWUDSize(wudFile2);
if( wud1Size != wud2Size )
printf("WUD data size mismatch\n");
return false;
// compare data
long long currentValidationOffset = 0;
unsigned int tempBufferSize = 1024*1024+19; // 1MB + some extra bytes to make the number uneven (we want to provoke cross-sector reads)
unsigned char* tempBufferWUD1 = (unsigned char*)malloc(tempBufferSize);
unsigned char* tempBufferWUD2 = (unsigned char*)malloc(tempBufferSize);
bool dataMismatch = false;
int pct = -1;
while( currentValidationOffset < wud1Size )
// calculate how many bytes we are reading in this cycle
long long remainingBytes = wud1Size - currentValidationOffset;
unsigned int bytesToRead = tempBufferSize;
if( remainingBytes < (long long)bytesToRead )
bytesToRead = (unsigned int)remainingBytes;
unsigned int readByteCount1 = wud_readData(wudFile1, tempBufferWUD1, bytesToRead, currentValidationOffset);
unsigned int readByteCount2 = wud_readData(wudFile2, tempBufferWUD2, bytesToRead, currentValidationOffset);
if( readByteCount1 != readByteCount2 || bytesToRead != readByteCount1 )
printf("Data read size mismatch\n");
dataMismatch = true;
// compare buffers
if( memcmp(tempBufferWUD1, tempBufferWUD2, bytesToRead) != 0 )
printf("Data mismatch\n");
dataMismatch = true;
// progress offset
currentValidationOffset += bytesToRead;
// display current progress
int newPct = (int)(currentValidationOffset*1000LL / wud1Size);
if( newPct != pct )
printf("%d.%d%% \r", (newPct/10), (newPct%10));
pct = newPct;
return dataMismatch == false;
bool compressWUD(wud_t* inputFile, FILE* outputFile, char* outputPath)
long long inputSize = wud_getWUDSize(inputFile);
// write header
wuxHeader_t wuxHeader = {0};
wuxHeader.magic0 = WUX_MAGIC_0;
wuxHeader.magic1 = WUX_MAGIC_1;
wuxHeader.sectorSize = SECTOR_SIZE;
wuxHeader.uncompressedSize = inputSize;
wuxHeader.flags = 0;
fwrite(&wuxHeader, sizeof(wuxHeader_t), 1, outputFile);
unsigned int sectorTableEntryCount = (unsigned int)((inputSize+SECTOR_SIZE-1) / (long long)SECTOR_SIZE);
// remember current seek offset, this is where the index table will be written after compression is done
long long offsetIndexTable = _ftelli64(outputFile);
// skip index table and padding
long long offsetSectorArrayStart = (offsetIndexTable + (long long)sectorTableEntryCount*sizeof(unsigned int));
// align to SECTOR_SIZE
offsetSectorArrayStart = (offsetSectorArrayStart + SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
offsetSectorArrayStart = offsetSectorArrayStart - (offsetSectorArrayStart%SECTOR_SIZE);
_fseeki64(outputFile, offsetSectorArrayStart, SEEK_SET);
unsigned int indexTableSize = sizeof(unsigned int) * sectorTableEntryCount;
unsigned int* sectorIndexTable = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * sectorTableEntryCount);
unsigned char* sectorHashArray = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * SECTOR_HASH_SIZE * sectorTableEntryCount);
unsigned int uniqueSectorCount = 0;
printf("Compressing %d sectors...\n", sectorTableEntryCount);
unsigned char buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];
unsigned char sectorHash[32];
unsigned int storedSectors = 0;
int currentPct = 0;
long long compressedSize = offsetSectorArrayStart;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<sectorTableEntryCount; i++)
// print status
int newPct = ((i+1)*1000)/sectorTableEntryCount;
if( currentPct != newPct )
currentPct = newPct;
int compressionRatio = (int)(((long long)i * SECTOR_SIZE)*10 / compressedSize);
printf("\r%d.%d%% Compression ratio: 1:%d.%d \r", currentPct/10, currentPct%10, compressionRatio/10, compressionRatio%10);
// read sector and generate hash
wud_readData(inputFile, buffer, SECTOR_SIZE, (long long)i * (long long)SECTOR_SIZE);
calculateHash256(buffer, SECTOR_SIZE, sectorHash);
unsigned int sectorReuseIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// try to locate any previous sector with same hash
for(unsigned int f=0; f<uniqueSectorCount; f++)
if( memcmp(sectorHash, sectorHashArray+f*SECTOR_HASH_SIZE, SECTOR_HASH_SIZE) == 0 )
sectorReuseIndex = f;
// if we found a sector then just store the index
if( sectorReuseIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF )
sectorIndexTable[i] = sectorReuseIndex;
// else store the sector and append a new index
fwrite(buffer, SECTOR_SIZE, 1, outputFile);
memcpy(sectorHashArray+uniqueSectorCount*SECTOR_HASH_SIZE, sectorHash, SECTOR_HASH_SIZE);
compressedSize += SECTOR_SIZE;
sectorIndexTable[i] = uniqueSectorCount;
printf("100%% \n");
_fseeki64(outputFile, offsetIndexTable, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(sectorIndexTable, sectorTableEntryCount, sizeof(unsigned int), outputFile);
return true;
bool decompressWUD(wud_t* inputFile, FILE* outputFile, char* outputPath)
long long inputSize = wud_getWUDSize(inputFile);
unsigned char buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];
long long currentIndex = 0;
int currentPct = 0;
while( currentIndex < inputSize )
// print status
int newPct = (int)((currentIndex*1000LL)/inputSize);
if( currentPct != newPct )
currentPct = newPct;
printf("\r%d.%d%% \r", currentPct/10, currentPct%10);
// calculate how many bytes to read
int bytesToRead = SECTOR_SIZE;
if( (inputSize-currentIndex) < SECTOR_SIZE )
bytesToRead = (int)(inputSize-currentIndex);
// read data
wud_readData(inputFile, buffer, bytesToRead, currentIndex);
// write data
fwrite(buffer, bytesToRead, 1, outputFile);
currentIndex += (long long)bytesToRead;
printf("100%% \n");
return true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if( argc < 2 )
puts("Wii U image compression tool v1.0 by Exzap");
puts("Lossless compression and decompression for Wii U dumps.");
puts("WudCompress <game.wud/game.wux> [-noverify]");
puts("-noverify Skip the file validation step at the end");
return 0;
char* wudPath = argv[1];
// parse options
bool skipVerify = false;
for(int i=2; i<argc; i++)
if( stricmp(argv[i], "-noverify") == 0 )
skipVerify = true;
printf("Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
return -1;
// verify path
if( wudPath[0] == '-' )
puts("Invalid input file");
return -1;
// open input file
wud_t* wud = wud_open(wudPath);
if( wud == NULL )
printf("Unable to open input file \"%s\"\n", wudPath);
return -2;
// create path of output file by replacing the extension with .wux
char* outputPath = (char*)malloc(strlen(wudPath)+4+1); // allocate space for up to 4 extra characters in case we need to add the .wux extension
strcpy(outputPath, wudPath);
// replace with opposite extension (wux <-> wud)
char* newExtension;
if( wud_isWUXCompressed(wud) )
printf("Mode: Decompress\n");
newExtension = ".wud";
printf("Mode: Compress\n");
newExtension = ".wux";
bool extensionFound = false;
for(int i=strlen(outputPath)-1; i>=0; i--)
if( outputPath[i] == '.' )
extensionFound = true;
strcpy(outputPath+i, newExtension);
if( extensionFound == false )
strcat(outputPath, newExtension);
// make sure the output file doesn't already exist (avoid accidental overwriting)
FILE* outputFile;
outputFile = fopen(outputPath, "r");
if( outputFile != NULL )
printf("Output file \"%s\" already exists.\n", outputPath);
return -4;
// open output file
outputFile = fopen(outputPath, "wb");
if( outputFile == NULL )
printf("Unable to create output file\n");
return -3;
if( wud_isWUXCompressed(wud) )
if( decompressWUD(wud, outputFile, outputPath) == false )
return -1;
if( compressWUD(wud, outputFile, outputPath) == false )
return -1;
// verify
if( skipVerify == false )
if( validateWUX(wudPath, outputPath) == false )
printf("Validation failed. \"%s\" is corrupted.\n", outputPath);
// delete output file
return -5;
printf("Validation successful. No errors detected.\n");
return 0;