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import pywraps
pywraps_there = True
pywraps_there = False
import _idaapi
import random
import operator
import datetime
if pywraps_there:
_idaapi.appcall = pywraps.appcall
from py_idaapi import *
import idaapi
from idaapi import *
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Appcall_array__(object):
"""This class is used with Appcall.array() method"""
def __init__(self, tp):
self.__type = tp
def pack(self, L):
"""Packs a list or tuple into a byref buffer"""
t = type(L)
if not (t == types.ListType or t == types.TupleType):
raise ValueError, "Either a list or a tuple must be passed"
self.__size = len(L)
if self.__size == 1:
self.__typedobj = Appcall__.typedobj(self.__type + ";")
self.__typedobj = Appcall__.typedobj("%s x[%d];" % (self.__type, self.__size))
# Now store the object in a string buffer
ok, buf = self.__typedobj.store(L)
if ok:
return Appcall__.byref(buf)
return None
def try_to_convert_to_list(self, obj):
"""Is this object a list? We check for the existance of attribute zero and attribute self.size-1"""
if not (hasattr(obj, "0") and hasattr(obj, str(self.__size-1))):
return obj
# at this point, we are sure we have an "idc list"
# let us convert to a Python list
return [getattr(obj, str(x)) for x in xrange(0, self.__size)]
def unpack(self, buf, as_list=True):
"""Unpacks an array back into a list or an object"""
# take the value from the special ref object
if isinstance(buf, PyIdc_cvt_refclass__):
buf = buf.value
# we can only unpack from strings
if type(buf) != types.StringType:
raise ValueError, "Cannot unpack this type!"
# now unpack
ok, obj = self.__typedobj.retrieve(buf)
if not ok:
raise ValueError, "Failed while unpacking!"
if not as_list:
return obj
return self.try_to_convert_to_list(obj)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wrapper class for the appcall()
class Appcall_callable__(object):
Helper class to issue appcalls using a natural syntax:
appcall.FunctionNameInTheDatabase(arguments, ....)
appcall["Function@8"](arguments, ...)
f8 = appcall["Function@8"]
f8(arg1, arg2, ...)
o = appcall.obj()
i = byref(5)
appcall.funcname(arg1, i, "hello", o)
def __init__(self, ea, tp = None, fld = None):
"""Initializes an appcall with a given function ea"""
self.__ea = ea
self.__type = tp
self.__fields = fld
self.__options = None # Appcall options
self.__timeout = None # Appcall timeout
def __get_timeout(self):
return self.__timeout
def __set_timeout(self, v):
self.__timeout = v
timeout = property(__get_timeout, __set_timeout)
"""An Appcall instance can change its timeout value with this attribute"""
def __get_options(self):
return self.__options if self.__options != None else Appcall__.get_appcall_options()
def __set_options(self, v):
if self.timeout:
# If timeout value is set, then put the timeout flag and encode the timeout value
v |= Appcall__.APPCALL_TIMEOUT | (self.timeout << 16)
# Timeout is not set, then clear the timeout flag
v &= ~Appcall__.APPCALL_TIMEOUT
self.__options = v
options = property(__get_options, __set_options)
"""Sets the Appcall options locally to this Appcall instance"""
def __call__(self, *args):
"""Make object callable. We redirect execution to idaapi.appcall()"""
if self.ea is None:
raise ValueError, "Object not callable!"
# convert arguments to a list
arg_list = list(args)
# Save appcall options and set new global options
old_opt = Appcall__.get_appcall_options()
# Do the Appcall (use the wrapped version)
e_obj = None
r = _idaapi.appcall(
except Exception as e:
e_obj = e
# Restore appcall options
# Return or re-raise exception
if e_obj:
raise Exception, e_obj
return r
def __get_ea(self):
return self.__ea
def __set_ea(self, val):
self.__ea = val
ea = property(__get_ea, __set_ea)
"""Returns or sets the EA associated with this object"""
def __get_size(self):
if self.__type == None:
return -1
r = _idaapi.get_type_size0(_idaapi.cvar.idati, self.__type)
if not r:
return -1
return r
size = property(__get_size)
"""Returns the size of the type"""
def __get_type(self):
return self.__type
type = property(__get_type)
"""Returns the typestring"""
def __get_fields(self):
return self.__fields
fields = property(__get_fields)
"""Returns the field names"""
def retrieve(self, src=None, flags=0):
Unpacks a typed object from the database if an ea is given or from a string if a string was passed
@param src: the address of the object or a string
@return: Returns a tuple of boolean and object or error number (Bool, Error | Object).
# Nothing passed? Take the address and unpack from the database
if src is None:
src = self.ea
if type(src) == types.StringType:
return _idaapi.unpack_object_from_bv(_idaapi.cvar.idati, self.type, self.fields, src, flags)
return _idaapi.unpack_object_from_idb(_idaapi.cvar.idati, self.type, self.fields, src, flags)
def store(self, obj, dest_ea=None, base_ea=0, flags=0):
Packs an object into a given ea if provided or into a string if no address was passed.
@param obj: The object to pack
@param dest_ea: If packing to idb this will be the store location
@param base_ea: If packing to a buffer, this will be the base that will be used to relocate the pointers
- If packing to a string then a Tuple(Boolean, packed_string or error code)
- If packing to the database then a return code is returned (0 is success)
# no ea passed? thus pack to a string
if dest_ea is None:
return _idaapi.pack_object_to_bv(obj,
return _idaapi.pack_object_to_idb(obj,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Appcall_consts__(object):
"""Helper class used by Appcall.Consts attribute
It is used to retrieve constants via attribute access"""
def __init__(self, default=0):
self.__default = default
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return Appcall__.valueof(attr, self.__default)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Appcall__(object):
Only set up the appcall, do not run it.
you should call CleanupAppcall() when finished
Return debug event information
If this bit is set, exceptions during appcall
will generate idc exceptions with full
information about the exception
Appcall with timeout
The timeout value in milliseconds is specified
in the high 2 bytes of the 'options' argument:
If timed out, errbuf will contain "timeout".
def __init__(self):
self.__consts = Appcall_consts__()
def __get_consts(self):
return self.__consts
Consts = property(__get_consts)
"""Use Appcall.Consts.CONST_NAME to access constants"""
def __name_or_ea(name_or_ea):
Function that accepts a name or an ea and checks if the address is enabled.
If a name is passed then idaapi.get_name_ea() is applied to retrieve the name
- Returns the resolved EA or
- Raises an exception if the address is not enabled
# a string? try to resolve it
if type(name_or_ea) == types.StringType:
ea = _idaapi.get_name_ea(_idaapi.BADADDR, name_or_ea)
ea = name_or_ea
# could not resolve name or invalid address?
if ea == _idaapi.BADADDR or not _idaapi.isEnabled(ea):
raise ValueError, "Undefined function " + name_or_ea
return ea
def proto(name_or_ea, prototype, flags = None):
Allows you to instantiate an appcall (callable object) with the desired prototype
@param name_or_ea: The name of the function (will be resolved with LocByName())
@param prototype:
- On failure it raises an exception if the prototype could not be parsed
or the address is not resolvable
- Returns a callbable Appcall instance with the given prototypes and flags
# resolve and raise exception on error
ea = Appcall__.__name_or_ea(name_or_ea)
# parse the type
if flags is None:
flags = 1 | 2 | 4 # PT_SIL | PT_NDC | PT_TYP
result = _idaapi.idc_parse_decl(_idaapi.cvar.idati, prototype, flags)
if result is None:
raise ValueError, "Could not parse type: " + prototype
# Return the callable method with type info
return Appcall_callable__(ea, result[1], result[2])
def __getattr__(self, name_or_ea):
"""Allows you to call functions as if they were member functions (by returning a callable object)"""
# resolve and raise exception on error
ea = self.__name_or_ea(name_or_ea)
if ea == _idaapi.BADADDR:
raise ValueError, "Undefined function " + name
# Return the callable method
return Appcall_callable__(ea)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
Use self[func_name] syntax if the function name contains invalid characters for an attribute name
See __getattr___
return self.__getattr__(idx)
def valueof(name, default=0):
Returns the numeric value of a given name string.
If the name could not be resolved then the default value will be returned
t, v = _idaapi.get_name_value(_idaapi.BADADDR, name)
if t == 0: # NT_NONE
v = default
return v
def int64(v):
"""Whenever a 64bit number is needed use this method to construct an object"""
return PyIdc_cvt_int64__(v)
def byref(val):
Method to create references to immutable objects
Currently we support references to int/strings
Objects need not be passed by reference (this will be done automatically)
return PyIdc_cvt_refclass__(val)
def buffer(str = None, size = 0, fill="\x00"):
Creates a string buffer. The returned value (r) will be a byref object.
Use r.value to get the contents and r.size to get the buffer's size
if str is None:
str = ""
left = size - len(str)
if left > 0:
str = str + (fill * left)
r = Appcall__.byref(str)
r.size = size
return r
def obj(**kwds):
"""Returns an empty object or objects with attributes as passed via its keywords arguments"""
return object_t(**kwds)
def cstr(val):
return as_cstr(val)
def unicode(s):
return as_unicode(s)
def array(type_name):
"""Defines an array type. Later you need to pack() / unpack()"""
return Appcall_array__(type_name)
def typedobj(typestr, ea=None):
Parses a type string and returns an appcall object.
One can then use retrieve() member method
@param ea: Optional parameter that later can be used to retrieve the type
@return: Appcall object or raises ValueError exception
# parse the type
result = _idaapi.idc_parse_decl(_idaapi.cvar.idati, typestr, 1 | 2 | 4) # PT_SIL | PT_NDC | PT_TYP
if result is None:
raise ValueError, "Could not parse type: " + typestr
# Return the callable method with type info
return Appcall_callable__(ea, result[1], result[2])
def set_appcall_options(opt):
"""Method to change the Appcall options globally (not per Appcall)"""
old_opt = Appcall__.get_appcall_options()
_idaapi.cvar.inf.appcall_options = opt
return old_opt
def get_appcall_options():
"""Return the global Appcall options"""
return _idaapi.cvar.inf.appcall_options
def cleanup_appcall(tid = 0):
"""Equivalent to IDC's CleanupAppcall()"""
return _idaapi.cleanup_appcall(tid)
Appcall = Appcall__()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a = Appcall # Take a shortcut to Appcall
c = Appcall.Consts # take shortcut to constants
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Adds missing types
# - ...
def init():
# add neeeded types
if a.valueof("ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND") == 0:
setattr(c, "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", 2)
if a.valueof("MEM_COMMIT") == 0:
# open log file
global test_log
test_log = file("python_test.log", "a")
test_log = None
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def deinit():
global test_log
test_log = None
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def logprint(s):
if not test_log:
print s
test_log.write(s + "\n")
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_type(t):
print "adding type:", t
idaapi.import_type(idaapi.cvar.idati, 0, t)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_init():
hmod = getmodulehandlew(a.unicode("kernel32.dll"))
print "k32hmod=%x" % hmod
if hmod == 0:
return -1
p = getprocaddr(hmod, "VirtualAlloc")
if p == 0:
return -2
print "VirtualAlloc->%x" % p
virtualalloc.ea = p
p = getprocaddr(hmod, "VirtualFree")
if p == 0:
return -3
print "VirtualFree->%x" % p
virtualfree.ea = p
m = virtualalloc(0, c.MEM_COMMIT, 0x1000, c.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
print "%x: allocated memory\n" % m
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_deinit():
virtualfree(WRITE_AREA, 0, c.MEM_FREE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tests changedir/setdir/buffer creation (two methods) and cstr()
def test_enum_files():
# create a buffer
savedpath = a.byref("\x00" * 260)
# get current directory
n = getcurdir(250, savedpath)
out = []
out.append("curdir=%s" % savedpath.value[0:n])
# get windir
windir = a.buffer(size=260) # create a buffer using helper function
n = getwindir(windir, windir.size)
if n == 0:
return -1 # could not get current directory
windir = windir.value[:n]
out.append("windir=%s" % windir)
# change to windows folder
# initiate find
fd = a.obj()
h = findfirst("*.exe", fd)
if h == -1:
return -2 # no files found!
found = -6
while True:
fn = a.cstr(fd.cFileName)
if "regedit" in fn:
found = 1
out.append("fn=%s<" % fn)
fd = a.obj() # reset the FD object
ok = findnext(h, fd)
if not ok:
# restore cur dir
# verify
t = a.buffer(size=260)
n = getcurdir(t.size, t)
if t.cstr() != savedpath.cstr():
return -4 # could not restore cur dir
out.append("curdir=%s<" % t.cstr())
# print "all done!"
# for l in out:
# print l
return found
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_gpa():
h = loadlib("user32.dll")
if h == 0:
print "failed to load library!"
return -1
p = getprocaddr(h, "FindWindowA")
if p == 0:
print "failed to gpa!"
return -2
findwin = a.proto(p, "int FindWindow(LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName);")
hwnd = findwin("TIdaWindow", 0)
print "%x: ok!->hwnd=%x" % (p, hwnd)
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_loaddll():
h = loadlib("twain_32.dll")
if h == 0:
print "failed to load twain32 library!"
return -1
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packs a simple structure (into the database) and unpacks it back using the idaapi methods
def test_pck_idb_raw():
name, tp, flds = idc.ParseType("struct { int a, b; char x[5];};", 0)
o = a.obj(a=15, b=17,x="hi")
idaapi.pack_object_to_idb(o, idaapi.cvar.idati, tp, flds, WRITE_AREA, 0)
ok, obj = idaapi.unpack_object_from_idb(idaapi.cvar.idati, tp, flds, WRITE_AREA, 0)
if obj.a != 15 and obj.b != 17 and obj != "hi":
return -2
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packs a simple structure (into a string) and unpacks it back using the idaapi methods
def test_pck_bv_raw():
name, tp, flds = idc.ParseType("struct { int a; char x[5]; int b;};", 0)
va,vb,vx = 15,17,"hi"
o = a.obj(a=va, b=vb,x=vx)
ok, s = idaapi.pack_object_to_bv(o, idaapi.cvar.idati, tp, flds, WRITE_AREA, 0)
if not ok:
return -1
ok, obj = idaapi.unpack_object_from_idb(idaapi.cvar.idati, tp, flds, WRITE_AREA, 0)
if obj.a != va and obj.b != vb and obj.x != vx:
return -2
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Unpacks the DOS header at 0x400000 and verify the fields
# 2. Unpacks a string and see if it is unpacked correctly
def test_unpack_raw():
name, tp, flds = idc.ParseType("IMAGE_DOS_HEADER;", 0)
ok, obj = idaapi.unpack_object_from_idb(idaapi.cvar.idati, tp, flds, 0x400000, 0)
if obj.e_magic != 23117 and obj.e_cblp != 144:
return -1
name, tp, flds = idc.ParseType("struct abc_t { int a, b;};", 0)
ok, obj = idaapi.unpack_object_from_bv(idaapi.cvar.idati, tp, flds, "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00", 0)
if obj.a != 1 and obj.b != 2:
return -2
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packs/Unpacks a structure to the database using appcall facilities
def test_pck_idb():
print "%x: ..." % WRITE_AREA
tp = a.typedobj("struct { int a, b; char x[5];};")
o = a.obj(a=16, b=17,x="zzzhi")
if tp.store(o, WRITE_AREA) != 0:
return -1
ok, r = tp.retrieve(WRITE_AREA)
if not ok:
return -2
if r.a != o.a and r.b != o.b and r.x != o.x:
return -3
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packs/Unpacks a structure to/from a string
def test_pck_bv():
tp = a.typedobj("struct { int a, b; char x[5];};")
o = a.obj(a=16, b=17,x="zzzhi")
ok, packed = tp.store(o)
if not ok:
return -1
print "packed->", repr(packed)
ok, r = tp.retrieve(packed)
if not ok:
return -2
if r.a != o.a and r.b != o.b and r.x != o.x:
return -3
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# various tests
def test1(stage):
# call a method that takes a string buffer and appends a dot to its end
if stage == st_ref2:
buf = a.buffer("test", 100)
vals = [378, 424, 470]
for i in xrange(0, 2+1):
n = a._ref2(buf)
if buf.value[4+i] != '.':
return -st_ref2
if vals[i] != n:
return -stage
# call a method that takes an integer reference
elif stage == st_ref1:
v = 5
i = a.byref(v)
if v + 1 != i.value:
return -stage
# call a method that takes an array of integers
elif stage == st_ref3:
# create an array type
arr = a.array("int")
# create a list
L = [x for x in xrange(1, 10)]
# pack the list
p_list = arr.pack(L)
# appcall to compute the total
c_total = a._ref3(p_list, len(L))
# internally compute the total
total = reduce(operator.add, L)
if total != c_total:
return -stage
# subst()
elif stage == st_subst:
v = a._subst(5, 1)
if v != 4:
return -stage
v = subst(5, 1) # subst() / pascal
if v != -4:
return -stage*2
elif stage == st_make2:
x = a._str2_make(5)
s = a.cstr(x.next.str)
# print "len=%d;<%s>" % (len(s), s)
if s != "This is string 2":
return -stage
n = a._str2_print(x)
if n != 5:
return -st_make2*2
elif stage == st_make1:
x = a._str1_make(6)
if x.val != 1 and x.next.val != 2:
return -st_make1
n = a._str1_print(x)
if n != 6:
return -stage
# 64bit test
elif stage == st_make3:
global gr
x = a._str3_make(6)
gr = x
except Exception as e:
print "Exception: ", str(e)
return -stage
print "x.val32=", x.val32
if (x.val32 != 1) and (x.val64 != (1 << 32)):
return -stage * 2
va = 0
vb = 0
r = x
i = 0
while x != 0:
i += 1
print "1"
va += x.val32
print "2"
vb += x.val64.value
print "3"
x = x.next
print "i=", i, "a=", va, "b=", vb
if va != 21 and vb != 90194313216:
return -stage*3
elif stage == st_asm:
n = asm1(5, 1)
if n != 4:
return -stage
n = asm2(5, 1, 1)
if n != 7:
return -stage*2
elif stage == st_byvalref1:
v1 = a.obj(val=5, next=0)
v2 = a.obj(str="Hello", next=0)
n = a._byvalref1(v1, 1, v2)
if n != 78:
return -stage
# v1 is passed by ref, thus it will be changed
if n + 1 != v1.val:
return -stage * 2
elif stage == st_altsum:
# 1 + 2 - 3 + 5 = 5
n = altsum(1, 2, 3, 5, 0)
if n != 5:
return -stage;
elif stage == st_op64:
# invalid opcode, should return -1
r = a._op_two64(1, 2, 6).value
print "r=", r
if r != -1:
return -stage
r = a._op_two64(6, a.int64(2), 3).value
if r != 12:
return -stage * 2
return 1
elif stage == st_byval3:
o = a.obj(val=6,next=a.obj(val=-1, next=0))
# print "before: o.val=%d o.next.val=%d" % (o.val, o.next.val)
n = a._byval3(o)
if n != 5:
return -stage
# print "after: o.val=%d o.next.val=%d, n=%d" % (o.val, o.next.val, n)
elif stage == st_ex:
def doit():
# causes a DebugBreak()
except Exception as e:
if not "Software breakpoint" in e.message:
return -stage
a._ex1(1, 2)
return -st_ex * 2
except Exception as e:
if not "referenced memory" in e.message:
return -stage
return 1
old = a.set_appcall_options(0)
r = doit()
if r <= 0:
return r
elif stage == st_ref4:
i = a.int64(5)
v = a.byref(i)
if a._ref4(v) != 1:
return -st_ref4
# test (in case recycling failed)
if v.value.value != 6:
return -st_ref4 * 2
# test recycling
if i.value != 6:
return -st_ref4 * 3
# return success
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test2():
fn = "pc_win32_appcall.pe"
# Try to open an non-existing file
h = a._file_open(fn + ".1")
if h != 0:
return -1
n = getlasterror()
print "gle=", n
return -2
# Should succeed
h = a._file_open(fn)
if h == 0:
return -3
s = a.buffer("", 10, "!")
n = a._file_read(h, s, 2)
# print "read=%d; buf=%s" % (n, repr(s.value))
if s.value[:2] != "MZ":
return -4
n = a._file_close(h)
if n != h-1:
return -5
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This test changes the appcall options and sees if the appcall
# generates an exception and if we get it properly
# An appcall can throw an exception:
# - ValueError: conversion from/to idc/py failed
# - OSError: an OSError when APPCALL_DEBEV in Appcall_Options. In that case check the exc.args[0] to get the debug event
# - Exception: in all other cases
def test_exec_throw():
old = a.set_appcall_options(0)
print "old_opt=", old, "new=0"
# causes a divide by zero exception (will be reported as an Exception)
print a._op_two64(2,0,4).value
return -1
except Exception as e:
print "runtime error!"
# now appcall exceptions will be reported as OSErr and other exceptions as Exception
print "old_opt=", a.set_appcall_options(a.APPCALL_DEBEV), "new=2"
# causes an error: Wrong number of arguments
print a._op_two64(2).value
return -2
except OSError, e:
return -3
except Exception as e:
print "Got other exception:", e # good
# causes an OS error and "e" will contain the last debug_event
# in our case exception, and the code is int_divide_zero = 0xC0000094
print a._op_two64(2, 0, 4).value
return -4
except OSError, e:
if idaapi.as_uint32(e.args[0].code) != 0xC0000094:
return -5
except Exception as e:
print "Got other exception:", e
return -6
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# all the tests that take zero parameters
tests0 = (test_gpa, test_pck_idb_raw, test_pck_bv_raw,
test_unpack_raw, test_pck_idb, test_pck_bv,
test_enum_files, test2, test_exec_throw, test_loaddll)
test_log = None # test log file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_all():
if test_init() <= 0:
print "test_init() failed!"
return -1
# tests 0
for t in tests0:
print "testing->", t
r = t()
if r <= 0:
return r
# test 1
for i in xrange(1, st_last):
print "test1 #", i
r = test1(i)
if r <= 0:
return r
logprint(datetime.date.today().strftime("Python was here: %Y-%m-%d @ %I:%M:%S%p"))
return 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# reference to an integer. use i.value to dereference
i = a.byref(5)
# object representing the str1_t type
o = a.obj(val=5,next=a.obj(val=-2, next=0))
# dictionary representing the str1_t type
# (dictionaries will be converted into IDC objects)
d = {'val':5, 'next': {'val':-2, 'next':0} }
# initialize some pointers
findfirst = a["__imp__FindFirstFileA@8"]
findnext = a["__imp__FindNextFileA@8"]
findclose = a["__imp__FindClose@4"]
getlasterror = a["__imp__GetLastError@0"]
setcurdir = a["__imp__SetCurrentDirectoryA@4"]
beep = a["__imp__Beep@8"]
getwindir = a["__imp__GetWindowsDirectoryA@8"]
getprocaddr = a.proto("__imp__GetProcAddress@8", "int (__stdcall *GetProcAddress)(int hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName);")
getcurdir = a["__imp__GetCurrentDirectoryA@8"]
loadlib = a.proto("__imp__LoadLibraryA@4", "int (__stdcall *LoadLibraryA)(const char *lpLibFileName);")
freelib = a.proto("__imp__FreeLibrary@4", "int (__stdcall *FreeLibrary)(int hLibModule);")
setlasterror = a.typedobj("void __stdcall SetLastError(int dwErrCode);")
getmodulehandlew = a.proto("__imp__GetModuleHandleW@4", "int (__stdcall *GetModuleHandleW)(LPCWSTR lpModuleName);")
virtualalloc = a.typedobj("int __stdcall VirtualAlloc(int lpAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD flAllocationType, DWORD flProtect);")
# typed objects can become calling if an EA was provided. Thus virtualfree.ea = some_address, then we can call virtualfree(., .., ...)
virtualfree = a.typedobj("BOOL __stdcall VirtualFree(int lpAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD dwFreeType);")
asm1 = a.proto("_asm1", "int __usercall asm1<eax>(int a<esi>, int b<edi>);")
asm2 = a.proto("_asm2", "int __usercall asm2<eax>(int a, int b, int c<ecx>);")
asm3 = a.proto("_asm3", "int __usercall asm3<edx>(int f<eax>, int a, int b, int c<ecx>);")
asm4 = a.proto("_asm4", "unsigned __int16 __usercall asm4<al:ah>(unsigned __int8 a<bl>, unsigned __int8 b<cl>);")
asm5 = a.proto("_asm5", "unsigned int __usercall asm5<si:bx>(unsigned __int8 a<al>, unsigned __int8 b<cl>, unsigned __int8 c<dl>, int d<ebx>);")
altsum = a.proto("_va_altsum", "int __cdecl va_altsum(int n1, ...);")
getcommandline = a.proto("__imp__GetCommandLineA@0", "LPSTR (__stdcall *GetCommandLineA)();")
# make an appcall with a user defined prototype
subst = a.proto("_subst", "int __pascal subst(int a, int b);")
# some test identifiers
st_ref1 = 1
st_ref2 = 2
st_ref3 = 3
st_subst = 4
st_make1 = 5
st_make2 = 6
st_asm = 7
st_ex = 8
st_byval3 = 9
st_byvalref1 = 10
st_altsum = 11
st_make3 = 12
st_op64 = 13
st_ref4 = 14
st_last = 15
# some area where we can write some bytes _safely_
WRITE_AREA = 0x400020
gr = None
# initialize the test