mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 11:34:52 +01:00
idc.py: Block write access to read-only attributes
idc.py: Added debug event-related functions idc.py: Added local type manipulation functions idc.py: Patches by Igor Skochinsky
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ def _IDC_GetAttr(obj, attrmap, attroffs):
Internal function to generically get object attributes
Do not use unless you know what you are doing
if attroffs in attrmap and hasattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs]):
return getattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs])
if attroffs in attrmap and hasattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs][1]):
return getattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs][1])
errormsg = "attribute with offset %d not found, check the offset and report the problem" % attroffs
raise KeyError, errormsg
@ -62,11 +62,14 @@ def _IDC_SetAttr(obj, attrmap, attroffs, value):
Internal function to generically set object attributes
Do not use unless you know what you are doing
if attroffs in attrmap and hasattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs]):
return setattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs], value)
errormsg = "attribute with offset %d not found, check the offset and report the problem" % attroffs
raise KeyError, errormsg
# check for read-only atributes
if attroffs in attrmap:
if attrmap[attroffs][0]:
raise KeyError, "attribute with offset %d is read-only" % attroffs
elif hasattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs][1]):
return setattr(obj, attrmap[attroffs][1], value)
errormsg = "attribute with offset %d not found, check the offset and report the problem" % attroffs
raise KeyError, errormsg
BADADDR = idaapi.BADADDR # Not allowed address value
@ -951,10 +954,8 @@ def SetArrayFormat(ea, flags, litems, align):
other values: element width
@return: 1-ok, 0-failure
FIXME: This idaapi function is not exported yet
return idaapi.set_array_params(ea, flags, litems, align)
return Eval("SetArrayFormat(0x%X, 0x%X, %d, %d)"%(ea, flags, litems, align))
AP_ALLOWDUPS = 0x00000001L # use 'dup' construct
AP_SIGNED = 0x00000002L # treats numbers as signed
@ -2345,10 +2346,8 @@ def ChangeConfig(directive):
@note: If the directives are erroneous, a fatal error will be generated.
The changes will be effective only for the current session.
FIXME: This idaapi function is not exported yet
return idaapi.process_config_line(directive)
return Eval('ChangeConfig("%s")'%directive)
# The following functions allow you to set/get common parameters.
@ -2617,73 +2616,73 @@ INF_SIZEOF_LLONG = 191
INF_CHANGE_COUNTER = 192 # database change counter; keeps track of byte and segment modifications
INF_VERSION : 'version', # short; Version of database
INF_PROCNAME : 'procname', # char[8]; Name of current processor
INF_LFLAGS : 'lflags', # char; IDP-dependent flags
INF_DEMNAMES : 'demnames', # char; display demangled names as:
INF_FILETYPE : 'filetype', # short; type of input file (see ida.hpp)
INF_FCORESIZ : 'fcoresize',
INF_CORESTART : 'corestart',
INF_OSTYPE : 'ostype', # short; FLIRT: OS type the program is for
INF_APPTYPE : 'apptype', # short; FLIRT: Application type
INF_START_SP : 'startSP', # long; SP register value at the start of
INF_START_AF : 'af', # short; Analysis flags:
INF_START_IP : 'startIP', # long; IP register value at the start of
INF_BEGIN_EA : 'beginEA', # long; Linear address of program entry point
INF_MIN_EA : 'minEA', # long; The lowest address used
INF_MAX_EA : 'maxEA', # long; The highest address used
INF_OMIN_EA : 'ominEA',
INF_OMAX_EA : 'omaxEA',
INF_LOW_OFF : 'lowoff', # long; low limit of voids
INF_HIGH_OFF : 'highoff', # long; high limit of voids
INF_MAXREF : 'maxref', # long; max xref depth
INF_ASCII_BREAK : 'ASCIIbreak', # char; ASCII line break symbol
INF_WIDE_HIGH_BYTE_FIRST : 'wide_high_byte_first',
INF_INDENT : 'indent', # char; Indention for instructions
INF_COMMENT : 'comment', # char; Indention for comments
INF_XREFNUM : 'xrefnum', # char; Number of references to generate
INF_ENTAB : 's_entab', # char; Use '\t' chars in the output file?
INF_SPECSEGS : 'specsegs',
INF_VOIDS : 's_void', # char; Display void marks?
INF_SHOWAUTO : 's_showauto', # char; Display autoanalysis indicator?
INF_AUTO : 's_auto', # char; Autoanalysis is enabled?
INF_BORDER : 's_limiter', # char; Generate borders?
INF_NULL : 's_null', # char; Generate empty lines?
INF_GENFLAGS : 's_genflags', # char; General flags:
INF_SHOWPREF : 's_showpref', # char; Show line prefixes?
INF_PREFSEG : 's_prefseg', # char; line prefixes with segment name?
INF_ASMTYPE : 'asmtype', # char; target assembler number (0..n)
INF_BASEADDR : 'baseaddr', # long; base paragraph of the program
INF_XREFS : 's_xrefflag', # char; xrefs representation:
INF_BINPREF : 'binSize', # short; # of instruction bytes to show
INF_CMTFLAG : 's_cmtflg', # char; comments:
INF_NAMETYPE : 'nametype', # char; dummy names represenation type
INF_SHOWBADS : 's_showbads', # char; show bad instructions?
INF_PREFFLAG : 's_prefflag', # char; line prefix type:
INF_PACKBASE : 's_packbase', # char; pack database?
INF_ASCIIFLAGS : 'asciiflags', # uchar; ascii flags
INF_LISTNAMES : 'listnames', # uchar; What names should be included in the list?
INF_ASCIIPREF : 'ASCIIpref', # char[16];ASCII names prefix
INF_ASCIISERNUM : 'ASCIIsernum', # ulong; serial number
INF_ASCIIZEROES : 'ASCIIzeroes', # char; leading zeroes
INF_MF : 'mf', # uchar; Byte order: 1==MSB first
INF_ORG : 's_org', # char; Generate 'org' directives?
INF_ASSUME : 's_assume', # char; Generate 'assume' directives?
INF_CHECKARG : 's_checkarg', # char; Check manual operands?
INF_START_SS : 'start_ss', # long; value of SS at the start
INF_START_CS : 'start_cs', # long; value of CS at the start
INF_MAIN : 'main', # long; address of main()
INF_SHORT_DN : 'short_demnames', # long; short form of demangled names
INF_LONG_DN : 'long_demnames', # long; long form of demangled names
INF_DATATYPES : 'datatypes', # long; data types allowed in data carousel
INF_STRTYPE : 'strtype', # long; current ascii string type
INF_AF2 : 'af2', # ushort; Analysis flags 2
INF_NAMELEN : 'namelen', # ushort; max name length (without zero byte)
INF_MARGIN : 'margin', # ushort; max length of data lines
INF_LENXREF : 'lenxref', # ushort; max length of line with xrefs
INF_LPREFIX : 'lprefix', # char[16];prefix of local names
INF_LPREFIXLEN : 'lprefixlen', # uchar; length of the lprefix
INF_COMPILER : 'cc' # uchar; compiler
INF_VERSION : (False, 'version'), # short; Version of database
INF_PROCNAME : (False, 'procname'), # char[8]; Name of current processor
INF_LFLAGS : (False, 'lflags'), # char; IDP-dependent flags
INF_DEMNAMES : (False, 'demnames'), # char; display demangled names as:
INF_FILETYPE : (False, 'filetype'), # short; type of input file (see ida.hpp)
INF_FCORESIZ : (False, 'fcoresize'),
INF_CORESTART : (False, 'corestart'),
INF_OSTYPE : (False, 'ostype'), # short; FLIRT: OS type the program is for
INF_APPTYPE : (False, 'apptype'), # short; FLIRT: Application type
INF_START_SP : (False, 'startSP'), # long; SP register value at the start of
INF_START_AF : (False, 'af'), # short; Analysis flags:
INF_START_IP : (False, 'startIP'), # long; IP register value at the start of
INF_BEGIN_EA : (False, 'beginEA'), # long; Linear address of program entry point
INF_MIN_EA : (False, 'minEA'), # long; The lowest address used
INF_MAX_EA : (False, 'maxEA'), # long; The highest address used
INF_OMIN_EA : (False, 'ominEA'),
INF_OMAX_EA : (False, 'omaxEA'),
INF_LOW_OFF : (False, 'lowoff'), # long; low limit of voids
INF_HIGH_OFF : (False, 'highoff'), # long; high limit of voids
INF_MAXREF : (False, 'maxref'), # long; max xref depth
INF_ASCII_BREAK : (False, 'ASCIIbreak'), # char; ASCII line break symbol
INF_WIDE_HIGH_BYTE_FIRST : (False, 'wide_high_byte_first'),
INF_INDENT : (False, 'indent'), # char; Indention for instructions
INF_COMMENT : (False, 'comment'), # char; Indention for comments
INF_XREFNUM : (False, 'xrefnum'), # char; Number of references to generate
INF_ENTAB : (False, 's_entab'), # char; Use '\t' chars in the output file?
INF_SPECSEGS : (False, 'specsegs'),
INF_VOIDS : (False, 's_void'), # char; Display void marks?
INF_SHOWAUTO : (False, 's_showauto'), # char; Display autoanalysis indicator?
INF_AUTO : (False, 's_auto'), # char; Autoanalysis is enabled?
INF_BORDER : (False, 's_limiter'), # char; Generate borders?
INF_NULL : (False, 's_null'), # char; Generate empty lines?
INF_GENFLAGS : (False, 's_genflags'), # char; General flags:
INF_SHOWPREF : (False, 's_showpref'), # char; Show line prefixes?
INF_PREFSEG : (False, 's_prefseg'), # char; line prefixes with segment name?
INF_ASMTYPE : (False, 'asmtype'), # char; target assembler number (0..n)
INF_BASEADDR : (False, 'baseaddr'), # long; base paragraph of the program
INF_XREFS : (False, 's_xrefflag'), # char; xrefs representation:
INF_BINPREF : (False, 'binSize'), # short; # of instruction bytes to show
INF_CMTFLAG : (False, 's_cmtflg'), # char; comments:
INF_NAMETYPE : (False, 'nametype'), # char; dummy names represenation type
INF_SHOWBADS : (False, 's_showbads'), # char; show bad instructions?
INF_PREFFLAG : (False, 's_prefflag'), # char; line prefix type:
INF_PACKBASE : (False, 's_packbase'), # char; pack database?
INF_ASCIIFLAGS : (False, 'asciiflags'), # uchar; ascii flags
INF_LISTNAMES : (False, 'listnames'), # uchar; What names should be included in the list?
INF_ASCIIPREF : (False, 'ASCIIpref'), # char[16];ASCII names prefix
INF_ASCIISERNUM : (False, 'ASCIIsernum'), # ulong; serial number
INF_ASCIIZEROES : (False, 'ASCIIzeroes'), # char; leading zeroes
INF_MF : (False, 'mf'), # uchar; Byte order: 1==MSB first
INF_ORG : (False, 's_org'), # char; Generate 'org' directives?
INF_ASSUME : (False, 's_assume'), # char; Generate 'assume' directives?
INF_CHECKARG : (False, 's_checkarg'), # char; Check manual operands?
INF_START_SS : (False, 'start_ss'), # long; value of SS at the start
INF_START_CS : (False, 'start_cs'), # long; value of CS at the start
INF_MAIN : (False, 'main'), # long; address of main()
INF_SHORT_DN : (False, 'short_demnames'), # long; short form of demangled names
INF_LONG_DN : (False, 'long_demnames'), # long; long form of demangled names
INF_DATATYPES : (False, 'datatypes'), # long; data types allowed in data carousel
INF_STRTYPE : (False, 'strtype'), # long; current ascii string type
INF_AF2 : (False, 'af2'), # ushort; Analysis flags 2
INF_NAMELEN : (False, 'namelen'), # ushort; max name length (without zero byte)
INF_MARGIN : (False, 'margin'), # ushort; max length of data lines
INF_LENXREF : (False, 'lenxref'), # ushort; max length of line with xrefs
INF_LPREFIX : (False, 'lprefix'), # char[16];prefix of local names
INF_LPREFIXLEN : (False, 'lprefixlen'), # uchar; length of the lprefix
INF_COMPILER : (False, 'cc') # uchar; compiler
#INF_MODEL = 184 # uchar; memory model & calling convention
#INF_SIZEOF_INT = 185 # uchar; sizeof(int)
@ -3343,23 +3342,23 @@ SEGATTR_COLOR = 95 # segment color
SEGATTR_ORGBASE : 'orgbase',
SEGATTR_ALIGN : 'align',
SEGATTR_COMB : 'comb',
SEGATTR_PERM : 'perm',
SEGATTR_BITNESS : 'bitness',
SEGATTR_FLAGS : 'flags',
SEGATTR_SEL : 'sel',
SEGATTR_TYPE : 'type',
SEGATTR_COLOR : 'color',
SEGATTR_START : (True, 'startEA'),
SEGATTR_END : (True, 'endEA'),
SEGATTR_ORGBASE : (False, 'orgbase'),
SEGATTR_ALIGN : (False, 'align'),
SEGATTR_COMB : (False, 'comb'),
SEGATTR_PERM : (False, 'perm'),
SEGATTR_BITNESS : (False, 'bitness'),
SEGATTR_FLAGS : (False, 'flags'),
SEGATTR_SEL : (False, 'sel'),
SEGATTR_ES : (False, 0),
SEGATTR_CS : (False, 1),
SEGATTR_SS : (False, 2),
SEGATTR_DS : (False, 3),
SEGATTR_FS : (False, 4),
SEGATTR_GS : (False, 5),
SEGATTR_TYPE : (False, 'type'),
SEGATTR_COLOR : (False, 'color'),
# Valid segment flags
@ -3720,8 +3719,7 @@ def SetFunctionAttr(ea, attr, value):
func = idaapi.get_func(ea)
if func:
_IDC_SetAttr(func, _FUNCATTRMAP, attr, value)
if func and _IDC_SetAttr(func, _FUNCATTRMAP, attr, value):
return idaapi.update_func(func)
@ -3738,17 +3736,17 @@ FUNCATTR_OWNER = 10 # chunk owner (valid only for tail chunks)
FUNCATTR_REFQTY = 14 # number of chunk parents (valid only for tail chunks)
FUNCATTR_START : (True, 'startEA'),
FUNCATTR_END : (True, 'endEA'),
FUNCATTR_FLAGS : (False, 'flags'),
FUNCATTR_FRAME : (True, 'frame'),
FUNCATTR_FRSIZE : (True, 'frsize'),
FUNCATTR_FRREGS : (True, 'frregs'),
FUNCATTR_ARGSIZE : (True, 'argsize'),
FUNCATTR_FPD : (False, 'fpd'),
FUNCATTR_COLOR : (False, 'color'),
FUNCATTR_OWNER : (True, 'owner'),
FUNCATTR_REFQTY : (True, 'refqty')
@ -5069,9 +5067,10 @@ def GetFchunkAttr(ea, attr):
@return: desired attribute or -1
return GetFunctionAttr(ea, attr)
return -1
chunk = idaapi.get_fchunk(ea)
if chunk:
return _IDC_GetAttr(chunk, _FUNCATTRMAP, attr)
return -1
def SetFchunkAttr(ea, attr, value):
@ -5080,14 +5079,14 @@ def SetFchunkAttr(ea, attr, value):
@param ea: any address in the chunk
@param value: desired bg color (RGB)
@param value: desired value
@return: 0 if failed, 1 if success
return SetFunctionAttr(ea, attr)
return -1
chunk = idaapi.get_fchunk(ea)
if chunk and _IDC_SetAttr(chunk, _FUNCATTRMAP, attr, value):
return idaapi.update_func(chunk)
def GetFchunkReferer(ea, idx):
@ -5099,14 +5098,7 @@ def GetFchunkReferer(ea, idx):
@return: referer address or BADADDR
pfn = idaapi.get_fchunk(ea)
if pfn:
dummy = idaapi.func_parent_iterator_t(pfn); # read referer info
if idx >= pfn.refqty or len(pfn.referers) == 0:
return BADADDR
# FIXME: swig didn't make referers into an array
return pfn.referers[idx]
return BADADDR
return idaapi.get_fchunk_referer(ea, idx)
def NextFchunk(ea):
@ -6087,12 +6079,7 @@ def SetLocalType(ordinal, input, flags):
@return: slot number or 0 if error
if input:
idaapi.del_numbered_type(idaapi.cvar.idati, ordinal)
# FIXME: Emptying the slot is not implemented yet
raise NotImplementedError
return idaapi.idc_set_local_type(ordinal, input, flags)
def GetLocalType(ordinal, flags):
@ -6103,7 +6090,7 @@ def GetLocalType(ordinal, flags):
@return: local type as a C declaration or ""
raise NotImplementedError
return idaapi.idc_get_local_type(ordinal, flags)
PRTYPE_1LINE = 0x0000 # print to one line
PRTYPE_MULTI = 0x0001 # print to many lines
@ -6119,7 +6106,7 @@ def GetLocalTypeName(ordinal):
returns: local type name or None
return idaapi.get_numbered_type_name(idaapi.cvar.idati, ordinal)
return idaapi.idc_get_local_type_name(ordinal)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -6574,40 +6561,181 @@ DSTATE_RUN_WAIT_END = 3 # process is running, but the user asked to kill/det
# remark: in this case, most events are ignored
// ***********************************************
// Get various information about the current debug event
// These function are valid only when the current event exists
// (the process is in the suspended state)
// For all events:
long GetEventId(void);
long GetEventPid(void);
long GetEventTid(void);
long GetEventEa(void);
long IsEventHandled(void);
string GetEventModuleName(void);
long GetEventModuleBase(void);
long GetEventModuleSize(void);
long GetEventExitCode(void);
// For LIBRARY_UNLOAD (unloaded library name)
// For INFORMATION (message to display)
string GetEventInfo(void);
// For BREAKPOINT event
long GetEventBptHardwareEa(void);
// For EXCEPTION event
long GetEventExceptionCode(void);
long GetEventExceptionEa(void);
long CanExceptionContinue(void);
string GetEventExceptionInfo(void);
Get various information about the current debug event
These functions are valid only when the current event exists
(the process is in the suspended state)
# For all events:
def GetEventId():
Get ID of debug event
@return: event ID
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return ev.eid
def GetEventPid():
Get process ID for debug event
@return: process ID
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return ev.pid
def GetEventTid():
Get type ID for debug event
@return: type ID
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return ev.tid
def GetEventEa():
Get ea for debug event
@return: ea
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return ev.ea
def IsEventHandled():
Is the debug event handled?
@return: boolean
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return ev.handled
def GetEventModuleName():
Get module name for debug event
@return: module name
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_module_name(ev)
def GetEventModuleBase():
Get module base for debug event
@return: module base
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_module_base(ev)
def GetEventModuleSize():
Get module size for debug event
@return: module size
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_module_size(ev)
def GetEventExitCode():
Get exit code for debug event
@return: exit code for PROCESS_EXIT, THREAD_EXIT events
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return ev.exit_code
def GetEventInfo():
Get debug event info
@return: event info: for LIBRARY_UNLOAD (unloaded library name)
for INFORMATION (message to display)
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_info(ev)
def GetEventBptHardwareEa():
Get hardware address for BREAKPOINT event
@return: hardware address
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_bpt_hea(ev)
def GetEventExceptionCode():
Get exception code for EXCEPTION event
@return: exception code
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_exc_code(ev)
def GetEventExceptionEa():
Get address for EXCEPTION event
@return: adress of exception
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_exc_ea(ev)
def CanExceptionContinue():
Can it continue after EXCEPTION event?
@return: boolean
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.can_exc_continue(ev)
def GetEventExceptionInfo():
Get info for EXCEPTION event
@return: info string
ev = idaapi.get_debug_event()
assert ev, "Could not retrieve debug event"
return idaapi.get_event_exc_info(ev)
def SetDebuggerOptions(opt):
Get/set debugger options
Reference in New Issue
Block a user