27 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Arnaud Diederen
f9f3ccb63b IDA Pro 6.8 support
What's new: https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/6.8/index.shtml
2015-04-20 14:26:30 +02:00
bbf628d3a3 IDA Pro 6.7 support 2015-02-08 02:59:53 +00:00
fbb5bfabd6 IDA Pro 6.6 support
What's new:
- added the decompiler bindings
- Expose simpleline_t type to IDAPython. That lets the user to set the bgcolor & text for each line in the decompilation.
- Wrapped new functions from the IDA SDK

Various fixes:
for non-code locations, idc.GetOpnd() would create instructions instead of returning empty result
- idb_event::area_cmt_changed was never received in IDB_Hooks (and descendants)
- idb_event::ti_changed, and idb_event::op_ti_changed notifications were not accessible in IDAPython
- op_t.value was truncated to 32 bits under IDA64.
- print_tinfo() wouldn't return a valid string.
- readsel2() was not usable.
- read_selection() was buggy for 64-bit programs.
- StructMembers() considered holes in structures, and didn't properly iterate through the whole structure definition.
- There was no way to call calc_switch_cases() from IDAPython.
- when using multi-select/multi-edit choosers, erroneous event codes could be sent at beginning & end of batch deletion of lines.
- When, in a PluginForm#OnCreate, the layout of IDA was requested to change (for example by starting a debugging session), that PluginForm could be deleted and create an access violation.
- tinfo_t objects created from IDAPython could cause an assertion failure at exit time.
- Usage of IDAPython's DropdownListControl was broken.
2014-07-04 22:02:42 +00:00
78c79f85b9 IDA Pro 6.5 support
What's new:
- Proper multi-threaded support 
- Better PyObject reference counting with ref_t and newref_t helper classes
- Improved the pywraps/deployment script
- Added IDAViewWrapper class and example
- Added idc.GetDisasmEx()
- Added idc.AddSegEx()
- Added idc.GetLocalTinfo()
- Added idc.ApplyType()
- Updated type information implementation
- Introduced the idaapi.require() - see http://www.hexblog.com/?p=749
- set REMOVE_CWD_SYS_PATH=1 by default in python.cfg (remove current directory from the import search path).

Various bugfixes:
- fixed various memory leaks
- asklong/askaddr/asksel (and corresponding idc.py functions) were returning results truncated to 32 bits in IDA64
- fix wrong documentation for idc.SizeOf
- GetFloat/GetDouble functions did not take into account endianness of the processor
- idaapi.NO_PROCESS was not defined, and was causing GetProcessPid() to fail
- idc.py: insert escape characters to string parameter when call Eval()
- idc.SaveFile/savefile were always overwriting an existing file instead of writing only the new data
- PluginForm.Close() wasn't passing its arguments to the delegate function, resulting in an error.
2013-12-30 01:34:23 +00:00
4e295155bb Fixed compilation bugs:
- Fixed small mismatch between SWIG define and CL defines (/DNO_OBSOLETE_FUNCS)
- Use print_type2() instead of the deprecated function print_type()
2013-06-28 01:32:56 +00:00
223e4a5268 Applied patches from Hex-Rays:
- added MakeYword
- wrap obsolete IDA API functions too, so that old scripts continue to work
- added debugger trace related functions in idc.py
BUGFIX: IDAPython would fail with a cryptic error message if there was no free space on the current disk
BUGFIX: site-packages directory was missing from sys.path
BUGFIX: functions for working with additional lines (LineA/LineB etc) were broken
BUGFIX: GetFixup* functions from idc.py were broken
BUGFIX: IDA could not start if another python27.dll was present in PATH and importing site.py for that Python installation failed
BUGFIX: SaveBase() was broken
BUGFIX: IDAPython would fail with a cryptic error message if there was no free space on the current disk
BUGFIX: IDAPython: site-packages directory was missing from sys.path
BUGFIX: IDAPython: functions for working with additional lines (LineA/LineB etc) were broken
BUGFIX: IDAPython: GetFixup* functions from idc.py were broken
BUGFIX: IDAPython: IDA could not start if another python27.dll was present in PATH and importing site.py for that Python installation failed
BUGFIX: IDAPython: SaveBase() was broken
BUGFIX: Dbg/Idp hooks automatically unhook when hook object is not referenced anymore

note: these patches are already applied in IDAPython that comes with IDA Pro 6.4
2013-03-06 07:44:10 +00:00
69d5c83d28 - IDA Pro 6.3 support
- The Functions() generator function now accepts function tail start parameter
- Added into idc.py: DbgRead/DbgWrite/SetTargetAssembler and stack pointer related functions
- Wrapped more type info related functions
2012-06-24 20:49:11 +00:00
06f0ff19d5 bugfixes:
- op_t.is_reg() was buggy
- build.py: build.py was putting duplicate files into the .zip
- added backed wrapped version of get_ascii_contents()
- misc changes...
2011-12-02 15:42:36 +00:00
88aa875c55 bugfixes:
- ph_get_operand_info() would crash IDA sometimes
- idc.SetBptCond() was broken
- idc.GetFunctionCmt() was memory leaking
- Form.GetFieldValue() was failing for numeric controls
- Exceptions originating from the director classes will be displayed

And other minor mods...
2011-06-10 14:54:03 +00:00
109158fabb - IDA Pro 6.1 support
- Added AskUsingForm() with embedded forms support (check ex_askusingform.py example and formchooser.py in the SDK)
- Added idautils.DecodePreviousInstruction() / DecodePrecedingInstruction()
- Added idc.BeginTypeUpdating() / EndTypeUpdating() for fast batch type update operations
- Added more IDP callbacks
- Added UI_Hooks with a few notification events
- Added idaapi.process_ui_action() / idc.ProcessUiAction()
- Added netnode.index() to get netnode number
- Better handling of ea_t values with bitwise negation
- Execute statement hotkey (Ctrl-F3), script timeout, and other options are now configurable with Python.cfg
- bugfix: idaapi.msg() / error() and warning() so they don't accept vararg
- bugfix: processor_t.id constants were incorrect
- bugfix: get_debug_names() was broken with IDA64
- Various bugfixes
2011-04-18 16:07:00 +00:00
63b22d00d5 - Fixed issue 59
- Fixed idaapi.msg() / error() and warning() so they don't accept vararg
- Fixed processor_t.id constants
- idaapi.BasicBlock and FlowChart are now new-style classes
2010-12-17 16:50:35 +00:00
80896bc1d9 Minor modifications:
- function documentation update
- removed some white spaces
2010-09-17 12:06:30 +00:00
686e018bdc - updated debughook example
- wrapped print_type
- minor mods to idc.py
- added idautils.GetIdbDir
- added Names()
- added Modules()
- added idautils.peutils_t()
- simplecustviewer_t.GetLineNo() now returns -1 on failure
- idc.py / setregval: it was not possible to set register values > 0x7fffffff
2010-07-27 14:44:31 +00:00
8495e5205b - renamed pywraps related utility functions to PyW_
- refactored some code
- fixed some potential PyObject leaks
- added cli_t support
2010-07-13 16:43:53 +00:00
3a5063330c IDAPython 1.4.0 - IDA Pro 5.7 support 2010-06-28 12:36:40 +00:00
3e0343daf5 bugfix: unpack_object_from_bv() and unpack_object_from_idb() were leaking objects 2010-04-23 10:51:49 +00:00
8e78513e91 - minor code cleanup
- updated CHANGES.txt
- nalt.i: forgot to release reference for callback result (in py_import_enum_cb())
2010-03-05 11:35:28 +00:00
277facf240 IDAPython 1.3.0 / IDA Pro 5.6
(For older versions please use the 1.2.90 branch)
2010-01-05 18:24:04 +00:00
5e0deab556 typeinf.i: fixed %rename directive for load_til_header() 2009-09-22 15:39:50 +00:00
dadf628feb Small batch of IDA 5.5 compatibility fixes. 2009-06-20 13:51:07 +00:00
7d468f3b94 Intentation consistency and misc formatting fixes 2009-05-23 16:35:50 +00:00
864165a44c Added support for retrieving large local types 2009-04-27 17:38:17 +00:00
0b812262a7 typeinf.i: Added IDC wrappers for local type manipulations. Patch by Igor Skochinsky. 2009-01-27 17:46:33 +00:00
91df782723 Ignoring definitions that break the build. 2008-10-04 12:38:29 +00:00
b6a6513dec Initial changes for the IDA 5.3 build. 2008-10-01 15:03:57 +00:00
bb83731275 Sources synced up to 0.9.55 2008-02-26 19:53:27 +00:00
9b85915a48 Initial SVN commit of version 0.9.54 sources. 2007-10-20 07:03:51 +00:00