- added ui_term/ui_save/ui_saved/ui_get_ea_hint UI notifications
- added ph_get_operand_info() to retrieve operand information while debugging
- added PteDump.py script
- some code refactoring
- bugfix: idaapi.netnode.getblob() was limited to MAXSPECSIZE
- bugfix: idc.GetString()/idaapi.get_ascii_contents()/idautils.Strings() were limited to MAXSTR string length
- bugfix: idaapi.del_menu_item() was failing to delete some menu items
- bugfix: dbg_bpt was called instead of dbg_trace for a DBG_Hooks class implementation (old bug from 0.9.x)
- bugfix: Form.GetControlValue() was not working with numeric controls
- bugfix: SetBptCnd() was broken
- bugfix: idaapi.get_func_cmt() was memory leaking
- IDA 6.0 support
- Python CLI now prints expression evaluation result (no need to use print())
- Changed Alt-8 to Ctrl-F3 (because it conflicts with window switching key Alt+n)
- Added get_highlighted_identifier()
- Added PluginForm class to allow UI development with either PyQt4 or PySide
- Added idautils.Entries() to enumerate entrypoints
- idc / AddConst() was broken
- Minor fixes
-This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M python/idc.py
M build.py
M patches/ida51.patch
M swig/idp.i
M swig/bytes.i
M swig/idaapi.i